diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 950a9dd..ea3ebd3 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml
index 8bddb52..18ad7e3 100644
--- a/.idea/misc.xml
+++ b/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MakeOfflineDownload.sh b/MakeOfflineDownload.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..59bf52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MakeOfflineDownload.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+java -cp "lwjgl-rundir/MakeOfflineDownload.jar:desktopRuntime/CompileEPK.jar" net.lax1dude.eaglercraft.v1_8.buildtools.workspace.MakeOfflineDownload "javascript/OfflineDownloadTemplate.txt" "javascript/classes.js" "javascript/assets.epk" "javascript/Eaglercraft_1.6.4_Offline.html" "javascript/lang"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9f08c73..b6126c0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,62 +15,42 @@ You're pretty much Shit Outta Luck if you're on a chromebook though.
## Issues?
-I got tired of closing duplicate 'how to maek sever' issues almost every day so I disabled it because honestly I don't really care anymore, [join discord](https://discord.gg/Ekzcgs3DKZ) if you've got an issue to report that you are confident can be backed up with source code
+I got tired of closing duplicate 'how to maek sever' issues almost every day so I disabled it because honestly I don't really care anymore, find me on the Eagler discord and ping me if you've got an issue to report that you are confident can be backed up with source code
## How to make a server
+There are ***multiple parts*** **to a server**, mainly consisting of a **regular 1.5.2 Bukkit server**, and a **modified version of Bungeecord** called **EaglercraftBungee**, which on top of the regular Bungeecord functionality, it translates WebSocket connections to raw TCP connections which Bukkit can understand.
+You may also want to set up your own **client**, allowing you to *control default server listings, resource packs, and an overall faster connection due to less load.*
+If you want to use a domain for your server, **a reverse proxy** can be set up to enable extra functionality within EaglercraftBungee. **NGINX** is recommended, and a tutorial is included **[here](#Creating-a-Reverse-Proxy---NGINX)**. **This is optional, and can be skipped by just connecting with the IP.**
### If Gitpod/Github Codespaces are acceptable, you can use this:
### [https://github.com/catfoolyou/Eagler-Server-1.6.4](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Eagler-Server-1.6.4)
+## Creating a server - Bukkit
1. **Check if Java is installed.** You can download it from [https://www.java.com/en/download/](https://www.java.com/en/download/)
-2. Download the [mp-server.zip](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Project164/blob/main/mp-server.zip) file from this repository
+2. Download the [mp-server.zip](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Project164/raw/main/mp-server.zip) file from this repository
4. Extract the ZIP file you downloaded to a new folder
-5. Open the new folder, go into the `java/bungee_command` folder
-6. In Windows, double-click `run.bat`. It should open a new terminal window
-**Some computers may just say 'run' instead of 'run.bat', both are correct**
-7. On macOS or Linux, google how to open the terminal and use the `cd` command to navigate to `java/bungee_command`
-Then, in that folder, run `chmod +x run_unix.sh` and then run `./run_unix.sh`. It should start the same server
-8. Go to the other `java/bukkit_command` folder that was also extracted from the ZIP
-9. On Windows, open a second terminal window and run `java -jar craftbukkit-1.6.4-R2.0.jar`
-Keep both the first and second terminal window you opened, just minimize them don't close
-10. On macOS or Linux, repeat step 7 and run the same command
-11. **Your server is now ready.** Download and open [stable-download/Offline_Download_Version.html](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Project164/raw/main/stable-download/Offline_Download_Version.html)
-12. Go to 'Multiplayer' from the main menu. Select 'Direct Connect', type `` and press 'Join Server'
-13. **It should allow you to connect, if not, check the two terminal windows for errors**
-14. If you are okay with regularly checking for updates to [Offline_Download_Version.html](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Project164/raw/main/stable-download/Offline_Download_Version.html), you are now finished
-15. If you are playing with friends and want a shared website that can be updated, see the `stable-download/web` folder
-16. To install, create a website and upload the contents of `stable-download/web` to the URL you want to have Eaglercraft on
-17. **The 'web' folder will not work if you open it in your browser locally! If you see 'file:///' in the URL you are doing it wrong. You need to upload the folder to an HTTP or HTTPS server and access it over the internet via http:// or https://. The game will not load otherwise, this is not a bug**
-18. To modify the list of default servers, modify the `window.eaglercraftOpts` variable in `index.html`.
-19. **A full guide on how to configure `eaglercraftOpts` is coming soon, but it should be fairly intuitive to figure out how to set it up based on what the default values already are when you look in stable-download**
-20. **To create a link to your site that automatically joins the server,** add a `?server=` variable to the URL, like (for example): [https://g.deev.is/eaglercraft/?server=](https://g.deev.is/eaglercraft/?server= will automatically join `ws://` as soon as the player finishes setting their username and skin
-21. To change your server's MOTD and icon, edit the `motd1:` tag of the listener config in `java/bungee_command/config.yml`, and replace `server-icon.png` in the folder where the config file is. Use `&` to add color/formatting codes. The server list will downscale your icon to 64x64 pixels
-22. You can give your MOTD multiple lines, add a `motd2:` to define a second line
-23. **For an animated MOTD and icon, install EaglerMOTD: [https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-motd/](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-motd/)**
-24. To add some bukkit plugins, download the plugin's JAR file for CraftBukkit 1.6.4 and place it in `java/bukkit_command/plugins`
-25. To add some bungee plugins, download the plugin's JAR file and place it in `java/bungee_command/plugins`
-26. See [https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-plugins/](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-plugins/) to download some supported plugins
-27. **To disable voice chat, set `voice_enabled: false` in the bungeecord config.yml**
-28. To add `/login` and `/register`, install [AuthMe](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-plugins/tree/main/AuthMe) and carefully [read it's documentation](https://github.com/AuthMe/AuthMeReloaded/wiki) to set it up correctly
-29. **To ban a username on Eaglercraftbungee, use:** `eag-ban `
-30. **To ban an IP on Eaglercraftbungee, use:** `eag-ban-ip `, or `eag-ban-ip ` to ban the IP of a player automatically
-31. To ban a range of IP addresses, use slash notation to define a subnet. Example: `eag-ban-ip`
-32. To ban users by wildcard (\*) use: `eag-ban-wildcard *` or `eag-ban-wildcard *` or `eag-ban-wildcard **`
-33. **You can edit bans.txt in your EaglercraftBungee folder, the server automatically reloads the file when it is saved**
-34. To ban users by regular expression, use: `eag-ban-regex ` with a regular expression to match the username in **lowercase**
-35. **If you use /op on your server, keep in mind that if you "/op LAX1DUDE", a player joining as 'laX1DUDE' or 'LaX1dUdE' or 'lax1dude' will all have /op too. To solve this problem, force all operators to only be able to join with all lowercase ('lax1dude') letters in their usernames by moving 'BitchFilterPlugin.jar" into "java/bukkit_command/plugins" and then register every op username lowercase**
-36. To connect to your server through a `ws://` or `wss://` URL instead of `ip:port`, set up [nginx](https://nginx.org/) as a reverse proxy to the `ip:port` of you EaglercraftBungee server you want the URL to connect to. Use a location URL template with the `proxy_pass` directive.
