2024-12-14 16:18:36 -06:00
window . initializeVoiceClient = ( ) => { class k { constructor ( a , b , c , e ) { this . client = a ; this . peerId = b ; this . peerConnection = c ; this . stream = null ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "icecandidate" , f => { f . candidate && this . client . iceCandidateHandler ( this . peerId , JSON . stringify ( { sdpMLineIndex : f . candidate . sdpMLineIndex , candidate : f . candidate . candidate } ) ) } ) ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "track" , f => { this . rawStream = f . streams [ 0 ] ; const g = new Audio ; g . autoplay = ! 0 ; g . muted = ! 0 ; g . onended = function ( ) { g . remove ( ) } ; g . srcObject =
this . rawStream ; this . client . peerTrackHandler ( this . peerId , this . rawStream ) } ) ; this . peerConnection . addStream ( this . client . localMediaStream . stream ) ; e && this . peerConnection . createOffer ( f => { this . peerConnection . setLocalDescription ( f , ( ) => { this . client . descriptionHandler ( this . peerId , JSON . stringify ( f ) ) } , g => { console . error ( 'Failed to set local description for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + g ) ; this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } , f => { console . error ( 'Failed to set create offer for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + f ) ; this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) ;
this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "connectionstatechange" , f => { "disconnected" !== this . peerConnection . connectionState && "failed" !== this . peerConnection . connectionState || this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } disconnect ( ) { this . peerConnection . close ( ) } mute ( a ) { this . rawStream . getAudioTracks ( ) [ 0 ] . enabled = ! a } setRemoteDescription ( a ) { try { const b = JSON . parse ( a ) ; this . peerConnection . setRemoteDescription ( b , ( ) => { "offer" === b . type && this . peerConnection . createAnswer ( c => { this . peerConnection . setLocalDescription ( c ,
( ) => { this . client . descriptionHandler ( this . peerId , JSON . stringify ( c ) ) } , e => { console . error ( 'Failed to set local description for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + e ) ; this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } , c => { console . error ( 'Failed to create answer for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + c ) ; this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } , c => { console . error ( 'Failed to set remote description for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + c ) ; this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } catch ( b ) { console . error ( 'Failed to parse remote description for "' + this . peerId +
'"! ' + b ) , this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } } addICECandidate ( a ) { try { this . peerConnection . addIceCandidate ( new RTCIceCandidate ( JSON . parse ( a ) ) ) } catch ( b ) { console . error ( 'Failed to parse ice candidate for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + b ) , this . client . signalDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } } } class d { constructor ( ) { this . ICEServers = [ ] ; this . hasInit = ! 1 ; this . peerList = new Map ; this . readyState = 0 ; this . microphoneVolumeAudioContext = this . peerDisconnectHandler = this . peerTrackHandler = this . descriptionHandler = this . iceCandidateHandler =
null } voiceClientSupported ( ) { return "undefined" !== typeof window . RTCPeerConnection && "undefined" !== typeof navigator . mediaDevices && "undefined" !== typeof navigator . mediaDevices . getUserMedia } setICEServers ( a ) { for ( var b = this . ICEServers . length = 0 ; b < a . length ; ++ b ) { var c = a [ b ] . split ( ";" ) ; 1 === c . length ? this . ICEServers . push ( { urls : c [ 0 ] } ) : 3 === c . length && this . ICEServers . push ( { urls : c [ 0 ] , username : c [ 1 ] , credential : c [ 2 ] } ) } } setICECandidateHandler ( a ) { this . iceCandidateHandler = a } setDescriptionHandler ( a ) { this . descriptionHandler =
