[NetClientHandler] - processReadPackets called [EaglerAdapterImpl2] - Cannot read packet! [WebsocketNetworkManager] - readChunks is empty! [NetClientHandler] - processReadPackets called [EaglerAdapterImpl2] - Cannot read packet! [WebsocketNetworkManager] - readChunks is empty! [EaglerAdapterImpl2] - Writing packet 12:08:57 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:08:57 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:08:57 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:08:57 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:08:57 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:08:57 [INFO] Listening on / 12:08:57 [INFO] Reload complete 12:08:58 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:08:58 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:08:58 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:08:58 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:09:11 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:09:11 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:09:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:09:11 [INFO] Handshake 12:09:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:09:11 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:09:11 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:09:11 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:09:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:09:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:09:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:14:40 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:14:40 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:14:40 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:14:40 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:14:40 [INFO] Listening on / 12:14:40 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:14:40 [INFO] Reload complete 12:14:41 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:14:41 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:14:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:14:41 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:14:57 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:14:57 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:14:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:14:57 [INFO] Handshake 12:14:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:14:57 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:14:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:14:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:14:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:14:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:14:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:14:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:15:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:15:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:18:36 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:18:36 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:18:36 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:18:36 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:18:36 [INFO] Listening on / 12:18:36 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:18:36 [INFO] Reload complete 12:18:37 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:18:37 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:18:37 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:18:37 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:18:53 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:18:53 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:18:53 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:18:53 [INFO] Handshake 12:18:53 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:18:53 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:18:53 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:18:53 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:18:53 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:18:53 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:18:53 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:18:53 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:18:54 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:18:54 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - trying to handle KeepAlive 12:18:55 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:18:55 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - trying to handle KeepAlive 12:18:56 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:18:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:18:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:22:59 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:22:59 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:22:59 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:22:59 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:22:59 [INFO] Listening on / 12:22:59 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:22:59 [INFO] Reload complete 12:23:01 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:23:01 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:23:01 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:23:01 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:23:23 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:23:23 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:23:23 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:23:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:23 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:23 [INFO] Handshake 12:23:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:23:23 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:23:23 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:23:23 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:23:23 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:23:23 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:23 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:23 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:23:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling 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12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I 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[INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 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think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling 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12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:23:24 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:24 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - 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[INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] Handling packets I think 12:23:26 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:28:30 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:28:30 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:28:30 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:28:30 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:28:30 [INFO] Listening on / 12:28:30 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:28:30 [INFO] Reload complete 12:28:32 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:28:32 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:28:32 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:28:32 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:28:48 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:28:48 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:28:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] Handshake 12:28:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:28:48 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:28:48 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:28:48 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:28:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:28:48 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:28:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:48 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:48 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - trying to handle KeepAlive 12:28:49 [INFO] keeping alive (I think) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:49 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:28:50 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:28:50 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:28:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:31:01 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:31:01 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:31:01 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:31:01 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:31:01 [INFO] Listening on / 12:31:01 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:31:01 [INFO] Reload complete 12:31:02 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:31:02 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:31:02 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:31:02 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:31:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:31:20 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:31:20 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] Handshake 12:31:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:31:20 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:31:20 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:31:20 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:20 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:20 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - trying to handle KeepAlive 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:21 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:21 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - KeepAlive 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - trying to handle KeepAlive 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [UpstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:22 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:22 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:31:23 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - handling packet (kinda) 12:31:23 [INFO] [DownstreamBridge] - actually handling packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [UserConnection] - sending packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:31:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:33:17 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:33:17 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:33:17 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:33:17 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:33:17 [INFO] Listening on / 12:33:17 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:33:17 [INFO] Reload complete 12:33:18 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:33:18 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:33:18 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:33:18 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:34:02 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:34:02 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:02 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 12:34:02 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:02 [INFO] Handler null or channel down 12:34:03 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:34:03 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:03 [INFO] Handshake 12:34:03 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:34:03 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:34:03 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 12:34:03 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:03 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:03 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:04 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:04 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:05 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:05 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:06 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:06 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:07 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:08 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:08 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:34:09 [INFO] [ChannelWrapper] - trying to send packet 12:36:40 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:36:40 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:36:40 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:36:40 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:36:40 [INFO] Listening on / 12:36:40 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:36:40 [INFO] Reload complete 12:36:41 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:36:41 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:36:41 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:36:41 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:36:57 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:36:57 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:36:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Handshake 12:36:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:36:57 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:36:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:36:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:36:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:36:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:36:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:36:59 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:37:00 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:37:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:39:39 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:39:39 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:39:39 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:39:39 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:39:39 [INFO] Listening on / 12:39:39 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:39:39 [INFO] Reload complete 12:39:40 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:39:40 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:39:40 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:39:40 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:39:55 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:39:55 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:39:55 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:39:55 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:55 [INFO] Handshake 12:39:55 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:39:55 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:39:55 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:39:55 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.InitialHandler$2 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.InitialHandler$2 12:39:55 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 12:39:55 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 12:39:55 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:39:55 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:55 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:55 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:55 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:55 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:56 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:56 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:56 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:57 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:57 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnection$2 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 12:39:58 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 12:39:58 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:50:04 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 11:50:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 11:50:04 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 11:50:04 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 11:50:05 [INFO] Listening on / 11:50:05 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 11:50:05 [INFO] Reload complete 11:50:25 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://g.lax1dude.net/eaglercraft/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 11:50:25 [SEVERE] java.net.UnknownHostException: g.lax1dude.net 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl.connect(NioSocketImpl.java:572) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:327) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:633) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.connect(SSLSocketImpl.java:304) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.security.ssl.BaseSSLSocketImpl.connect(BaseSSLSocketImpl.java:174) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:183) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:533) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:638) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.