-37. Eaglercraft uses port 80 for IP connections by default, typing `` is the same as typing `ws://`
-38. To forward a client's remote IP address from a request on nginx to EaglercraftBungee for enforcing IP bans, set the `X-Real-IP` header on the request to websocket when it is proxied
-39. To make a custom resource pack for your site, clone this repository and edit the files in [lwjgl-rundir/resources](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Project164/tree/main/lwjgl-rundir/resources).
-40. When you are done, navigate to [epkcompiler/](https://github.com/catfoolyou/Project164/blob/main/CompilePackage.jar) and double-click `run.bat`. Wait for the window to say `Press any key to continue...` and close it. Then, go to `../javascript` in the repository and copy `javascript/assets.epk` to the `assets.epk` on your website
-41. If you're on mac or linux, run `chmod +x CompileEPK.sh` and then `./CompileEPK.sh` to do this, then copy the same `javascript/assets.epk` to the `assets.epk` on your website
+5. Open the new folder, go into the `java/bukkit_command` folder
+6. Open a new terminal and run `java -jar craftbukkit-1.6.4-R2.0.jar` to start the bukkit server
+7. To add some bukkit plugins, download the plugin's JAR file for CraftBukkit 1.6.4 and place it in `java/bukkit_command/plugins`
+(See [https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-plugins/](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-plugins/) to download some supported plugins)
-## EaglercraftBungee
+## Creating a server - EaglercraftBungee
+1. In the same new folder, go into the `java/bungee_command` folder
+2. In Windows, double-click `run.bat`. It should open a second terminal window
+Keep both the first and second terminal window you opened, just minimize them, don't close
+3. On macOS or Linux, repeat step 7 in [Creating a Server - Bukkit](#Creating-a-server---Bukkit), but navigate to `java/bungee_command` this time
+4. To add some bungee plugins, download the plugin's JAR file and place it in `java/bungee_command/plugins`
+There are alot more configurations in bungeecord, but this should set you up
+**Your server is now ready.** Visit any client, and go to 'Multiplayer' from the main menu. Select 'Direct Connect', type `ws://` and press 'Join Server'
+**It should allow you to connect, if not, check the two terminal windows for errors**
-EaglercraftBungee translates WebSockets to a raw Minecraft 1.6.4 TCP connection. It is just regular BungeeCord with more `config.yml` options, and a built in plugin for syncing people's custom skins between clients so people can see each other's skins
### If voice chat causes moderation problems, set `voice_enabled: false` in config.yml
@@ -194,6 +174,57 @@ test:
In this example, sending a player to the server `test`, such as when they enter a portal or type `/server test`, will trigger their client to disconnect from your bungeecord and then automatically reconnect to `wss://ServerHere/` as if it was entered via "Direct Connect"
+## Creating a Reverse Proxy - NGINX
+Here is a quick crash course of setting up NGINX on Linux, specifically on Debian distributions.
+Here are some google searches for other distributions:
+- [Windows](https://www.google.com/search?q=set+up+nginx+on+windows)
+- [Mac](https://www.google.com/search?q=set+up+nginx+on+mac)
+- [Linux - Arch](https://www.google.com/search?q=set+up+nginx+on+arch)
+- [Linux - Fedora](https://www.google.com/search?q=set+up+nginx+on+fedora)
+1. Open up your terminal, and run
+ ``sudo apt update``
+ and
+ ``sudo apt install nginx``
+2. Open any web browser, and search for `localhost` in your search bar. You should see something like this:
+3. Navigate to NGINX's configuration with `cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled`.
+4. Create a new configuration file with your domain name, for example `nano eaglercraft.example.com`
+5. Paste in the following code into the file. Replace `example.com` with your own domain, and `app_server_address` as the `ip:port` of your EaglercraftBungee server you want the URL to connect to.
+server {
+ listen 80;
+ listen [::]:80;
+ server_name example.com eaglercraft.example.com;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass app_server_address;
+ include proxy_params;
+ }
+6. Now, restart NGINX with `sudo service nginx restart` and you should be good to go!
+## NGINX Configuration
+### To implement the following configuration, add the lines below the `proxy_pass` line.
