"use strict"; (function(root, module) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['exports'], function(exports) { module(root, exports); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && exports !== null && typeof exports.nodeName !== 'string') { module(global, exports); } else { module(root, root); } }(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function($rt_globals, $rt_exports) { var $rt_seed = 2463534242; function $rt_nextId() { var x = $rt_seed; x ^= x << 13; x ^= x >>> 17; x ^= x << 5; $rt_seed = x; return x; } function $rt_compare(a, b) { return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1; } function $rt_isInstance(obj, cls) { return obj instanceof $rt_objcls() && !!obj.constructor.$meta && $rt_isAssignable(obj.constructor, cls); } function $rt_isAssignable(from, to) { if (from === to) { return true; } if (to.$meta.item !== null) { return from.$meta.item !== null && $rt_isAssignable(from.$meta.item, to.$meta.item); } var supertypes = from.$meta.supertypes; for (var i = 0;i < supertypes.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { if ($rt_isAssignable(supertypes[i], to)) { return true; } } return false; } function $rt_castToInterface(obj, cls) { if (obj !== null && !$rt_isInstance(obj, cls)) { $rt_throwCCE(); } return obj; } function $rt_castToClass(obj, cls) { if (obj !== null && !(obj instanceof cls)) { $rt_throwCCE(); } return obj; } $rt_globals.Array.prototype.fill = $rt_globals.Array.prototype.fill || function(value, start, end) { var len = this.length; if (!len) return this; start = start | 0; var i = start < 0 ? $rt_globals.Math.max(len + start, 0) : $rt_globals.Math.min(start, len); end = end === $rt_globals.undefined ? len : end | 0; end = end < 0 ? $rt_globals.Math.max(len + end, 0) : $rt_globals.Math.min(end, len); for (;i < end;i++) { this[i] = value; } return this; }; function $rt_createArray(cls, sz) { var data = new $rt_globals.Array(sz); data.fill(null); return new $rt_array(cls, data); } function $rt_createArrayFromData(cls, init) { return $rt_wrapArray(cls, init); } function $rt_wrapArray(cls, data) { return new $rt_array(cls, data); } function $rt_createUnfilledArray(cls, sz) { return new $rt_array(cls, new $rt_globals.Array(sz)); } function $rt_createNumericArray(cls, nativeArray) { return new $rt_array(cls, nativeArray); } var $rt_createLongArray; var $rt_createLongArrayFromData; if (typeof $rt_globals.BigInt64Array !== 'function') { $rt_createLongArray = function(sz) { var data = new $rt_globals.Array(sz); var arr = new $rt_array($rt_longcls(), data); data.fill(Long_ZERO); return arr; }; $rt_createLongArrayFromData = function(init) { return new $rt_array($rt_longcls(), init); }; } else { $rt_createLongArray = function(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_longcls(), new $rt_globals.BigInt64Array(sz)); }; $rt_createLongArrayFromData = function(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.BigInt64Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_longcls(), buffer); }; } function $rt_createCharArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_charcls(), new $rt_globals.Uint16Array(sz)); } function $rt_createCharArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Uint16Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_charcls(), buffer); } function $rt_createByteArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_bytecls(), new $rt_globals.Int8Array(sz)); } function $rt_createByteArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Int8Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_bytecls(), buffer); } function $rt_createShortArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_shortcls(), new $rt_globals.Int16Array(sz)); } function $rt_createShortArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Int16Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_shortcls(), buffer); } function $rt_createIntArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_intcls(), new $rt_globals.Int32Array(sz)); } function $rt_createIntArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Int32Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_intcls(), buffer); } function $rt_createBooleanArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_booleancls(), new $rt_globals.Int8Array(sz)); } function $rt_createBooleanArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Int8Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_booleancls(), buffer); } function $rt_createFloatArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_floatcls(), new $rt_globals.Float32Array(sz)); } function $rt_createFloatArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Float32Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_floatcls(), buffer); } function $rt_createDoubleArray(sz) { return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_doublecls(), new $rt_globals.Float64Array(sz)); } function $rt_createDoubleArrayFromData(data) { var buffer = new $rt_globals.Float64Array(data.length); buffer.set(data); return $rt_createNumericArray($rt_doublecls(), buffer); } function $rt_arraycls(cls) { var result = cls.$array; if (result === null) { var arraycls = { }; var name = "[" + cls.$meta.binaryName; arraycls.$meta = { item : cls, supertypes : [$rt_objcls()], primitive : false, superclass : $rt_objcls(), name : name, binaryName : name, enum : false, simpleName : null, declaringClass : null, enclosingClass : null }; arraycls.classObject = null; arraycls.$array = null; result = arraycls; cls.$array = arraycls; } return result; } function $rt_createcls() { return { $array : null, classObject : null, $meta : { supertypes : [], superclass : null } }; } function $rt_createPrimitiveCls(name, binaryName) { var cls = $rt_createcls(); cls.$meta.primitive = true; cls.$meta.name = name; cls.$meta.binaryName = binaryName; cls.$meta.enum = false; cls.$meta.item = null; cls.$meta.simpleName = null; cls.$meta.declaringClass = null; cls.$meta.enclosingClass = null; return cls; } var $rt_booleanclsCache = null; function $rt_booleancls() { if ($rt_booleanclsCache === null) { $rt_booleanclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("boolean", "Z"); } return $rt_booleanclsCache; } var $rt_charclsCache = null; function $rt_charcls() { if ($rt_charclsCache === null) { $rt_charclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("char", "C"); } return $rt_charclsCache; } var $rt_byteclsCache = null; function $rt_bytecls() { if ($rt_byteclsCache === null) { $rt_byteclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("byte", "B"); } return $rt_byteclsCache; } var $rt_shortclsCache = null; function $rt_shortcls() { if ($rt_shortclsCache === null) { $rt_shortclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("short", "S"); } return $rt_shortclsCache; } var $rt_intclsCache = null; function $rt_intcls() { if ($rt_intclsCache === null) { $rt_intclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("int", "I"); } return $rt_intclsCache; } var $rt_longclsCache = null; function $rt_longcls() { if ($rt_longclsCache === null) { $rt_longclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("long", "J"); } return $rt_longclsCache; } var $rt_floatclsCache = null; function $rt_floatcls() { if ($rt_floatclsCache === null) { $rt_floatclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("float", "F"); } return $rt_floatclsCache; } var $rt_doubleclsCache = null; function $rt_doublecls() { if ($rt_doubleclsCache === null) { $rt_doubleclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("double", "D"); } return $rt_doubleclsCache; } var $rt_voidclsCache = null; function $rt_voidcls() { if ($rt_voidclsCache === null) { $rt_voidclsCache = $rt_createPrimitiveCls("void", "V"); } return $rt_voidclsCache; } function $rt_throw(ex) { throw $rt_exception(ex); } var $rt_javaExceptionProp = $rt_globals.Symbol("javaException"); function $rt_exception(ex) { var err = ex.$jsException; if (!err) { var javaCause = $rt_throwableCause(ex); var jsCause = javaCause !== null ? javaCause.$jsException : $rt_globals.undefined; var cause = typeof jsCause === "object" ? { cause : jsCause } : $rt_globals.undefined; err = new JavaError("Java exception thrown", cause); if (typeof $rt_globals.Error.captureStackTrace === "function") { $rt_globals.Error.captureStackTrace(err); } err[$rt_javaExceptionProp] = ex; ex.$jsException = err; $rt_fillStack(err, ex); } return err; } function $rt_fillStack(err, ex) { if (typeof $rt_decodeStack === "function" && err.stack) { var stack = $rt_decodeStack(err.stack); var javaStack = $rt_createArray($rt_stecls(), stack.length); var elem; var noStack = false; for (var i = 0;i < stack.length;++i) { var element = stack[i]; elem = $rt_createStackElement($rt_str(element.className), $rt_str(element.methodName), $rt_str(element.fileName), element.lineNumber); if (elem == null) { noStack = true; break; } javaStack.data[i] = elem; } if (!noStack) { $rt_setStack(ex, javaStack); } } } function $rt_createMultiArray(cls, dimensions) { var first = 0; for (var i = dimensions.length - 1;i >= 0;i = i - 1 | 0) { if (dimensions[i] === 0) { first = i; break; } } if (first > 0) { for (i = 0;i < first;i = i + 1 | 0) { cls = $rt_arraycls(cls); } if (first === dimensions.length - 1) { return $rt_createArray(cls, dimensions[first]); } } var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, first)); var firstDim = dimensions[first] | 0; for (i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createArray(cls, firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl(cls, arrays, dimensions, first); } function $rt_createByteMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_bytecls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createByteArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_bytecls(), arrays, dimensions); } function $rt_createCharMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_charcls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createCharArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_charcls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_createBooleanMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_booleancls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createBooleanArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_booleancls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_createShortMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_shortcls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createShortArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_shortcls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_createIntMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_intcls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createIntArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_intcls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_createLongMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_longcls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createLongArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_longcls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_createFloatMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_floatcls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createFloatArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_floatcls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_createDoubleMultiArray(dimensions) { var arrays = new $rt_globals.Array($rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, 0)); if (arrays.length === 0) { return $rt_createMultiArray($rt_doublecls(), dimensions); } var firstDim = dimensions[0] | 0; for (var i = 0;i < arrays.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { arrays[i] = $rt_createDoubleArray(firstDim); } return $rt_createMultiArrayImpl($rt_doublecls(), arrays, dimensions, 0); } function $rt_primitiveArrayCount(dimensions, start) { var val = dimensions[start + 1] | 0; for (var i = start + 2;i < dimensions.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { val = val * (dimensions[i] | 0) | 0; if (val === 0) { break; } } return val; } function $rt_createMultiArrayImpl(cls, arrays, dimensions, start) { var limit = arrays.length; for (var i = start + 1 | 0;i < dimensions.length;i = i + 1 | 0) { cls = $rt_arraycls(cls); var dim = dimensions[i]; var index = 0; var packedIndex = 0; while (index < limit) { var arr = $rt_createUnfilledArray(cls, dim); for (var j = 0;j < dim;j = j + 1 | 0) { arr.data[j] = arrays[index]; index = index + 1 | 0; } arrays[packedIndex] = arr; packedIndex = packedIndex + 1 | 0; } limit = packedIndex; } return arrays[0]; } function $rt_assertNotNaN(value) { if (typeof value === 'number' && $rt_globals.isNaN(value)) { throw "NaN"; } return value; } function $rt_createOutputFunction(printFunction) { var buffer = ""; var utf8Buffer = 0; var utf8Remaining = 0; function putCodePoint(ch) { if (ch === 0xA) { printFunction(buffer); buffer = ""; } else if (ch < 0x10000) { buffer += $rt_globals.String.fromCharCode(ch); } else { ch = ch - 0x10000 | 0; var hi = (ch >> 10) + 0xD800; var lo = (ch & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00; buffer += $rt_globals.String.fromCharCode(hi, lo); } } return function(ch) { if ((ch & 0x80) === 0) { putCodePoint(ch); } else if ((ch & 0xC0) === 0x80) { if (utf8Buffer > 0) { utf8Remaining <<= 6; utf8Remaining |= ch & 0x3F; if ( --utf8Buffer === 0) { putCodePoint(utf8Remaining); } } } else if ((ch & 0xE0) === 0xC0) { utf8Remaining = ch & 0x1F; utf8Buffer = 1; } else if ((ch & 0xF0) === 0xE0) { utf8Remaining = ch & 0x0F; utf8Buffer = 2; } else if ((ch & 0xF8) === 0xF0) { utf8Remaining = ch & 0x07; utf8Buffer = 3; } }; } var $rt_putStdout = typeof $rt_putStdoutCustom === "function" ? $rt_putStdoutCustom : typeof $rt_globals.console === "object" ? $rt_createOutputFunction(function(msg) { $rt_globals.console.info(msg); }) : function() { }; var $rt_putStderr = typeof $rt_putStderrCustom === "function" ? $rt_putStderrCustom : typeof $rt_globals.console === "object" ? $rt_createOutputFunction(function(msg) { $rt_globals.console.error(msg); }) : function() { }; var $rt_packageData = null; function $rt_packages(data) { var i = 0; var packages = new $rt_globals.Array(data.length); for (var j = 0;j < data.length;++j) { var prefixIndex = data[i++]; var prefix = prefixIndex >= 0 ? packages[prefixIndex] : ""; packages[j] = prefix + data[i++] + "."; } $rt_packageData = packages; } function $rt_metadata(data) { var packages = $rt_packageData; var i = 0; while (i < data.length) { var cls = data[i++]; cls.$meta = { }; var m = cls.$meta; var className = data[i++]; m.name = className !== 0 ? className : null; if (m.name !== null) { var packageIndex = data[i++]; if (packageIndex >= 0) { m.name = packages[packageIndex] + m.name; } } m.binaryName = "L" + m.name + ";"; var superclass = data[i++]; m.superclass = superclass !== 0 ? superclass : null; m.supertypes = data[i++]; if (m.superclass) { m.supertypes.push(m.superclass); cls.prototype = $rt_globals.Object.create(m.superclass.prototype); } else { cls.prototype = { }; } var flags = data[i++]; m.enum = (flags & 8) !== 0; m.flags = flags; m.primitive = false; m.item = null; cls.prototype.constructor = cls; cls.classObject = null; m.accessLevel = data[i++]; var innerClassInfo = data[i++]; if (innerClassInfo === 0) { m.simpleName = null; m.declaringClass = null; m.enclosingClass = null; } else { var enclosingClass = innerClassInfo[0]; m.enclosingClass = enclosingClass !== 0 ? enclosingClass : null; var declaringClass = innerClassInfo[1]; m.declaringClass = declaringClass !== 0 ? declaringClass : null; var simpleName = innerClassInfo[2]; m.simpleName = simpleName !== 0 ? simpleName : null; } var clinit = data[i++]; cls.$clinit = clinit !== 0 ? clinit : function() { }; var virtualMethods = data[i++]; if (virtualMethods !== 0) { for (var j = 0;j < virtualMethods.length;j += 2) { var name = virtualMethods[j]; var func = virtualMethods[j + 1]; if (typeof name === 'string') { name = [name]; } for (var k = 0;k < name.length;++k) { cls.prototype[name[k]] = func; } } } cls.$array = null; } } function $rt_wrapFunction0(f) { return function() { return f(this); }; } function $rt_wrapFunction1(f) { return function(p1) { return f(this, p1); }; } function $rt_wrapFunction2(f) { return function(p1, p2) { return f(this, p1, p2); }; } function $rt_wrapFunction3(f) { return function(p1, p2, p3) { return f(this, p1, p2, p3, p3); }; } function $rt_wrapFunction4(f) { return function(p1, p2, p3, p4) { return f(this, p1, p2, p3, p4); }; } function $rt_threadStarter(f) { return function() { var args = $rt_globals.Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); $rt_startThread(function() { f.apply(this, args); }); }; } function $rt_mainStarter(f) { return function(args, callback) { if (!args) { args = []; } var javaArgs = $rt_createArray($rt_objcls(), args.length); for (var i = 0;i < args.length;++i) { javaArgs.data[i] = $rt_str(args[i]); } $rt_startThread(function() { f.call(null, javaArgs); }, callback); }; } var $rt_stringPool_instance; function $rt_stringPool(strings) { $rt_stringPool_instance = new $rt_globals.Array(strings.length); for (var i = 0;i < strings.length;++i) { $rt_stringPool_instance[i] = $rt_intern($rt_str(strings[i])); } } function $rt_s(index) { return $rt_stringPool_instance[index]; } function $rt_eraseClinit(target) { return target.$clinit = function() { }; } var $rt_numberConversionBuffer = new $rt_globals.ArrayBuffer(16); var $rt_numberConversionView = new $rt_globals.DataView($rt_numberConversionBuffer); var $rt_numberConversionFloatArray = new $rt_globals.Float32Array($rt_numberConversionBuffer); var $rt_numberConversionDoubleArray = new $rt_globals.Float64Array($rt_numberConversionBuffer); var $rt_numberConversionIntArray = new $rt_globals.Int32Array($rt_numberConversionBuffer); var $rt_doubleToRawLongBits; var $rt_longBitsToDouble; if (typeof $rt_globals.BigInt !== 'function') { $rt_doubleToRawLongBits = function(n) { $rt_numberConversionView.setFloat64(0, n, true); return new Long($rt_numberConversionView.getInt32(0, true), $rt_numberConversionView.getInt32(4, true)); }; $rt_longBitsToDouble = function(n) { $rt_numberConversionView.setInt32(0, n.lo, true); $rt_numberConversionView.setInt32(4, n.hi, true); return $rt_numberConversionView.getFloat64(0, true); }; } else if (typeof $rt_globals.BigInt64Array !== 'function') { $rt_doubleToRawLongBits = function(n) { $rt_numberConversionView.setFloat64(0, n, true); var lo = $rt_numberConversionView.getInt32(0, true); var hi = $rt_numberConversionView.getInt32(4, true); return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(32, $rt_globals.BigInt(lo)) | $rt_globals.BigInt(hi) << $rt_globals.BigInt(32)); }; $rt_longBitsToDouble = function(n) { $rt_numberConversionView.setFloat64(0, n, true); var lo = $rt_numberConversionView.getInt32(0, true); var hi = $rt_numberConversionView.getInt32(4, true); return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(32, $rt_globals.BigInt(lo)) | $rt_globals.BigInt(hi) << $rt_globals.BigInt(32)); }; } else { var $rt_numberConversionLongArray = new $rt_globals.BigInt64Array($rt_numberConversionBuffer); $rt_doubleToRawLongBits = function(n) { $rt_numberConversionDoubleArray[0] = n; return $rt_numberConversionLongArray[0]; }; $rt_longBitsToDouble = function(n) { $rt_numberConversionLongArray[0] = n; return $rt_numberConversionDoubleArray[0]; }; } function $rt_floatToRawIntBits(n) { $rt_numberConversionFloatArray[0] = n; return $rt_numberConversionIntArray[0]; } function $rt_intBitsToFloat(n) { $rt_numberConversionIntArray[0] = n; return $rt_numberConversionFloatArray[0]; } function $rt_equalDoubles(a, b) { if (a !== a) { return b !== b; } $rt_numberConversionDoubleArray[0] = a; $rt_numberConversionDoubleArray[1] = b; return $rt_numberConversionIntArray[0] === $rt_numberConversionIntArray[2] && $rt_numberConversionIntArray[1] === $rt_numberConversionIntArray[3]; } var JavaError; if (typeof $rt_globals.Reflect === 'object') { var defaultMessage = $rt_globals.Symbol("defaultMessage"); JavaError = function JavaError(message, cause) { var self = $rt_globals.Reflect.construct($rt_globals.Error, [$rt_globals.undefined, cause], JavaError); $rt_globals.Object.setPrototypeOf(self, JavaError.prototype); self[defaultMessage] = message; return self; }; JavaError.prototype = $rt_globals.Object.create($rt_globals.Error.prototype, { constructor : { configurable : true, writable : true, value : JavaError }, message : { get : function() { try { var javaException = this[$rt_javaExceptionProp]; if (typeof javaException === 'object') { var javaMessage = $rt_throwableMessage(javaException); if (typeof javaMessage === "object") { return javaMessage !== null ? javaMessage.toString() : null; } } return this[defaultMessage]; } catch (e){ return "Exception occurred trying to extract Java exception message: " + e; } } } }); } else { JavaError = $rt_globals.Error; } function $rt_javaException(e) { return e instanceof $rt_globals.Error && typeof e[$rt_javaExceptionProp] === 'object' ? e[$rt_javaExceptionProp] : null; } function $rt_jsException(e) { return typeof e.$jsException === 'object' ? e.$jsException : null; } function $rt_wrapException(err) { var ex = err[$rt_javaExceptionProp]; if (!ex) { ex = $rt_createException($rt_str("(JavaScript) " + err.toString())); err[$rt_javaExceptionProp] = ex; ex.$jsException = err; $rt_fillStack(err, ex); } return ex; } function $dbg_class(obj) { var cls = obj.constructor; var arrayDegree = 0; while (cls.$meta && cls.$meta.item) { ++arrayDegree; cls = cls.$meta.item; } var clsName = ""; if (cls === $rt_booleancls()) { clsName = "boolean"; } else if (cls === $rt_bytecls()) { clsName = "byte"; } else if (cls === $rt_shortcls()) { clsName = "short"; } else if (cls === $rt_charcls()) { clsName = "char"; } else if (cls === $rt_intcls()) { clsName = "int"; } else if (cls === $rt_longcls()) { clsName = "long"; } else if (cls === $rt_floatcls()) { clsName = "float"; } else if (cls === $rt_doublecls()) { clsName = "double"; } else { clsName = cls.$meta ? cls.$meta.name || "a/" + cls.name : "@" + cls.name; } while (arrayDegree-- > 0) { clsName += "[]"; } return clsName; } function Long(lo, hi) { this.lo = lo | 0; this.hi = hi | 0; } Long.prototype.__teavm_class__ = function() { return "long"; }; function Long_isPositive(a) { return (a.hi & 0x80000000) === 0; } function Long_isNegative(a) { return (a.hi & 0x80000000) !== 0; } var Long_MAX_NORMAL = 1 << 18; var Long_ZERO; var Long_create; var Long_fromInt; var Long_fromNumber; var Long_toNumber; var Long_hi; var Long_lo; if (typeof $rt_globals.BigInt !== "function") { Long.prototype.toString = function() { var result = []; var n = this; var positive = Long_isPositive(n); if (!positive) { n = Long_neg(n); } var radix = new Long(10, 0); do { var divRem = Long_divRem(n, radix); result.push($rt_globals.String.fromCharCode(48 + divRem[1].lo)); n = divRem[0]; }while (n.lo !== 0 || n.hi !== 0); result = (result.reverse()).join(''); return positive ? result : "-" + result; }; Long.prototype.valueOf = function() { return Long_toNumber(this); }; Long_ZERO = new Long(0, 0); Long_fromInt = function(val) { return new Long(val, -(val < 0) | 0); }; Long_fromNumber = function(val) { if (val >= 0) { return new Long(val | 0, val / 0x100000000 | 0); } else { return Long_neg(new Long( -val | 0, -val / 0x100000000 | 0)); } }; Long_create = function(lo, hi) { return new Long(lo, hi); }; Long_toNumber = function(val) { return 0x100000000 * val.hi + (val.lo >>> 0); }; Long_hi = function(val) { return val.hi; }; Long_lo = function(val) { return val.lo; }; } else { Long_ZERO = $rt_globals.BigInt(0); Long_create = function(lo, hi) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt(lo)) | $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt(hi) << $rt_globals.BigInt(32))); }; Long_fromInt = function(val) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt(val | 0)); }; Long_fromNumber = function(val) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt(val >= 0 ? $rt_globals.Math.floor(val) : $rt_globals.Math.ceil(val))); }; Long_toNumber = function(val) { return $rt_globals.Number(val); }; Long_hi = function(val) { return $rt_globals.Number($rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, val >> $rt_globals.BigInt(32))) | 0; }; Long_lo = function(val) { return $rt_globals.Number($rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(32, val)) | 0; }; } var $rt_imul = $rt_globals.Math.imul || function(a, b) { var ah = a >>> 16 & 0xFFFF; var al = a & 0xFFFF; var bh = b >>> 16 & 0xFFFF; var bl = b & 0xFFFF; return al * bl + (ah * bl + al * bh << 16 >>> 0) | 0; }; var $rt_udiv = function(a, b) { return (a >>> 0) / (b >>> 0) >>> 0; }; var $rt_umod = function(a, b) { return (a >>> 0) % (b >>> 0) >>> 0; }; var $rt_ucmp = function(a, b) { a >>>= 0; b >>>= 0; return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; }; function $rt_checkBounds(index, array) { if (index < 0 || index >= array.length) { $rt_throwAIOOBE(); } return index; } function $rt_checkUpperBound(index, array) { if (index >= array.length) { $rt_throwAIOOBE(); } return index; } function $rt_checkLowerBound(index) { if (index < 0) { $rt_throwAIOOBE(); } return index; } function $rt_classWithoutFields(superclass) { if (superclass === 0) { return function() { }; } if (superclass === void 0) { superclass = $rt_objcls(); } return function() { superclass.call(this); }; } function $rt_setCloneMethod(target, f) { target.