(HttpsClient.java:266) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:380) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:193) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(HttpURLConnection.java:1257) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:1143) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:179) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:142) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:152) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 11:50:25 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 11:50:26 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 11:50:26 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 11:50:26 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 11:51:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:51:32 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:51:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] Handshake 11:51:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:51:32 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:51:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:51:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.InitialHandler$2 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.InitialHandler$2 11:51:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 11:51:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 11:51:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnector 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:32 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:32 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:32 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:33 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:33 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:34 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:34 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unsupported message type: [B 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.ServerConnection$2 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:51:35 [INFO] [HandlerBoss] - Message (packet?) received 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] fucked packets coming from: net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection 11:51:35 [INFO] Couldnt send packet: null 11:51:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:57:42 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 11:57:42 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 11:57:42 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 11:57:42 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 11:57:42 [INFO] Listening on / 11:57:42 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 11:57:42 [INFO] Reload complete 11:57:43 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 11:57:43 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 11:57:43 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 11:57:43 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 11:57:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:57:59 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:57:59 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:57:59 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:57:59 [INFO] Handshake 11:57:59 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:57:59 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:57:59 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:57:59 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:57:59 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:57:59 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:58:00 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:58:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:58:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 [INFO] byte array packet 11:58:00 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12:00:39 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:00:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:00:39 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:01:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:01:15 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:01:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:01:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:01:15 [INFO] Handshake 12:01:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:01:15 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:01:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:01:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:01:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:01:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:01:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:01:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:01:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:01:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:01:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:01:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:01:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:01:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:01:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:01:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:01:15 [INFO] class 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packet 12:01:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:01:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:01:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:01:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:14:16 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:14:16 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:14:16 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:14:16 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:14:16 [INFO] Listening on / 12:14:16 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:14:16 [INFO] Reload complete 12:14:17 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:14:17 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:14:17 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:14:17 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:14:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:14:33 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:14:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:14:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:14:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:14:33 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:14:33 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:14:33 [INFO] Handshake 12:14:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:14:33 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:14:33 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:14:33 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:14:33 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:14:33 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:14:33 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet2Handshake 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketCDClientStatus 12:14:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:14:33 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:14:33 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:14:33 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet1Login 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 [INFO] byte array packet 12:14:33 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net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:29:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:29:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet2Handshake 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketCDClientStatus 12:29:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:29:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:29:15 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:29:15 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet1Login 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array packet 12:29:15 [INFO] byte array 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net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:00 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:00 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:36:00 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet2Handshake 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketCDClientStatus 12:36:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:36:00 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:00 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:00 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet1Login 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:00 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What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:17 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:17 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:36:17 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet2Handshake 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketCDClientStatus 12:36:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:36:17 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:36:17 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:17 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet1Login 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:17 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:18 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12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:22 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:36:22 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:36:22 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFFKick 12:36:22 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] byte array packet 12:36:22 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:38:49 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:38:49 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:38:49 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:38:49 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:38:49 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:38:49 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:38:49 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:38:49 [INFO] Handshake 12:38:49 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:38:49 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:38:49 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:38:49 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:38:49 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:38:49 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:38:49 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet2Handshake 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketCDClientStatus 12:38:49 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:38:49 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:38:49 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:38:49 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet1Login 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array 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[WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 [INFO] byte array packet 12:38:49 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[/] has remote websocket IP: 12:40:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:40:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketC9PlayerListItem 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:40:07 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:40:07 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:40:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:40:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet2Handshake 12:40:07 [INFO] What 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connected 12:41:07 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:41:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:41:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.PacketFAPluginMessage 12:41:07 [INFO] What the fuck? 12:41:07 [INFO] class net.md_5.bungee.protocol.packet.Packet1Login 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte array packet 12:41:07 [INFO] byte 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12:44:27 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:44:27 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:44:27 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:44:27 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:44:27 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord$3.run(BungeeCord.java:263) 12:44:27 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:566) 12:44:27 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 12:48:49 