+- **To stop people from using bookmarklets to load a client from a different URL onto your official URL via XXS, add these headers to NGINX:**
+add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
+add_header Referrer-Policy "strict-origin";
+add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
+add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data: blob:; connect-src 'self' ws: wss:; upgrade-insecure-requests";
+- **To use IP bans and rate limiting, add `proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr` to your proxy configuration**
### Plugin Development
**To develop a plugin, download [stable-download/java/bungee_command/bungee_dist.jar](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft/blob/main/stable-download/java/bungee_command/bungee-dist.jar) and add it to the Build Path of your Java IDE. Develop the plugin just like a regular BungeeCord plugin, see [EaglerMOTD](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft-motd/) for an example.**
@@ -208,16 +239,6 @@ In this example, sending a player to the server `test`, such as when they enter
**Register event handlers using the standard BungeeCord** `@EventHandler` **annotation in your** `Listener` **class**
-## Hosting a LAN server relay
-### Simply download [stable-download/sp-relay.jar](https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraft/blob/main/stable-download/sp-relay.jar) and run `java -jar sp-relay.jar`
-**Run `java -jar sp-relay.jar --debug` to view debug info like all the IPs of incoming connections, as it is not shown by default because logging all that info will reduce performance when the relay is being pinged many times a second depending on it's popularity.**
-Edit the `relayConfig.ini` file generated on first launch to change the port and configure ratelimiting and such, and `relays.txt` to change the list of STUN and TURN relays reported to clients connecting to the relay, which are required to correctly establish a P2P LAN world connection in browsers
-**The `origin-whitelist` config variable is a semicolon (`;`) seperated list of domains used to restrict what sites are to be allowed to use your relay. When left blank it allows all sites. Add `offline` to allow offline download clients to use your relay as well, and `null` to allow connections that do not specify an `Origin:` header. Use `*` as a wildcard, for example: `*.deev.is` allows all domains ending with "deev.is" to use the relay.**
## Compiling
To compile for the web, run the gradle 'generateJavascript' compile target to generate the classes.js file.
diff --git a/javascript/OfflineDownloadTemplate.txt b/javascript/OfflineDownloadTemplate.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb5bd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/OfflineDownloadTemplate.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Eaglercraft 1.6.4
This file is from ${date}
Game will launch in 5 ...
diff --git a/javascript/classes.js b/javascript/classes.js
index f61c8e0..471e7eb 100644
--- a/javascript/classes.js
+++ b/javascript/classes.js
@@ -4540,9 +4540,9 @@ nle_Client__clinit_ = () => {
var$3[3] = $rt_s(94);
nms_Packet70GameEvent_clientMessage = var$2;
ji_FileInputStream_ONE_BYTE_BUFFER = $rt_createByteArray(1);
- nms_EnumRarity__clinit_();
+ nms_EnumRarity__clinit_();
@@ -4558,8 +4558,8 @@ nle_Client__clinit_ = () => {
var$1 = new nleav_BooleanResult;
var$1.$bool = 0;
nleav_BooleanResult_FALSE = var$1;
- nms_EnumArt__clinit_();
+ nms_EnumArt__clinit_();
nle_GuiScreenLANConnect_lastCode = $rt_s(9);
nle_LANClientNetworkManager_initStateNames = $rt_wrapArray(jl_String, [$rt_s(95), $rt_s(96), $rt_s(97), $rt_s(98)]);
@@ -6362,6 +6362,136 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ jl_Enum.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "name",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "ordinal",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "equals",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hashCode",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "clone",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getDeclaringClass",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Class,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "compareTo",
+ modifiers : 4,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Enum],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "valueOf",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_Enum,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "compareTo",
+ modifiers : 96,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jl_Number.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "intValue",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "longValue",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "floatValue",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doubleValue",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_doublecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "byteValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_bytecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shortValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_shortcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
jl_Object.$meta.methods = [
name : "monitorEnterSync",
@@ -6679,57 +6809,6 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : jl_Object,
callable : null
- jl_Number.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "intValue",
- modifiers : 1,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "longValue",
- modifiers : 1,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_longcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "floatValue",
- modifiers : 1,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doubleValue",
- modifiers : 1,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_doublecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "byteValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_bytecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shortValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_shortcls,
- callable : null
- }];
jlr_AccessibleObject.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
@@ -6781,152 +6860,6 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation),
callable : null
- jl_Enum.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "name",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "ordinal",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "equals",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hashCode",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "clone",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getDeclaringClass",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_Class,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compareTo",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Enum],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "valueOf",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String],
- returnType : jl_Enum,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compareTo",
- modifiers : 96,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- jur_FinalSet.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "matches",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }];
- jur_FSet.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "matches",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getGroupIndex",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hasConsumed",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
jur_AbstractSet.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
@@ -7048,19 +6981,579 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- jur_NonCapJointSet.$meta.methods = [
+ jur_LeafSet.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet],
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "accepts",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "charCount",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_UCISequenceSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuffer],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "accepts",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_Render.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nle_TextureLocation],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEntityOnFire",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderShadow",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getWorldFromRenderManager",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_World,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderShadowOnBlock",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Block, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderOffsetAABB",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_AxisAlignedBB, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderAABB",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_AxisAlignedBB],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setRenderManager",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_RenderManager],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderShadowAndFire",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getFontRendererFromRenderManager",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_FontRenderer,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "updateIcons",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_IconRegister],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderSnowball.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Item, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Item],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_77026_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nlea_Tessellator, nms_Icon],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RendererLivingEntity.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setRenderPassModel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "interpolateRotation",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderModel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 1,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderLivingAt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "rotateCorpse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderSwingProgress",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "handleRotationFloat",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEquippedItems",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderArrowsStuckInEntity",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "inheritRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82408_c",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getDeathMaxRotation",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getColorMultiplier",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "preRenderCallback",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "passSpecialRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110813_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_96449_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, jl_String, $rt_floatcls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderLivingLabel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, jl_String, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderLiving.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_130007_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110828_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_doublecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110827_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110813_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderDragon.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "rotateDragonBody",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityDragon, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderDragonModel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityDragon, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderDragon",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityDragon, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEnderDragonTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityDragon],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderDragonDying",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityDragon, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderGlow",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityDragon, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEquippedItems",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "rotateCorpse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderModel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_FSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
@@ -7070,6 +7563,13 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getGroupIndex",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "getName",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -7084,207 +7584,193 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
- }];
- jur_JointSet.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
}, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "matches",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setNext",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getNext",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getGroup",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "first",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hasConsumed",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "processSecondPass",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- ju_Arrays$ArrayAsList.$meta.methods = [
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_0.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Object)],
+ parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "get",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jl_Object,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "set",
+ }];
+ nms_NBTTagByteArray.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "size",
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "write",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [ji_DataOutput],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "load",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [ji_DataInput, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getId",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_bytecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "copy",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_NBTBase,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "equals",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hashCode",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
- ju_AbstractList.$meta.methods = [
+ nleav_VFile.$meta.methods = [
+ name : "normalizePath",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "splitPath",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_String),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "createPath",
+ modifiers : 8704,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Object)],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ modifiers : 8192,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Object)],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "add",
+ name : "getInputStream",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : ji_InputStream,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getOutputStream",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : ji_OutputStream,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isRelative",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "iterator",
+ name : "canRead",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : ju_Iterator,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "addAll",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, ju_Collection],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "set",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "add",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "remove",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "indexOf",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "lastIndexOf",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "clear",
+ name : "getPath",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "listIterator",
+ name : "getName",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : ju_ListIterator,
+ returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "listIterator",
+ name : "canWrite",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : ju_ListIterator,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "subList",