$clone = f; } function $rt_cls(cls) { return jl_Class_getClass(cls); } function $rt_str(str) { if (str === null) { return null; } var characters = $rt_createCharArray(str.length); var charsBuffer = characters.data; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i = (i + 1) | 0) { charsBuffer[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFFFF; } return jl_String__init_(characters); } function $rt_ustr(str) { if (str === null) { return null; } var data = str.$characters.data; var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i = (i + 1) | 0) { result += String.fromCharCode(data[i]); } return result; } function $rt_objcls() { return jl_Object; } function $rt_stecls() { return jl_Object; } function $rt_throwableMessage(t) { return jl_Throwable_getMessage(t); } function $rt_throwableCause(t) { return jl_Throwable_getCause(t); } function $rt_nullCheck(val) { if (val === null) { $rt_throw(jl_NullPointerException__init_()); } return val; } function $rt_intern(str) { return str; } function $rt_getThread() { return null; } function $rt_setThread(t) { } function $rt_createException(message) { return jl_RuntimeException__init_(message); } function $rt_createStackElement(className, methodName, fileName, lineNumber) { return null; } function $rt_setStack(e, stack) { } function $rt_throwAIOOBE() { $rt_throw(jl_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException__init_()); } function $rt_throwCCE() { } var $java = Object.create(null); function jl_Object() { this.$id$ = 0; } function jl_Object_getClass($this) { return jl_Class_getClass($this.constructor); } function jl_Object_hashCode($this) { return jl_Object_identity($this); } function jl_Object_equals($this, $other) { return $this !== $other ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Object_toString($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = jl_Class_getName(jl_Object_getClass($this)); var$2 = jl_Integer_toHexString(jl_Object_identity($this)); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); var$1 = jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, var$1); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$1, 64); jl_StringBuilder_append(var$1, var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jl_Object_identity($this) { var $platformThis, var$2; $platformThis = $this; if (!$platformThis.$id$) { var$2 = $rt_nextId(); $platformThis.$id$ = var$2; } return $this.$id$; } function jl_Object_clone($this) { var $result, var$2, var$3; if (!$rt_isInstance($this, jl_Cloneable) && $this.constructor.$meta.item === null) { $result = new jl_CloneNotSupportedException; jl_Exception__init_($result); $rt_throw($result); } $result = otp_Platform_clone($this); var$2 = $result; var$3 = $rt_nextId(); var$2.$id$ = var$3; return $result; } var nh_Main = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function nh_Main_main($args) { var $postRequest, var$3, var$4, $ptr, $tmp; $ptr = 0; if ($rt_resuming()) { var $thread = $rt_nativeThread(); $ptr = $thread.pop();var$4 = $thread.pop();var$3 = $thread.pop();$postRequest = $thread.pop();$args = $thread.pop(); } main: while (true) { switch ($ptr) { case 0: jl_Integer__clinit_(); otcic_StdoutOutputStream__clinit_(); jl_Character__clinit_(); jur_AbstractSet__clinit_(); jl_Double__clinit_(); jl_Boolean__clinit_(); jl_Long__clinit_(); jm_Conversion__clinit_(); jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants__clinit_(); otcit_DoubleAnalyzer__clinit_(); jlr_Modifier__clinit_(); jl_Package__clinit_(); ju_Collections__clinit_(); jnc_CoderResult__clinit_(); jl_Float__clinit_(); otcit_DoubleSynthesizer__clinit_(); $postRequest = new nhEn_PostRequest; $postRequest.$headers = ju_HashMap__init_(); $postRequest.$contents = ju_HashMap__init_(); ju_HashMap_put($postRequest.$headers, $rt_s(0), $rt_s(1)); ju_HashMap_put($postRequest.$contents, $rt_s(2), $rt_s(3)); var$3 = $rt_s(4); $ptr = 1; case 1: $tmp = nhEn_PostRequest_send$_asyncCall_$($postRequest, var$3); if ($rt_suspending()) { break main; } var$4 = $tmp; $postRequest = jl_System_out(); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($postRequest.$sb, var$4), 10); ji_PrintStream_printSB($postRequest); return; default: $rt_invalidPointer(); }} $rt_nativeThread().push($args, $postRequest, var$3, var$4, $ptr); } var jlr_AnnotatedElement = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function jlr_AnnotatedElement_isAnnotationPresent($this, $annotationClass) { return 0; } var jlr_Type = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function jl_Class() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$name = null; a.$platformClass = null; a.$declaredMethods = null; } var jl_Class_reflectionInitialized = 0; function jl_Class_getClass($cls) { var $result, var$3; if ($cls === null) return null; $result = $cls.classObject; if ($result === null) { $result = new jl_Class; $result.$platformClass = $cls; var$3 = $result; $cls.classObject = var$3; } return $result; } function jl_Class_toString($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = jl_Class_isInterface($this) ? $rt_s(5) : !jl_Class_isPrimitive($this) ? $rt_s(6) : $rt_s(7); var$2 = jl_Class_getName($this); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, var$1), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jl_Class_isInstance($this, $obj) { var var$2; $obj = $obj; var$2 = $this.$platformClass; return $obj !== null && !(typeof $obj.constructor.$meta === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) && otp_Platform_isAssignable($obj.constructor, var$2) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Class_getName($this) { if ($this.$name === null) $this.$name = $rt_str($this.$platformClass.$meta.name); return $this.$name; } function jl_Class_isPrimitive($this) { return $this.$platformClass.$meta.primitive ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Class_isArray($this) { return otp_Platform_getArrayItem($this.$platformClass) === null ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Class_isInterface($this) { return !($this.$platformClass.$meta.flags & 2) ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Class_getComponentType($this) { return jl_Class_getClass(otp_Platform_getArrayItem($this.$platformClass)); } function jl_Class_createMetadata() { jlr_Method.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_Class, $rt_arraycls(jl_Class), otcir_JSCallable], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaringClass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getModifiers", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getReturnType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "getParameterTypes", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_Class), callable : null }, { name : "getParameterCount", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "invoke", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_arraycls(jl_Object)], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "isBridge", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isSynthetic", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isVarArgs", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jlr_AccessibleObject.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setAccessible", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jlr_AccessibleObject), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setAccessible", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isAccessible", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotation", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : jla_Annotation, callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotations", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredAnnotations", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation), callable : null }]; jl_Object.$meta.methods = [ { name : "monitorEnterSync", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorExitSync", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorEnter", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorEnter", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "createMonitor", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorEnterWait", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorEnterWait", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls(), oti_AsyncCallback], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorExit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorExit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "waitForOtherThreads", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isEmptyMonitor", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "deleteMonitor", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "holdsLock", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "fakeInit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getClass", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "obfuscatedToString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "identity", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCodeLowLevel", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCodeLowLevelImpl", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setHashCodeLowLevel", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setHashCodeLowLevelImpl", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "identityLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "identityOrMonitor", modifiers : 256, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "identityOrMonitorLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setIdentity", modifiers : 256, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setIdentityLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "clone", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "cloneLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : otr_RuntimeObject, callable : null }, { name : "notify", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "notifyAll", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "wait", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "wait", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "waitImpl", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "waitImpl", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls(), oti_AsyncCallback], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "wait", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "finalize", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lambda$monitorExit$2", modifiers : 544, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lambda$monitorExit$1", modifiers : 544, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lambda$monitorEnterWait$0", modifiers : 544, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Thread, jl_Object, $rt_intcls(), oti_AsyncCallback], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "monitorEnterWait$_asyncCall_$", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "waitImpl$_asyncCall_$", modifiers : 256, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }]; jl_Class.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otp_PlatformClass], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getClass", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [otp_PlatformClass], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "obfuscatedToString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getPlatformClass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : otp_PlatformClass, callable : null }, { name : "isInstance", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isInstanceLowLevel", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isAssignableFrom", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isAssignableFromLowLevel", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeClass], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getSimpleName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getSimpleNameCache", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getSimpleNameCacheLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeClass], returnType : otr_RuntimeObject, callable : null }, { name : "setSimpleNameCache", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setSimpleNameCacheLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeClass, otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNameCache", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getNameCacheLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeClass], returnType : otr_RuntimeObject, callable : null }, { name : "setNameCache", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNameCacheLowLevel", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeClass, otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getCanonicalName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "isSynthetic", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getCanonicalNameCache", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getCanonicalNameCacheLowLevel", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : otr_RuntimeObject, callable : null }, { name : "setCanonicalNameCache", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setCanonicalNameCacheLowLevel", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [otr_RuntimeObject], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isPrimitive", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isInterface", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isLocalClass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isMemberClass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getComponentType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredFields", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jlr_Field), callable : null }, { name : "initReflection", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "createMetadata", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getFields", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jlr_Field), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredField", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jlr_Field, callable : null }, { name : "getField", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jlr_Field, callable : null }, { name : "findField", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Set], returnType : jlr_Field, callable : null }, { name : "newEmptyInstance", modifiers : 256, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : otp_PlatformObject, callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredConstructors", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jlr_Constructor), callable : null }, { name : "getConstructors", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jlr_Constructor), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredConstructor", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Class)], returnType : jlr_Constructor, callable : null }, { name : "getConstructor", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls(jl_Class)], returnType : jlr_Constructor, callable : null }, { name : "getFieldsOfInterfaces", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, ju_List, ju_Set], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredMethods", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jlr_Method), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredMethod", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls(jl_Class)], returnType : jlr_Method, callable : null }, { name : "getMethods", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jlr_Method), callable : null }, { name : "getMethod", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls(jl_Class)], returnType : jlr_Method, callable : null }, { name : "findMethods", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, ju_Map], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findMethod", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jlr_Method, jl_String, $rt_arraycls(jl_Class)], returnType : jlr_Method, callable : null }, { name : "getModifiers", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "desiredAssertionStatus", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getSuperclass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "getInterfaces", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_Class), callable : null }, { name : "getEnumConstants", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_Object), callable : null }, { name : "cast", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "getClassLoader", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_ClassLoader, callable : null }, { name : "forName", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "forName", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls(), jl_ClassLoader], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "initialize", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "newInstance", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaringClass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "getEnclosingClass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "asSubclass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "isAnnotationPresent", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotation", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : jla_Annotation, callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotations", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredAnnotations", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation), callable : null }, { name : "ensureAnnotationsByType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getResourceAsStream", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : ji_InputStream, callable : null }, { name : "getPackage", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Package, callable : null }]; jl_Number.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "intValue", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longValue", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "floatValue", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleValue", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "byteValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_bytecls(), callable : null }, { name : "shortValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_shortcls(), callable : null }]; jl_Long.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "parseLong", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseLong", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseLongImpl", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseLong", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "decode", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "decodeDigit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "intValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "floatValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toHexString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toOctalString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toBinaryString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "compare", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Long], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getLong", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "getLong", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "getLong", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Long], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "numberOfLeadingZeros", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "numberOfTrailingZeros", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "highestOneBit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lowestOneBit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "bitCount", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "rotateLeft", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "rotateRight", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "reverse", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "reverseBytes", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "signum", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "divideUnsigned", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "remainderUnsigned", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareUnsigned", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jl_Integer.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toHexString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toOctalString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toBinaryString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "parseInt", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseInt", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseIntImpl", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseInt", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "ensureIntegerCache", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "intValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "floatValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getInteger", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "getInteger", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "getInteger", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Integer], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "decode", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "decodeDigit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Integer], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compare", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "numberOfLeadingZeros", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "numberOfTrailingZeros", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "highestOneBit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lowestOneBit", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "bitCount", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "rotateLeft", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "rotateRight", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "reverse", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "reverseBytes", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "signum", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "divideUnsigned", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "remainderUnsigned", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareUnsigned", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_AbstractSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "setType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getQualifiedName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "processBackRefReplacement", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_JointSet, callable : null }, { name : "processSecondPass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_JointSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getGroup", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "processSecondPass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_CIBackReferenceSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_BackReferenceSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_LeafSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 1, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "charCount", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_EmptySet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_DecomposedCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls()), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getDecomposedChar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "codePointAt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_RangeSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getChars", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractCharClass, callable : null }]; jur_DotSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractLineTerminator], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_QuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getInnerSet", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setInnerSet", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "processSecondPass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_LeafQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "setInnerSet", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_CompositeQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "reset", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "setQuantifier", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_DotAllSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_BackReferencedSingleSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_SingleSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "processBackRefReplacement", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_JointSet, callable : null }]; otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_PossessiveQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_CIDecomposedCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls()), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jm_BigDecimal.