const templateClassdef = ` //CLASSDEF FOR %classname% BaseData reflect_%classname% = new ModData(); ArrayList reflect_%classname%_constructors = new ArrayList(); %constructordefs% BaseData[] reflect_%classname%_constructors_arr = new BaseData[reflectProfiles.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < reflect_%classname%_constructors_arr.length; i++) { reflect_%classname%_constructors_arr[i] = reflect_%classname%_constructors.get(i); } ArrayList reflect_%classname%_methods = new ArrayList(); %methoddefs% BaseData[] reflect_%classname%_methods_arr = new BaseData[reflectProfiles.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < reflect_%classname%_methods_arr.length; i++) { reflect_%classname%_methods_arr[i] = reflect_%classname%_methods.get(i); } reflect_%classname%.set("constructors", reflect_%classname%_constructors_arr); reflect_%classname%.set("methods", reflect_%classname%_methods_arr); reflect_%classname%.set("className", "%classname%"); reflect_%classname%.set("class", %classname%.class); reflectProfiles.add(reflect_%classname%); `; //IXCVVIX //CXVIIVX //MVVMCXI const templateConstructor = ` BaseData reflect_%classname%_constructor_%constructorname%_%idx% = new ModData(); reflect_%classname%_constructor_%constructorname%_%idx%.set("returnType", %returntype%); reflect_%classname%_constructor_%constructorname%_%idx%.set("argnames", %argkeys%); reflect_%classname%_constructor_%constructorname%_%idx%.set("argtypes", %argvalues%); reflect_%classname%_constructors_%idx%.%constructorimpl% reflect_%classname%_constructors.add(reflect_%classname%_constructor_%constructorname%_%idx%); `; const templateMethod = ` BaseData reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx% = new ModData(); reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%.set("methodName", "%methodname%"); reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%.set("returnType", %returntype%); reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%.set("static", %static%); reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%.set("argnames", %argkeys%); reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%.set("argtypes", %argvalues%); reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%.%methodimpl% reflect_%classname%_methods.add(reflect_%classname%_method_%methodname%_%idx%); `; const templateManager = ` import net.eaglerforge.api.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class PLReflect { public static ModData makeModData() { ModData plReflectGlobal = new ModData(); ArrayList reflectProfiles = new ArrayList(); %classdefs% BaseData[] reflectProfilesArr = new BaseData[reflectProfiles.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < reflectProfilesArr.length; i++) { reflectProfilesArr[i] = reflectProfiles.get(i); } plReflectGlobal.set("classes", reflectProfilesArr); return plReflectGlobal; } }`; function wait(d) { return new Promise((res, rej)=>{ setTimeout(()=>{res()}, d*1000); }); } function logClear() { document.querySelector("#logs").innerText = ""; } function logTxt(txt) { if (document.querySelector("#logs").innerText === "") { document.querySelector("#logs").innerText += txt; } else { document.querySelector("#logs").innerText += "\n" + txt; } document.querySelector("#logs").scrollTop = document.querySelector("#logs").scrollHeight; } function process(file, reader, classDataDump, className) { return new Promise((res, rej)=>{ reader.addEventListener("load", ()=>{ var output = reader.result; classDataDump[className] = (reconJ(output, className)); res(output); }); reader.readAsText(file); }); } function createManagerFile(managerTemplate, config, zip, dataDump, classIdMap) { var manager = managerTemplate; var filePath = config.managerFile.replaceAll(".", "/") + ".java"; for (let i = 0; i < config.targetFiles.length; i++) { manager = `import ${config.targetFiles[i]}` + ";\n" + manager; } var imports = []; var classText = ""; var classes = Object.keys(dataDump); for (let i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { const className = classes[i]; imports = [ Set(imports.concat(dataDump[className].usedClasses))]; var tmpClassText = templateClassdef; tmpClassText = tmpClassText.replaceAll("%classname%", className); var constructorText = ""; for (let i = 0; i < dataDump[className].constructors.length; i++) { const constructor = dataDump[className].constructors[i]; var tmpConstructorText = templateConstructor; tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%classname%", className); tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%idx%", constructor.idx); tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%constructorname%",; tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%returntype%", "\""+className+"\""); tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%argkeys%", `new String[]{${(()=>{ var txt = ""; var argumentKeys = Object.keys(constructor.arguments); for (let i = 0; i < argumentKeys.length; i++) { const k = argumentKeys[i]; txt += `"${k}"`; if (i !