a } setPeerTrackHandler ( a ) { this . peerTrackHandler = a } setPeerDisconnectHandler ( a ) { this . peerDisconnectHandler = a } activateVoice ( a ) { this . hasInit && ( this . localRawMediaStream . getAudioTracks ( ) [ 0 ] . enabled = a ) } initializeDevices ( ) { this . hasInit ? this . readyState = 1 : navigator . mediaDevices . getUserMedia ( { audio : ! 0 , video : ! 1 } ) . then ( a => { this . microphoneVolumeAudioContext = new AudioContext ; this . localRawMediaStream = a ; this . localRawMediaStream . getAudioTracks ( ) [ 0 ] . enabled = ! 1 ; this . localMediaStream = this . microphoneVolumeAudioContext . createMediaStreamDestination ( ) ;
this . localMediaStreamGain = this . microphoneVolumeAudioContext . createGain ( ) ; this . microphoneVolumeAudioContext . createMediaStreamSource ( a ) . connect ( this . localMediaStreamGain ) ; this . localMediaStreamGain . connect ( this . localMediaStream ) ; this . readyState = this . localMediaStreamGain . gain . value = 1 ; this . hasInit = ! 0 } ) . catch ( a => { this . readyState = - 1 } ) } setMicVolume ( a ) { this . hasInit && ( . 5 < a && ( a = . 5 + 2 * ( a - . 5 ) ) , 1.5 < a && ( a = 1.5 ) , 0 > a && ( a = 0 ) , this . localMediaStreamGain . gain . value = 2 * a ) } getReadyState ( ) { return this . readyState } signalConnect ( a ,
b ) { try { const c = new RTCPeerConnection ( { iceServers : this . ICEServers , optional : [ { DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement : ! 0 } ] } ) , e = new k ( this , a , c , b ) ; this . peerList . set ( a , e ) } catch ( c ) { } } signalDescription ( a , b ) { a = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; "undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a && a . setRemoteDescription ( b ) } signalDisconnect ( a , b ) { var c = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; if ( "undefined" !== typeof c && null !== c ) { this . peerList . delete ( c ) ; try { c . disconnect ( ) } catch ( e ) { } this . peerDisconnectHandler ( a , b ) } } mutePeer ( a , b ) { a = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; "undefined" !== typeof a && null !==
a && a . mute ( b ) } signalICECandidate ( a , b ) { a = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; "undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a && a . addICECandidate ( b ) } } window . constructVoiceClient = ( ) => new d } ; window . startVoiceClient = ( ) => { "function" !== typeof window . constructVoiceClient && window . initializeVoiceClient ( ) ; return window . constructVoiceClient ( ) } ;
window . initializeLANClient = ( ) => { class k { constructor ( ) { this . ICEServers = [ ] ; this . dataChannel = this . peerConnection = null ; this . readyState = 1 ; this . remotePacketHandler = this . remoteDisconnectHandler = this . remoteDataChannelHandler = this . descriptionHandler = this . iceCandidateHandler = null } LANClientSupported ( ) { return "undefined" !== typeof window . RTCPeerConnection } initializeClient ( ) { try { null !== this . dataChannel && ( this . dataChannel . close ( ) , this . dataChannel = null ) , null !== this . peerConnection && this . peerConnection . close ( ) , this . peerConnection =
new RTCPeerConnection ( { iceServers : this . ICEServers , optional : [ { DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement : ! 0 } ] } ) , this . readyState = 1 } catch ( d ) { this . readyState = - 2 } } setICEServers ( d ) { for ( var a = this . ICEServers . length = 0 ; a < d . length ; ++ a ) { var b = d [ a ] . split ( ";" ) ; 1 === b . length ? this . ICEServers . push ( { urls : b [ 0 ] } ) : 3 === b . length && this . ICEServers . push ( { urls : b [ 0 ] , username : b [ 1 ] , credential : b [ 2 ] } ) } } setICECandidateHandler ( d ) { this . iceCandidateHandler = d } setDescriptionHandler ( d ) { this . descriptionHandler = d } setRemoteDataChannelHandler ( d ) { this . remoteDataChannelHandler =
d } setRemoteDisconnectHandler ( d ) { this . remoteDisconnectHandler = d } setRemotePacketHandler ( d ) { this . remotePacketHandler = d } getReadyState ( ) { return this . readyState } sendPacketToServer ( d ) { null !== this . dataChannel && "open" === this . dataChannel . readyState ? this . dataChannel . send ( d ) : this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) } signalRemoteConnect ( ) { const d = [ ] ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "icecandidate" , a => { if ( a . candidate ) { if ( 0 === d . length ) { let b = [ 0 , 0 ] , c ; setTimeout ( c = ( ) => { if ( null !== this . peerConnection && "disconnected" !== this . peerConnection . connectionState ) { const e =