+ name : "getParent",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : ju_List,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "removeRange",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
}, {
name : "hashCode",
@@ -7300,101 +7786,161 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
- }];
- ju_AbstractCollection.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
+ }, {
+ name : "exists",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
+ accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "delete",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renameTo",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "length",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getBytes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls), $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "isEmpty",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "contains",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_Object),
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Object)],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_Object),
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "add",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "remove",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "containsAll",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "addAll",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "removeAll",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "retainAll",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "clear",
+ name : "setCacheEnabled",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "toString",
+ name : "getAllBytes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getAllChars",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getAllLines",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_String),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getAllBytes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setAllChars",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setAllBytes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setAllBytes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls), $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "list",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : ju_List,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "deleteAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_30.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_EntityEggInfo.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nle_RelayEntry.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_UCISupplCharSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "accepts",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_52.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -7417,6 +7963,2729 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : nms_Entity,
callable : null
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_32.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ otcit_FixedDateTimeZone.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getOffset",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getStandardOffset",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getOffsetFromLocal",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isFixed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "nextTransition",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "previousTransition",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "write",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuilder],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "readZone",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, otci_CharFlow],
+ returnType : otcit_FixedDateTimeZone,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "asZoneRules",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jtz_ZoneRules,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Rule.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getFromYear",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getToYear",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getOfYear",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$OfYear,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getSaveMillis",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "next",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, ju_GregorianCalendar],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderIronGolem.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderIronGolem",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityIronGolem, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getIronGolemTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityIronGolem],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "rotateIronGolemCorpse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityIronGolem, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderIronGolemEquippedItems",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityIronGolem, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEquippedItems",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "rotateCorpse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_23.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderMinecart.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderTheMinecart",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMinecart, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMinecartTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMinecart],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderBlockInMinecart",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMinecart, $rt_floatcls, nms_Block, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_SOLSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nle_TextureLocation.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "freeTextures",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_KeyBinding.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "onTick",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setKeyBindState",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "unPressAllKeys",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "resetKeyBindingArrayAndHash",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isPressed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "unpressKey",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_SupplRangeSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "contains",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "first",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getChars",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jur_AbstractCharClass,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_45.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_10.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_42.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderItem.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderItem",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityItem, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110796_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityItem],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderDroppedItem",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityItem, nms_Icon, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderItemIntoGUI",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_FontRenderer, nms_RenderEngine, nms_ItemStack, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_FontRenderer, nms_RenderEngine, nms_ItemStack, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderGlint",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderItemOverlayIntoGUI",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_FontRenderer, nms_RenderEngine, nms_ItemStack, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderItemOverlayIntoGUI",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_FontRenderer, nms_RenderEngine, nms_ItemStack, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderQuad",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nlea_Tessellator, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderIcon",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, nms_Icon, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_33.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_51.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jl_Package.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPackage",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_Package,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getAnnotation",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Class],
+ returnType : jla_Annotation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getAnnotations",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getDeclaredAnnotations",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ ju_LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashMapEntry.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object, jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "clone",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderFireball.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderFireball",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityFireball, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getFireballTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityFireball],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jt_DateFormatElement$Year.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "format",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Calendar, jl_StringBuffer],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "parse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Calendar, jt_ParsePosition],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "equals",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hashCode",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_PositiveLookAhead.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderFallingSand.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderFallingSand",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityFallingSand, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getFallingSandTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityFallingSand],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_TextureCompass.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "updateAnimation",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "updateCompass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_36.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderWitherSkull.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82400_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82399_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWitherSkull, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110809_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWitherSkull],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderGhast.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110867_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityGhast],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "preRenderGhast",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityGhast, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "preRenderCallback",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_16.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_WatchableObject.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getDataValueId",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setObject",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getObject",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getObjectType",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isWatched",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setWatched",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setWatchableObjectWatched",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_WatchableObject, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_19.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_EOISet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderEnderman.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEnderman",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityEnderman, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEndermanTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityEnderman],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderCarrying",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityEnderman, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEyes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityEnderman, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEquippedItems",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_BehaviorDispenseArmor.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "dispenseStack",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_IBlockSource, nms_ItemStack],
+ returnType : nms_ItemStack,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jt_DateFormatElement$NumericWeekday.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "processBeforeFormat",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "processAfterParse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderWitch.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82412_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWitch, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getWitchTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWitch],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82411_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWitch, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82410_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82409_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWitch, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "preRenderCallback",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderEquippedItems",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_15.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nle_RelayServer.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nle_RelayEntry],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isPrimary",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setPrimary",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPing",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getWorkingPing",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPingVersion",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPingComment",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPingVendor",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPingCompatible",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nle_RelayQuery$VersionMismatch,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "pingBlocking",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "ping",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "update",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "close",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "openSocket",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nle_RelayServerSocket,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_ShapedRecipes.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_arraycls(nms_ItemStack), nms_ItemStack],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getRecipeOutput",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_ItemStack,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting, nms_World],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "checkMatch",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getCraftingResult",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting],