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 12:48:49 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 12:48:49 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 12:48:50 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 12:48:50 [INFO] Listening on / 12:48:50 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 12:48:50 [INFO] Reload complete 12:48:50 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 12:48:50 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 12:48:50 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 12:48:50 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 12:49:23 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:49:23 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:49:23 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:23 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:23 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:49:24 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:49:24 [INFO] Handshake 12:49:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:49:24 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:49:24 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:49:24 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:49:24 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:49:24 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:24 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:25 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:25 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:26 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:49:26 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:49:27 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:54:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:54:20 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:54:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:20 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:54:20 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:54:20 [INFO] Handshake 12:54:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:54:20 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:54:20 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:54:20 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:54:20 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:54:21 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to 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[WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying 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12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write 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12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:54:22 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:55:21 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:55:21 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:55:21 [INFO] Handshake 12:55:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:55:21 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:55:21 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:55:21 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:55:21 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:55:21 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] 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12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to 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write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:21 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:21 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to 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12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write 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12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:22 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:55:23 [INFO] 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packet 12:56:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:56:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:56:30 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:56:30 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:56:30 [INFO] Handshake 12:56:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:56:30 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:56:30 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:56:30 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:56:30 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:56:30 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:30 [INFO] trying to write 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packet 12:56:31 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:56:31 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:57:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:57:18 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:57:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:57:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:57:18 [INFO] Handshake 12:57:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:57:18 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:57:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:57:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:57:18 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:57:19 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:19 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write 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12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:57:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:58:04 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:58:04 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:58:04 [INFO] Handshake 12:58:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:58:04 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:58:04 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:58:04 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:58:04 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:58:04 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write 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[WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:04 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:58:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:59:32 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:59:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:59:32 [INFO] Handshake 12:59:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:59:32 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:59:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:59:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:59:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:32 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write 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[INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:33 [INFO] trying to write 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12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] trying to write packet 12:59:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 13:01:38 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 13:01:38 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 13:01:38 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 13:01:38 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 13:01:38 [INFO] Listening on / 13:01:38 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 13:01:38 [INFO] Reload complete 13:01:39 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 13:01:39 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.init(DomainBlacklist.java:121) 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.start(BungeeCord.java:259) 13:01:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord.main(BungeeCord.java:220) 13:01:39 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 13:16:39 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord$3.run(BungeeCord.java:263) 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:566) 13:16:39 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LAX1DUDE/eaglercraft/main/stable-download/origin_blacklist.txt 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:2033) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1626) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:224) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:153) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord$3.run(BungeeCord.java:263) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:566) 13:31:44 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 13:35:32 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 13:35:32 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 13:35:32 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 13:35:32 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 13:35:32 [INFO] Listening on / 13:35:32 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 13:35:32 [INFO] Reload complete 13:35:32 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 13:36:59 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 13:36:59 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 13:36:59 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 13:36:59 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 13:36:59 [INFO] Listening on / 13:36:59 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 13:36:59 [INFO] Reload complete 13:37:00 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 13:37:13 [INFO] Actually connecting 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 13:37:13 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 13:37:13 [INFO] Handshake 13:37:13 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 13:37:13 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 13:37:13 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 13:37:13 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 13:37:13 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 13:37:13 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 13:37:13 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 13:37:13 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 13:37:13 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:37:13 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 13:37:13 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 13:53:16 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 13:53:17 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 13:53:17 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 13:53:17 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 13:53:17 [INFO] Listening on / 13:53:17 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 13:53:17 [INFO] Reload complete 13:53:18 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 13:53:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 13:53:30 [INFO] Actually connecting 13:53:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:53:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:53:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:53:30 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 13:53:30 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 13:53:30 [INFO] Handshake 13:53:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 13:53:30 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 13:53:30 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 13:53:30 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 13:53:30 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 13:53:30 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 13:53:30 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 13:53:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 13:53:30 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 13:53:31 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:53:31 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:53:31 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 13:53:39 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - encountered exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:238) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.handle(DownstreamBridge.java:78) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.messageReceived(HandlerBoss.java:65) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 13:53:39 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: NullPointerException : Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null @ io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer:234 13:53:39 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - exception processing exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:193) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.disconnect(UserConnection.java:332) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.exception(DownstreamBridge.java:54) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.exceptionCaught(HandlerBoss.java:82) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught0(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:302) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:281) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.notifyHandlerException(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:746) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:381) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 13:53:39 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 13:53:39 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 13:53:39 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:12:58 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:12:58 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:12:58 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:58 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:58 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:12:58 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:12:58 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] Handshake 14:12:59 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:12:59 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:12:59 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:12:59 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:12:59 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:12:59 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:12:59 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 14:12:59 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 14:12:59 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:12:59 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:13:12 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: [Kicked] Server closed 14:13:12 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:13:12 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 14:33:42 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 14:33:43 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 14:33:43 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 