++ b [ 1 ] ; b [ 0 ] !== d . length && 3 > e ? ( b [ 0 ] = d . length , setTimeout ( c , 2E3 ) ) : ( this . iceCandidateHandler ( JSON . stringify ( d ) ) , d . length = 0 ) } } , 2E3 ) } d . push ( { sdpMLineIndex : a . candidate . sdpMLineIndex , candidate : a . candidate . candidate } ) } } ) ; this . dataChannel = this . peerConnection . createDataChannel ( "lan" ) ; this . dataChannel . binaryType = "arraybuffer" ; this . dataChannel . addEventListener ( "open" , async a => { for ( ; 0 < d . length ; ) await new Promise ( b => setTimeout ( b , 10 ) ) ; this . remoteDataChannelHandler ( this . dataChannel ) } ) ; this . dataChannel . addEventListener ( "message" ,
a => { this . remotePacketHandler ( a . data ) } , ! 1 ) ; this . peerConnection . createOffer ( a => { this . peerConnection . setLocalDescription ( a , ( ) => { this . descriptionHandler ( JSON . stringify ( a ) ) } , b => { console . error ( "Failed to set local description! " + b ) ; this . readyState = - 1 ; this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) } ) } , a => { console . error ( "Failed to set create offer! " + a ) ; this . readyState = - 1 ; this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) } ) ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "connectionstatechange" , a => { "disconnected" === this . peerConnection . connectionState ?
this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) : "connected" === this . peerConnection . connectionState ? this . readyState = 2 : "failed" === this . peerConnection . connectionState && ( this . readyState = - 1 , this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) ) } ) } signalRemoteDescription ( d ) { try { this . peerConnection . setRemoteDescription ( JSON . parse ( d ) ) } catch ( a ) { console . error ( a ) , this . readyState = - 1 , this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) } } signalRemoteICECandidate ( d ) { try { const a = JSON . parse ( d ) ; for ( let b of a ) this . peerConnection . addIceCandidate ( b ) } catch ( a ) { console . error ( a ) ,
this . readyState = - 1 , this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( ! 1 ) } } signalRemoteDisconnect ( d ) { null !== this . dataChannel && ( this . dataChannel . close ( ) , this . dataChannel = null ) ; null !== this . peerConnection && this . peerConnection . close ( ) ; d || this . remoteDisconnectHandler ( ) ; this . readyState = 0 } } window . constructLANClient = ( ) => new k } ; window . startLANClient = ( ) => { "function" !== typeof window . constructLANClient && window . initializeLANClient ( ) ; return window . constructLANClient ( ) } ;
window . initializeLANServer = ( ) => { class k { constructor ( a , b , c ) { this . client = a ; this . peerId = b ; this . peerConnection = c ; this . dataChannel = null ; const e = [ ] ; let f = ! 1 ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "icecandidate" , g => { if ( g . candidate ) { if ( 0 === e . length ) { let h = [ 0 , 0 ] , l ; setTimeout ( l = ( ) => { if ( null !== this . peerConnection && "disconnected" !== this . peerConnection . connectionState ) { const m = ++ h [ 1 ] ; h [ 0 ] !== e . length && 3 > m ? ( h [ 0 ] = e . length , setTimeout ( l , 2E3 ) ) : ( this . client . iceCandidateHandler ( this . peerId , JSON . stringify ( e ) ) , e . length = 0 ,
f = ! 0 ) } } , 2E3 ) } e . push ( { sdpMLineIndex : g . candidate . sdpMLineIndex , candidate : g . candidate . candidate } ) } } ) ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "datachannel" , async g => { for ( ; ! f ; ) await new Promise ( h => setTimeout ( h , 10 ) ) ; this . dataChannel = g . channel ; this . client . remoteClientDataChannelHandler ( this . peerId , this . dataChannel ) ; this . dataChannel . addEventListener ( "message" , h => { this . client . remoteClientPacketHandler ( this . peerId , h . data ) } , ! 1 ) } , ! 1 ) ; this . peerConnection . addEventListener ( "connectionstatechange" , g => { "disconnected" !==