+ returnType : nms_ItemStack,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getRecipeSize",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_92100_c",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_ShapedRecipes,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_34.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderWither.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82418_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWither, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110911_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWither],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82415_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWither, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82417_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWither, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_82416_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWither, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "preRenderCallback",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "inheritRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_2.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EnchantmentUntouching.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMinEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxLevel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "canApplyTogether",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Enchantment],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "canApply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_ItemStack],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_TextureClock.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "updateAnimation",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_CrashReportCategoryEntry.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_85089_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_85090_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_22.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_1.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_35.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_37.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_PositiveLookBehind.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$DSTZone.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getOffset",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getStandardOffset",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isFixed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "nextTransition",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "previousTransition",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "findMatchingRecurrence",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "write",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuilder],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "readZone",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, otci_CharFlow],
+ returnType : otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$DSTZone,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "asZoneRules",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jtz_ZoneRules,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jnci_AsciiCharset.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "contains",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jnc_Charset],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "newDecoder",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jnc_CharsetDecoder,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "newEncoder",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jnc_CharsetEncoder,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_19.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ ju_HashSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_HashMap],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "add",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "clear",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "clone",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "contains",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isEmpty",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "iterator",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : ju_Iterator,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "remove",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "size",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "newHashSet",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : ju_HashSet,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EnchantmentArrowDamage.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMinEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxLevel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_47.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RecipesMapCloning.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting, nms_World],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getCraftingResult",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting],
+ returnType : nms_ItemStack,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getRecipeSize",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getRecipeOutput",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_ItemStack,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_20.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_DecomposedCharSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls), $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getDecomposedChar",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "codePointAt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "first",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_RangeSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "accepts",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "first",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getChars",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jur_AbstractCharClass,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_1.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_EOLSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EnchantmentLootBonus.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, nms_EnumEnchantmentType],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMinEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxLevel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "canApplyTogether",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Enchantment],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jt_DateFormatElement$MonthText.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jt_DateFormatSymbols, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "format",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Calendar, jl_StringBuffer],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "parse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Calendar, jt_ParsePosition],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "equals",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hashCode",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_5.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EnchantmentWaterWorker.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMinEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxEnchantability",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMaxLevel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_9.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
+ callable : null
+ }];
nle_IntegratedServerLAN$LANClient.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
@@ -7468,513 +10737,14 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- jur_UCIDecomposedCharSet.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_ServerData.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls), $rt_intcls],
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String, $rt_booleancls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- }];
- jur_UCISupplRangeSet.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "contains",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }];
- jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "matches",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "reset",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setQuantifier",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_10.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "get",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "get",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_21.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_World],
- returnType : nms_Entity,
- callable : null
- }];
- jnci_UTF16Charset.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "contains",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jnc_Charset],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "newDecoder",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jnc_CharsetDecoder,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "newEncoder",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jnc_CharsetEncoder,
- callable : null
- }];
- nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_13.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "get",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "get",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
- callable : null
- }];
- nlesi_IPCPacketManager$_clinit_$lambda$_27_3.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "get",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "get",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : nlesi_IPCPacketBase,
- callable : null
- }];
- jm_BigInteger.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, ju_Random],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, ju_Random],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_arraycls($rt_intcls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_longcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_arraycls($rt_intcls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "valueOf",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toByteArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls),
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setFromString",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jl_String, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "abs",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "negate",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "add",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "subtract",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "signum",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shiftRight",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shiftLeft",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shiftLeftOneBit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "bitLength",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "testBit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setBit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "clearBit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "flipBit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getLowestSetBit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "bitCount",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "not",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "and",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "or",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "xor",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "andNot",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "byteValueExact",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_bytecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shortValueExact",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_shortcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "intValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "intValueExact",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "longValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_longcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "longValueExact",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_longcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "floatValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doubleValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_doublecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compareTo",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "min",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "max",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
}, {
name : "hashCode",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -7990,179 +10760,81 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "equalsArrays",
+ name : "getNBTCompound",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls)],
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_NBTTagCompound,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getAcceptsTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "toString",
+ name : "func_78840_c",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "gcd",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "multiply",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "pow",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "sqrt",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "divideAndRemainder",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls(jm_BigInteger),
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "divide",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "remainder",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "modInverse",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "modPow",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "mod",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isProbablePrime",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "nextProbablePrime",
+ name : "setAcceptsTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isHidingAddress",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "probablePrime",
+ name : "setHideAddress",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getServerDataFromNBTCompound",
modifiers : 512,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, ju_Random],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_NBTTagCompound],
+ returnType : nms_ServerData,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "cutOffLeadingZeroes",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isOne",
+ name : "setMOTDFromQuery",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "putBytesPositiveToIntegers",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "putBytesNegativeToIntegers",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getFirstNonzeroDigit",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "copy",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "unCache",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getPowerOfTwo",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : jm_BigInteger,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compareTo",
- modifiers : 96,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ parameterTypes : [nle_ServerQuery$QueryResponse],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setRateLimitError",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "refreshIcon",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "freeIcon",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
name : "",
@@ -8172,247 +10844,7 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- jl_Float.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "intValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "longValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_longcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "floatValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doubleValue",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_doublecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "valueOf",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : jl_Float,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toString",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "equals",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "equals",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hashCode",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hashCode",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isNaN",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isInfinite",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isFinite",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "parseFloat",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "valueOf",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : jl_Float,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isNaN",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isInfinite",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compare",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compareTo",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Float],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "floatToRawIntBits",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "floatToIntBits",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "intBitsToFloat",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toHexString",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "compareTo",
- modifiers : 96,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isNaN$js_body$_14",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