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls(), jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, $rt_intcls(), jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "add", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "addAndMult10", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "add", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "subtract", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "subtract", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "multiply", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "multiply", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls(), jm_RoundingMode], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divideBigIntegers", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jm_BigInteger, $rt_intcls(), jm_RoundingMode], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "dividePrimitiveLongs", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_longcls(), $rt_intcls(), jm_RoundingMode], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_RoundingMode], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divideToIntegralValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divideToIntegralValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "remainder", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "remainder", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "divideAndRemainder", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jm_BigDecimal), callable : null }, { name : "divideAndRemainder", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal, jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jm_BigDecimal), callable : null }, { name : "pow", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "pow", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "abs", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "abs", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "negate", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "negate", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "plus", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "plus", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "signum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isZero", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "scale", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "precision", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "unscaledValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "round", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "setScale", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jm_RoundingMode], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "setScale", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "setScale", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "movePointLeft", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "movePoint", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "movePointRight", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "scaleByPowerOfTen", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "stripTrailingZeros", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "min", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "max", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toEngineeringString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toPlainString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toBigInteger", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "toBigIntegerExact", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "longValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longValueExact", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "intValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "intValueExact", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "shortValueExact", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_shortcls(), callable : null }, { name : "byteValueExact", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_bytecls(), callable : null }, { name : "floatValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "ulp", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "inplaceRound", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longCompareTo", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "smallRound", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jm_MathContext, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "roundingBehavior", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jm_RoundingMode], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueExact", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "aproxPrecision", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toIntScale", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "zeroScaledBy", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "getUnscaledValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "setUnscaledValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "bitLength", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "bitLength", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_UCISequenceSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuffer], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_AltQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_PositiveLookBehind.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; oj_JSONObject$Null.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "clone", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 32, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONObject$1], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_WordBoundary.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "isSpace", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_AtomicJointSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_HighSurrogateCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getChar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_UCIDecomposedCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls()), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_FSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getGroupIndex", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_CISequenceSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuffer], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_SOLSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_EOLSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jm_BigInteger.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), ju_Random], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), ju_Random], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_arraycls($rt_intcls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_arraycls($rt_intcls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "toByteArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), callable : null }, { name : "setFromString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "abs", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "negate", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "add", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "subtract", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "signum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "shiftRight", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "shiftLeft", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "shiftLeftOneBit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "bitLength", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "testBit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "setBit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "clearBit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "flipBit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "getLowestSetBit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "bitCount", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "not", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "and", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "or", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "xor", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "andNot", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "intValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "floatValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "min", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "max", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "equalsArrays", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls())], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "gcd", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "multiply", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "pow", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "divideAndRemainder", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jm_BigInteger), callable : null }, { name : "divide", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "remainder", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "modInverse", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "modPow", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger, jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "mod", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "isProbablePrime", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "nextProbablePrime", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "probablePrime", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), ju_Random], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "cutOffLeadingZeroes", modifiers : 4, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isOne", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "putBytesPositiveToIntegers", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "putBytesNegativeToIntegers", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getFirstNonzeroDigit", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "copy", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "unCache", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getPowerOfTwo", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_PreviousMatch.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jl_Double.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "intValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "floatValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : jl_Double, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Double, callable : null }, { name : "parseDouble", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls(), $rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleEqualsJs", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls(), $rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "equalsWithBits", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls(), $rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compare", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls(), $rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Double], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isNaN", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isInfinite", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isNaN", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isInfinite", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isFinite", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleToRawLongBits", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "doubleToLongBits", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "longBitsToDouble", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "toHexString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isNaN$js_body$_21", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject], returnType : otj_JSObject, callable : null }, { name : "isInfinite$js_body$_22", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject], returnType : otj_JSObject, callable : null }, { name : "isFinite$js_body$_23", modifiers : 768, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [otj_JSObject], returnType : otj_JSObject, callable : null }]; jur_MultiLineSOLSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractLineTerminator], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_UCISupplCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_UnifiedQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafQuantifierSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_MultiLineEOLSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_NegativeLookBehind.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_PositiveLookAhead.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_UMultiLineEOLSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_UCICharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_UEOLSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_NonCapFSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_DotAllQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_SingleSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "processBackRefReplacement", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_JointSet, callable : null }, { name : "processSecondPass", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; oj_JSONArray.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONTokener], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Collection], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Collection, oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [ju_Collection, $rt_intcls(), oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Iterable], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "iterator", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : ju_Iterator, callable : null }, { name : "get", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "getBoolean", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getDouble", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "getFloat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNumber", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "getEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Enum, callable : null }, { name : "getBigDecimal", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "getBigInteger", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "getInt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "getJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "getLong", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "isNull", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "join", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "length", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "clear", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "opt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "optBoolean", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "optBoolean", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "optBooleanObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Boolean, callable : null }, { name : "optBooleanObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Boolean], returnType : jl_Boolean, callable : null }, { name : "optDouble", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "optDouble", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "optDoubleObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Double, callable : null }, { name : "optDoubleObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Double], returnType : jl_Double, callable : null }, { name : "optFloat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optFloat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_floatcls()], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optFloatObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Float, callable : null }, { name : "optFloatObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Float], returnType : jl_Float, callable : null }, { name : "optInt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optInt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optIntegerObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "optIntegerObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Integer], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "optEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Enum, callable : null }, { name : "optEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, $rt_intcls(), jl_Enum], returnType : jl_Enum, callable : null }, { name : "optBigInteger", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "optBigDecimal", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), oj_JSONArray], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), oj_JSONObject], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "optLong", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optLong", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optLongObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "optLongObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Long], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "optNumber", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "optNumber", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Number], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "optString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "optString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Collection], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Map], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), ju_Collection], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_doublecls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_floatcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_longcls()], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), ju_Map], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), ju_Map, oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "putAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Collection], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "putAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Iterable], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "putAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "putAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "query", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "query", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONPointer], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "optQuery", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "optQuery", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONPointer], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "remove", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "similar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "toJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "write", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ji_Writer], returnType : ji_Writer, callable : null }, { name : "write", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ji_Writer, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : ji_Writer, callable : null }, { name : "toList", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : ju_List, callable : null }, { name : "isEmpty", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "addAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [ju_Collection, $rt_booleancls(), $rt_intcls(), oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "addAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Iterable, $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "addAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "addAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_booleancls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "addAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_booleancls(), $rt_intcls(), oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "wrongValueFormatException", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_String, jl_Object, jl_Throwable], returnType : oj_JSONException, callable : null }]; jur_SupplRangeSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "contains", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getChars", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractCharClass, callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_DotQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls(), jur_AbstractLineTerminator], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findLineTerminator", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBackLineTerminator", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_CharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "charCount", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getChar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_charcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_AheadFSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_BehindFSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_NegativeLookAhead.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; oj_JSONObject.$meta.methods = [ { name : "getMapType", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_Class, callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONObject, $rt_arraycls(jl_String)], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONTokener], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Map], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Map, oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [ju_Map, $rt_intcls(), oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, ju_Set], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_arraycls(jl_String)], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Locale], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accumulate", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "append", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "doubleToString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "get", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "getEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String], returnType : jl_Enum, callable : null }, { name : "getBoolean", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getBigInteger", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "getBigDecimal", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "getDouble", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "getFloat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNumber", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "getInt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "getJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "getLong", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNames", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONObject], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_String), callable : null }, { name : "getNames", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_String), callable : null }, { name : "getString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "has", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "increment", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "isNull", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "keys", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : ju_Iterator, callable : null }, { name : "keySet", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : ju_Set, callable : null }, { name : "entrySet", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : ju_Set, callable : null }, { name : "length", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "clear", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isEmpty", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "names", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "numberToString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Number], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "opt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "optEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String], returnType : jl_Enum, callable : null }, { name : "optEnum", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class, jl_String, jl_Enum], returnType : jl_Enum, callable : null }, { name : "optBoolean", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "optBoolean", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "optBooleanObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Boolean, callable : null }, { name : "optBooleanObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Boolean], returnType : jl_Boolean, callable : null }, { name : "optBigDecimal", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "objectToBigDecimal", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, jm_BigDecimal], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "objectToBigDecimal", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, jm_BigDecimal, $rt_booleancls()], returnType : jm_BigDecimal, callable : null }, { name : "optBigInteger", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "objectToBigInteger", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, jm_BigInteger], returnType : jm_BigInteger, callable : null }, { name : "optDouble", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "optDouble", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_doublecls()], returnType : $rt_doublecls(), callable : null }, { name : "optDoubleObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Double, callable : null }, { name : "optDoubleObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Double], returnType : jl_Double, callable : null }, { name : "optFloat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optFloat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_floatcls()], returnType : $rt_floatcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optFloatObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Float, callable : null }, { name : "optFloatObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Float], returnType : jl_Float, callable : null }, { name : "optInt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optInt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optIntegerObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "optIntegerObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Integer], returnType : jl_Integer, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, oj_JSONArray], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "optJSONObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, oj_JSONObject], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "optLong", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optLong", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_longcls()], returnType : $rt_longcls(), callable : null }, { name : "optLongObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "optLongObject", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Long], returnType : jl_Long, callable : null }, { name : "optNumber", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "optNumber", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Number], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "optString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "optString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "populateMap", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "populateMap", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, ju_Set], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isValidMethodName", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getKeyNameFromMethod", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jlr_Method], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotation", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jlr_Method, jl_Class], returnType : jla_Annotation, callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotationDepth", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jlr_Method, jl_Class], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_booleancls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Collection], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_doublecls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_floatcls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_longcls()], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, ju_Map], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "put", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "putOnce", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "putOpt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_Object], returnType : oj_JSONObject, callable : null }, { name : "query", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "query", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONPointer], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "optQuery", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "optQuery", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONPointer], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "quote", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "quote", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, ji_Writer], returnType : ji_Writer, callable : null }, { name : "remove", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "similar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isNumberSimilar", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Number, jl_Number], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "numberIsFinite", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Number], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isDecimalNotation", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "stringToValue", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "stringToNumber", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Number, callable : null }, { name : "testValidity", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toJSONArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [oj_JSONArray], returnType : oj_JSONArray, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueToString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "wrap", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "wrap", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, $rt_intcls(), oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "wrap", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, ju_Set], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "wrap", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_Object, ju_Set, $rt_intcls(), oj_JSONParserConfiguration], returnType : jl_Object, callable : null }, { name : "write", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ji_Writer], returnType : ji_Writer, callable : null }, { name : "writeValue", modifiers : 516, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [ji_Writer, jl_Object, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : ji_Writer, callable : null }, { name : "indent", modifiers : 516, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [ji_Writer, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "write", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ji_Writer, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : ji_Writer, callable : null }, { name : "toMap", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : ju_Map, callable : null }, { name : "wrongValueFormatException", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String, jl_Object, jl_Throwable], returnType : oj_JSONException, callable : null }, { name : "recursivelyDefinedObjectException", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : oj_JSONException, callable : null }, { name : "removeLeadingZerosOfNumber", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_CompositeRangeSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getSurrogates", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "getWithoutSurrogates", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_AtomicFSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getIndex", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getDecomposedChar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_UCIRangeSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_GroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_CICharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getChar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_charcls(), callable : null }]; jl_String.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "fromArray", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls())], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jnc_Charset], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls())], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), jnc_Charset], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_intcls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "initWithBytes", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jnc_Charset], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuilder], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "allocate", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "charAt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_charcls(), callable : null }, { name : "codePointAt", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "codePointBefore", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "codePointCount", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "offsetByCodePoints", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "length", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "isEmpty", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "isBlank", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getChars", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), $rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "contentEquals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuffer], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "contentEquals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareToIgnoreCase", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "startsWith", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "startsWith", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "regionMatches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_String, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "regionMatches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_String, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "endsWith", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "indexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "indexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lastIndexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lastIndexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "indexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "indexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lastIndexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lastIndexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "substring", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "substring", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "subSequence", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_CharSequence, callable : null }, { name : "concat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "replace", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls(), $rt_charcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "contains", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "replace", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, jl_CharSequence], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "trim", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "strip", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "stripLeading", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "stripTrailing", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toCharArray", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls())], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "copyValueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls())], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "copyValueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_arraycls($rt_charcls()), $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_longcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_floatcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_doublecls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "equalsIgnoreCase", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getBytes", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), callable : null }, { name : "getBytes", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), callable : null }, { name : "getBytes", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jnc_Charset], returnType : $rt_arraycls($rt_bytecls()), callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "toLowerCase", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toLowerCaseChars", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toLowerCaseCodePoints", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toLowerCase", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Locale], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toUpperCase", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toUpperCaseChars", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toUpperCaseCodePoints", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toUpperCase", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Locale], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "intern", modifiers : 256, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "split", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_String), callable : null }, { name : "split", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jl_String), callable : null }, { name : "replaceAll", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "replaceFirst", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "format", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String, $rt_arraycls(jl_Object)], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "format", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_Locale, jl_String, $rt_arraycls(jl_Object)], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "join", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_arraycls(jl_CharSequence)], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "join", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, jl_Iterable], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "repeat", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lambda$static$0", modifiers : 544, accessLevel : 1, parameterTypes : [jl_String, jl_String], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_FinalSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_UCISupplRangeSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass, jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractCharClass], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "contains", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_LowSurrogateCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_charcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jur_AbstractSet, callable : null }, { name : "setNext", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getChar", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_LeafSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jur_SupplCharSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getCodePoint", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }]; jl_Boolean.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Boolean], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "compare", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls(), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "parseBoolean", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "booleanValue", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : jl_Boolean, callable : null }, { name : "valueOf", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Boolean, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "toString", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hashCode", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "equals", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getBoolean", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "logicalAnd", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls(), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "logicalOr", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls(), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "logicalXor", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_booleancls(), $rt_booleancls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "compareTo", modifiers : 96, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Object], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_SequenceSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_StringBuffer], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "accepts", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "find", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "findBack", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "first", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_AbstractSet], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "indexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "lastIndexOf", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "startsWith", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [jl_CharSequence, $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier, jur_AbstractSet, jur_AbstractSet, $rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "reset", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "setQuantifier", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jur_Quantifier], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; jur_EOISet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jur_NonCapJointSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [ju_ArrayList, jur_FSet], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 2, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "hasConsumed", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_booleancls(), callable : null }]; jur_UCIBackReferenceSet.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), $rt_intcls()], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "matches", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [$rt_intcls(), jl_CharSequence, jur_MatchResultImpl], returnType : $rt_intcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }]; jl_Package.$meta.methods = [ { name : "", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }, { name : "getName", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : jl_String, callable : null }, { name : "getPackage", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_String], returnType : jl_Package, callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotation", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [jl_Class], returnType : jla_Annotation, callable : null }, { name : "getAnnotations", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation), callable : null }, { name : "getDeclaredAnnotations", modifiers : 0, accessLevel : 3, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_arraycls(jla_Annotation), callable : null }, { name : "", modifiers : 512, accessLevel : 0, parameterTypes : [], returnType : $rt_voidcls(), callable : null }]; } function jl_Class_getDeclaredMethods($this) { var $jsMethods, $count, $i, var$4, $jsMethod, $jsParameterTypes, $parameterTypes, var$8, $j, var$10, $returnType, var$12, var$13; if (!jl_Class_isPrimitive($this) && !jl_Class_isArray($this)) { if ($this.$declaredMethods === null) { if (!jl_Class_reflectionInitialized) { jl_Class_reflectionInitialized = 1; jl_Class_createMetadata(); } $jsMethods = $this.$platformClass.$meta.methods; $this.$declaredMethods = $rt_createArray(jlr_Method, $jsMethods.length); $count = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $jsMethods.length) { var$4 = $jsMethods[$i]; $jsMethod = var$4 === null ? null : !(var$4 instanceof $rt_objcls()) ? var$4 : otji_JSWrapper_unwrap(var$4); if (!jl_String_equals($rt_str($jsMethod.name), $rt_s(8)) && !jl_String_equals($rt_str($jsMethod.name), $rt_s(9))) { $jsParameterTypes = $jsMethod.parameterTypes; $parameterTypes = $rt_createArray(jl_Class, $jsParameterTypes.length); var$8 = $parameterTypes.data; $j = 0; var$10 = var$8.length; while ($j < var$10) { var$8[$j] = jl_Class_getClass($jsParameterTypes[$j]); $j = $j + 1 | 0; } $returnType = jl_Class_getClass($jsMethod.returnType); var$8 = $this.$declaredMethods.data; var$12 = $count + 1 | 0; var$13 = new jlr_Method; var$4 = $rt_str($jsMethod.name); var$10 = $jsMethod.modifiers; $j = $jsMethod.accessLevel; $jsParameterTypes = otji_JS_functionAsObject($jsMethod.callable, "call"); var$13.$declaringClass = $this; var$13.$name0 = var$4; var$13.$flags = var$10; var$13.$accessLevel = $j; var$13.$returnType = $returnType; var$13.$parameterTypes = $parameterTypes; var$13.$callable = $jsParameterTypes; var$8[$count] = var$13; $count = var$12; } $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $this.$declaredMethods = ju_Arrays_copyOf($this.$declaredMethods, $count); } return $this.$declaredMethods.$clone(); } return $rt_createArray(jlr_Method, 0); } function jl_Class_getMethod($this, $name, $parameterTypes) { var $method; $method = jl_Class_findMethod($this, null, $name, $parameterTypes); if ($method !== null) return $method; $name = new jl_NoSuchMethodException; jl_Exception__init_($name); $rt_throw($name); } function jl_Class_findMethods($cls, $methods) { var var$3, var$4, var$5, $method, $signature, $superclass, var$9, $iface, var$11; var$3 = (jl_Class_getDeclaredMethods($cls)).data; var$4 = var$3.length; var$5 = 0; while (var$5 < var$4) { $method = var$3[var$5]; if (jlr_Modifier_isPublic(jlr_Method_getModifiers($method))) { $signature = new jl_Class$MethodSignature; $superclass = $method.$name0; var$9 = jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($method); $iface = $method.$returnType; $signature.$name1 = $superclass; $signature.$parameterTypes0 = var$9; $signature.$returnType0 = $iface; if (!(ju_HashMap_entryByKey($methods, $signature) === null ? 0 : 1)) ju_HashMap_put($methods, $signature, $method); } var$5 = var$5 + 1 | 0; } if (!jl_Class_isInterface($cls)) { $superclass = jl_Class_getSuperclass($cls); if ($superclass !== null) jl_Class_findMethods($superclass, $methods); } var$3 = (jl_Class_getInterfaces($cls)).data; var$4 = var$3.length; var$11 = 0; while (var$11 < var$4) { jl_Class_findMethods(var$3[var$11], $methods); var$11 = var$11 + 1 | 0; } } function jl_Class_findMethod($cls, $current, $name, $parameterTypes) { var var$5, var$6, var$7, $method, var$9, $superclass, var$11; var$5 = (jl_Class_getDeclaredMethods($cls)).data; var$6 = var$5.length; var$7 = 0; while (var$7 < var$6) { a: { $method = var$5[var$7]; if (jlr_Modifier_isPublic(jlr_Method_getModifiers($method)) && jl_String_equals($method.$name0, $name) && ju_Arrays_equals(jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($method), $parameterTypes)) { if ($current !== null) { var$9 = $current.$returnType; if (!otp_Platform_isAssignable($method.$returnType.$platformClass, var$9.$platformClass)) break a; } $current = $method; } } var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; } if (!jl_Class_isInterface($cls)) { $superclass = jl_Class_getSuperclass($cls); if ($superclass !== null) $current = jl_Class_findMethod($superclass, $current, $name, $parameterTypes); } var$11 = (jl_Class_getInterfaces($cls)).data; var$7 = var$11.length; var$6 = 0; while (var$6 < var$7) { $current = jl_Class_findMethod(var$11[var$6], $current, $name, $parameterTypes); var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; } return $current; } function jl_Class_getSuperclass($this) { return jl_Class_getClass($this.$platformClass.$meta.superclass); } function jl_Class_getInterfaces($this) { var $supertypes, $filteredSupertypes, var$3, $j, $i, var$6; $supertypes = $this.$platformClass.$meta.supertypes; $filteredSupertypes = $rt_createArray(jl_Class, $supertypes.length); var$3 = $filteredSupertypes.data; $j = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $supertypes.length) { if ($supertypes[$i] !== $this.$platformClass.$meta.superclass) { var$6 = $j + 1 | 0; var$3[$j] = jl_Class_getClass($supertypes[$i]); $j = var$6; } $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if (var$3.length > $j) $filteredSupertypes = ju_Arrays_copyOf($filteredSupertypes, $j); return $filteredSupertypes; } function jl_Class_getClassLoader($this) { jl_ClassLoader_$callClinit(); return jl_ClassLoader_systemClassLoader; } function jl_Class_getPackage($this) { var $name, var$2; $name = jl_Class_getName($this); $name = jl_String_substring($name, 0, jl_String_lastIndexOf($name, 46, jl_String_length($name) - 1 | 0) + 1 | 0); var$2 = ju_HashMap_get(jl_Package_packages, $name); if (var$2 === null) { var$2 = new jl_Package; var$2.$name2 = $name; ju_HashMap_put(jl_Package_packages, $name, var$2); } return var$2; } var otji_JS = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otji_JS_function(var$1, var$2) { var name = 'jso$functor$' + var$2; if (!var$1[name]) { var fn = function() { return var$1[var$2].apply(var$1, arguments); }; var$1[name] = function() { return fn; }; } return var$1[name](); } function otji_JS_functionAsObject(var$1, var$2) { if (typeof var$1 !== "function") return var$1; var result = {}; result[var$2] = var$1; return result; } var otp_Platform = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otp_Platform_clone(var$1) { var copy = new var$1.constructor(); for (var field in var$1) { if (!var$1.hasOwnProperty(field)) { continue; } copy[field] = var$1[field]; } return copy; } function otp_Platform_isAssignable($from, $to) { var $supertypes, $i; if ($from === $to) return 1; $supertypes = $from.$meta.supertypes; $i = 0; while ($i < $supertypes.length) { if (otp_Platform_isAssignable($supertypes[$i], $to)) return 1; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return 0; } function otp_Platform_getArrayItem($cls) { return $cls.$meta.item; } function jl_Throwable() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$message = null; a.$cause = null; a.$suppressionEnabled = 0; a.$writableStackTrace = 0; } function jl_Throwable__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_Throwable(); jl_Throwable__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_Throwable__init_0($this, $message) { $this.$suppressionEnabled = 1; $this.$writableStackTrace = 1; $this.$message = $message; } function jl_Throwable_fillInStackTrace($this) { return $this; } function jl_Throwable_getMessage($this) { return $this.$message; } function jl_Throwable_getCause($this) { var var$1; var$1 = $this.$cause; if (var$1 === $this) var$1 = null; return var$1; } var jl_Exception = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Throwable); function jl_Exception__init_0() { var var_0 = new jl_Exception(); jl_Exception__init_(var_0); return var_0; } function jl_Exception__init_($this) { $this.$suppressionEnabled = 1; $this.$writableStackTrace = 1; } var jl_RuntimeException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Exception); function jl_RuntimeException__init_0() { var var_0 = new jl_RuntimeException(); jl_RuntimeException__init_1(var_0); return var_0; } function jl_RuntimeException__init_2(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jl_RuntimeException(); jl_RuntimeException__init_3(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jl_RuntimeException__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_RuntimeException(); jl_RuntimeException__init_4(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_RuntimeException__init_1($this) { jl_Exception__init_($this); } function jl_RuntimeException__init_3($this, $message, $cause) { $this.$suppressionEnabled = 1; $this.$writableStackTrace = 1; $this.$message = $message; $this.