this . peerConnection . connectionState && "failed" !== this . peerConnection . connectionState || this . client . signalRemoteDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } disconnect ( ) { null !== this . dataChannel && ( this . dataChannel . close ( ) , this . dataChannel = null ) ; this . peerConnection . close ( ) } setRemoteDescription ( a ) { try { const b = JSON . parse ( a ) ; this . peerConnection . setRemoteDescription ( b , ( ) => { "offer" === b . type && this . peerConnection . createAnswer ( c => { this . peerConnection . setLocalDescription ( c , ( ) => { this . client . descriptionHandler ( this . peerId , JSON . stringify ( c ) ) } ,
e => { console . error ( 'Failed to set local description for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + e ) ; this . client . signalRemoteDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } , c => { console . error ( 'Failed to create answer for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + c ) ; this . client . signalRemoteDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } , c => { console . error ( 'Failed to set remote description for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + c ) ; this . client . signalRemoteDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } ) } catch ( b ) { console . error ( 'Failed to parse remote description for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + b ) , this . client . signalRemoteDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } } addICECandidate ( a ) { try { const b =
JSON . parse ( a ) ; for ( let c of b ) this . peerConnection . addIceCandidate ( new RTCIceCandidate ( c ) ) } catch ( b ) { console . error ( 'Failed to parse ice candidate for "' + this . peerId + '"! ' + b ) , this . client . signalRemoteDisconnect ( this . peerId ) } } } class d { constructor ( ) { this . ICEServers = [ ] ; this . hasInit = ! 1 ; this . peerList = new Map ; this . remoteClientPacketHandler = this . remoteClientDisconnectHandler = this . remoteClientDataChannelHandler = this . descriptionHandler = this . iceCandidateHandler = null } LANServerSupported ( ) { return "undefined" !== typeof window . RTCPeerConnection } initializeServer ( ) { } setICEServers ( a ) { for ( var b =
this . ICEServers . length = 0 ; b < a . length ; ++ b ) { var c = a [ b ] . split ( ";" ) ; 1 === c . length ? this . ICEServers . push ( { urls : c [ 0 ] } ) : 3 === c . length && this . ICEServers . push ( { urls : c [ 0 ] , username : c [ 1 ] , credential : c [ 2 ] } ) } } setICECandidateHandler ( a ) { this . iceCandidateHandler = a } setDescriptionHandler ( a ) { this . descriptionHandler = a } setRemoteClientDataChannelHandler ( a ) { this . remoteClientDataChannelHandler = a } setRemoteClientDisconnectHandler ( a ) { this . remoteClientDisconnectHandler = a } setRemoteClientPacketHandler ( a ) { this . remoteClientPacketHandler =
a } sendPacketToRemoteClient ( a , b ) { var c = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; "undefined" !== typeof c && null !== c && ( null != c . dataChannel && "open" === c . dataChannel . readyState ? c . dataChannel . send ( b ) : this . signalRemoteDisconnect ( a ) ) } signalRemoteConnect ( a ) { try { const b = new RTCPeerConnection ( { iceServers : this . ICEServers , optional : [ { DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement : ! 0 } ] } ) , c = new k ( this , a , b ) ; this . peerList . set ( a , c ) } catch ( b ) { } } signalRemoteDescription ( a , b ) { a = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; "undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a && a . setRemoteDescription ( b ) } signalRemoteICECandidate ( a ,
b ) { a = this . peerList . get ( a ) ; "undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a && a . addICECandidate ( b ) } signalRemoteDisconnect ( a ) { if ( 0 === a . length ) { for ( var b of this . peerList . values ( ) ) if ( "undefined" !== typeof b && null !== b ) { this . peerList . delete ( a ) ; try { b . disconnect ( ) } catch ( c ) { } this . remoteClientDisconnectHandler ( a ) } this . peerList . clear ( ) } else if ( b = this . peerList . get ( a ) , "undefined" !== typeof b && null !== b ) { this . peerList . delete ( a ) ; try { b . disconnect ( ) } catch ( c ) { } this . remoteClientDisconnectHandler ( a ) } } countPeers ( ) { return this . peerList . size } }
window . constructLANServer = ( ) => new d } ; window . startLANServer = ( ) => { "function" !== typeof window . constructLANServer && window . initializeLANServer ( ) ; return window . constructLANServer ( ) } ;