- returnType : otj_JSObject,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isInfinite$js_body$_15",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
- returnType : otj_JSObject,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isFinite$js_body$_16",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
- returnType : otj_JSObject,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "floatToRawIntBits$js_body$_23",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
- returnType : otj_JSObject,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "intBitsToFloat$js_body$_25",
- modifiers : 768,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
- returnType : otj_JSObject,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_51.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_RenderTntMinecart.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8421,90 +10853,18 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_World],
- returnType : nms_Entity,
- callable : null
- }];
- jur_CompositeRangeSet.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getNext",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "matches",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setNext",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getSurrogates",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getWithoutSurrogates",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
+ name : "func_94146_a",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMinecartTNT, $rt_floatcls, nms_Block, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "hasConsumed",
+ name : "renderBlockInMinecart",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "first",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMinecart, $rt_floatcls, nms_Block, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
nms_ModelRenderer.$meta.methods = [
@@ -8607,64 +10967,461 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : nms_ModelRenderer,
callable : null
- nms_TexturePackDefault.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "loadDescription",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_98140_c",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "isCompatible",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_98139_b",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : ji_InputStream,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getResourceAsBytes",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls),
- callable : null
- }];
- oj_JSONObject$Null.$meta.methods = [
+ jm_BigDecimal.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, $rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "clone",
- modifiers : 4,
- accessLevel : 2,
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls), $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls), $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls)],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls), jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, $rt_intcls, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "valueOf",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "valueOf",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "valueOf",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "add",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addAndMult10",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "add",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "subtract",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "subtract",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "multiply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "multiply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divide",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divide",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls, jm_RoundingMode],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divideBigIntegers",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jm_BigInteger, $rt_intcls, jm_RoundingMode],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "dividePrimitiveLongs",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, $rt_longcls, $rt_intcls, jm_RoundingMode],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divide",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divide",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_RoundingMode],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divide",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divide",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divideToIntegralValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divideToIntegralValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "remainder",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "remainder",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divideAndRemainder",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls(jm_BigDecimal),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "divideAndRemainder",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls(jm_BigDecimal),
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "pow",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "pow",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "abs",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_Object,
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "abs",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "negate",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "negate",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "plus",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "plus",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "signum",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isZero",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "scale",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "precision",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "unscaledValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "round",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setScale",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jm_RoundingMode],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setScale",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setScale",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "movePointLeft",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "movePoint",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "movePointRight",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "scaleByPowerOfTen",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "stripTrailingZeros",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "compareTo",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
}, {
name : "equals",
@@ -8673,6 +11430,20 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "min",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "max",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "hashCode",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8687,8 +11458,934 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toEngineeringString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toPlainString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toBigInteger",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toBigIntegerExact",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "longValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "longValueExact",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "intValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "intValueExact",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shortValueExact",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_shortcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "byteValueExact",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_bytecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "floatValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doubleValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_doublecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "ulp",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "inplaceRound",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "longCompareTo",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, $rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "smallRound",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "roundingBehavior",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, jm_RoundingMode],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "valueExact",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "aproxPrecision",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toIntScale",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "zeroScaledBy",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getUnscaledValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setUnscaledValue",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bitLength",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bitLength",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "compareTo",
+ modifiers : 96,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
- nms_EnchantmentOxygen.$meta.methods = [
+ oj_JSONArray.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [oj_JSONTokener],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Iterable],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "iterator",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : ju_Iterator,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getBoolean",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getDouble",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_doublecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getFloat",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getNumber",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Number,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEnum",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Class, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Enum,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getBigDecimal",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getBigInteger",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getInt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getJSONArray",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getJSONObject",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getLong",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isNull",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "join",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "length",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "clear",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "opt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optBoolean",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optBoolean",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optDouble",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_doublecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optDouble",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_doublecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optFloat",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optFloat",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_floatcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optInt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optInt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optEnum",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Class, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Enum,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optEnum",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Class, $rt_intcls, jl_Enum],
+ returnType : jl_Enum,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optBigInteger",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jm_BigInteger],
+ returnType : jm_BigInteger,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optBigDecimal",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jm_BigDecimal],
+ returnType : jm_BigDecimal,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optJSONArray",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optJSONObject",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optLong",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optLong",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_longcls],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optNumber",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Number,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optNumber",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Number],
+ returnType : jl_Number,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Map],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, ju_Collection],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_longcls],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, ju_Map],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "put",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "putAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "putAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Iterable],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "putAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "putAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : oj_JSONArray,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "query",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "query",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [oj_JSONPointer],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optQuery",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "optQuery",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [oj_JSONPointer],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "remove",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "similar",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toJSONObject",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray],
+ returnType : oj_JSONObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "write",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ji_Writer],
+ returnType : ji_Writer,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "write",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ji_Writer, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : ji_Writer,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toList",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : ju_List,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isEmpty",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Collection, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Iterable, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "wrongValueFormatException",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_String, jl_Throwable],
+ returnType : oj_JSONException,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "wrongValueFormatException",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_String, jl_Object, jl_Throwable],
+ returnType : oj_JSONException,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_UCIRangeSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "accepts",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_FinalSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_11.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_41.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nle_EaglerProfile$EaglerProfileCape.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls), $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_6.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nlea_EaglerAdapterImpl2$AudioBufferSourceNodeX.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjw_AudioBufferSourceNode, otjw_PannerNode, otjw_GainNode, $rt_booleancls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_TextureOffset.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8696,34 +12393,175 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getMinEnchantability",
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_48.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "getMaxEnchantability",
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_21.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "getMaxLevel",
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 64,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "apply",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_World],