$cause = $cause; } function jl_RuntimeException__init_4($this, $message) { jl_Throwable__init_0($this, $message); } var jl_ClassCastException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var ji_Serializable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jl_Comparable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jl_CharSequence = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function jl_String() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$characters = null; a.$hashCode = 0; } var jl_String_EMPTY_CHARS = null; var jl_String_EMPTY = null; var jl_String_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER = null; function jl_String_$callClinit() { jl_String_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jl_String); jl_String__clinit_(); } function jl_String__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_String(); jl_String__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_String__init_1(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jl_String(); jl_String__init_2(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jl_String__init_0($this, $characters) { jl_String_$callClinit(); jl_String__init_2($this, $characters, 0, $characters.data.length); } function jl_String__init_2($this, $value, $offset, $count) { var var$4; jl_String_$callClinit(); var$4 = $rt_createCharArray($count); $this.$characters = var$4; jl_System_fastArraycopy($value, $offset, var$4, 0, $count); } function jl_String_charAt($this, $index) { var var$2, var$3; if ($index >= 0) { var$2 = $this.$characters.data; if ($index < var$2.length) return var$2[$index]; } var$3 = new jl_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$3); $rt_throw(var$3); } function jl_String_length($this) { return $this.$characters.data.length; } function jl_String_isEmpty($this) { return $this.$characters.data.length ? 0 : 1; } function jl_String_startsWith($this, $prefix, $toffset) { var $i, var$4, var$5; if (($toffset + jl_String_length($prefix) | 0) > jl_String_length($this)) return 0; $i = 0; while ($i < jl_String_length($prefix)) { var$4 = jl_String_charAt($prefix, $i); var$5 = $toffset + 1 | 0; if (var$4 != jl_String_charAt($this, $toffset)) return 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; $toffset = var$5; } return 1; } function jl_String_startsWith0($this, $prefix) { if ($this === $prefix) return 1; return jl_String_startsWith($this, $prefix, 0); } function jl_String_endsWith($this, $suffix) { var $j, $i, var$4, var$5; if ($this === $suffix) return 1; if (jl_String_length($suffix) > jl_String_length($this)) return 0; $j = 0; $i = jl_String_length($this) - jl_String_length($suffix) | 0; while ($i < jl_String_length($this)) { var$4 = jl_String_charAt($this, $i); var$5 = $j + 1 | 0; if (var$4 != jl_String_charAt($suffix, $j)) return 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; $j = var$5; } return 1; } function jl_String_indexOf($this, $ch) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; a: { var$2 = jl_Math_max(0, 0); if ($ch < 65536) { $ch = $ch & 65535; while (true) { var$3 = $this.$characters.data; if (var$2 >= var$3.length) { var$2 = (-1); break a; } if (var$3[var$2] == $ch) break; var$2 = var$2 + 1 | 0; } } else { var$4 = jl_Character_highSurrogate($ch); var$5 = jl_Character_lowSurrogate($ch); while (true) { var$3 = $this.$characters.data; if (var$2 >= (var$3.length - 1 | 0)) { var$2 = (-1); break a; } if (var$3[var$2] == var$4 && var$3[var$2 + 1 | 0] == var$5) break; var$2 = var$2 + 1 | 0; } } } return var$2; } function jl_String_lastIndexOf($this, $ch, $fromIndex) { var $i, $bmpChar, $hi, $lo, var$7; $i = jl_Math_min($fromIndex, jl_String_length($this) - 1 | 0); if ($ch < 65536) { $bmpChar = $ch & 65535; while (true) { if ($i < 0) return (-1); if ($this.$characters.data[$i] == $bmpChar) break; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } return $i; } $hi = jl_Character_highSurrogate($ch); $lo = jl_Character_lowSurrogate($ch); while (true) { if ($i < 1) return (-1); var$7 = $this.$characters.data; if (var$7[$i] == $lo) { $ch = $i - 1 | 0; if (var$7[$ch] == $hi) break; } $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } return $ch; } function jl_String_substring($this, $beginIndex, $endIndex) { var var$3, var$4; var$3 = $rt_compare($beginIndex, $endIndex); if (var$3 > 0) { var$4 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$4); $rt_throw(var$4); } if (!var$3) { jl_String_$callClinit(); return jl_String_EMPTY; } if (!$beginIndex && $endIndex == jl_String_length($this)) return $this; return jl_String__init_1($this.$characters, $beginIndex, $endIndex - $beginIndex | 0); } function jl_String_substring0($this, $beginIndex) { return jl_String_substring($this, $beginIndex, jl_String_length($this)); } function jl_String_toString($this) { return $this; } function jl_String_toCharArray($this) { var var$1, $array, var$3, $i, var$5; var$1 = $this.$characters.data; $array = $rt_createCharArray(var$1.length); var$3 = $array.data; $i = 0; var$5 = var$3.length; while ($i < var$5) { var$3[$i] = var$1[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $array; } function jl_String_equals($this, $other) { var $str, $i; if ($this === $other) return 1; if (!($other instanceof jl_String)) return 0; $str = $other; if (jl_String_length($str) != jl_String_length($this)) return 0; $i = 0; while ($i < jl_String_length($str)) { if (jl_String_charAt($this, $i) != jl_String_charAt($str, $i)) return 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return 1; } function jl_String_equalsIgnoreCase($this, $other) { var $i; if ($this === $other) return 1; if ($other === null) return 0; if (jl_String_length($this) != jl_String_length($other)) return 0; $i = 0; while ($i < jl_String_length($this)) { if (jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_String_charAt($this, $i)) != jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_String_charAt($other, $i))) return 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return 1; } function jl_String_hashCode($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, $c; a: { if (!$this.$hashCode) { var$1 = $this.$characters.data; var$2 = var$1.length; var$3 = 0; while (true) { if (var$3 >= var$2) break a; $c = var$1[var$3]; $this.$hashCode = (31 * $this.$hashCode | 0) + $c | 0; var$3 = var$3 + 1 | 0; } } } return $this.$hashCode; } function jl_String_toLowerCase($this, $locale) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11; if (!jl_String_isEmpty($this)) { var$2 = 0; var$3 = 0; var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$5 = var$4.length; var$6 = 0; a: { while (var$6 < var$5) { var$7 = var$4[var$6]; if (jl_Character_toLowerCase(var$7) != var$7) { var$2 = 1; break a; } if (jl_Character_isSurrogate(var$7)) var$3 = 1; var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; } } if (var$2) { if (!var$3) { var$4 = $rt_createCharArray($this.$characters.data.length); var$8 = var$4.data; var$2 = 0; while (true) { var$9 = $this.$characters.data; if (var$2 >= var$9.length) break; var$8[var$2] = jl_Character_toLowerCase(var$9[var$2]); var$2 = var$2 + 1 | 0; } $this = jl_String__init_(var$4); } else { var$9 = $rt_createIntArray($this.$characters.data.length).data; var$3 = 0; var$2 = 0; while (true) { var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$5 = var$4.length; if (var$2 >= var$5) break; b: { if (var$2 != (var$5 - 1 | 0) && jl_Character_isHighSurrogate(var$4[var$2])) { var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$6 = var$2 + 1 | 0; if (jl_Character_isLowSurrogate(var$4[var$6])) { var$5 = var$3 + 1 | 0; var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$9[var$3] = jl_Character_toLowerCase0(jl_Character_toCodePoint(var$4[var$2], var$4[var$6])); var$2 = var$6; break b; } } var$5 = var$3 + 1 | 0; var$9[var$3] = jl_Character_toLowerCase($this.$characters.data[var$2]); } var$2 = var$2 + 1 | 0; var$3 = var$5; } $this = new jl_String; var$2 = 0; $this.$characters = $rt_createCharArray(var$3 * 2 | 0); var$5 = 0; var$6 = 0; while (var$6 < var$3) { var$7 = var$2 + 1 | 0; var$2 = var$9[var$2]; if (var$2 < 65536) { var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$10 = var$5 + 1 | 0; var$4[var$5] = var$2 & 65535; } else { var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$11 = var$5 + 1 | 0; var$4[var$5] = jl_Character_highSurrogate(var$2); var$4 = $this.$characters.data; var$10 = var$11 + 1 | 0; var$4[var$11] = jl_Character_lowSurrogate(var$2); } var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; var$2 = var$7; var$5 = var$10; } var$4 = $this.$characters; if (var$5 < var$4.data.length) $this.$characters = ju_Arrays_copyOf0(var$4, var$5); } } } return $this; } function jl_String__clinit_() { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $rt_createCharArray(0); jl_String_EMPTY_CHARS = var$1; var$2 = new jl_String; jl_String_$callClinit(); var$2.$characters = var$1; jl_String_EMPTY = var$2; jl_String_CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER = new jl_String$_clinit_$lambda$_93_0; } var jl_Error = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Throwable); function jl_Error__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_Error(); jl_Error__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_Error__init_0($this, $cause) { $this.$suppressionEnabled = 1; $this.$writableStackTrace = 1; $this.$cause = $cause; } var jl_LinkageError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Error); var jl_NoClassDefFoundError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_LinkageError); var jl_Number = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function jl_Integer() { jl_Number.call(this); this.$value = 0; } var jl_Integer_TYPE = null; var jl_Integer_integerCache = null; function jl_Integer__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_Integer(); jl_Integer__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_Integer__init_0($this, $value) { $this.$value = $value; } function jl_Integer_toHexString($i) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7; if (!$i) var$2 = $rt_s(10); else { var$3 = (((32 - jl_Integer_numberOfLeadingZeros($i) | 0) + 4 | 0) - 1 | 0) / 4 | 0; var$4 = $rt_createCharArray(var$3); var$5 = var$4.data; var$6 = (var$3 - 1 | 0) * 4 | 0; var$3 = 0; while (var$6 >= 0) { var$7 = var$3 + 1 | 0; var$5[var$3] = jl_Character_forDigit(($i >>> var$6 | 0) & 15, 16); var$6 = var$6 - 4 | 0; var$3 = var$7; } var$2 = jl_String__init_(var$4); } return var$2; } function jl_Integer_toString($i) { return (jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append0(jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_0(20), $i, 10)).$toString(); } function jl_Integer_parseInt($s, $radix) { var var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11; if ($s === null) { $s = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Throwable__init_0($s, $rt_s(11)); $rt_throw($s); } var$3 = jl_String_length($s); if (0 == var$3) { $s = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Throwable__init_0($s, $rt_s(12)); $rt_throw($s); } if ($radix >= 2 && $radix <= 36) { a: { var$4 = 0; switch (jl_String_charAt($s, 0)) { case 43: break; case 45: var$4 = 1; var$5 = 1; break a; default: var$5 = 0; break a; } var$5 = 1; } var$6 = 0; if (var$5 == var$3) { $s = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($s); $rt_throw($s); } b: { c: { while (var$5 < var$3) { var$7 = var$5 + 1 | 0; var$8 = jl_Character_getNumericValue(jl_String_charAt($s, var$5)); if (var$8 < 0) { var$9 = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$10 = jl_String_substring($s, 0, var$3); $s = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($s); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($s, $rt_s(13)), var$10); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$9, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($s)); $rt_throw(var$9); } if (var$8 >= $radix) { var$9 = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$11 = jl_String_substring($s, 0, var$3); $s = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($s); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append($s, $rt_s(14)), $radix), $rt_s(15)), var$11); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$9, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($s)); $rt_throw(var$9); } var$6 = $rt_imul($radix, var$6) + var$8 | 0; if (var$6 < 0) { if (var$7 != var$3) break b; if (var$6 != (-2147483648)) break b; if (!var$4) break b; var$6 = (-2147483648); break c; } var$5 = var$7; } if (var$4) var$6 = -var$6 | 0; } return var$6; } var$9 = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$10 = jl_String_substring($s, 0, var$3); $s = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($s); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($s, $rt_s(16)), var$10); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$9, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($s)); $rt_throw(var$9); } $s = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$9 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$9); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$9, $rt_s(17)), $radix); jl_Throwable__init_0($s, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$9)); $rt_throw($s); } function jl_Integer_valueOf($i) { var var$2, var$3; if ($i >= (-128) && $i <= 127) { a: { if (jl_Integer_integerCache === null) { jl_Integer_integerCache = $rt_createArray(jl_Integer, 256); var$2 = 0; while (true) { var$3 = jl_Integer_integerCache.data; if (var$2 >= var$3.length) break a; var$3[var$2] = jl_Integer__init_(var$2 - 128 | 0); var$2 = var$2 + 1 | 0; } } } return jl_Integer_integerCache.data[$i + 128 | 0]; } return jl_Integer__init_($i); } function jl_Integer_toString0($this) { return jl_Integer_toString($this.$value); } function jl_Integer_hashCode($this) { return $this.$value; } function jl_Integer_equals($this, $other) { if ($this === $other) return 1; return $other instanceof jl_Integer && $other.$value == $this.$value ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Integer_numberOfLeadingZeros($i) { var $n, var$3; if (!$i) return 32; $n = 0; var$3 = $i >>> 16 | 0; if (var$3) $n = 16; else var$3 = $i; $i = var$3 >>> 8 | 0; if (!$i) $i = var$3; else $n = $n | 8; var$3 = $i >>> 4 | 0; if (!var$3) var$3 = $i; else $n = $n | 4; $i = var$3 >>> 2 | 0; if (!$i) $i = var$3; else $n = $n | 2; if ($i >>> 1 | 0) $n = $n | 1; return (32 - $n | 0) - 1 | 0; } function jl_Integer_numberOfTrailingZeros($i) { var $n, var$3; if (!$i) return 32; $n = 0; var$3 = $i << 16; if (var$3) $n = 16; else var$3 = $i; $i = var$3 << 8; if (!$i) $i = var$3; else $n = $n | 8; var$3 = $i << 4; if (!var$3) var$3 = $i; else $n = $n | 4; $i = var$3 << 2; if (!$i) $i = var$3; else $n = $n | 2; if ($i << 1) $n = $n | 1; return (32 - $n | 0) - 1 | 0; } function jl_Integer__clinit_() { jl_Integer_TYPE = $rt_cls($rt_intcls()); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$buffer = null; a.$length0 = 0; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_1() { var var_0 = new jl_AbstractStringBuilder(); jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var_0); return var_0; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_0(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_AbstractStringBuilder(); jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($this) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($this, 16); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($this, $capacity) { $this.$buffer = $rt_createCharArray($capacity); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($this, $string) { return $this.$insert($this.$length0, $string); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert($this, $index, $string) { var $i, var$4, var$5; if ($index >= 0 && $index <= $this.$length0) { if ($string === null) $string = $rt_s(18); else if (jl_String_isEmpty($string)) return $this; $this.$ensureCapacity($this.$length0 + jl_String_length($string) | 0); $i = $this.$length0 - 1 | 0; while ($i >= $index) { $this.$buffer.data[$i + jl_String_length($string) | 0] = $this.$buffer.data[$i]; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } $this.$length0 = $this.$length0 + jl_String_length($string) | 0; $i = 0; while ($i < jl_String_length($string)) { var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; var$5 = $index + 1 | 0; var$4[$index] = jl_String_charAt($string, $i); $i = $i + 1 | 0; $index = var$5; } return $this; } $string = new jl_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append0($this, $value, $radix) { return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert0($this, $this.$length0, $value, $radix); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert0($this, $target, $value, $radix) { var $positive, var$5, var$6, $pos, $sz, $posLimit, var$10; $positive = 1; if ($value < 0) { $positive = 0; $value = -$value | 0; } a: { if ($rt_ucmp($value, $radix) < 0) { if ($positive) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 1 | 0); else { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 2 | 0); var$5 = $this.$buffer.data; var$6 = $target + 1 | 0; var$5[$target] = 45; $target = var$6; } $this.$buffer.data[$target] = jl_Character_forDigit($value, $radix); } else { $pos = 1; $sz = 1; $posLimit = $rt_udiv((-1), $radix); b: { while (true) { var$10 = $rt_imul($pos, $radix); if ($rt_ucmp(var$10, $value) > 0) { var$10 = $pos; break b; } $sz = $sz + 1 | 0; if ($rt_ucmp(var$10, $posLimit) > 0) break; $pos = var$10; } } if (!$positive) $sz = $sz + 1 | 0; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + $sz | 0); if ($positive) $positive = $target; else { var$5 = $this.$buffer.data; $positive = $target + 1 | 0; var$5[$target] = 45; } while (true) { if (!var$10) break a; var$5 = $this.$buffer.data; $target = $positive + 1 | 0; var$5[$positive] = jl_Character_forDigit($rt_udiv($value, var$10), $radix); $value = $rt_umod($value, var$10); var$10 = $rt_udiv(var$10, $radix); $positive = $target; } } } return $this; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert1($this, $target, $value) { var $intDigit, var$4, $number, $mantissa, $exp, $negative, $intPart, $sz, $digits, $zeros, $leadingZeros, $leadingZero, $pos, $i; $intDigit = $rt_compare($value, 0.0); if (!$intDigit) { if (1.0 / $value === Infinity) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 3 | 0); var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 48; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 46; var$4[$target] = 48; return $this; } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 4 | 0); var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 45; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 48; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 46; var$4[$intDigit] = 48; return $this; } if ($rt_globals.isNaN($value) ? 1 : 0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 3 | 0); var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 78; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 97; var$4[$target] = 78; return $this; } if (!$rt_globals.isFinite($value) ? 1 : 0) { if ($intDigit > 0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 8 | 0); $intDigit = $target; } else { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + 9 | 0); var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 45; } var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 73; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 110; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 102; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 105; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 110; $intDigit = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 105; $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = 116; var$4[$target] = 121; return $this; } $number = jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_doubleAnalysisResult; otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_analyze($value, $number); $mantissa = $number.$mantissa; $exp = $number.$exponent; $negative = $number.$sign; $intPart = 1; $sz = 1; if ($negative) $sz = 2; $digits = 18; $zeros = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_trailingDecimalZeros($mantissa); if ($zeros > 0) $digits = $digits - $zeros | 0; $leadingZeros = 0; $leadingZero = 0; if ($exp < 7 && $exp >= (-3)) { if ($exp >= 0) { $intPart = $exp + 1 | 0; $digits = jl_Math_max($digits, $intPart + 1 | 0); $exp = 0; } else { $intPart = 0; $leadingZeros = ( -$exp | 0) - 1 | 0; $leadingZero = 1; $sz = $sz + 1 | 0; $exp = 0; } } if ($exp) { $sz = $sz + 2 | 0; if (!($exp > (-10) && $exp < 10)) $sz = $sz + 1 | 0; if (!($exp > (-100) && $exp < 100)) $sz = $sz + 1 | 0; if ($exp < 0) $sz = $sz + 1 | 0; } if ($exp && $digits == $intPart) $digits = $digits + 1 | 0; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $target, $target + ($sz + ($digits + $leadingZeros | 0) | 0) | 0); if (!$negative) $sz = $target; else { var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $sz = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 45; } $pos = Long_create(1569325056, 23283064); if ($leadingZero) { var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $target = $sz + 1 | 0; var$4[$sz] = 48; $sz = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 46; while (true) { $target = $leadingZeros + (-1) | 0; if ($leadingZeros <= 0) break; $intDigit = $sz + 1 | 0; var$4[$sz] = 48; $leadingZeros = $target; $sz = $intDigit; } } $i = 0; while ($i < $digits) { if (Long_le($pos, Long_ZERO)) $intDigit = 0; else { $intDigit = Long_lo(Long_div($mantissa, $pos)); $mantissa = Long_rem($mantissa, $pos); } var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $target = $sz + 1 | 0; var$4[$sz] = (48 + $intDigit | 0) & 65535; $intPart = $intPart + (-1) | 0; if ($intPart) $sz = $target; else { $sz = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = 46; } $pos = Long_div($pos, Long_fromInt(10)); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if ($exp) { var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; $negative = $sz + 1 | 0; var$4[$sz] = 69; if ($exp >= 0) $intDigit = $negative; else { $exp = -$exp | 0; $intDigit = $negative + 1 | 0; var$4[$negative] = 45; } if ($exp >= 100) { $target = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = (48 + ($exp / 100 | 0) | 0) & 65535; $exp = $exp % 100 | 0; $negative = $target + 1 | 0; var$4[$target] = (48 + ($exp / 10 | 0) | 0) & 65535; } else if ($exp < 10) $negative = $intDigit; else { $negative = $intDigit + 1 | 0; var$4[$intDigit] = (48 + ($exp / 10 | 0) | 0) & 65535; } var$4[$negative] = (48 + ($exp % 10 | 0) | 0) & 65535; } return $this; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_trailingDecimalZeros($n) { var $zeros, $result, $bit, var$5, $i; $zeros = Long_fromInt(1); $result = 0; $bit = 16; var$5 = jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_longLogPowersOfTen.data; $i = var$5.length - 1 | 0; while ($i >= 0) { if (Long_eq(Long_rem($n, Long_mul($zeros, var$5[$i])), Long_ZERO)) { $result = $result | $bit; $zeros = Long_mul($zeros, var$5[$i]); } $bit = $bit >>> 1 | 0; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } return $result; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($this, $c) { return $this.$insert1($this.$length0, $c); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($this, $index, $c) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $index, $index + 1 | 0); $this.$buffer.data[$index] = $c; return $this; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_ensureCapacity($this, $capacity) { var var$2, $newLength; var$2 = $this.$buffer.data.length; if (var$2 >= $capacity) return; $newLength = var$2 >= 1073741823 ? 2147483647 : jl_Math_max($capacity, jl_Math_max(var$2 * 2 | 0, 5)); $this.$buffer = ju_Arrays_copyOf0($this.$buffer, $newLength); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($this) { return jl_String__init_1($this.$buffer, 0, $this.$length0); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_charAt($this, $index) { var var$2; if ($index >= 0 && $index < $this.$length0) return $this.$buffer.data[$index]; var$2 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($this, $chars, $offset, $len) { return $this.$insert2($this.$length0, $chars, $offset, $len); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert3($this, $index, $chars, $offset, $len) { var var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $index, $index + $len | 0); var$5 = $len + $offset | 0; while ($offset < var$5) { var$6 = $chars.data; var$7 = $this.$buffer.data; $len = $index + 1 | 0; var$8 = $offset + 1 | 0; var$7[$index] = var$6[$offset]; $index = $len; $offset = var$8; } return $this; } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append3($this, $chars) { return $this.$append3($chars, 0, $chars.data.length); } function jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, $start, $end) { var var$3, $sz, $i, var$6; var$3 = $this.$length0; $sz = var$3 - $start | 0; $this.$ensureCapacity((var$3 + $end | 0) - $start | 0); $i = $sz - 1 | 0; while ($i >= 0) { var$6 = $this.$buffer.data; var$6[$end + $i | 0] = var$6[$start + $i | 0]; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } $this.$length0 = $this.$length0 + ($end - $start | 0) | 0; } var jl_Appendable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jl_StringBuilder = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_AbstractStringBuilder); function jl_StringBuilder__init_() { var var_0 = new jl_StringBuilder(); jl_StringBuilder__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jl_StringBuilder__init_0($this) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($this); } function jl_StringBuilder_append($this, $obj) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert($this, $this.$length0, $obj === null ? $rt_s(18) : $obj.