14:33:43 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 14:33:43 [INFO] Listening on / 14:33:43 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 14:33:43 [INFO] Reload complete 14:33:43 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 14:34:07 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:34:07 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:34:07 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:07 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:07 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:07 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:34:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:34:07 [INFO] Handshake 14:34:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:34:07 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:34:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:34:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:34:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:34:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: §cCould not connect to default server, please try again later: java.net.ConnectException 14:34:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:34:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:34:18 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:34:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:34:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:34:18 [INFO] Handshake 14:34:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:34:18 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:34:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:34:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:34:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:34:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:34:18 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 14:34:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 14:34:18 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:34:24 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - encountered exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:238) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.handle(DownstreamBridge.java:78) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.messageReceived(HandlerBoss.java:65) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 14:34:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: NullPointerException : Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null @ io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer:234 14:34:24 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - exception processing exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:193) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.disconnect(UserConnection.java:332) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.exception(DownstreamBridge.java:54) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.exceptionCaught(HandlerBoss.java:82) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught0(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:302) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:281) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.notifyHandlerException(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:746) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:381) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 14:34:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 14:34:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 14:34:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:37:34 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:37:34 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:37:34 [INFO] Handshake 14:37:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:37:34 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:37:34 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:37:34 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:37:34 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:37:34 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:37:34 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 14:37:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 14:37:34 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:34 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:37:35 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - encountered exception java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at io.netty.channel.MessageList.checkIndex(MessageList.java:534) at io.netty.channel.MessageList.get(MessageList.java:206) at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:230) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:238) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.handle(DownstreamBridge.java:78) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.messageReceived(HandlerBoss.java:65) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 14:37:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: IndexOutOfBoundsException : 0 @ io.netty.channel.MessageList:534 14:37:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:37:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:40:15 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:40:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:40:15 [INFO] Handshake 14:40:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:40:15 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:40:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:40:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:40:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:40:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:40:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 14:40:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 14:40:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:40:19 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:40:19 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:43:45 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:43:45 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] Handshake 14:43:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:43:45 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:43:45 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:43:45 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:43:45 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:43:45 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:43:45 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 14:43:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 14:43:45 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:45 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - sending packet 14:43:47 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - encountered exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.size()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:229) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:238) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.handle(DownstreamBridge.java:78) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.messageReceived(HandlerBoss.java:65) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 14:43:47 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: NullPointerException : Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.size()" because "this.currentMessages" is null @ io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer:229 14:43:47 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:43:47 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 09:32:19 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 09:32:19 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 09:32:19 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 09:32:19 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 09:32:19 [INFO] Listening on / 09:32:19 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 09:32:19 [INFO] Reload complete 09:32:20 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 09:32:25 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 09:32:25 [INFO] Actually connecting 09:32:25 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 09:32:25 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 09:32:25 [INFO] Handshake 09:32:25 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 09:32:25 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 09:32:25 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 09:32:25 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 09:32:25 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 09:32:25 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 09:32:25 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 09:32:25 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 09:32:26 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 09:32:28 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - encountered exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:238) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.handle(DownstreamBridge.java:78) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.messageReceived(HandlerBoss.java:65) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 09:32:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: NullPointerException : Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null @ io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer:234 09:32:28 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] - exception processing exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:193) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.disconnect(UserConnection.java:332) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.DownstreamBridge.exception(DownstreamBridge.java:54) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.exceptionCaught(HandlerBoss.java:82) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught0(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:302) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:281) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.notifyHandlerException(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:746) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:381) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 09:32:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 09:33:09 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge - encountered exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.size()" because "messages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.messageListSize(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:182) at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.next(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:171) at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:217) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:683) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge.handle(UpstreamBridge.java:64) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.messageReceived(HandlerBoss.java:65) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 09:33:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] disconnected with: NullPointerException : Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.size()" because "messages" is null @ io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer:182 09:33:09 [SEVERE] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge - exception processing exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.netty.channel.MessageList.recycle()" because "this.currentMessages" is null at io.netty.channel.ChannelOutboundBuffer.fail(ChannelOutboundBuffer.java:234) at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AbstractUnsafe.flushNow(AbstractChannel.java:743) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.ChannelWrapper.write(ChannelWrapper.java:29) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection$1.sendPacket(UserConnection.java:193) at net.md_5.bungee.UserConnection.disconnect(UserConnection.java:332) at net.md_5.bungee.connection.UpstreamBridge.exception(UpstreamBridge.java:42) at net.md_5.bungee.netty.HandlerBoss.exceptionCaught(HandlerBoss.java:82) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught0(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:302) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeExceptionCaught(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:281) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.notifyHandlerException(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:746) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:381) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.messageReceived(ByteToMessageDecoder.java:187) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler.messageReceived(ReadTimeoutHandler.java:150) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.invokeMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:379) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelHandlerContext.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelHandlerContext.java:364) at io.netty.channel.DefaultChannelPipeline.fireMessageReceived(DefaultChannelPipeline.java:786) at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioByteChannel$NioByteUnsafe.read(AbstractNioByteChannel.java:120) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:489) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:429) at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:360) at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) 09:33:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 09:41:51 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 09:41:51 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 09:41:51 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 09:41:51 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 09:41:51 [INFO] Listening on / 09:41:51 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 09:41:51 [INFO] Reload complete 09:41:52 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 09:42:10 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 09:42:10 [INFO] Actually connecting 09:42:10 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 09:42:10 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 09:42:10 [INFO] Handshake 09:42:10 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 09:42:10 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 09:42:10 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 09:42:10 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 09:42:10 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 09:42:10 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 09:42:10 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 09:42:10 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 09:42:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 09:42:16 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 09:42:16 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:22:43 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:22:43 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:22:43 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 10:22:44 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:22:44 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:22:44 [INFO] Handshake 10:22:44 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:22:44 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:22:44 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 10:22:44 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:22:44 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:22:44 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:22:44 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:22:44 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:26:14 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:26:14 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:26:14 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:26:14 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:26:14 [INFO] Handshake 10:26:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:26:14 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:26:14 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:26:14 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:26:14 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:26:14 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:26:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:26:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:26:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:30:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 10:30:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:30:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:30:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:30:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:31:07 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:31:07 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:31:07 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:31:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:31:07 [INFO] Handshake 10:31:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:31:07 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:31:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:31:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:31:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:31:07 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:31:07 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:31:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:31:07 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:32:06 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:32:06 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:44:02 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:44:02 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:44:02 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:44:02 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:44:02 [INFO] Handshake 10:44:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:44:02 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:44:02 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:44:02 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:44:02 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:44:02 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:44:02 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:44:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:44:02 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:44:25 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:44:25 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:44:25 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 10:44:28 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:44:28 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:44:28 [INFO] Handshake 10:44:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:44:28 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:44:28 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 10:44:28 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:44:28 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:44:28 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:44:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:44:28 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:45:06 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 10:45:06 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:45:06 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:45:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:45:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:51:28 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:51:28 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:51:28 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:51:28 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:51:28 [INFO] Handshake 10:51:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:51:28 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:51:28 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:51:28 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:51:28 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:51:28 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:51:28 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:51:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:51:29 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:52:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:52:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:59:40 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:40 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:59:40 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 10:59:42 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:42 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:59:42 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 10:59:43 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:43 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:59:43 [INFO] Handshake 10:59:43 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:59:43 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:59:43 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 10:59:43 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:59:43 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:43 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:59:43 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:59:43 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:59:46 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 10:59:46 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:59:46 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:59:52 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:52 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:59:52 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 10:59:53 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:53 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:59:53 [INFO] Handshake 10:59:53 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:59:53 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:59:53 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 10:59:53 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:59:53 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:53 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:59:53 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:59:54 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:03:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 11:03:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:03:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:03:48 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:03:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:03:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 11:03:54 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:03:54 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:03:54 [INFO] Handshake 11:03:54 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:03:54 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:03:54 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 11:03:54 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:03:54 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:03:54 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:03:54 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:03:54 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:04:11 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:04:11 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:04:11 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:04:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:04:11 [INFO] Handshake 11:04:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:04:11 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:04:11 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:04:11 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:04:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:04:11 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:04:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:04:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:04:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:04:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:04:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:13:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 11:13:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:13:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:14:10 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:14:10 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:14:10 [INFO] [InitialHandler - Server pinged] 11:14:11 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:14:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:14:11 [INFO] Handshake 11:14:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:14:11 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:14:11 [WARNING] player 'Catfoolyou2' doesn't have a websocket IP, remote address: / 11:14:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:14:11 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:14:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:14:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:14:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:14:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:14:32 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:14:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:14:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:14:32 [INFO] Handshake 11:14:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:14:32 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:14:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:14:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:14:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:14:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:14:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:14:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:14:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:15:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] disconnected with: [Proxy] Lost connection to server. 11:15:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:15:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou2] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:15:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:15:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:23:25 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:23:25 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:23:25 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:23:25 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:23:25 [INFO] Handshake 11:23:25 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:23:25 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:23:25 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:23:25 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:23:25 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:23:25 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:23:25 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:23:25 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:23:25 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:23:27 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:23:27 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:26:07 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:26:07 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:26:07 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:26:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:26:07 [INFO] Handshake 11:26:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:26:07 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:26:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:26:07 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:26:07 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:26:07 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:26:07 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:26:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:26:07 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:26:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:26:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:27:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:27:32 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:27:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:27:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:27:32 [INFO] Handshake 11:27:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:27:32 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:27:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:27:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:27:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:27:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:27:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:27:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:27:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:27:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:27:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:33:05 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:33:05 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:33:05 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:33:05 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:33:05 [INFO] Handshake 11:33:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:33:05 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:33:05 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:33:05 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:33:05 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:33:05 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:33:05 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:33:05 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:33:05 