package net.minecraft.block; import net.lax1dude.eaglercraft.v1_8.EaglercraftRandom; import net.lax1dude.eaglercraft.v1_8.cache.EaglerLoadingCache; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import; import; import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockWorldState; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.block.state.pattern.BlockPattern; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemMonsterPlacer; import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.EnumWorldBlockLayer; import; import; /**+ * This portion of EaglercraftX contains deobfuscated Minecraft 1.8 source code. * * Minecraft 1.8.8 bytecode is (c) 2015 Mojang AB. "Do not distribute!" * Mod Coder Pack v9.18 deobfuscation configs are (c) Copyright by the MCP Team * * EaglercraftX 1.8 patch files (c) 2022-2024 lax1dude, ayunami2000. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ public class BlockPortal extends BlockBreakable { public static final PropertyEnum AXIS = PropertyEnum.create("axis", EnumFacing.Axis.class, new EnumFacing.Axis[] { EnumFacing.Axis.X, EnumFacing.Axis.Z }); public BlockPortal() { super(Material.portal, false); this.setDefaultState(this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(AXIS, EnumFacing.Axis.X)); this.setTickRandomly(true); } public void updateTick(World world, BlockPos blockpos, IBlockState iblockstate, EaglercraftRandom random) { super.updateTick(world, blockpos, iblockstate, random); if (world.provider.isSurfaceWorld() && world.getGameRules().getBoolean("doMobSpawning") && random.nextInt(2000) < world.getDifficulty().getDifficultyId()) { int i = blockpos.getY(); BlockPos blockpos1; for (blockpos1 = blockpos; !World.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(world, blockpos1) && blockpos1.getY() > 0; blockpos1 = blockpos1.down()) { ; } if (i > 0 && !world.getBlockState(blockpos1.up()).getBlock().isNormalCube()) { Entity entity = ItemMonsterPlacer.spawnCreature(world, 57, (double) blockpos1.getX() + 0.5D, (double) blockpos1.getY() + 1.1D, (double) blockpos1.getZ() + 0.5D); if (entity != null) { entity.timeUntilPortal = entity.getPortalCooldown(); } } } } public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBox(World var1, BlockPos var2, IBlockState var3) { return null; } public void setBlockBoundsBasedOnState(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, BlockPos blockpos) { EnumFacing.Axis enumfacing$axis = (EnumFacing.Axis) iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos).getValue(AXIS); float f = 0.125F; float f1 = 0.125F; if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X) { f = 0.5F; } if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z) { f1 = 0.5F; } this.setBlockBounds(0.5F - f, 0.0F, 0.5F - f1, 0.5F + f, 1.0F, 0.5F + f1); } public static int getMetaForAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axis) { return axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X ? 1 : (axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z ? 2 : 0); } public boolean isFullCube() { return false; } public boolean func_176548_d(World worldIn, BlockPos parBlockPos) { BlockPortal.Size blockportal$size = new BlockPortal.Size(worldIn, parBlockPos, EnumFacing.Axis.X); if (blockportal$size.func_150860_b() && blockportal$size.field_150864_e == 0) { blockportal$size.func_150859_c(); return true; } else { BlockPortal.Size blockportal$size1 = new BlockPortal.Size(worldIn, parBlockPos, EnumFacing.Axis.Z); if (blockportal$size1.func_150860_b() && blockportal$size1.field_150864_e == 0) { blockportal$size1.func_150859_c(); return true; } else { return false; } } } /**+ * Called when a neighboring block changes. */ public void onNeighborBlockChange(World world, BlockPos blockpos, IBlockState iblockstate, Block var4) { EnumFacing.Axis enumfacing$axis = (EnumFacing.Axis) iblockstate.getValue(AXIS); if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X) { BlockPortal.Size blockportal$size = new BlockPortal.Size(world, blockpos, EnumFacing.Axis.X); if (!blockportal$size.func_150860_b() || blockportal$size.field_150864_e < blockportal$size.field_150868_h * blockportal$size.field_150862_g) { world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.air.getDefaultState()); } } else if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z) { BlockPortal.Size blockportal$size1 = new BlockPortal.Size(world, blockpos, EnumFacing.Axis.Z); if (!blockportal$size1.func_150860_b() || blockportal$size1.field_150864_e < blockportal$size1.field_150868_h * blockportal$size1.field_150862_g) { world.setBlockState(blockpos, Blocks.air.getDefaultState()); } } } public boolean shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess iblockaccess, BlockPos blockpos, EnumFacing enumfacing) { EnumFacing.Axis enumfacing$axis = null; IBlockState iblockstate = iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos); if (iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos).getBlock() == this) { enumfacing$axis = (EnumFacing.Axis) iblockstate.getValue(AXIS); if (enumfacing$axis == null) { return false; } if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z && enumfacing != EnumFacing.EAST && enumfacing != EnumFacing.WEST) { return false; } if (enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X && enumfacing != EnumFacing.SOUTH && enumfacing != EnumFacing.NORTH) { return false; } } boolean flag = iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.west()).getBlock() == this && iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.west(2)).getBlock() != this; boolean flag1 = iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.east()).getBlock() == this && iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.east(2)).getBlock() != this; boolean flag2 = iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.north()).getBlock() == this && iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.north(2)).getBlock() != this; boolean flag3 = iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.south()).getBlock() == this && iblockaccess.getBlockState(blockpos.south(2)).getBlock() != this; boolean flag4 = flag || flag1 || enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.X; boolean flag5 = flag2 || flag3 || enumfacing$axis == EnumFacing.Axis.Z; return flag4 && enumfacing == EnumFacing.WEST ? true : (flag4 && enumfacing == EnumFacing.EAST ? true : (flag5 && enumfacing == EnumFacing.NORTH ? true : flag5 && enumfacing == EnumFacing.SOUTH)); } /**+ * Returns the quantity of items to drop on block destruction. */ public int quantityDropped(EaglercraftRandom var1) { return 0; } public EnumWorldBlockLayer getBlockLayer() { return EnumWorldBlockLayer.TRANSLUCENT; } /**+ * Called When an Entity Collided with the Block */ public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World var1, BlockPos blockpos, IBlockState var3, Entity entity) { if (entity.ridingEntity == null && entity.riddenByEntity == null) { entity.func_181015_d(blockpos); } } public void randomDisplayTick(World world, BlockPos blockpos, IBlockState var3, EaglercraftRandom random) { if (random.nextInt(100) == 0) { world.playSound((double) blockpos.getX() + 0.5D, (double) blockpos.getY() + 0.5D, (double) blockpos.getZ() + 0.5D, "portal.portal", 0.5F, random.nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F, false); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { double d0 = (double) ((float) blockpos.getX() + random.nextFloat()); double d1 = (double) ((float) blockpos.getY() + random.nextFloat()); double d2 = (double) ((float) blockpos.getZ() + random.nextFloat()); double d3 = ((double) random.nextFloat() - 0.5D) * 0.5D; double d4 = ((double) random.nextFloat() - 0.5D) * 0.5D; double d5 = ((double) random.nextFloat() - 0.5D) * 0.5D; int j = random.nextInt(2) * 2 - 1; if (world.getBlockState(blockpos.west()).getBlock() != this && world.getBlockState(blockpos.east()).getBlock() != this) { d0 = (double) blockpos.getX() + 0.5D + 0.25D * (double) j; d3 = (double) (random.nextFloat() * 2.0F * (float) j); } else { d2 = (double) blockpos.getZ() + 0.5D + 0.25D * (double) j; d5 = (double) (random.nextFloat() * 2.0F * (float) j); } world.spawnParticle(EnumParticleTypes.PORTAL, d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, new int[0]); } } public Item getItem(World var1, BlockPos var2) { return null; } /**+ * Convert the given metadata into a BlockState for this Block */ public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int i) { return this.getDefaultState().withProperty(AXIS, (i & 3) == 2 ? EnumFacing.Axis.Z : EnumFacing.Axis.X); } /**+ * Convert the BlockState into the correct metadata value */ public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState iblockstate) { return getMetaForAxis((EnumFacing.Axis) iblockstate.getValue(AXIS)); } protected BlockState createBlockState() { return new BlockState(this, new IProperty[] { AXIS }); } public BlockPattern.PatternHelper func_181089_f(World parWorld, BlockPos parBlockPos) { EnumFacing.Axis enumfacing$axis = EnumFacing.Axis.Z; BlockPortal.Size blockportal$size = new BlockPortal.Size(parWorld, parBlockPos, EnumFacing.Axis.X); EaglerLoadingCache loadingcache = BlockPattern.func_181627_a(parWorld, true); if (!blockportal$size.func_150860_b()) { enumfacing$axis = EnumFacing.Axis.X; blockportal$size = new BlockPortal.Size(parWorld, parBlockPos, EnumFacing.Axis.Z); } if (!blockportal$size.func_150860_b()) { return new BlockPattern.PatternHelper(parBlockPos, EnumFacing.NORTH, EnumFacing.UP, loadingcache, 1, 1, 1); } else { EnumFacing.AxisDirection[] axis = EnumFacing.AxisDirection._VALUES; int[] aint = new int[axis.length]; EnumFacing enumfacing = blockportal$size.field_150866_c.rotateYCCW(); BlockPos blockpos = blockportal$size.field_150861_f.up(blockportal$size.func_181100_a() - 