+ returnType : nms_Entity,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_CharSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "charCount",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "accepts",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "find",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "findBack",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getChar",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_charcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "first",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
- otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$DSTZone.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_RenderPig.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderSaddledPig",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPig, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getPigTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPig],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$RuleBasedZone.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence],
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "initZone",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
@@ -8761,13 +12599,6 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
returnType : $rt_longcls,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "findMatchingRecurrence",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls],
- returnType : otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Recurrence,
- callable : null
}, {
name : "write",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8780,7 +12611,14 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
modifiers : 512,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [jl_String, otci_CharFlow],
- returnType : otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$DSTZone,
+ returnType : otcit_StorableDateTimeZone,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "filterRules",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, ju_List],
+ returnType : ju_List,
callable : null
}, {
name : "asZoneRules",
@@ -8790,72 +12628,7 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : jtz_ZoneRules,
callable : null
- nms_RenderWolf.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getTailRotation",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWolf, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_82447_a",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWolf, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_110914_a",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityWolf],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shouldRenderPass",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "bindTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "handleRotationFloat",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getEntityTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_19.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_9.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8878,21 +12651,121 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : nms_Entity,
callable : null
- nms_RenderEntity.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_NBTTagDouble.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "doRender",
+ name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_doublecls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "write",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [ji_DataOutput],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "load",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [ji_DataInput, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getId",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_bytecls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "copy",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : nms_NBTBase,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "equals",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hashCode",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderSlime.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldSlimeRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntitySlime, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "scaleSlime",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntitySlime, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getSlimeTextures",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntitySlime],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "preRenderCallback",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "getEntityTexture",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8900,6 +12773,339 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_GroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ otji_JSWrapper.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "wrap",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "createWeakRef",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otjc_JSWeakRef,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "deref",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjc_JSWeakRef],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "register",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjc_JSFinalizationRegistry, otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjc_JSMap, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otjc_JSWeakRef,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "set",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjc_JSMap, otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjc_JSWeakMap, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otjc_JSWeakRef,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "set",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otjc_JSWeakMap, otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "maybeWrap",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "directJavaToJs",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "directJsToJava",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "dependencyJavaToJs",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "dependencyJsToJava",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "wrapperToJs",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otji_JSWrapper],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "jsToWrapper",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otji_JSWrapper,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isJava",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isJava",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isJSImplementation",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "unwrap",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "maybeUnwrap",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "javaToJs",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "jsToJava",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isJs",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isPrimitive",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "instanceOf",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hashCode",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bigintTruncate",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "equals",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isUndefined",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "lambda$static$1",
+ modifiers : 544,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "lambda$static$0",
+ modifiers : 544,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "createWeakRef$js_body$_2",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "deref$js_body$_3",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "register$js_body$_4",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get$js_body$_5",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "set$js_body$_6",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get$js_body$_7",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "set$js_body$_8",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject, otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bigintTruncate$js_body$_27",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isUndefined$js_body$_30",
+ modifiers : 768,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject],
+ returnType : otj_JSObject,
+ callable : null
nms_RenderCaveSpider.$meta.methods = [
@@ -8952,7 +13158,7 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_24.$meta.methods = [
+ ju_ArrayList.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -8961,144 +13167,194 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_World],
- returnType : nms_Entity,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_40.$meta.methods = [
- {
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_World],
- returnType : nms_Entity,
- callable : null
- }];
- nleg_FixedFunctionShader.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "refreshCoreGL",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "instance",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : nleg_FixedFunctionShader,
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls],
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Collection],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "setupArrayForProgram",
+ name : "trimToSize",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "useProgram",
+ name : "ensureCapacity",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "get",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getFirst",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ returnType : jl_Object,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "unuseProgram",
+ name : "getLast",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ returnType : jl_Object,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "optimize",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "update",
+ name : "size",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "lambda$new$0",
- modifiers : 32,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [nlea_EaglerAdapterImpl2$BufferArrayGL, nlea_EaglerAdapterImpl2$BufferGL],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
+ name : "clone",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- jt_DateFormatElement$EraText.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jt_DateFormatSymbols],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ returnType : jl_Object,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "format",
+ name : "set",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Calendar, jl_StringBuffer],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "parse",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Calendar, jt_ParsePosition],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "equals",
+ name : "add",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "add",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addFirst",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addLast",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "removeFirst",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "removeLast",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "checkIfNotEmpty",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "remove",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "remove",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "clear",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "addAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, ju_Collection],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "removeRange",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "checkIndex",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "checkIndexForAdd",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 1,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "replaceAll",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [juf_UnaryOperator],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "forEach",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [juf_Consumer],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "toString",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "hashCode",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9106,80 +13362,66 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "sort",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [ju_Comparator],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
- nms_RenderHorse.$meta.methods = [
+ jur_DotAllSet.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_110847_a",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityHorse, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_110846_a",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityHorse, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_110849_a",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityHorse],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_110848_b",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityHorse],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "preRenderCallback",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderModel",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "bindTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getEntityTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
accessLevel : 0,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getName",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jl_String,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : jur_AbstractSet,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "setNext",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getType",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "hasConsumed",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
- nms_RenderLightningBolt.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_RenderArrow.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9188,17 +13430,17 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "doRenderLightningBolt",
+ name : "renderArrow",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLightningBolt, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityArrow, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "func_110805_a",
+ name : "getArrowTextures",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLightningBolt],
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityArrow],
returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
callable : null
}, {
@@ -9215,36 +13457,226 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
- jt_DateFormatElement$NumericMonth.$meta.methods = [
+ ju_Arrays$ArrayAsList.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Object)],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "processBeforeFormat",
+ name : "get",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
+ accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ returnType : jl_Object,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "processAfterParse",
+ name : "set",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_Object],
+ returnType : jl_Object,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "size",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
- nlea_EaglerAdapterImpl2$AudioBufferSourceNodeX.$meta.methods = [
+ otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Transition.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [otjw_AudioBufferSourceNode, otjw_PannerNode, otjw_GainNode, $rt_booleancls],
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Transition],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Rule, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getMillis",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_longcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getWallOffset",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getStandardOffset",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getSaveMillis",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isTransitionFrom",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [otcit_DateTimeZoneBuilder$Transition],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_TexturePackDefault.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "loadDescription",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_98140_c",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "isCompatible",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_98139_b",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : ji_InputStream,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getResourceAsBytes",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String],
+ returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls),
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_BehaviorDispenseMinecart.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "dispenseStack",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_IBlockSource, nms_ItemStack],
