class IRCServer { constructor(opCodes, mcUsername) { this.opCodes = opCodes; this.mcUsername = mcUsername; this.userKey = null; this.pingIntervalId = null; } connect() { this.mcUsername = ModAPI.getProfileName(); // Create WebSocket connection this.socket = new WebSocket('wss://'); // Set up WebSocket event listeners this.socket.addEventListener('open', () => this.onOpen()); this.socket.addEventListener('message', event => this.onMessage(; this.socket.addEventListener('close', () => this.onClose()); this.socket.addEventListener('error', () => { this.sendIRCMessage('WebSocket error occurred'); }); } onOpen() { console.log('[IRC] Connected to IRC'); const object = { op: this.opCodes.CONNECT, d: this.mcUsername }; this.sendMessage(JSON.stringify(object)); // Set a periodic task for pinging the server this.pingIntervalId = setInterval(() => { const ping = { op: this.opCodes.PING, d: '' }; this.sendMessage(JSON.stringify(ping)); }, 20000); this.sendIRCMessage('Connected to IRC'); } onMessage(message) { const object = JSON.parse(message); if (object.hasOwnProperty('op') && object.hasOwnProperty('d')) { const opCode = object.op; const data = object.d; switch (opCode) { case this.opCodes.ID: this.userKey = data; console.log('[IRC] User key received.'); break; case this.opCodes.MESSAGE_RECEIVE: this.sendIRCMessage(data); break; case this.opCodes.DISCONNECTED: this.sendIRCMessage(`Disconnected from IRC: ${data}`); break; case this.opCodes.INVALID: console.log('[IRC] Received an invalid opcode.'); break; case this.opCodes.PING: break; default: console.log(`[IRC] Unknown opcode: ${opCode}`); break; } } } onClose() { this.sendIRCMessage('You were disconnected from the IRC chat.'); console.log('[IRC] Disconnected.'); if (this.pingIntervalId) { clearInterval(this.pingIntervalId); } } disconnect() { if (this.pingIntervalId) { clearInterval(this.pingIntervalId); } if (this.socket) { this.socket.close(); } } sendMessage(msg) { if (this.socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { this.socket.send(msg); } else { this.sendIRCMessage('You are not currently connected to the IRC server'); } } sendIRCChatMessage(message) { const object = { op: this.opCodes.MESSAGE_SEND, d: message }; this.sendMessage(JSON.stringify(object)); } sendIRCMessage(message) { // Assuming you have a function or a way to display messages in your IRC client ModAPI.displayToChat({msg: `[IRC MESSAGE]: ${message}`}); } } // Define the OpCodes based on the provided Java interface const OpCodes = { DISCONNECTED: 6969, INVALID: 69420, ID: -1, CONNECT: 0, MESSAGE_SEND: 1, MESSAGE_RECEIVE: 2, PING: 90 }; var mcUsername = ModAPI.getProfileName(); var ircServer = new IRCServer(OpCodes, mcUsername); ModAPI.addEventListener("sendchatmessage", (ev) => { const message = ev.message; if (message.startsWith("@")) { const parsed = message.substring(1); ircServer.sendIRCChatMessage(parsed); } else if (message.startsWith(".")) { if (message === ".help") { ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: "IRC> Here's a list of commands:" }); ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: ".connect - Connect to the IRC server" }); ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: ".disconnect - Disconnect from the IRC server" }); ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: "To send a message to the IRC server, use @" }); } else if (message === ".connect") { ircServer.connect(); ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: "IRC> Connecting to IRC..." }); } else if (message === ".disconnect") { ircServer.disconnect(); ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: "IRC> Disconnecting from IRC..." }); } else { ModAPI.displayToChat({ msg: "IRC> Unknown command. Type .help for a full list of commands!" }); } } ev.preventDefault = true; });