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:33:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:33:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:33:13 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:33:13 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:33:13 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:33:13 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:33:13 [INFO] Handshake 11:33:13 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:33:13 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:33:13 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:33:13 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:33:13 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:33:13 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:33:13 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:33:13 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:33:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:33:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:33:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:39:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:39:15 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:39:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:39:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:39:15 [INFO] Handshake 11:39:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:39:15 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:39:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:39:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:39:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:39:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:39:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:39:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:39:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:39:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:39:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:41:48 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:41:48 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:41:48 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:41:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:41:48 [INFO] Handshake 11:41:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:41:48 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:41:48 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:41:48 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:41:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:41:48 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:41:48 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:41:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:41:48 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:42:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:42:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:44:41 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:44:41 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:44:41 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:44:41 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:44:41 [INFO] Handshake 11:44:41 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:44:41 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:44:41 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:44:41 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:44:41 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:44:41 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:44:41 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:44:41 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:44:41 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:45:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:45:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:47:38 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:47:38 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:47:38 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:47:38 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:47:38 [INFO] Handshake 11:47:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:47:38 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:47:38 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:47:38 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:47:38 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:47:38 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:47:38 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:47:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:47:38 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:47:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:47:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:50:49 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:50:49 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:50:49 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:50:49 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:50:49 [INFO] Handshake 11:50:49 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:50:49 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:50:49 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:50:49 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:50:49 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:50:49 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:50:49 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:50:49 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:50:50 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:51:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:51:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:52:50 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:52:50 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:52:50 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:52:50 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:52:50 [INFO] Handshake 11:52:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:52:50 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:52:50 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:52:50 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:52:50 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:52:50 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:52:50 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:52:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:52:50 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:52:53 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:52:53 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:56:54 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:56:54 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:56:54 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:56:54 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:56:54 [INFO] Handshake 11:56:54 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:56:54 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:56:54 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:56:54 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:56:54 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:56:54 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:56:54 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:56:54 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:56:54 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:56:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:56:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:09:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:09:33 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:09:33 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:09:33 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:09:33 [INFO] Handshake 12:09:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:09:33 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:09:33 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:09:33 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:09:33 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:09:33 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:09:33 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:09:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:09:33 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:09:37 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:09:37 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:15:40 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:15:40 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:15:40 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:15:40 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:15:40 [INFO] Handshake 12:15:40 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:15:40 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:15:40 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:15:40 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:15:40 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:15:40 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:15:40 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:15:40 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:15:40 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:18:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:18:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:21:14 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:21:14 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:21:14 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:21:14 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:21:14 [INFO] Handshake 12:21:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:21:14 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:21:14 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:21:14 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:21:14 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:21:14 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:21:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:21:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:21:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:21:25 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:21:25 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:27:23 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:27:23 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:27:23 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:27:23 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:27:23 [INFO] Handshake 12:27:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:27:23 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:27:23 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:27:23 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:27:23 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:27:23 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:27:23 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:27:23 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:27:23 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:27:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:27:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:30:14 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:30:14 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:30:14 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:30:14 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:30:14 [INFO] Handshake 12:30:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:30:14 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:30:14 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:30:14 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:30:14 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:30:14 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:30:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:30:14 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:30:14 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:30:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:30:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:36:57 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:36:57 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:36:57 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:36:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:36:57 [INFO] Handshake 12:36:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:36:57 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:36:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:36:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:36:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:36:57 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:36:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:36:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:36:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:37:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:37:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:41:58 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:41:58 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:41:58 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:41:58 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:41:58 [INFO] Handshake 12:41:58 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:41:58 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:41:58 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:41:58 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:41:58 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:41:58 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:41:58 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:41:58 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:41:58 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:42:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:42:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:42:51 [SEVERE] Exception in thread "main" 12:42:51 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Input/output error 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.read0(Native Method) 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.io.FileInputStream.read(FileInputStream.java:228) 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream.read(NonBlockingInputStream.java:169) 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream.read(NonBlockingInputStream.java:137) 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at jline.internal.NonBlockingInputStream.read(NonBlockingInputStream.java:246) 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at jline.internal.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:261) 12:42:51 [SEVERE] at jline.internal.