== argumentKeys.length - 1) { txt += ", "; } } return txt; })()}}`); tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%argvalues%", `new String[]{${(()=>{ var txt = ""; var argumentKeys = Object.keys(constructor.arguments); for (let i = 0; i < argumentKeys.length; i++) { const k = argumentKeys[i]; txt += `"${constructor.arguments[k]}"`; if (i !== argumentKeys.length - 1) { txt += ", "; } } return txt; })()}}`); tmpConstructorText = tmpConstructorText.replaceAll("%constructorimpl%", constructor.impl); constructorText += tmpConstructorText; } tmpClassText = tmpClassText.replaceAll("%constructordefs%", constructorText); var methodText = ""; for (let i = 0; i < dataDump[className].methods.length; i++) { const method = dataDump[className].methods[i]; var tmpMethodText = templateMethod; tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%classname%", className); tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%idx%", method.idx); tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%static%", method.isStatic); tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%methodname%",; tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%returntype%", "\""+className+"\""); tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%argkeys%", `new String[]{${(()=>{ var txt = ""; var argumentKeys = Object.keys(method.arguments); for (let i = 0; i < argumentKeys.length; i++) { const k = argumentKeys[i]; txt += `"${k}"`; if (i !== argumentKeys.length - 1) { txt += ", "; } } return txt; })()}}`); tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%argvalues%", `new String[]{${(()=>{ var txt = ""; var argumentKeys = Object.keys(method.arguments); for (let i = 0; i < argumentKeys.length; i++) { const k = argumentKeys[i]; txt += `"${method.arguments[k]}"`; if (i !== argumentKeys.length - 1) { txt += ", "; } } return txt; })()}}`); tmpMethodText = tmpMethodText.replaceAll("%methodimpl%", method.impl); methodText += tmpMethodText; } tmpClassText = tmpClassText.replaceAll("%methoddefs%", methodText); classText += tmpClassText; } for (let i = 0; i < config.imports.length; i++) { manager = `import ${config.imports[i]}` + ";\n" + manager; logTxt(`Force imported classid: ${config.imports[i]}`); } if (config.attemptAutoImport) { for (let i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) { if (classIdMap.has(imports[i])) { manager = `import ${classIdMap.get(imports[i])}` + ";\n" + manager; logTxt(`Imported classid: ${classIdMap.get(imports[i])}`); } } } manager = `package ${config.managerFile.match(/(.*)(?=\.[^.]*$)/g)[0]}` + ";\n" + manager; manager = manager.replaceAll("%classdefs%", classText); zip.file(filePath, manager); } async function generate(fileList) { var classToLocationMap = new Map(); var cfg; var output = new JSZip(); const reader = new FileReader(); var classDataDump = {}; logClear(); logTxt("[INIT] Build @ "+(new Date())); if (!fileList || fileList.length === 0) { logTxt("[ERROR] Filelist is empty.") return; } try { cfg = JSON.parse(document.querySelector("#config").value.trim()); } catch (e) { logTxt("[ERROR] Invalid config."); return; } if (!cfg.targetFiles) { logTxt("[ERROR] Invalid config."); } for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { const file = fileList[i]; if (file.webkitRelativePath.endsWith(".java")) { var classId = file.webkitRelativePath.replaceAll("java/", "").replaceAll(".java", "").replaceAll("/", "."); var className = classId.split(".")[classId.split(".").length - 1]; classToLocationMap.set(className, classId); if (cfg.targetFiles.includes(classId)) { logTxt("Found "+classId+" [""], processing..."); var javaFileContent = await process(file, reader, classDataDump, className); if (cfg.includeReadFiles) { output.file(file.webkitRelativePath.replaceAll("java/", ""), javaFileContent); } } } } logTxt(`Creating manager file...`); createManagerFile(templateManager, cfg, output, classDataDump, classToLocationMap); logTxt(`Writing log.txt...`); output.file("log.txt", document.querySelector("#logs").innerText); output.generateAsync({type:"blob"}).then(function(content) { saveAs(content, ""); }); } window.addEventListener("load", ()=>{ document.querySelector('#generate').addEventListener("click", ()=>{ generate(document.querySelector('#data').files); }); logClear(); logTxt("//Upload the ./src/main/java folder and press generate to begin code rewriting"); });