1); for (int k = 0; k < axis.length; ++k) { EnumFacing.AxisDirection enumfacing$axisdirection = axis[k]; BlockPattern.PatternHelper blockpattern$patternhelper = new BlockPattern.PatternHelper( enumfacing.getAxisDirection() == enumfacing$axisdirection ? blockpos : blockpos.offset(blockportal$size.field_150866_c, blockportal$size.func_181101_b() - 1), EnumFacing.func_181076_a(enumfacing$axisdirection, enumfacing$axis), EnumFacing.UP, loadingcache, blockportal$size.func_181101_b(), blockportal$size.func_181100_a(), 1); for (int i = 0; i < blockportal$size.func_181101_b(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < blockportal$size.func_181100_a(); ++j) { BlockWorldState blockworldstate = blockpattern$patternhelper.translateOffset(i, j, 1); if (blockworldstate.getBlockState() != null && blockworldstate.getBlockState().getBlock().getMaterial() != Material.air) { ++aint[enumfacing$axisdirection.ordinal()]; } } } } EnumFacing.AxisDirection enumfacing$axisdirection1 = EnumFacing.AxisDirection.POSITIVE; for (int k = 0; k < axis.length; ++k) { EnumFacing.AxisDirection enumfacing$axisdirection2 = axis[k]; if (aint[enumfacing$axisdirection2.ordinal()] < aint[enumfacing$axisdirection1.ordinal()]) { enumfacing$axisdirection1 = enumfacing$axisdirection2; } } return new BlockPattern.PatternHelper( enumfacing.getAxisDirection() == enumfacing$axisdirection1 ? blockpos : blockpos.offset(blockportal$size.field_150866_c, blockportal$size.func_181101_b() - 1), EnumFacing.func_181076_a(enumfacing$axisdirection1, enumfacing$axis), EnumFacing.UP, loadingcache, blockportal$size.func_181101_b(), blockportal$size.func_181100_a(), 1); } } public static class Size { private final World world; private final EnumFacing.Axis axis; private final EnumFacing field_150866_c; private final EnumFacing field_150863_d; private int field_150864_e = 0; private BlockPos field_150861_f; private int field_150862_g; private int field_150868_h; public Size(World worldIn, BlockPos parBlockPos, EnumFacing.Axis parAxis) { = worldIn; this.axis = parAxis; if (parAxis == EnumFacing.Axis.X) { this.field_150863_d = EnumFacing.EAST; this.field_150866_c = EnumFacing.WEST; } else { this.field_150863_d = EnumFacing.NORTH; this.field_150866_c = EnumFacing.SOUTH; } for (BlockPos blockpos = parBlockPos; parBlockPos.getY() > blockpos.getY() - 21 && parBlockPos.getY() > 0 && this.func_150857_a( worldIn.getBlockState(parBlockPos.down()).getBlock()); parBlockPos = parBlockPos.down()) { ; } int i = this.func_180120_a(parBlockPos, this.field_150863_d) - 1; if (i >= 0) { this.field_150861_f = parBlockPos.offset(this.field_150863_d, i); this.field_150868_h = this.func_180120_a(this.field_150861_f, this.field_150866_c); if (this.field_150868_h < 2 || this.field_150868_h > 21) { this.field_150861_f = null; this.field_150868_h = 0; } } if (this.field_150861_f != null) { this.field_150862_g = this.func_150858_a(); } } protected int func_180120_a(BlockPos parBlockPos, EnumFacing parEnumFacing) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 22; ++i) { BlockPos blockpos = parBlockPos.offset(parEnumFacing, i); if (!this.func_150857_a( || != Blocks.obsidian) { break; } } Block block =, i)).getBlock(); return block == Blocks.obsidian ? i : 0; } public int func_181100_a() { return this.field_150862_g; } public int func_181101_b() { return this.field_150868_h; } protected int func_150858_a() { label24: for (this.field_150862_g = 0; this.field_150862_g < 21; ++this.field_150862_g) { for (int i = 0; i < this.field_150868_h; ++i) { BlockPos blockpos = this.field_150861_f.offset(this.field_150866_c, i).up(this.field_150862_g); Block block =; if (!this.func_150857_a(block)) { break label24; } if (block == Blocks.portal) { ++this.field_150864_e; } if (i == 0) { block =; if (block != Blocks.obsidian) { break label24; } } else if (i == this.field_150868_h - 1) { block =; if (block != Blocks.obsidian) { break label24; } } } } for (int j = 0; j < this.field_150868_h; ++j) { if (, j).up(this.field_150862_g)) .getBlock() != Blocks.obsidian) { this.field_150862_g = 0; break; } } if (this.field_150862_g <= 21 && this.field_150862_g >= 3) { return this.field_150862_g; } else { this.field_150861_f = null; this.field_150868_h = 0; this.field_150862_g = 0; return 0; } } protected boolean func_150857_a(Block parBlock) { return parBlock.blockMaterial == Material.air || parBlock == || parBlock == Blocks.portal; } public boolean func_150860_b() { return this.field_150861_f != null && this.field_150868_h >= 2 && this.field_150868_h <= 21 && this.field_150862_g >= 3 && this.field_150862_g <= 21; } public void func_150859_c() { for (int i = 0; i < this.field_150868_h; ++i) { BlockPos blockpos = this.field_150861_f.offset(this.field_150866_c, i); for (int j = 0; j < this.field_150862_g; ++j) {, Blocks.portal.getDefaultState().withProperty(BlockPortal.AXIS, this.axis), 2); } } } } }