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:198) 08:35:38 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 08:35:38 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 08:35:38 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 08:35:38 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 08:35:38 [INFO] Listening on / 08:35:38 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 08:35:38 [INFO] Reload complete 08:35:40 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 09:37:15 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://g.lax1dude.net/eaglercraft/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 09:37:15 [SEVERE] java.net.UnknownHostException: g.lax1dude.net 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl.connect(NioSocketImpl.java:572) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:327) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:633) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.connect(SSLSocketImpl.java:304) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.security.ssl.BaseSSLSocketImpl.connect(BaseSSLSocketImpl.java:174) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:183) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:533) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:638) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.(HttpsClient.java:266) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:380) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:193) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(HttpURLConnection.java:1257) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:1143) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:179) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:142) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:152) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord$3.run(BungeeCord.java:263) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:566) 09:37:15 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 10:33:38 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:33:38 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:33:38 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:33:38 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:33:38 [INFO] Handshake 10:33:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:33:38 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:33:38 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:33:38 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:33:38 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:33:38 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:33:38 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:33:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:33:38 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:35:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:35:35 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:36:09 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:36:09 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:36:09 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:36:09 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:36:09 [INFO] Handshake 10:36:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:36:09 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:36:09 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:36:09 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:36:09 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:36:09 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:36:09 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:36:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:36:09 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:37:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:37:28 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:40:30 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:40:30 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:40:30 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:40:30 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:40:30 [INFO] Handshake 10:40:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:40:30 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:40:30 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:40:30 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:40:30 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:40:30 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:40:30 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:40:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:40:30 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:40:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:40:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:43:17 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:43:17 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:43:17 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:43:17 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:43:17 [INFO] Handshake 10:43:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:43:17 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:43:17 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:43:17 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:43:17 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:43:17 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:43:17 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:43:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:43:17 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:43:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:43:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:47:00 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:47:00 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:47:00 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:47:00 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:47:00 [INFO] Handshake 10:47:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:47:00 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:47:00 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:47:00 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:47:00 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:47:00 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:47:00 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:47:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:47:00 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:51:59 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:51:59 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 10:59:29 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 10:59:29 [INFO] Actually connecting 10:59:29 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:29 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 10:59:29 [INFO] Handshake 10:59:29 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 10:59:29 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 10:59:29 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 10:59:29 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 10:59:29 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 10:59:29 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 10:59:29 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 10:59:29 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 10:59:29 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 10:59:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 10:59:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:36:28 [SEVERE] the blacklist subscription URL 'https://g.lax1dude.net/eaglercraft/origin_blacklist.txt' is invalid 11:36:28 [SEVERE] java.net.UnknownHostException: g.lax1dude.net 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl.connect(NioSocketImpl.java:572) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:327) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:633) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.connect(SSLSocketImpl.java:304) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.security.ssl.BaseSSLSocketImpl.connect(BaseSSLSocketImpl.java:174) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:183) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:533) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:638) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.(HttpsClient.java:266) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:380) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:193) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(HttpURLConnection.java:1257) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:1143) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:179) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.connect(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:142) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.eaglercraft.DomainBlacklist.update(DomainBlacklist.java:152) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at net.md_5.bungee.BungeeCord$3.run(BungeeCord.java:263) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:566) 11:36:28 [SEVERE] at java.base/java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:516) 11:44:57 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:44:57 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:44:57 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:44:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:44:57 [INFO] Handshake 11:44:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:44:57 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:44:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:44:57 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:44:57 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:44:57 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:44:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:44:57 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:44:57 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:45:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:45:00 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:45:04 [INFO] §cCommand not found 11:45:11 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:45:11 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:45:11 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:45:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:45:11 [INFO] Handshake 11:45:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:45:11 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:45:11 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:45:11 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:45:11 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:45:11 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:45:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:45:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:45:11 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:45:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:45:34 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:46:01 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:46:01 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:46:01 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:46:01 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:46:01 [INFO] Handshake 11:46:01 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:46:01 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:46:01 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:46:01 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:46:01 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:46:01 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:46:01 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:46:01 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:46:01 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:46:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:46:11 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:46:38 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:46:38 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:46:38 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:46:38 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:46:38 [INFO] Handshake 11:46:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:46:38 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:46:38 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:46:38 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:46:38 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:46:38 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:46:38 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:46:38 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:46:39 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:47:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:47:07 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 11:47:50 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 11:47:50 [INFO] Actually connecting 11:47:50 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:47:50 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 11:47:50 [INFO] Handshake 11:47:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 11:47:50 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 11:47:50 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 11:47:50 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 11:47:50 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 11:47:50 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 11:47:50 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 11:47:50 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 11:47:50 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 11:48:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 11:48:02 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:10:20 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:10:20 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:10:20 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:10:20 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:10:20 [INFO] Handshake 12:10:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:10:20 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:10:20 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:10:20 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:10:20 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:10:20 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:10:20 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:10:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:10:20 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:13:47 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:13:47 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:16:36 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:16:36 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:16:36 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:16:36 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:16:36 [INFO] Handshake 12:16:36 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:16:36 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:16:36 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:16:36 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:16:36 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:16:36 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:16:36 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:16:36 