+ returnType : nms_ItemStack,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "playDispenseSound",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_IBlockSource],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_StatCrafting.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_String, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getItemID",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ nms_RenderFish.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderFishHook",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityFishHook, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_110791_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityFishHook],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "getEntityTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
+ returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRender",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 512,
+ accessLevel : 0,
+ parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
@@ -9278,276 +13710,39 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
- jur_SupplCharSet.$meta.methods = [
+ jl_Object$monitorEnterWait$lambda$_6_0.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
+ parameterTypes : [jl_Thread, jl_Object, $rt_intcls, oti_AsyncCallback],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "accepts",
+ name : "run",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "find",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "findBack",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getCodePoint",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "first",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_RenderVillager.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shouldVillagerRenderPass",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityVillager, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderVillager",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityVillager, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "func_110902_a",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityVillager],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderVillagerEquipedItems",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityVillager, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "preRenderVillager",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityVillager, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doRenderLiving",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "preRenderCallback",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "shouldRenderPass",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "bindTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderEquippedItems",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderPlayer",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getEntityTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doRender",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- nms_NBTTagFloat.$meta.methods = [
+ jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "write",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [ji_DataOutput],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "load",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [ji_DataInput, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getId",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_bytecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "copy",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : nms_NBTBase,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "equals",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hashCode",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_RecipesMapCloning.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
name : "matches",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting, nms_World],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getCraftingResult",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_InventoryCrafting],
- returnType : nms_ItemStack,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getRecipeSize",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getRecipeOutput",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : nms_ItemStack,
- callable : null
- nle_EaglerProfile$EaglerProfileSkin.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls), $rt_booleancls, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9563,158 +13758,51 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
- ju_Currency.$meta.methods = [
+ jnci_UTF16Charset.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [otcic_CurrencyResource],
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls, $rt_booleancls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "initCurrencies",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getInstance",
- modifiers : 512,
+ name : "contains",
+ modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : ju_Currency,
+ parameterTypes : [jnc_Charset],
+ returnType : $rt_booleancls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "getInstance",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Locale],
- returnType : ju_Currency,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getAvailableCurrencies",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : ju_Set,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getCurrencyCode",
+ name : "newDecoder",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
+ returnType : jnc_CharsetDecoder,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "getSymbol",
+ name : "newEncoder",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getSymbol",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Locale],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getDefaultFractionDigits",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getNumericCode",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getDisplayName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getDisplayName",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [ju_Locale],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "toString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : jl_String,
+ returnType : jnc_CharsetEncoder,
callable : null
- nms_RenderXPOrb.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_NBTTagInt.$meta.methods = [
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderTheXPOrb",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityXPOrb, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getExperienceOrbTextures",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityXPOrb],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getEntityTexture",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doRender",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_NBTTagCompound.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [jl_String],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "write",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9729,13 +13817,6 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [ji_DataInput, $rt_intcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getTags",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : ju_Collection,
- callable : null
}, {
name : "getId",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9743,195 +13824,6 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_bytecls,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setTag",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, nms_NBTBase],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setByte",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_bytecls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setShort",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_shortcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setInteger",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setLong",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_longcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setFloat",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setDouble",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_doublecls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setByteArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setIntArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls($rt_intcls)],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setCompoundTag",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, nms_NBTTagCompound],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "setBoolean",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getTag",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : nms_NBTBase,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hasKey",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getByte",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_bytecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getShort",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_shortcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getInteger",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getLong",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_longcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getFloat",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_floatcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getDouble",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_doublecls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getString",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : jl_String,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getByteArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls),
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getIntArray",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_intcls),
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getCompoundTag",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : nms_NBTTagCompound,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getTagList",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : nms_NBTTagList,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getBoolean",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "removeTag",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
}, {
name : "toString",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9939,20 +13831,6 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : jl_String,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "hasNoTags",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_booleancls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "createCrashReport",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 1,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls, jl_ClassCastException],
- returnType : nms_CrashReport,
- callable : null
}, {
name : "copy",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -9974,22 +13852,24 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [],
returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getTagMap",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_NBTTagCompound],
- returnType : ju_Map,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getStringOrNull",
+ }];
+ jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_String],
- returnType : jl_String,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_29.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_12.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -10012,37 +13892,7 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : nms_Entity,
callable : null
- nms_EnchantmentArrowKnockback.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, $rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getMinEnchantability",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getMaxEnchantability",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getMaxLevel",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_intcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_EntityList$_clinit_$lambda$_63_32.$meta.methods = [
+ nms_RenderPlayer.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
@@ -10051,47 +13901,73 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "apply",
- modifiers : 64,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [jl_Object],
- returnType : jl_Object,
+ name : "setArmorModel",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "apply",
+ name : "func_130220_b",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_World],
- returnType : nms_Entity,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_RenderGhast.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [],
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "func_110867_a",
+ name : "renderPlayer",
modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityGhast],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "preRenderGhast",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityGhast, $rt_floatcls],
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "bindTexture",
+ name : "renderSpecials",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayerScale",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_96450_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, jl_String, $rt_floatcls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderFirstPersonArm",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderPlayerSleep",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "rotatePlayer",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityPlayer, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "func_96449_a",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, jl_String, $rt_floatcls, $rt_doublecls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
@@ -10102,62 +13978,18 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "getEntityTexture",
+ name : "func_82408_c",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_Entity],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 512,
- accessLevel : 0,
- parameterTypes : [],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }];
- nms_RenderMooshroom.$meta.methods = [
- {
- name : "",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_ModelBase, $rt_floatcls],
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "bindTexture",
+ name : "shouldRenderPass",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderLivingMooshroom",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMooshroom, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "getMooshroomTextures",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMooshroom],
- returnType : nle_TextureLocation,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "renderMooshroomEquippedItems",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 2,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityMooshroom, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
- callable : null
- }, {
- name : "doRenderLiving",
- modifiers : 0,
- accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLiving, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
- returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_intcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
callable : null
}, {
name : "renderEquippedItems",
@@ -10167,7 +13999,21 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
}, {
- name : "renderPlayer",
+ name : "rotateCorpse",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "renderLivingAt",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "doRenderLiving",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
@@ -10187,6 +14033,13 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
parameterTypes : [nms_Entity, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_doublecls, $rt_floatcls, $rt_floatcls],
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "bindTexture",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 2,
+ parameterTypes : [nms_EntityLivingBase],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
}, {
name : "",
modifiers : 512,
@@ -10960,12 +14813,35 @@ jl_Class_createMetadata = () => {
returnType : $rt_voidcls,
callable : null
- jur_LowSurrogateCharSet.$meta.methods = [
+ jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [
name : "",
modifiers : 0,
accessLevel : 3,
- parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls],
+ parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "matches",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls, jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl],
+ returnType : $rt_intcls,
+ callable : null
+ }];
+ jur_CompositeRangeSet.$meta.methods = [
+ {
+ name : "",
+ modifiers : 0,
+ accessLevel : 3,
+ parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet],
+ returnType : $rt_voidcls,
+ callable : null
+ }, {
+ name : "