#line 0

precision lowp int;
precision lowp sampler2D;
precision lowp float;

in vec2 pos;

out vec4 fragColor;

#define FXAA_PC 1
#define FXAA_GLSL_130 1

    // For those using non-linear color,
    // and either not able to get luma in alpha, or not wanting to,
    // this enables FXAA to run using green as a proxy for luma.
    // So with this enabled, no need to pack luma in alpha.
    // This will turn off AA on anything which lacks some amount of green.
    // Pure red and blue or combination of only R and B, will get no AA.
    // Might want to lower the settings for both,
    //    fxaaConsoleEdgeThresholdMin
    //    fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin
    // In order to insure AA does not get turned off on colors 
    // which contain a minor amount of green.
    // 1 = On.
    // 0 = Off.
    #define FXAA_GREEN_AS_LUMA 1

    // 1 = Use discard on pixels which don't need AA.
    // 0 = Return unchanged color on pixels which don't need AA.
    #define FXAA_DISCARD 0

                                API PORTING
    #define FxaaBool bool
    #define FxaaDiscard discard
    #define FxaaFloat float
    #define FxaaFloat2 vec2
    #define FxaaFloat3 vec3
    #define FxaaFloat4 vec4
    #define FxaaHalf float
    #define FxaaHalf2 vec2
    #define FxaaHalf3 vec3
    #define FxaaHalf4 vec4
    #define FxaaInt2 ivec2
    #define FxaaSat(x) clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0)
    #define FxaaTex sampler2D

    #define FxaaTexTop(t, p) textureLod(t, p, 0.0)

    // TODO Luma
    FxaaFloat FxaaLuma(FxaaFloat4 rgba) { return dot(rgba.xyz, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); }
    FxaaFloat FxaaLuma(FxaaFloat4 rgba) { return rgba.y; }