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:16:36 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:16:42 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:16:42 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:17:36 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:17:36 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:17:36 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:17:36 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:17:36 [INFO] Handshake 12:17:36 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:17:36 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:17:36 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:17:36 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:17:36 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:17:36 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:17:36 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:17:36 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:17:36 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:18:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:18:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:25:27 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:25:27 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:25:27 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:25:27 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:25:27 [INFO] Handshake 12:25:27 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:25:27 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:25:27 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:25:27 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:25:27 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:25:27 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:25:27 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:25:27 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:25:27 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:25:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:25:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:25:37 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:25:37 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:25:37 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:25:37 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:25:37 [INFO] Handshake 12:25:37 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:25:37 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:25:37 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:25:37 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:25:37 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:25:37 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:25:37 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:25:37 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:25:37 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:26:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:26:09 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:27:15 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:27:15 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:27:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:27:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:27:15 [INFO] Handshake 12:27:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:27:15 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:27:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:27:15 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:27:15 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:27:15 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:27:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:27:15 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:27:15 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:27:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:27:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:28:12 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:28:12 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:28:12 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:28:12 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:28:12 [INFO] Handshake 12:28:12 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:28:12 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:28:12 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:28:12 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:28:12 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:28:12 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:28:12 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:28:12 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:28:12 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:28:41 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:28:41 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:29:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:29:18 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:29:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:29:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:29:18 [INFO] Handshake 12:29:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:29:18 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:29:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:29:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:29:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:29:19 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:29:19 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:29:19 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:29:19 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:34:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:34:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:35:18 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:35:18 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:35:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:35:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:35:18 [INFO] Handshake 12:35:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:35:18 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:35:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:35:18 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:35:18 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:35:18 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:35:18 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:35:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:35:18 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:35:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:35:20 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:37:43 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:37:43 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:37:43 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:37:43 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:37:43 [INFO] Handshake 12:37:43 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:37:43 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:37:43 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:37:43 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:37:43 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:37:43 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:37:43 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:37:43 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:37:43 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:37:44 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:37:45 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:40:22 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:40:22 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:40:22 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:40:22 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:40:22 [INFO] Handshake 12:40:22 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:40:22 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:40:22 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:40:22 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:40:22 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:40:22 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:40:22 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:40:22 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:40:22 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:40:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:40:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:41:17 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:41:17 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:41:17 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:41:17 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:41:17 [INFO] Handshake 12:41:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:41:17 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:41:17 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:41:17 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:41:17 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:41:17 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:41:17 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:41:17 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:41:17 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:41:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:41:30 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:41:32 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:41:32 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:41:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:41:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:41:32 [INFO] Handshake 12:41:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:41:32 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:41:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:41:32 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:41:32 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:41:32 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:41:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:41:32 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:41:32 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:42:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:42:18 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:43:24 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:43:24 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:43:24 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:43:24 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:43:24 [INFO] Handshake 12:43:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:43:24 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:43:24 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:43:24 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:43:24 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:43:24 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:43:24 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:43:24 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:43:24 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:44:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:44:04 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:51:33 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:51:33 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:51:33 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:51:33 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:51:33 [INFO] Handshake 12:51:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:51:33 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:51:33 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:51:33 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:51:33 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:51:33 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:51:33 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:51:33 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:51:33 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:52:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:52:21 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:52:48 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 12:52:48 [INFO] Actually connecting 12:52:48 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:52:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 12:52:48 [INFO] Handshake 12:52:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 12:52:48 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 12:52:48 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 12:52:48 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 12:52:48 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 12:52:48 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 12:52:48 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 12:52:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 12:52:48 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 12:58:56 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 12:58:56 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected 12:59:07 [INFO] §cCommand not found 13:34:43 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 13:34:43 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 13:34:43 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 13:34:43 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 13:34:44 [INFO] Listening on / 13:34:44 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 13:34:44 [INFO] Reload complete 13:34:44 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 14:31:27 [INFO] Enabled BungeeCord version unknown 14:31:27 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerSkins version 1.0.0 by LAX1DUDE 14:31:27 [INFO] Enabled plugin EaglerVoice version 1.0.0 by ayunami2000 14:31:27 [INFO] Listening websockets on / 14:31:27 [INFO] Listening on / 14:31:27 [INFO] Server bans.txt changed, it will be reloaded automatically 14:31:27 [INFO] Reload complete 14:31:28 [INFO] Reloaded 'origin_blacklist.txt'. 14:32:19 [INFO] [WebsocketProxy] - connecting (?) 14:32:19 [INFO] Actually connecting 14:32:19 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:32:19 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - connected (I think) 14:32:19 [INFO] Handshake 14:32:19 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> InitialHandler has connected 14:32:19 [INFO] Skipping encryption... 14:32:19 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] has remote websocket IP: 14:32:19 [INFO] Player 'Catfoolyou' [/] is using a client at: 14:32:19 [INFO] [InitialHandler] - PacketCDClientStatus 14:32:19 [INFO] ChannelWrapper created 14:32:19 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - connected 14:32:19 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> ServerConnector [lobby] has connected 14:32:19 [INFO] [ServerConnector] - Handling LOGIN 14:36:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] -> UpstreamBridge has disconnected 14:36:48 [INFO] [Catfoolyou] <-> DownstreamBridge <-> [lobby] has disconnected