$toString()); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_append1($this, $string) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($this, $string); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_append0($this, $value) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append0($this, $value, 10); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_append2($this, $value) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9; var$2 = $this.$length0; var$3 = 1; if (Long_lt($value, Long_ZERO)) { var$3 = 0; $value = Long_neg($value); } a: { if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned($value, Long_fromInt(10)) < 0) { if (var$3) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, var$2, var$2 + 1 | 0); else { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, var$2, var$2 + 2 | 0); var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; var$5 = var$2 + 1 | 0; var$4[var$2] = 45; var$2 = var$5; } $this.$buffer.data[var$2] = jl_Character_forDigit(Long_lo($value), 10); } else { var$6 = 1; var$7 = Long_fromInt(1); var$8 = jl_Long_divideUnsigned(Long_fromInt(-1), Long_fromInt(10)); b: { while (true) { var$9 = Long_mul(var$7, Long_fromInt(10)); if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned(var$9, $value) > 0) { var$9 = var$7; break b; } var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned(var$9, var$8) > 0) break; var$7 = var$9; } } if (!var$3) var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insertSpace($this, var$2, var$2 + var$6 | 0); if (var$3) var$5 = var$2; else { var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; var$5 = var$2 + 1 | 0; var$4[var$2] = 45; } while (true) { if (Long_eq(var$9, Long_ZERO)) break a; var$4 = $this.$buffer.data; var$2 = var$5 + 1 | 0; var$4[var$5] = jl_Character_forDigit(Long_lo((jl_Long_divideUnsigned($value, var$9))), 10); $value = jl_Long_remainderUnsigned($value, var$9); var$9 = jl_Long_divideUnsigned(var$9, Long_fromInt(10)); var$5 = var$2; } } } return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_append3($this, $c) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($this, $c); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_delete($this, $start, $end) { var var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8; if ($start >= 0) { var$3 = $rt_compare($start, $end); if (var$3 <= 0) { var$4 = $this.$length0; if ($start <= var$4) { if (var$3) { if ($end > var$4) $end = var$4; var$5 = var$4 - $end | 0; $this.$length0 = var$4 - ($end - $start | 0) | 0; var$4 = 0; while (var$4 < var$5) { var$6 = $this.$buffer.data; var$3 = $start + 1 | 0; var$7 = $end + 1 | 0; var$6[$start] = var$6[$end]; var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; $start = var$3; $end = var$7; } } return $this; } } } var$8 = new jl_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$8); $rt_throw(var$8); } function jl_StringBuilder_deleteCharAt($this, $index) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; if ($index >= 0) { var$2 = $this.$length0; if ($index < var$2) { var$2 = var$2 - 1 | 0; $this.$length0 = var$2; while ($index < var$2) { var$3 = $this.$buffer.data; var$4 = $index + 1 | 0; var$3[$index] = var$3[var$4]; $index = var$4; } return $this; } } var$5 = new jl_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$5); $rt_throw(var$5); } function jl_StringBuilder_setLength($this, var$1) { $this.$length0 = var$1; } function jl_StringBuilder_insert($this, var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert3($this, var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_append4($this, var$1, var$2, var$3) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($this, var$1, var$2, var$3); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_length($this) { return $this.$length0; } function jl_StringBuilder_toString($this) { return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($this); } function jl_StringBuilder_ensureCapacity($this, var$1) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_ensureCapacity($this, var$1); } function jl_StringBuilder_insert0($this, var$1, var$2) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($this, var$1, var$2); return $this; } function jl_StringBuilder_insert1($this, var$1, var$2) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert($this, var$1, var$2); return $this; } var jl_IncompatibleClassChangeError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_LinkageError); var jl_NoSuchFieldError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_IncompatibleClassChangeError); function jl_NoSuchFieldError__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_NoSuchFieldError(); jl_NoSuchFieldError__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_NoSuchFieldError__init_0($this, $message) { jl_Throwable__init_0($this, $message); } var jl_NoSuchMethodError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_IncompatibleClassChangeError); function jl_NoSuchMethodError__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_NoSuchMethodError(); jl_NoSuchMethodError__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_NoSuchMethodError__init_0($this, $message) { jl_Throwable__init_0($this, $message); } function nhEn_PostRequest() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$headers = null; a.$contents = null; } function nhEn_PostRequest_send($this, $url, $callback) { var $xhr, $bodyBuilder, $entry, var$6, var$7; $xhr = new $rt_globals.XMLHttpRequest(); $url = $rt_str($rt_globals.encodeURIComponent($rt_ustr($url))); $bodyBuilder = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($bodyBuilder); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($bodyBuilder, $rt_s(19)), $url); $entry = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($bodyBuilder); $xhr.open("POST", $rt_ustr($entry)); $xhr.setRequestHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); $url = ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet_iterator(ju_HashMap_entrySet($this.$headers)); while (ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_hasNext($url)) { $entry = ju_HashMap$EntryIterator_next($url); $bodyBuilder = $entry.$key; $entry = $entry.$value0; $xhr.setRequestHeader($rt_ustr($bodyBuilder), $rt_ustr($entry)); } $bodyBuilder = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($bodyBuilder); $url = ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet_iterator(ju_HashMap_entrySet($this.$contents)); while (ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_hasNext($url)) { $entry = ju_HashMap$EntryIterator_next($url); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bodyBuilder, $entry.$key); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bodyBuilder, $rt_s(20)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bodyBuilder, $entry.$value0); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bodyBuilder, $rt_s(21)); } var$6 = $bodyBuilder.$length0; var$7 = var$6 - 1 | 0; if (0 <= var$7 && var$7 <= var$6) { $entry = jl_String__init_1($bodyBuilder.$buffer, 0, var$7 - 0 | 0); $bodyBuilder = new nhEn_PostRequest$send$lambda$_5_0; $bodyBuilder.$_0 = $xhr; $bodyBuilder.$_1 = $callback; $url = otji_JS_function($bodyBuilder, "stateChanged"); $xhr.onreadystatechange = $url; $xhr.send($rt_ustr($entry)); return; } $url = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_($url); $rt_throw($url); } function nhEn_PostRequest_send$_asyncCall_$(var$0, var$1) { var thread = $rt_nativeThread(); var javaThread = $rt_getThread(); if (thread.isResuming()) { thread.status = 0; var result = thread.attribute; if (result instanceof Error) { throw result; } return result; } var callback = function() {}; callback.$complete = function(val) { thread.attribute = val; $rt_setThread(javaThread); thread.resume(); }; callback.$error = function(e) { thread.attribute = $rt_exception(e); $rt_setThread(javaThread); thread.resume(); }; callback = otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_create(callback); thread.suspend(function() { try { nhEn_PostRequest_send(var$0, var$1, callback); } catch($e) { callback.$error($rt_exception($e)); } }); return null; } var jl_System = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jl_System_outCache = null; function jl_System_out() { var var$1, var$2; if (jl_System_outCache === null) { var$1 = new ji_PrintStream; var$1.$out0 = otcic_StdoutOutputStream_INSTANCE; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); var$1.$sb = var$2; var$1.$buffer0 = $rt_createCharArray(32); var$1.$autoFlush = 0; jnci_UTF8Charset_$callClinit(); var$1.$charset = jnci_UTF8Charset_INSTANCE; jl_System_outCache = var$1; } return jl_System_outCache; } function jl_System_arraycopy($src, $srcPos, $dest, $destPos, $length) { var $srcType, $targetType, $srcArray, $i, var$10, var$11, var$12; if ($src !== null && $dest !== null) { if ($srcPos >= 0 && $destPos >= 0 && $length >= 0 && ($srcPos + $length | 0) <= jlr_Array_getLength($src) && ($destPos + $length | 0) <= jlr_Array_getLength($dest)) { a: { b: { if ($src !== $dest) { $srcType = jl_Class_getComponentType(jl_Object_getClass($src)); $targetType = jl_Class_getComponentType(jl_Object_getClass($dest)); if ($srcType !== null && $targetType !== null) { if ($srcType === $targetType) break b; if (!jl_Class_isPrimitive($srcType) && !jl_Class_isPrimitive($targetType)) { $srcArray = $src; $i = 0; var$10 = $srcPos; while ($i < $length) { var$11 = $srcArray.data; var$12 = var$10 + 1 | 0; if (!jl_Class_isInstance($targetType, var$11[var$10])) { jl_System_doArrayCopy($src, $srcPos, $dest, $destPos, $i); $src = new jl_ArrayStoreException; jl_Exception__init_($src); $rt_throw($src); } $i = $i + 1 | 0; var$10 = var$12; } jl_System_doArrayCopy($src, $srcPos, $dest, $destPos, $length); return; } if (!jl_Class_isPrimitive($srcType)) break a; if (jl_Class_isPrimitive($targetType)) break b; else break a; } $src = new jl_ArrayStoreException; jl_Exception__init_($src); $rt_throw($src); } } jl_System_doArrayCopy($src, $srcPos, $dest, $destPos, $length); return; } $src = new jl_ArrayStoreException; jl_Exception__init_($src); $rt_throw($src); } $src = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_($src); $rt_throw($src); } $dest = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Throwable__init_0($dest, $rt_s(22)); $rt_throw($dest); } function jl_System_fastArraycopy($src, $srcPos, $dest, $destPos, $length) { if ($srcPos >= 0 && $destPos >= 0 && $length >= 0 && ($srcPos + $length | 0) <= jlr_Array_getLength($src) && ($destPos + $length | 0) <= jlr_Array_getLength($dest)) { jl_System_doArrayCopy($src, $srcPos, $dest, $destPos, $length); return; } $src = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_($src); $rt_throw($src); } function jl_System_doArrayCopy(var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5) { if (var$5 === 0) { return; } else if (typeof var$1.data.buffer !== 'undefined') { var$3.data.set(var$1.data.subarray(var$2, var$2 + var$5), var$4); } else if (var$1 !== var$3 || var$4 < var$2) { for (var i = 0; i < var$5; i = (i + 1) | 0) { var$3.data[var$4++] = var$1.data[var$2++]; } } else { var$2 = (var$2 + var$5) | 0; var$4 = (var$4 + var$5) | 0; for (var i = 0; i < var$5; i = (i + 1) | 0) { var$3.data[--var$4] = var$1.data[--var$2]; } } } var otci_IntegerUtil = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var ju_Map = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function ju_AbstractMap() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$cachedValues = null; } var jl_Cloneable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function ju_HashMap() { var a = this; ju_AbstractMap.call(a); a.$elementCount = 0; a.$elementData = null; a.$modCount = 0; a.$loadFactor = 0.0; a.$threshold = 0; } function ju_HashMap__init_() { var var_0 = new ju_HashMap(); ju_HashMap__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function ju_HashMap__init_1(var_0) { var var_1 = new ju_HashMap(); ju_HashMap__init_2(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function ju_HashMap__init_0($this) { ju_HashMap__init_2($this, 16); } function ju_HashMap__init_2($this, $capacity) { var var$2; if ($capacity < 0) { var$2 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } $capacity = ju_HashMap_calculateCapacity($capacity); $this.$elementCount = 0; $this.$elementData = $rt_createArray(ju_HashMap$HashEntry, $capacity); $this.$loadFactor = 0.75; ju_HashMap_computeThreshold($this); } function ju_HashMap_calculateCapacity($x) { var var$2; if ($x >= 1073741824) return 1073741824; if (!$x) return 16; var$2 = $x - 1 | 0; $x = var$2 | var$2 >> 1; $x = $x | $x >> 2; $x = $x | $x >> 4; $x = $x | $x >> 8; return ($x | $x >> 16) + 1 | 0; } function ju_HashMap_computeThreshold($this) { $this.$threshold = $this.$elementData.data.length * $this.$loadFactor | 0; } function ju_HashMap_entrySet($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet; var$1.$associatedMap = $this; return var$1; } function ju_HashMap_get($this, $key) { var $m; $m = ju_HashMap_entryByKey($this, $key); if ($m === null) return null; return $m.$value0; } function ju_HashMap_entryByKey($this, $key) { var $m, $hash; if ($key === null) $m = ju_HashMap_findNullKeyEntry($this); else { $hash = $key.$hashCode0(); $m = ju_HashMap_findNonNullKeyEntry($this, $key, $hash & ($this.$elementData.data.length - 1 | 0), $hash); } return $m; } function ju_HashMap_findNonNullKeyEntry($this, $key, $index, $keyHash) { var $m; $m = $this.$elementData.data[$index]; while ($m !== null && !($m.$origKeyHash == $keyHash && ju_HashMap_areEqualKeys($key, $m.$key))) { $m = $m.$next0; } return $m; } function ju_HashMap_findNullKeyEntry($this) { var $m; $m = $this.$elementData.data[0]; while ($m !== null && $m.$key !== null) { $m = $m.$next0; } return $m; } function ju_HashMap_put($this, $key, $value) { var var$3, var$4, var$5; if ($key === null) { var$3 = ju_HashMap_findNullKeyEntry($this); if (var$3 === null) { $this.$modCount = $this.$modCount + 1 | 0; var$3 = ju_HashMap_createHashedEntry($this, null, 0, 0); var$4 = $this.$elementCount + 1 | 0; $this.$elementCount = var$4; if (var$4 > $this.$threshold) ju_HashMap_rehash($this); } } else { var$4 = $key.$hashCode0(); var$5 = var$4 & ($this.$elementData.data.length - 1 | 0); var$3 = ju_HashMap_findNonNullKeyEntry($this, $key, var$5, var$4); if (var$3 === null) { $this.$modCount = $this.$modCount + 1 | 0; var$3 = ju_HashMap_createHashedEntry($this, $key, var$5, var$4); var$4 = $this.$elementCount + 1 | 0; $this.$elementCount = var$4; if (var$4 > $this.$threshold) ju_HashMap_rehash($this); } } $key = var$3.$value0; var$3.$value0 = $value; return $key; } function ju_HashMap_createHashedEntry($this, $key, $index, $hash) { var $entry, var$5; $entry = new ju_HashMap$HashEntry; ju_MapEntry__init_($entry, $key, null); $entry.$origKeyHash = $hash; var$5 = $this.$elementData.data; $entry.$next0 = var$5[$index]; var$5[$index] = $entry; return $entry; } function ju_HashMap_rehash($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8; var$1 = $this.$elementData.data.length; var$1 = ju_HashMap_calculateCapacity(!var$1 ? 1 : var$1 << 1); var$2 = $rt_createArray(ju_HashMap$HashEntry, var$1); var$3 = var$2.data; var$4 = 0; var$5 = var$1 - 1 | 0; while (true) { var$6 = $this.$elementData.data; if (var$4 >= var$6.length) break; var$7 = var$6[var$4]; var$6[var$4] = null; while (var$7 !== null) { var$1 = var$7.$origKeyHash & var$5; var$8 = var$7.$next0; var$7.$next0 = var$3[var$1]; var$3[var$1] = var$7; var$7 = var$8; } var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; } $this.$elementData = var$2; ju_HashMap_computeThreshold($this); } function ju_HashMap_areEqualKeys($key1, $key2) { return $key1 !== $key2 && !$key1.$equals($key2) ? 0 : 1; } var jl_AutoCloseable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ji_Closeable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ji_Flushable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ji_OutputStream = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function ji_FilterOutputStream() { ji_OutputStream.call(this); this.$out0 = null; } function ji_PrintStream() { var a = this; ji_FilterOutputStream.call(a); a.$autoFlush = 0; a.$errorState = 0; a.$sb = null; a.$buffer0 = null; a.$charset = null; } function ji_PrintStream_write($this, $b, $off, $len) { var var$4, $$je; var$4 = $this.$out0; if (var$4 === null) $this.$errorState = 1; if (!($this.$errorState ? 0 : 1)) return; a: { try { otcic_StdoutOutputStream_write(var$4, $b, $off, $len); break a; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ji_IOException) { } else { throw $$e; } } $this.$errorState = 1; } } function ji_PrintStream_printSB($this) { var var$1, var$2, $buffer, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11, var$12, var$13, var$14, $$je; var$1 = $this.$sb; var$2 = var$1.$length0; $buffer = $this.$buffer0; if (var$2 > $buffer.data.length) $buffer = $rt_createCharArray(var$2); var$4 = 0; var$5 = 0; if (var$4 > var$2) { var$1 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$1, $rt_s(23)); $rt_throw(var$1); } while (var$4 < var$2) { var$6 = $buffer.data; var$7 = var$5 + 1 | 0; var$8 = var$1.$buffer.data; var$9 = var$4 + 1 | 0; var$6[var$5] = var$8[var$4]; var$5 = var$7; var$4 = var$9; } var$8 = $buffer.data; var$4 = var$2 - 0 | 0; var$10 = new jn_CharBufferOverArray; var$9 = var$8.length; var$7 = 0 + var$4 | 0; jn_Buffer__init_(var$10, var$9); var$10.$position = 0; var$10.$limit = var$7; var$10.$start = 0; var$10.$readOnly = 0; var$10.$array = $buffer; $buffer = $rt_createByteArray(jl_Math_max(16, jl_Math_min(var$4, 1024))); var$4 = $buffer.data.length; var$11 = new jn_ByteBufferImpl; var$7 = 0 + var$4 | 0; jn_Buffer__init_(var$11, var$4); jn_ByteOrder_$callClinit(); var$11.$order = jn_ByteOrder_BIG_ENDIAN; var$11.$start0 = 0; var$11.$array0 = $buffer; var$11.$position = 0; var$11.$limit = var$7; var$11.$direct = 0; var$11.$readOnly0 = 0; var$12 = $this.$charset; var$13 = new jnci_UTF8Encoder; var$6 = $rt_createByteArray(1); var$8 = var$6.data; var$8[0] = 63; jnc_CodingErrorAction_$callClinit(); var$1 = jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPORT; var$13.$malformedAction = var$1; var$13.$unmappableAction = var$1; var$5 = var$8.length; if (var$5 && var$5 >= var$13.$maxBytesPerChar) { var$13.$charset0 = var$12; var$13.$replacement = var$6.$clone(); var$13.$averageBytesPerChar = 2.0; var$13.$maxBytesPerChar = 4.0; var$13.$inArray = $rt_createCharArray(512); var$13.$outArray = $rt_createByteArray(512); var$1 = jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPLACE; if (var$1 === null) { var$11 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$11, $rt_s(24)); $rt_throw(var$11); } var$13.$malformedAction = var$1; var$13.$unmappableAction = var$1; while (var$13.$status != 3) { var$13.$status = 2; a: { while (true) { try { var$14 = jnci_BufferedEncoder_encodeLoop(var$13, var$10, var$11); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_RuntimeException) { var$1 = $$je; var$11 = new jnc_CoderMalfunctionError; jl_Error__init_0(var$11, var$1); $rt_throw(var$11); } else { throw $$e; } } if (var$14.$kind ? 0 : 1) { var$4 = jn_Buffer_remaining(var$10); if (var$4 <= 0) break a; var$14 = jnc_CoderResult_malformedForLength(var$4); } else if (jnc_CoderResult_isOverflow(var$14)) break; var$1 = !jnc_CoderResult_isUnmappable(var$14) ? var$13.$malformedAction : var$13.$unmappableAction; b: { if (var$1 !== jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPLACE) { if (var$1 === jnc_CodingErrorAction_IGNORE) break b; else break a; } var$4 = jn_Buffer_remaining(var$11); var$8 = var$13.$replacement; var$2 = var$8.data.length; if (var$4 < var$2) { var$14 = jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW; break a; } jn_ByteBuffer_put(var$11, var$8, 0, var$2); } var$2 = var$10.$position; if (!(!jnc_CoderResult_isMalformed(var$14) && !jnc_CoderResult_isUnmappable(var$14) ? 0 : 1)) { var$1 = new jl_UnsupportedOperationException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } jn_CharBuffer_position(var$10, var$2 + var$14.$length1 | 0); } } var$4 = jnc_CoderResult_isOverflow(var$14); ji_PrintStream_write($this, $buffer, 0, jn_Buffer_position(var$11)); jn_ByteBuffer_clear(var$11); if (!var$4) { while (true) { var$4 = var$13.$status; if (var$4 != 2 && var$4 != 4) { var$1 = new jl_IllegalStateException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } var$1 = jnc_CoderResult_UNDERFLOW; if (var$1 === var$1) var$13.$status = 3; var$4 = jnc_CoderResult_isOverflow(var$1); ji_PrintStream_write($this, $buffer, 0, var$11.$position); jn_ByteBuffer_clear(var$11); if (!var$4) break; } jl_StringBuilder_setLength($this.$sb, 0); return; } } var$1 = new jl_IllegalStateException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } var$11 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_RuntimeException__init_4(var$11, $rt_s(25)); $rt_throw(var$11); } function otcic_ConsoleOutputStream() { ji_OutputStream.call(this); this.$buffer1 = null; } var otcic_StdoutOutputStream = $rt_classWithoutFields(otcic_ConsoleOutputStream); var otcic_StdoutOutputStream_INSTANCE = null; function otcic_StdoutOutputStream_write($this, $b, $off, $len) { var var$4; var$4 = 0; while (var$4 < $len) { $rt_putStdout($b.data[var$4 + $off | 0] & 255); var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; } } function otcic_StdoutOutputStream__clinit_() { var var$1; var$1 = new otcic_StdoutOutputStream; var$1.$buffer1 = $rt_createByteArray(1); otcic_StdoutOutputStream_INSTANCE = var$1; } var ju_Comparator = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jl_String$_clinit_$lambda$_93_0 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jlr_Array = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function jlr_Array_getLength(var$1) { if (var$1 === null || var$1.constructor.$meta.item === undefined) { $rt_throw(jl_IllegalArgumentException__init_()); } return var$1.data.length; } function jlr_Array_newInstance($componentType, $length) { if ($componentType === null) { $componentType = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Exception__init_($componentType); $rt_throw($componentType); } if ($componentType === $rt_cls($rt_voidcls())) { $componentType = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($componentType); $rt_throw($componentType); } if ($length >= 0) return jlr_Array_newInstanceImpl($componentType.$platformClass, $length); $componentType = new jl_NegativeArraySizeException; jl_Exception__init_($componentType); $rt_throw($componentType); } function jlr_Array_newInstanceImpl(var$1, var$2) { if (var$1.$meta.primitive) { if (var$1 == $rt_bytecls()) { return $rt_createByteArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_shortcls()) { return $rt_createShortArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_charcls()) { return $rt_createCharArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_intcls()) { return $rt_createIntArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_longcls()) { return $rt_createLongArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_floatcls()) { return $rt_createFloatArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_doublecls()) { return $rt_createDoubleArray(var$2); } if (var$1 == $rt_booleancls()) { return $rt_createBooleanArray(var$2); } } else { return $rt_createArray(var$1, var$2) } } function jlr_Array_get($array, $index) { if ($index >= 0 && $index < jlr_Array_getLength($array)) return jlr_Array_getImpl($array, $index); $array = new jl_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_($array); $rt_throw($array); } function jlr_Array_getImpl(var$1, var$2) { var item = var$1.data[var$2]; var type = var$1.constructor.$meta.item; if (type === $rt_intcls()) { return jl_Integer_valueOf(item); } else if (type === $rt_longcls()) { return jl_Long_valueOf(item); } else if (type === $rt_doublecls()) { return jl_Double_valueOf(item); } else { return item; } } var jl_NullPointerException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jl_ArrayStoreException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jl_Character = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jl_Character_TYPE = null; var jl_Character_digitMapping = null; var jl_Character_upperCaseMapping = null; var jl_Character_lowerCaseMapping = null; var jl_Character_classMapping = null; var jl_Character_characterCache = null; var jl_Character_$$metadata$$0 = null; var jl_Character_$$metadata$$1 = null; var jl_Character_$$metadata$$3 = null; var jl_Character_$$metadata$$4 = null; function jl_Character_toString($c) { var var$2, var$3; var$2 = new jl_String; var$3 = $rt_createCharArray(1); var$3.data[0] = $c; jl_String__init_0(var$2, var$3); return var$2; } function jl_Character_isSupplementaryCodePoint($codePoint) { return $codePoint >= 65536 && $codePoint <= 1114111 ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($ch) { return ($ch & 64512) != 55296 ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Character_isLowSurrogate($ch) { return ($ch & 64512) != 56320 ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Character_isSurrogate($ch) { return !jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($ch) && !jl_Character_isLowSurrogate($ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Character_isSurrogatePair($high, $low) { return jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($high) && jl_Character_isLowSurrogate($low) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Character_toCodePoint($high, $low) { return (($high & 1023) << 10 | $low & 1023) + 65536 | 0; } function jl_Character_highSurrogate($codePoint) { return (55296 | ($codePoint - 65536 | 0) >> 10 & 1023) & 65535; } function jl_Character_lowSurrogate($codePoint) { return (56320 | $codePoint & 1023) & 65535; } function jl_Character_toLowerCase($ch) { return jl_Character_toLowerCase0($ch) & 65535; } function jl_Character_toLowerCase0($ch) { if (jl_Character_lowerCaseMapping === null) { if (jl_Character_$$metadata$$0 === null) jl_Character_$$metadata$$0 = jl_Character_acquireLowerCaseMapping$$create(); jl_Character_lowerCaseMapping = otciu_UnicodeHelper_createCharMapping(otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeCaseMapping((jl_Character_$$metadata$$0.value !