                         FXAA3 CONSOLE - PC VERSION
FxaaFloat4 FxaaPixelShader(
    // See FXAA Quality FxaaPixelShader() source for docs on Inputs!
    // Use noperspective interpolation here (turn off perspective interpolation).
    // {xy} = center of pixel
    FxaaFloat2 pos,
    // Used only for FXAA Console, and not used on the 360 version.
    // Use noperspective interpolation here (turn off perspective interpolation).
    // {xy__} = upper left of pixel
    // {__zw} = lower right of pixel
    FxaaFloat4 fxaaConsolePosPos,
    // Input color texture.
    // {rgb_} = color in linear or perceptual color space
    // if (FXAA_GREEN_AS_LUMA == 0)
    //     {___a} = luma in perceptual color space (not linear)
    FxaaTex tex,
    // Only used on FXAA Console.
    // This must be from a constant/uniform.
    // This effects sub-pixel AA quality and inversely sharpness.
    //   Where N ranges between,
    //     N = 0.50 (default)
    //     N = 0.33 (sharper)
    // {x___} = -N/screenWidthInPixels  
    // {_y__} = -N/screenHeightInPixels
    // {__z_} =  N/screenWidthInPixels  
    // {___w} =  N/screenHeightInPixels 
    FxaaFloat4 fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt,
    // Only used on FXAA Console.
    // Not used on 360, but used on PS3 and PC.
    // This must be from a constant/uniform.
    // {x___} = -2.0/screenWidthInPixels  
    // {_y__} = -2.0/screenHeightInPixels
    // {__z_} =  2.0/screenWidthInPixels  
    // {___w} =  2.0/screenHeightInPixels 
    FxaaFloat4 fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt2,
    // Only used on FXAA Console.
    // This used to be the FXAA_CONSOLE__EDGE_SHARPNESS define.
    // It is here now to allow easier tuning.
    // This does not effect PS3, as this needs to be compiled in.
    //   Due to the PS3 being ALU bound,
    //   there are only three safe values here: 2 and 4 and 8.
    //   These options use the shaders ability to a free *|/ by 2|4|8.
    // For all other platforms can be a non-power of two.
    //   8.0 is sharper (default!!!)
    //   4.0 is softer
    //   2.0 is really soft (good only for vector graphics inputs)
    FxaaFloat fxaaConsoleEdgeSharpness,
    // Only used on FXAA Console.
    // This used to be the FXAA_CONSOLE__EDGE_THRESHOLD define.
    // It is here now to allow easier tuning.
    // This does not effect PS3, as this needs to be compiled in.
    //   Due to the PS3 being ALU bound,
    //   there are only two safe values here: 1/4 and 1/8.
    //   These options use the shaders ability to a free *|/ by 2|4|8.
    // The console setting has a different mapping than the quality setting.
    // Other platforms can use other values.
    //   0.125 leaves less aliasing, but is softer (default!!!)
    //   0.25 leaves more aliasing, and is sharper
    FxaaFloat fxaaConsoleEdgeThreshold,
    // Only used on FXAA Console.
    // This used to be the FXAA_CONSOLE__EDGE_THRESHOLD_MIN define.
    // It is here now to allow easier tuning.
    // Trims the algorithm from processing darks.
    // The console setting has a different mapping than the quality setting.
    // This does not apply to PS3, 
    // PS3 was simplified to avoid more shader instructions.
    //   0.06 - faster but more aliasing in darks
    //   0.05 - default
    //   0.04 - slower and less aliasing in darks
    // Special notes when using FXAA_GREEN_AS_LUMA,
    //   Likely want to set this to zero.
    //   As colors that are mostly not-green
    //   will appear very dark in the green channel!
    //   Tune by looking at mostly non-green content,
    //   then start at zero and increase until aliasing is a problem.
    FxaaFloat fxaaConsoleEdgeThresholdMin
) {
    FxaaFloat lumaNw = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, fxaaConsolePosPos.xy));
    FxaaFloat lumaSw = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, fxaaConsolePosPos.xw));
    FxaaFloat lumaNe = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, fxaaConsolePosPos.zy));
    FxaaFloat lumaSe = FxaaLuma(FxaaTexTop(tex, fxaaConsolePosPos.zw));
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyM = FxaaTexTop(tex, pos.xy);
    #if (FXAA_GREEN_AS_LUMA == 0)
	    // TODO Luma
        FxaaFloat lumaM = FxaaLuma(rgbyM);
        FxaaFloat lumaM = rgbyM.y;
    FxaaFloat lumaMaxNwSw = max(lumaNw, lumaSw);
    lumaNe += 1.0/384.0;
    FxaaFloat lumaMinNwSw = min(lumaNw, lumaSw);
    FxaaFloat lumaMaxNeSe = max(lumaNe, lumaSe);
    FxaaFloat lumaMinNeSe = min(lumaNe, lumaSe);
    FxaaFloat lumaMax = max(lumaMaxNeSe, lumaMaxNwSw);
    FxaaFloat lumaMin = min(lumaMinNeSe, lumaMinNwSw);
    FxaaFloat lumaMaxScaled = lumaMax * fxaaConsoleEdgeThreshold;
    FxaaFloat lumaMinM = min(lumaMin, lumaM);
    FxaaFloat lumaMaxScaledClamped = max(fxaaConsoleEdgeThresholdMin, lumaMaxScaled);
    FxaaFloat lumaMaxM = max(lumaMax, lumaM);
    FxaaFloat dirSwMinusNe = lumaSw - lumaNe;
    FxaaFloat lumaMaxSubMinM = lumaMaxM - lumaMinM;
    FxaaFloat dirSeMinusNw = lumaSe - lumaNw;
    if(lumaMaxSubMinM < lumaMaxScaledClamped) 
      #if (FXAA_DISCARD == 1)
        return rgbyM;
    FxaaFloat2 dir;
    dir.x = dirSwMinusNe + dirSeMinusNw;
    dir.y = dirSwMinusNe - dirSeMinusNw;
    FxaaFloat2 dir1 = normalize(dir.xy);
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyN1 = FxaaTexTop(tex, pos.xy - dir1 * fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt.zw);
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyP1 = FxaaTexTop(tex, pos.xy + dir1 * fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt.zw);
    FxaaFloat dirAbsMinTimesC = min(abs(dir1.x), abs(dir1.y)) * fxaaConsoleEdgeSharpness;
    FxaaFloat2 dir2 = clamp(dir1.xy / dirAbsMinTimesC, -2.0, 2.0);
    FxaaFloat2 dir2x = dir2 * fxaaConsoleRcpFrameOpt2.zw;
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyN2 = FxaaTexTop(tex, pos.xy - dir2x);
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyP2 = FxaaTexTop(tex, pos.xy + dir2x);
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyA = rgbyN1 + rgbyP1;
    FxaaFloat4 rgbyB = ((rgbyN2 + rgbyP2) * 0.25) + (rgbyA * 0.25);
    #if (FXAA_GREEN_AS_LUMA == 0)
      // TODO Luma
      float lumaB = FxaaLuma(rgbyB);
      float lumaB = rgbyB.y;
    if((lumaB < lumaMin) || (lumaB > lumaMax)) 
      rgbyB.xyz = rgbyA.xyz * 0.5;
    return rgbyB; 

uniform sampler2D f_color;

uniform vec2 screenSize;

#define edgeSharpness 7.0
#define edgeThreshold 0.1
#define edgeThresholdMin 0.005

void main(){
	vec2 screenSize05 = 0.5 * screenSize;

	vec4 posPos;
	posPos.xy = pos;
	posPos.zw = pos + screenSize;

	vec4 rcpFrameOpt;
	rcpFrameOpt.xy = -screenSize05;
	rcpFrameOpt.zw = screenSize05;

	fragColor = vec4(FxaaPixelShader(pos + screenSize05, posPos, f_color, rcpFrameOpt, rcpFrameOpt * 4.0, edgeSharpness, edgeThreshold, edgeThresholdMin).rgb, 1.0);