<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Eaglercraft 1.6.4</title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="eagswebrtc.js"></script> <!--script type="text/javascript" src="music.js"></script--> <script type="text/javascript" src="classes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> if(document.location.href.startsWith("file:")) { alert("You're not supposed to 'open' this file in your browser. Please upload this folder to your HTTP(s) server and access it via the internet. This is not a bug, please read the documentation"); }else { window.addEventListener("load", async function(){ /* let wardUrl = ""; try { wardUrl = (await (await fetch("https://pipedapi.tokhmi.xyz/streams/5VuDwU4bW8Q")).json()).audioStreams[0].url; } catch (e) {} */ const relayId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); window.eaglercraftOpts = { container: "game_frame", assetsURI: "assets.epk", serverWorkerURI: null, worldsFolder: "TEST", assetOverrides: { // "title/no-pano-blur.flag": "", "records/wait.mp3": "wait.mp3", "records/mellohi.mp3": "https://stream.nightride.fm/chillsynth.m4a", "records/far.mp3": "https://stream.nightride.fm/nightride.m4a", "records/cat.mp3": "http://usa9.fastcast4u.com/proxy/jamz?mp=/1", "records/ward.mp3": "http://fr4.1mix.co.uk:8000/192h", "records/strad.mp3": "http://listen.011fm.com:8028/stream15", "records/blocks.mp3": "https://www.ophanim.net:8444/s/9780", "records/13.mp3": "https://s2.radio.co/s2b2b68744/listen" // "sounds/gta.mp3": "https://invidious.zapashcanon.fr/latest_version?itag=251&id=YRlIl6K6S88" // "records/ward.mp3": wardUrl // "sounds/gta.mp3": "" }, servers: [ { serverName: "Local Test Server", serverAddress: "ws://localhost:25565", hideAddress: false }, { serverName: "CathCraft", serverAddress: "wss://cathcraft.zelz.net", hideAddress: false }, { serverName: "Ayunboom", serverAddress: "wss://sus.shhnowisnottheti.me", hideAddress: false } ], relays: [ { addr: "wss://relay.deev.is/", name: "lax1dude relay #1", primary: relayId == 0 }, { addr: "wss://relay.lax1dude.net/", name: "lax1dude relay #2", primary: relayId == 1 }, { addr: "wss://relay.shhnowisnottheti.me/", name: "ayunami relay #1", primary: relayId == 2 } ], mainMenu: { splashes: [ "Darviglet!", "eaglerenophile!", "You Eagler!", "Yeeeeeee!", "yeee", "EEEEEEEEE!", "You Darvig!", "You Vigg!", ":>", "|>", "You Yumpster!", "No longer on Gitpod", "MiG Mad Marine", "Wild Weasel", "YGBSM", "Union Aerospace Corporation" ], eaglerLogo: false }}; (function(){ var q = window.location.search; if(typeof q === 'string' && q.startsWith("?")) { q = new URLSearchParams(q); var s = q.get("server"); if(s) window.eaglercraftOpts.joinServer = s; } })(); main(); });} </script> </head> <body style="margin:0px;width:100vw;height:100vh;" id="game_frame"> </body> </html>