== null ? $rt_str(jl_Character_$$metadata$$0.value) : null))); } return jl_Character_mapChar(jl_Character_lowerCaseMapping, $ch); } function jl_Character_toUpperCase($ch) { return jl_Character_toUpperCase0($ch) & 65535; } function jl_Character_toUpperCase0($codePoint) { if (jl_Character_upperCaseMapping === null) { if (jl_Character_$$metadata$$1 === null) jl_Character_$$metadata$$1 = jl_Character_acquireUpperCaseMapping$$create(); jl_Character_upperCaseMapping = otciu_UnicodeHelper_createCharMapping(otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeCaseMapping((jl_Character_$$metadata$$1.value !== null ? $rt_str(jl_Character_$$metadata$$1.value) : null))); } return jl_Character_mapChar(jl_Character_upperCaseMapping, $codePoint); } function jl_Character_mapChar($table, $codePoint) { var $binSearchTable, var$4, var$5, var$6, $index, var$8; $binSearchTable = $table.$fastTable.data; if ($codePoint < $binSearchTable.length) return $codePoint + $binSearchTable[$codePoint] | 0; $binSearchTable = $table.$binarySearchTable.data; var$4 = 0; var$5 = $binSearchTable.length; var$6 = (var$5 / 2 | 0) - 1 | 0; a: { while (true) { $index = (var$4 + var$6 | 0) / 2 | 0; var$8 = $rt_compare($binSearchTable[$index * 2 | 0], $codePoint); if (!var$8) break; if (var$8 <= 0) { var$4 = $index + 1 | 0; if (var$4 > var$6) break a; } else { $index = $index - 1 | 0; if ($index < var$4) break a; var$6 = $index; } } } if ($index >= 0) { $index = $index * 2 | 0; if ($index < var$5) return $codePoint + $binSearchTable[$index + 1 | 0] | 0; } return 0; } function jl_Character_digit($ch, $radix) { if ($radix >= 2 && $radix <= 36) { $ch = jl_Character_getNumericValue($ch); if ($ch >= $radix) $ch = (-1); } else $ch = (-1); return $ch; } function jl_Character_getNumericValue($codePoint) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, $digitMapping, $u, $idx, $val, var$10, $l; if (jl_Character_digitMapping === null) { if (jl_Character_$$metadata$$3 === null) jl_Character_$$metadata$$3 = jl_Character_obtainDigitMapping$$create(); var$2 = (jl_Character_$$metadata$$3.value !== null ? $rt_str(jl_Character_$$metadata$$3.value) : null); var$3 = otci_CharFlow__init_(jl_String_toCharArray(var$2)); var$4 = otci_Base46_decodeUnsigned(var$3); var$5 = $rt_createIntArray(var$4 * 2 | 0); $digitMapping = var$5.data; $u = 0; $idx = 0; $val = 0; var$10 = 0; while (var$10 < var$4) { $idx = $idx + otci_Base46_decode(var$3) | 0; $val = $val + otci_Base46_decode(var$3) | 0; $l = $u + 1 | 0; $digitMapping[$u] = $idx; $u = $l + 1 | 0; $digitMapping[$l] = $val; var$10 = var$10 + 1 | 0; } jl_Character_digitMapping = var$5; } $digitMapping = jl_Character_digitMapping.data; $l = 0; $u = ($digitMapping.length / 2 | 0) - 1 | 0; while ($u >= $l) { $idx = ($l + $u | 0) / 2 | 0; var$4 = $idx * 2 | 0; $val = $rt_compare($codePoint, $digitMapping[var$4]); if ($val > 0) $l = $idx + 1 | 0; else { if ($val >= 0) return $digitMapping[var$4 + 1 | 0]; $u = $idx - 1 | 0; } } return (-1); } function jl_Character_forDigit($digit, $radix) { if ($radix >= 2 && $radix <= 36 && $digit >= 0 && $digit < $radix) return $digit < 10 ? (48 + $digit | 0) & 65535 : ((97 + $digit | 0) - 10 | 0) & 65535; return 0; } function jl_Character_toChars($codePoint) { var var$2; if ($codePoint < 65536) { var$2 = $rt_createCharArray(1); var$2.data[0] = $codePoint & 65535; return var$2; } return $rt_createCharArrayFromData([jl_Character_highSurrogate($codePoint), jl_Character_lowSurrogate($codePoint)]); } function jl_Character_getType($codePoint) { var $u, $range, $classes, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11, var$12, var$13, $l, $i; $u = $codePoint > 0 && $codePoint <= 65535 ? 1 : 0; if ($u && jl_Character_isSurrogate($codePoint & 65535)) return 19; if (jl_Character_classMapping === null) { if (jl_Character_$$metadata$$4 === null) jl_Character_$$metadata$$4 = jl_Character_obtainClasses$$create(); $range = (jl_Character_$$metadata$$4.value !== null ? $rt_str(jl_Character_$$metadata$$4.value) : null); $classes = $rt_createArray(otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range, 16384); var$5 = $classes.data; var$6 = $rt_createByteArray(16384); var$7 = var$6.data; var$8 = 0; var$9 = 0; var$10 = 0; var$11 = 0; while (var$11 < jl_String_length($range)) { var$12 = otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeByte(jl_String_charAt($range, var$11)); if (var$12 == 64) { var$11 = var$11 + 1 | 0; var$12 = otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeByte(jl_String_charAt($range, var$11)); var$13 = 0; $u = 1; $l = 0; while ($l < 3) { var$11 = var$11 + 1 | 0; var$13 = var$13 | $rt_imul($u, otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeByte(jl_String_charAt($range, var$11))); $u = $u * 64 | 0; $l = $l + 1 | 0; } } else if (var$12 < 32) var$13 = 1; else { var$12 = (var$12 - 32 | 0) << 24 >> 24; var$11 = var$11 + 1 | 0; var$13 = otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeByte(jl_String_charAt($range, var$11)); } if (!var$12 && var$13 >= 128) { if (var$8 > 0) { $u = var$9 + 1 | 0; var$5[var$9] = otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range__init_(var$10, var$10 + var$8 | 0, ju_Arrays_copyOf1(var$6, var$8)); var$9 = $u; } var$10 = var$10 + (var$8 + var$13 | 0) | 0; var$8 = 0; } else { $u = var$8 + var$13 | 0; if ($u < var$7.length) $l = var$9; else { $l = var$9 + 1 | 0; var$5[var$9] = otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range__init_(var$10, var$10 + var$8 | 0, ju_Arrays_copyOf1(var$6, var$8)); var$10 = var$10 + $u | 0; var$8 = 0; } while (true) { $u = var$13 + (-1) | 0; if (var$13 <= 0) break; $i = var$8 + 1 | 0; var$7[var$8] = var$12; var$8 = $i; var$13 = $u; } var$9 = $l; } var$11 = var$11 + 1 | 0; } jl_Character_classMapping = ju_Arrays_copyOf($classes, var$9); } $classes = jl_Character_classMapping.data; $l = 0; $u = $classes.length - 1 | 0; while ($l <= $u) { $i = ($l + $u | 0) / 2 | 0; $range = $classes[$i]; if ($codePoint >= $range.$end) $l = $i + 1 | 0; else { $u = $range.$start1; if ($codePoint >= $u) return $range.$data.data[$codePoint - $u | 0]; $u = $i - 1 | 0; } } return 0; } function jl_Character_isLowerCase($codePoint) { return jl_Character_getType($codePoint) != 2 ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Character_isUpperCase($codePoint) { return jl_Character_getType($codePoint) != 1 ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Character_isLetterOrDigit($codePoint) { a: { switch (jl_Character_getType($codePoint)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 9: break; case 6: case 7: case 8: break a; default: break a; } return 1; } return 0; } function jl_Character_isIdentifierIgnorable($codePoint) { a: { if (!($codePoint >= 0 && $codePoint <= 8) && !($codePoint >= 14 && $codePoint <= 27)) { if ($codePoint < 127) break a; if ($codePoint > 159) break a; } return 1; } return jl_Character_getType($codePoint) != 16 ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Character_isSpaceChar($codePoint) { switch (jl_Character_getType($codePoint)) { case 12: case 13: case 14: break; default: return 0; } return 1; } function jl_Character_isWhitespace($codePoint) { switch ($codePoint) { case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: break; case 160: case 8199: case 8239: return 0; default: return jl_Character_isSpaceChar($codePoint); } return 1; } function jl_Character__clinit_() { jl_Character_TYPE = $rt_cls($rt_charcls()); jl_Character_characterCache = $rt_createArray(jl_Character, 128); } function jl_Character_acquireLowerCaseMapping$$create() { return {"value" : ">W H#F#U 4%F#O #F#/ d%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #a1# #%# #%# #%# %%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# %%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #<+#%# #%# #%# \'.3#%# #%# #{1#%# #w1%%# %J\'#k1#o1#%# #w1#!3# #23#*3#%# \'23#:3# #>3#%# #%# #%# #N3#%# #N3# %%# #N3#%# #J3%%# #%# #R3#%# \'%# /)#%# #)#%# #)#%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# %%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# %)#%# #%# #8)#L%#%# #%# #%# #" + "%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #a+# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# /B45#%# #,/#645# %%# #P1#!\'#*\'#%# #%# #%# #%# #%# <-%# #%# \'%# 1&++ %_## #Z#)k%%g%% #F#W hA# 1%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# +]%# %%# #?#%# %a+\'N\'AF#b &#%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# 3%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #^#%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# %%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%" + "# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# %*%r iB#oq-&# _?gejg#A1 o$#mo%&# {-%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# 3,4/# #%# #%# #%" + "# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# 3C1 1C1 1C1 1C1 1C1 3C/ 1C1 QC1 1C1 1C1 1C%8\'%G# 7i\')G# 7C%D)\' 7C%u)%?# 7X+%P+%G# L-q*/# \'Pw/#8m/# -6## |bA G%# kC.#U !r*%&# &#%# #,05#qX\'#H.5# %%# #%# #%# #e25#D05#q25#m25# #%# %%# 1865%%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# " + "#%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# 1%# #%# )%# (a=%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# G%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# y%%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# \'%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# 5%# #%# #4Fd#%# #%# #%# #%# #%# )%# #<{p# %%# #%# \'%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #%# #P}p#}}p#m}p#D}p#P}p# #@yp#D{p#Lyp#Br#%# #%# #%# #%" + "# #%# #%# #%# #%# #,%#L}p#LJd#%# #%# -%# +%# #%# Y%# ,T5F#U TUg#r {%g#r >\'c#p Lnk%F# *J#F#b o@5F#b Jo=N#f "}; } function jl_Character_acquireUpperCaseMapping$$create() { return {"value" : "b# vH#O #H#/:+# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #,5# #\'# #\'# #\'# %\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# %\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# %\'# #\'# #\'#(;#N1# %\'# #\'# %\'# \'\'# +\'# %6)# \'\'#*/# \'_+# %\'# #\'# #\'# %\'# )\'# %\'# \'\'# #\'# %\'# \'\'# #J%# +\'#+# #\'#+# #\'#+# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'#L\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# %\'#+# #\'# \'\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'#" + " #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# \'\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# 1\'# %665% #\'# )\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'#o25#c25#k25#03#}1# #y1% #m1# #q1#{}p# \'y1#k}p# #$3# #:{p#N}p# #,3#43#N}p#*05#B}p# %43# #B05#<3# %@3# /F.5# %P3# #J}p#P3# \'B{p#P3#$\'#L3%,\'# +T3# 5Jyp#>yp# Z\'_\'# x\'# #\'# \'\'\' #_+\' !#a##]#\' #H#CD##H#3m%#i%% #e%#P%# \'(%#D%#C# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'#i\'#P\'#=#(+# #4)# %\'# %\'# .#H#bP\'A #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# 3\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# " + "#\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# %\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'#`# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'% &#,%n mB#ko%x %ko%\' RAC1 >$#yu+#uu+#Pu+#Hu+%Lu+#0u+#io+#>@d1 (+2Fd# \'oX\'# AJJd# N%\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #" + "\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# +X%# +\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'# #\'#A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 3A# #A# #A# #A% /A1 16\'%g\')B)%V+%s)%N+)A1 1A1 1A1 1A% #E# 5-G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.9G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%w=G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2+G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%>AG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%N)G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%N)G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%FEG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%N)G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%!dG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%g5G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*\'G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%FEG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*0EG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%k\'G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%s+G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%28UG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" + "%%%!8%G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%FEG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%sKG%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%>&#G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%wN)G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"}; } function jl_Character_obtainClasses$$create() { return {"value" : "PA-Y$;Y$679:95Y#J+Y#Z$Y#B;697<8:1=<=:L#<#Y#<,&?L$9B8:B(C9:C)!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!C#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!C#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#B##!#!C$B##!#B##B$C#B%#B##B$C$B##B##!#!#B##!C#!#B##B$#!#B#C#&!C$F%!$#!$#!$#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!C#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!C#!$#!#B$#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!C(B##B#C#!#B%#!#!#!#!Cg&C?6_#?6>Y)./Q&-Y*>?Y%X#Y$:67Y,:98Y+-Q& Q+,%A#L\'Z$67%L+Z$67 E.A$[BA0G." + "H%\'H$G-A0^#!^%!^##B$C#B$#=!^#:B&^\'!=!=!=B%=#B%#F%#^#C#B#Z&!C%=:^##=L1KD!#K%,^#A%Z&^&Z#^%:^#:^#:^(:^@Z#^#:=:^@b:-% ^)6767^5Z#^(67b=2! :^?Z:^IZ\'^gA:^,A6L^^pL7b=X# :^*:^WZ)b=P! :b=Y$ 67676767676767L?^MZ&67Z@6767676767Z1b= % b:$# 6767676767676767676767Za6767ZA67b:#% ^QZ6^#Z\'^HA#^A b=J! 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FNA$G(E(A#J+A%&=b & F?\'A2FMG%J+A&;b 1( F<%G%J+b G, F( F% F# F0 b&&$ A#L*G(AJBCCCG(%A%J+A%Y#b 2- L]=L$;L%AnLN=L0b #$ F% F< F# &A#& F+ F% & &A\'&A%& & & F$ F# &A#& & & & & F# &A#F% F( F% F% & F+ F2A&F$ F& F2AUZ#b /% ^MA%b=E! A-^0A#^0 ^0 ^FA+L.b=B# AY^>A.^MA%^*A(^#A/^\'b ;# b=]$ ]&b=9, A%^2A$^.A$b=X! A%b=@! A\'^-A%=A0^-A%^YA)^+A\'^IA)^?A#^#Apb=5& A-" + "^/A#^.A$^*A(^O ^(A)^/A%^*A(^*A(b=4# ^XAFJ+b \'1 &b %b %b ?<#&AA&b Y !&A\'&b =$ &A#&b ;!&A/&b PU!&A0&b M* &b CG b&?) b C8 &b *.!&A&&b ?!!&b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b 2R!1A?b1A! b # b\'Q$ b %b %b %b 1Y$3b %b %b %b ^a$3A#3b %b %b %b ^a$3"}; } function jnc_Charset() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$canonicalName = null; a.$aliases = null; } function jnc_Charset_checkCanonicalName($name) { var $i, $c; if (jl_String_isEmpty($name)) $rt_throw(jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException__init_($name)); if (!jnc_Charset_isValidCharsetStart(jl_String_charAt($name, 0))) $rt_throw(jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException__init_($name)); $i = 1; while ($i < jl_String_length($name)) { a: { $c = jl_String_charAt($name, $i); switch ($c) { case 43: case 45: case 46: case 58: case 95: break; default: if (jnc_Charset_isValidCharsetStart($c)) break a; else $rt_throw(jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException__init_($name)); } } $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } function jnc_Charset_isValidCharsetStart($c) { a: { b: { if (!($c >= 48 && $c <= 57) && !($c >= 97 && $c <= 122)) { if ($c < 65) break b; if ($c > 90) break b; } $c = 1; break a; } $c = 0; } return $c; } var jnci_UTF8Charset = $rt_classWithoutFields(jnc_Charset); var jnci_UTF8Charset_INSTANCE = null; function jnci_UTF8Charset_$callClinit() { jnci_UTF8Charset_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jnci_UTF8Charset); jnci_UTF8Charset__clinit_(); } function jnci_UTF8Charset__clinit_() { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; var$1 = new jnci_UTF8Charset; jnci_UTF8Charset_$callClinit(); var$2 = $rt_createArray(jl_String, 0); var$3 = var$2.data; jnc_Charset_checkCanonicalName($rt_s(26)); var$4 = var$3.length; var$5 = 0; while (var$5 < var$4) { jnc_Charset_checkCanonicalName(var$3[var$5]); var$5 = var$5 + 1 | 0; } var$1.$canonicalName = $rt_s(26); var$1.$aliases = var$2.$clone(); jnci_UTF8Charset_INSTANCE = var$1; } var jl_IllegalArgumentException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); function jl_IllegalArgumentException__init_() { var var_0 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException(); jl_IllegalArgumentException__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jl_IllegalArgumentException__init_0($this) { jl_Exception__init_($this); } function jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException() { jl_IllegalArgumentException.call(this); this.$charsetName = null; } function jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException(); jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException__init_0($this, $charsetName) { jl_Exception__init_($this); $this.$charsetName = $charsetName; } var jl_CloneNotSupportedException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Exception); var jl_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException); function oj_JSONObject() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$map = null; } var oj_JSONObject_NUMBER_PATTERN = null; var oj_JSONObject_NULL = null; function oj_JSONObject_$callClinit() { oj_JSONObject_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(oj_JSONObject); oj_JSONObject__clinit_(); } function oj_JSONObject__init_() { var var_0 = new oj_JSONObject(); oj_JSONObject__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function oj_JSONObject__init_1(var_0) { var var_1 = new oj_JSONObject(); oj_JSONObject__init_2(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function oj_JSONObject__init_3(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new oj_JSONObject(); oj_JSONObject__init_4(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function oj_JSONObject__init_5(var_0) { var var_1 = new oj_JSONObject(); oj_JSONObject__init_6(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function oj_JSONObject__init_7(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new oj_JSONObject(); oj_JSONObject__init_8(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function oj_JSONObject__init_0($this) { oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); $this.$map = ju_HashMap__init_(); } function oj_JSONObject__init_2($this, $x) { var $c, $key, $value; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); oj_JSONObject__init_0($this); if (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x) != 123) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(27))); a: while (true) { $c = oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x); switch ($c) { case 0: $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(28))); case 125: break a; default: } $key = (oj_JSONTokener_nextSimpleValue($x, $c)).$toString(); if (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x) != 58) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(29))); if ($key !== null) { if (ju_HashMap_get($this.$map, $key) !== null) { $value = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($value); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($value, $rt_s(30)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($value, $key); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($value, $rt_s(31)); $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($value))); } $value = oj_JSONTokener_nextValue($x); if ($value !== null) { oj_JSONObject_testValidity($value); ju_HashMap_put($this.$map, $key, $value); } } switch (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x)) { case 44: case 59: break; case 125: return; default: $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(32))); } if (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x) == 125) return; if (oj_JSONTokener_end($x)) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(28))); oj_JSONTokener_back($x); } } function oj_JSONObject__init_4($this, $m, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration) { var $e, var$5, $value, var$7; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if ($recursionDepth > $jsonParserConfiguration.$maxNestingDepth) { $m = new oj_JSONException; $e = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($e); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($e, $rt_s(33)); jl_Throwable__init_0($m, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append0($e, $jsonParserConfiguration.$maxNestingDepth))); $rt_throw($m); } a: { if ($m === null) $this.$map = ju_HashMap__init_(); else { $this.$map = ju_HashMap__init_1($m.$size()); $m = ($m.$entrySet()).$iterator(); var$5 = $recursionDepth + 1 | 0; while (true) { if (!$m.$hasNext()) break a; $e = $m.$next(); if ($e.$getKey() === null) { $m = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Throwable__init_0($m, $rt_s(34)); $rt_throw($m); } $value = $e.$getValue(); if ($value !== null) { oj_JSONObject_testValidity($value); var$7 = $this.$map; $e = $e.$getKey(); jl_String_$callClinit(); ju_HashMap_put(var$7, $e === null ? $rt_s(18) : $e.$toString(), oj_JSONObject_wrap($value, var$5, $jsonParserConfiguration)); } } } } } function oj_JSONObject__init_6($this, $bean) { var var$2, var$3, var$4; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); oj_JSONObject__init_0($this); var$2 = new ju_IdentityHashMap; var$3 = ju_IdentityHashMap_calculateCapacity(16); var$2.$elementCount0 = 0; var$2.$elementData0 = $rt_createArray(ju_IdentityHashMap$HashEntry, var$3); var$2.$loadFactor0 = 0.75; ju_IdentityHashMap_computeThreshold(var$2); if (!(var$2.$elementCount0 ? 0 : 1)) { $bean = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($bean); $rt_throw($bean); } var$4 = new ju_SetFromMap; var$4.$map0 = var$2; oj_JSONObject_populateMap($this, $bean, var$4); } function oj_JSONObject__init_8($this, $bean, $objectsRecord) { oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); oj_JSONObject__init_0($this); oj_JSONObject_populateMap($this, $bean, $objectsRecord); } function oj_JSONObject_entrySet($this) { return ju_HashMap_entrySet($this.$map); } function oj_JSONObject_length($this) { return $this.$map.$elementCount; } function oj_JSONObject_populateMap($this, $bean, $objectsRecord) { var $klass, $methods, $result, var$6, var$7, $modifiers, $includeSuperClass, var$10, var$11, $method, $key, $$je; $klass = jl_Object_getClass($bean); if (!(jl_Class_getClassLoader($klass) === null ? 0 : 1)) $methods = jl_Class_getDeclaredMethods($klass); else { $result = ju_HashMap__init_(); jl_Class_findMethods($klass, $result); if ($result.$cachedValues === null) { $klass = new ju_HashMap$2; $klass.$this$0 = $result; $result.$cachedValues = $klass; } var$6 = $result.$cachedValues; $methods = $rt_createArray(jlr_Method, $result.$elementCount); var$7 = $methods.data; $modifiers = var$6.$this$0.$elementCount; $includeSuperClass = var$7.length; if ($includeSuperClass < $modifiers) $methods = jlr_Array_newInstance(jl_Class_getComponentType(jl_Object_getClass($methods)), $modifiers); else while ($modifiers < $includeSuperClass) { var$7[$modifiers] = null; $modifiers = $modifiers + 1 | 0; } $includeSuperClass = 0; $klass = new ju_HashMap$ValueIterator; ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator__init_($klass, var$6.$this$0); while (ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_hasNext($klass)) { var$7 = $methods.data; var$10 = $includeSuperClass + 1 | 0; ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_makeNext($klass); var$7[$includeSuperClass] = $klass.$currentEntry.$value0; $includeSuperClass = var$10; } $methods = $methods; } $methods = $methods.data; $includeSuperClass = $methods.length; var$11 = 0; while (var$11 < $includeSuperClass) { a: { $method = $methods[var$11]; $modifiers = jlr_Method_getModifiers($method); if (!jlr_Modifier_isPublic($modifiers)) break a; if (!($modifiers & 8) ? 0 : 1) break a; if ((jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($method)).data.length) break a; if (!($method.$flags & 64) ? 0 : 1) break a; if ($method.$returnType === $rt_cls($rt_voidcls())) break a; $klass = $method.$name0; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if (!(!jl_String_equals($rt_s(35), $klass) && !jl_String_equals($rt_s(36), $klass) ? 1 : 0)) break a; b: { $modifiers = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotationDepth($method, $rt_cls(oj_JSONPropertyIgnore)); if ($modifiers > 0) { var$10 = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotationDepth($method, $rt_cls(oj_JSONPropertyName)); if (!(var$10 >= 0 && $modifiers > var$10)) { $key = null; break b; } } $klass = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotation($method, $rt_cls(oj_JSONPropertyName)); if ($klass !== null && $klass.$value1() !== null && !($klass.$value1()).$isEmpty()) $key = $klass.$value1(); else { $result = $method.$name0; if (jl_String_startsWith0($result, $rt_s(37)) && jl_String_length($result) > 3) $key = jl_String_substring0($result, 3); else if (jl_String_startsWith0($result, $rt_s(38)) && jl_String_length($result) > 2) $key = jl_String_substring0($result, 2); else { $key = null; break b; } if (jl_String_length($key) && !jl_Character_isLowerCase(jl_String_charAt($key, 0))) { if (jl_String_length($key) == 1) { ju_Locale_$callClinit(); $key = jl_String_toLowerCase($key, ju_Locale_ROOT); } else if (!jl_Character_isUpperCase(jl_String_charAt($key, 1))) { $result = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($result); $klass = jl_String_substring($key, 0, 1); ju_Locale_$callClinit(); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result, jl_String_toLowerCase($klass, ju_Locale_ROOT)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result, jl_String_substring0($key, 1)); $key = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result); } } else $key = null; } } if ($key === null) break a; if (jl_String_isEmpty($key)) break a; c: { try { d: { $result = jlr_Method_invoke($method, $bean, $rt_createArray(jl_Object, 0)); if ($result !== null) { if (ju_SetFromMap_contains($objectsRecord, $result)) $rt_throw(oj_JSONObject_recursivelyDefinedObjectException($key)); ju_SetFromMap_add($objectsRecord, $result); oj_JSONObject_testValidity($result); ju_HashMap_put($this.$map, $key, oj_JSONObject_wrap0($result, $objectsRecord)); ju_SetFromMap_remove($objectsRecord, $result); if ($rt_isInstance($result, ji_Closeable)) try { $result.$close(); break d; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ji_IOException) { } else { throw $$e; } } } } break a; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_IllegalAccessException) { } else if ($$je instanceof jl_IllegalArgumentException) { break c; } else if ($$je instanceof jlr_InvocationTargetException) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } break a; } } var$11 = var$11 + 1 | 0; } } function oj_JSONObject_getAnnotation($m, $annotationClass) { var $c, var$4, var$5, var$6, $i, $$je; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if ($m !== null && $annotationClass !== null) { if (jlr_AnnotatedElement_isAnnotationPresent($m, $annotationClass)) return null; $c = $m.$declaringClass; if (jl_Class_getSuperclass($c) === null) return null; var$4 = (jl_Class_getInterfaces($c)).data; var$5 = var$4.length; var$6 = 0; a: while (true) { if (var$6 >= var$5) { if (jl_Object_equals(jl_Class_getSuperclass($c), $rt_cls(jl_Object))) return null; b: { try { $m = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotation(jl_Class_getMethod(jl_Class_getSuperclass($c), jlr_Method_getName($m), jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($m)), $annotationClass); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_SecurityException) { break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_NoSuchMethodException) { return null; } else { throw $$e; } } return $m; } return null; } $i = var$4[var$6]; c: { d: { try { $i = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotation(jl_Class_getMethod($i, jlr_Method_getName($m), jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($m)), $annotationClass); break a; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_SecurityException) { } else if ($$je instanceof jl_NoSuchMethodException) { break d; } else { throw $$e; } } break c; } } var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; } return $i; } return null; } function oj_JSONObject_getAnnotationDepth($m, $annotationClass) { var $c, var$4, $d, var$6, $i, $d_0, $$je; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if ($m !== null && $annotationClass !== null) { if (jlr_AnnotatedElement_isAnnotationPresent($m, $annotationClass)) return 1; $c = $m.$declaringClass; if (jl_Class_getSuperclass($c) === null) return (-1); var$4 = (jl_Class_getInterfaces($c)).data; $d = var$4.length; var$6 = 0; a: while (true) { if (var$6 >= $d) { if (jl_Object_equals(jl_Class_getSuperclass($c), $rt_cls(jl_Object))) return (-1); b: { c: { d: { try { $d = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotationDepth(jl_Class_getMethod(jl_Class_getSuperclass($c), jlr_Method_getName($m), jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($m)), $annotationClass); if ($d > 0) break d; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_SecurityException) { break c; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_NoSuchMethodException) { break b; } else { throw $$e; } } return (-1); } try { $d = $d + 1 | 0; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_SecurityException) { break c; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_NoSuchMethodException) { break b; } else { throw $$e; } } return $d; } return (-1); } return (-1); } $i = var$4[var$6]; e: { f: { try { $d_0 = oj_JSONObject_getAnnotationDepth(jl_Class_getMethod($i, jlr_Method_getName($m), jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($m)), $annotationClass); if ($d_0 <= 0) break e; $d_0 = $d_0 + 1 | 0; break a; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_SecurityException) { } else if ($$je instanceof jl_NoSuchMethodException) { break f; } else { throw $$e; } } break e; } } var$6 = var$6 + 1 | 0; } return $d_0; } return (-1); } function oj_JSONObject_quote($string) { var $sw, $$je; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); $sw = ji_StringWriter__init_(); a: { try { $string = ji_StringWriter_toString(oj_JSONObject_quote0($string, $sw)); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ji_IOException) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $string; } return $rt_s(7); } function oj_JSONObject_quote0($string, $w) { var $c, $len, $i, var$6, $hhhh, var$8; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if ($string !== null && !jl_String_isEmpty($string)) { $c = 0; $len = jl_String_length($string); ji_StringWriter_write($w, 34); $i = 0; while ($i < $len) { a: { var$6 = jl_String_charAt($string, $i); switch (var$6) { case 8: break; case 9: ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(39)); break a; case 10: ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(40)); break a; case 12: ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(41)); break a; case 13: ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(42)); break a; case 34: case 92: ji_StringWriter_write($w, 92); ji_StringWriter_write($w, var$6); break a; case 47: if ($c == 60) ji_StringWriter_write($w, 92); ji_StringWriter_write($w, var$6); break a; default: if (var$6 >= 32 && !(var$6 >= 128 && var$6 < 160) && !(var$6 >= 8192 && var$6 < 8448)) { ji_StringWriter_write($w, var$6); break a; } ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(43)); $hhhh = jl_Integer_toHexString(var$6); var$8 = jl_String_substring($rt_s(44), 0, 0 + (4 - jl_String_length($hhhh) | 0) | 0); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($w.$buf, var$8); ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $hhhh); break a; } ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(45)); } $i = $i + 1 | 0; $c = var$6; } ji_StringWriter_write($w, 34); return $w; } ji_StringWriter_write0($w, $rt_s(46)); return $w; } function oj_JSONObject_stringToNumber($val) { var $initial, $at1, $bd, $bi, $at2, var$7, $d, $$je; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); $initial = jl_String_charAt($val, 0); $at1 = $rt_compare($initial, 48); if (!($at1 >= 0 && $initial <= 57) && $initial != 45) { $bd = new jl_NumberFormatException; $bi = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($bi); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bi, $rt_s(47)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bi, $val); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bi, $rt_s(48)); jl_Throwable__init_0($bd, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($bi)); $rt_throw($bd); } if (!(jl_String_indexOf($val, 46) <= (-1) && jl_String_indexOf($val, 101) <= (-1) && jl_String_indexOf($val, 69) <= (-1) && !jl_String_equals($rt_s(49), $val) ? 0 : 1)) { if (!$at1 && jl_String_length($val) > 1) { $at1 = jl_String_charAt($val, 1); if ($at1 >= 48 && $at1 <= 57) { $bi = new jl_NumberFormatException; $bd = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($bd); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $rt_s(47)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $val); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $rt_s(48)); jl_Throwable__init_0($bi, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($bd)); $rt_throw($bi); } } else if ($initial == 45 && jl_String_length($val) > 2) { $at1 = jl_String_charAt($val, 1); $at2 = jl_String_charAt($val, 2); if ($at1 == 48 && $at2 >= 48 && $at2 <= 57) { $bi = new jl_NumberFormatException; $bd = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($bd); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $rt_s(47)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $val); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $rt_s(48)); jl_Throwable__init_0($bi, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($bd)); $rt_throw($bi); } } $bi = jm_BigInteger__init_($val); if (jm_BigInteger_bitLength($bi) <= 31) return jl_Integer_valueOf($rt_imul($bi.$sign0, $bi.$digits.data[0])); if (jm_BigInteger_bitLength($bi) > 63) return $bi; var$7 = jm_BigInteger_longValue($bi); $val = new jl_Long; $val.$value2 = var$7; return $val; } a: { b: { try { $bd = jm_BigDecimal__init_($val); if ($initial == 45 && !jm_BigDecimal_compareTo(jm_BigDecimal_ZERO, $bd)) break b; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $bd; } try { $bi = jl_Double_valueOf(-0.0); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $bi; } c: { d: { try { $d = jl_Double_valueOf0($val); if (jl_Double_isNaN($d)) break d; if (jl_Double_isInfinite($d)) break d; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { break c; } else { throw $$e; } } return $d; } try { $rt_throw(jl_NumberFormatException__init_(jl_StringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder__init_(), $rt_s(47)), $val), $rt_s(48))))); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { } else { throw $$e; } } } $bi = new jl_NumberFormatException; $bd = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($bd); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $rt_s(47)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $val); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($bd, $rt_s(48)); jl_Throwable__init_0($bi, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($bd)); $rt_throw($bi); } function oj_JSONObject_testValidity($o) { var var$2, var$3; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if ($o instanceof jl_Number) { a: { $o = $o; if ($o instanceof jl_Double) { var$2 = $o; if (!(!jl_Double_isInfinite(var$2) && !jl_Double_isNaN(var$2))) { var$3 = 0; break a; } } b: { if ($o instanceof jl_Float) { $o = $o; if ($o.$isInfinite()) break b; if ($o.$isNaN()) break b; } var$3 = 1; break a; } var$3 = 0; } if (!var$3) { var$2 = new oj_JSONException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$2, $rt_s(50)); $rt_throw(var$2); } } } function oj_JSONObject_toString($this) { var var$1, $$je; a: { try { var$1 = oj_JSONObject_toString0($this, 0); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return var$1; } return null; } function oj_JSONObject_toString0($this, $indentFactor) { return ji_StringWriter_toString(oj_JSONObject_write($this, ji_StringWriter__init_(), $indentFactor, 0)); } function oj_JSONObject_wrap($object, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration) { oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); return oj_JSONObject_wrap1($object, null, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration); } function oj_JSONObject_wrap0($object, $objectsRecord) { oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); return oj_JSONObject_wrap1($object, $objectsRecord, 0, oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_()); } function oj_JSONObject_wrap1($object, $objectsRecord, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration) { var $exception, $coll, $map, $objectPackage, $objectPackageName, $$je; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); a: { b: { c: { try { if (!oj_JSONObject$Null_equals(oj_JSONObject_NULL, $object)) break c; $object = oj_JSONObject_NULL; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $object; } d: { try { e: { try { if ($object instanceof oj_JSONObject) break e; if ($object instanceof oj_JSONArray) break e; if (oj_JSONObject$Null_equals(oj_JSONObject_NULL, $object)) break e; if ($rt_isInstance($object, oj_JSONString)) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Byte) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Character) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Short) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Integer) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Long) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Boolean) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Float) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_Double) break e; if ($object instanceof jl_String) break e; if ($object instanceof jm_BigInteger) break e; if ($object instanceof jm_BigDecimal) break e; if (!($object instanceof jl_Enum)) break d; else break e; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else { throw $$e; } } } } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $object; } f: { try { if (!$rt_isInstance($object, ju_Collection)) break f; $coll = $object; $object = oj_JSONArray__init_($coll, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $object; } g: { try { if (!jl_Class_isArray(jl_Object_getClass($object))) break g; $objectsRecord = oj_JSONArray__init_0($object); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $objectsRecord; } h: { try { if (!$rt_isInstance($object, ju_Map)) break h; $map = $object; $object = oj_JSONObject__init_3($map, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $object; } i: { try { j: { try { $objectPackage = jl_Class_getPackage(jl_Object_getClass($object)); if ($objectPackage !== null) break j; $objectPackageName = $rt_s(7); break i; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else { throw $$e; } } } try { $objectPackageName = jl_Package_getName($objectPackage); break i; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else { throw $$e; } } } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } } k: { try { l: { try { if (jl_String_startsWith0($objectPackageName, $rt_s(51))) break l; if (jl_String_startsWith0($objectPackageName, $rt_s(52))) break l; if (jl_Class_getClassLoader(jl_Object_getClass($object)) !== null) break k; else break l; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else { throw $$e; } } } try { $object = $object.$toString(); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else { throw $$e; } } } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $object; } m: { try { if ($objectsRecord !== null) break m; $objectsRecord = oj_JSONObject__init_5($object); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $objectsRecord; } try { $jsonParserConfiguration = oj_JSONObject__init_7($object, $objectsRecord); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof oj_JSONException) { $exception = $$je; break b; } else if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $jsonParserConfiguration; } $rt_throw($exception); } return null; } function oj_JSONObject_writeValue($writer, $value, $indentFactor, $indent) { var $o, $e, $numberAsString, $coll, $map, var$10, var$11, var$12, var$13, $$je; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if ($value !== null && !$value.$equals(null)) { if ($rt_isInstance($value, oj_JSONString)) { a: { try { $o = $value.$toJSONString(); break a; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { $e = $$je; } else { throw $$e; } } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_($e)); } ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, $o !== null ? $o.$toString() : oj_JSONObject_quote($value.$toString())); } else if (!($value instanceof jl_Number)) { if ($value instanceof jl_Boolean) ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, $value.$toString()); else if ($value instanceof jl_Enum) ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, oj_JSONObject_quote(jl_Enum_name($value))); else if ($value instanceof oj_JSONObject) oj_JSONObject_write($value, $writer, $indentFactor, $indent); else if ($value instanceof oj_JSONArray) oj_JSONArray_write($value, $writer, $indentFactor, $indent); else if ($rt_isInstance($value, ju_Map)) oj_JSONObject_write(oj_JSONObject__init_3($value, 0, oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_()), $writer, $indentFactor, $indent); else if ($rt_isInstance($value, ju_Collection)) oj_JSONArray_write(oj_JSONArray__init_($value, 0, oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_()), $writer, $indentFactor, $indent); else if (!jl_Class_isArray(jl_Object_getClass($value))) oj_JSONObject_quote0($value.$toString(), $writer); else oj_JSONArray_write(oj_JSONArray__init_0($value), $writer, $indentFactor, $indent); } else { $value = $value; if ($value === null) { $writer = new oj_JSONException; jl_Throwable__init_0($writer, $rt_s(53)); $rt_throw($writer); } oj_JSONObject_testValidity($value); $numberAsString = $value.$toString(); if (jl_String_indexOf($numberAsString, 46) > 0 && jl_String_indexOf($numberAsString, 101) < 0 && jl_String_indexOf($numberAsString, 69) < 0) { while (jl_String_endsWith($numberAsString, $rt_s(10))) { $numberAsString = jl_String_substring($numberAsString, 0, jl_String_length($numberAsString) - 1 | 0); } if (jl_String_endsWith($numberAsString, $rt_s(54))) $numberAsString = jl_String_substring($numberAsString, 0, jl_String_length($numberAsString) - 1 | 0); } $value = oj_JSONObject_NUMBER_PATTERN; $coll = $value.$start2; $indent = jl_String_length($numberAsString); $map = new jur_MatchResultImpl; $indentFactor = $value.$globalGroupIndex; var$10 = $value.$compCount + 1 | 0; var$11 = $value.$consCount + 1 | 0; $map.$previousMatch = (-1); var$12 = $indentFactor + 1 | 0; $map.$groupCount = var$12; $map.$groupBounds = $rt_createIntArray(var$12 * 2 | 0); var$13 = $rt_createIntArray(var$11); $map.$consumers = var$13; ju_Arrays_fill(var$13, (-1)); if (var$10 > 0) $map.$compQuantCounters = $rt_createIntArray(var$10); ju_Arrays_fill($map.$groupBounds, (-1)); jur_MatchResultImpl_reset($map, $numberAsString, 0, $indent); $map.$anchoringBounds = 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_reset($map, null, (-1), (-1)); $map.$mode = 2; $map.$startIndex = 0; $indentFactor = $map.$previousMatch; if ($indentFactor < 0) $indentFactor = 0; $map.$previousMatch = $indentFactor; if ($coll.$matches(0, $numberAsString, $map) < 0) $indentFactor = 0; else { var$13 = $map.$groupBounds.data; if (var$13[0] == (-1)) { $indent = $map.$startIndex; var$13[0] = $indent; var$13[1] = $indent; } if (!$map.$valid) { $writer = new jl_IllegalStateException; jl_RuntimeException__init_1($writer); $rt_throw($writer); } if (0 >= $map.$groupCount) { $writer = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_RuntimeException__init_4($writer, jl_StringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder__init_(), 0))); $rt_throw($writer); } $map.$previousMatch = var$13[1]; $indentFactor = 1; } if (!$indentFactor) oj_JSONObject_quote0($numberAsString, $writer); else ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, $numberAsString); } } else ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, $rt_s(18)); return $writer; } function oj_JSONObject_indent($writer, $indent) { var $i; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); $i = 0; while ($i < $indent) { ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 32); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } function oj_JSONObject_write($this, $writer, $indentFactor, $indent) { var $needsComma, $length, $entry, $key, $e, $newIndent, $exception, $$je; a: { try { b: { $needsComma = 0; $length = oj_JSONObject_length($this); ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 123); if ($length == 1) { $entry = ju_HashMap$EntryIterator_next(ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet_iterator(oj_JSONObject_entrySet($this))); $key = ju_MapEntry_getKey($entry); ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, oj_JSONObject_quote($key)); ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 58); if ($indentFactor > 0) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 32); c: { try { oj_JSONObject_writeValue($writer, ju_MapEntry_getValue($entry), $indentFactor, $indent); break c; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { $e = $$je; } else { throw $$e; } } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_0(jl_StringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder__init_(), $rt_s(55)), $key)), $e)); } } else if ($length) { $newIndent = $indent + $indentFactor | 0; $e = ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet_iterator(oj_JSONObject_entrySet($this)); while (true) { if (!ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_hasNext($e)) { if ($indentFactor > 0) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 10); oj_JSONObject_indent($writer, $indent); break b; } $entry = ju_HashMap$EntryIterator_next($e); if ($needsComma) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 44); if ($indentFactor > 0) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 10); oj_JSONObject_indent($writer, $newIndent); $key = ju_MapEntry_getKey($entry); ji_StringWriter_write0($writer, oj_JSONObject_quote($key)); ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 58); if ($indentFactor > 0) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 32); try { oj_JSONObject_writeValue($writer, ju_MapEntry_getValue($entry), $indentFactor, $newIndent); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { $e = $$je; break; } else { throw $$e; } } $needsComma = 1; } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_0(jl_StringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder__init_(), $rt_s(55)), $key)), $e)); } } ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 125); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ji_IOException) { $exception = $$je; break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $writer; } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_($exception)); } function oj_JSONObject_recursivelyDefinedObjectException($key) { var var$2, var$3; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); var$2 = new oj_JSONException; var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$3, $rt_s(56)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$3, oj_JSONObject_quote($key)); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$2, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3)); return var$2; } function oj_JSONObject__clinit_() { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; jur_AbstractSet_counter = 1; var$1 = new jur_Pattern; var$1.$backRefs = $rt_createArray(jur_FSet, 10); var$1.$globalGroupIndex = (-1); var$1.$compCount = (-1); var$1.$consCount = (-1); var$2 = new jur_Lexer; var$2.$mode0 = 1; var$2.$orig = $rt_s(57); var$2.$pattern = $rt_createCharArray(jl_String_length($rt_s(57)) + 2 | 0); jl_System_fastArraycopy(jl_String_toCharArray($rt_s(57)), 0, var$2.$pattern, 0, jl_String_length($rt_s(57))); var$3 = var$2.$pattern.data; var$4 = var$3.length; var$3[var$4 - 1 | 0] = 0; var$3[var$4 - 2 | 0] = 0; var$2.$patternFullLength = var$4; var$2.$flags0 = 0; jur_Lexer_movePointer(var$2); jur_Lexer_movePointer(var$2); var$1.$lexemes = var$2; var$1.$flags1 = 0; var$1.$start2 = jur_Pattern_processExpression(var$1, (-1), 0, null); if (!jur_Lexer_isEmpty(var$1.$lexemes)) { var$5 = new jur_PatternSyntaxException; var$1 = var$1.$lexemes; jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_(var$5, $rt_s(7), var$1.$orig, var$1.$curToc); $rt_throw(var$5); } if (var$1.$needsBackRefReplacement) var$1.$start2.$processSecondPass(); oj_JSONObject_NUMBER_PATTERN = var$1; oj_JSONObject_NULL = new oj_JSONObject$Null; } var ju_Map$Entry = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function ju_MapEntry() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$key = null; a.$value0 = null; } function ju_MapEntry__init_0(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new ju_MapEntry(); ju_MapEntry__init_(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function ju_MapEntry__init_($this, $theKey, $theValue) { $this.$key = $theKey; $this.$value0 = $theValue; } function ju_MapEntry_getKey($this) { return $this.$key; } function ju_MapEntry_getValue($this) { return $this.$value0; } function ju_HashMap$HashEntry() { var a = this; ju_MapEntry.call(a); a.$origKeyHash = 0; a.$next0 = null; } var oti_AsyncCallback = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$realAsyncCallback = null; } function otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_create($realAsyncCallback) { var var$2; var$2 = new otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper; var$2.$realAsyncCallback = $realAsyncCallback; return var$2; } function otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_complete($this, $result) { $this.$realAsyncCallback.$complete($result); } function otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_error($this, $e) { $this.$realAsyncCallback.$error($e); } var otj_JSObject = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var otjde_EventTarget = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var otja_XMLHttpRequest = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otja_XMLHttpRequest_addEventListener$exported$0(var$0, var$1, var$2) { var$0.$addEventListener($rt_str(var$1), otji_JS_functionAsObject(var$2, "handleEvent")); } function otja_XMLHttpRequest_removeEventListener$exported$1(var$0, var$1, var$2) { var$0.$removeEventListener($rt_str(var$1), otji_JS_functionAsObject(var$2, "handleEvent")); } function otja_XMLHttpRequest_removeEventListener$exported$2(var$0, var$1, var$2, var$3) { var$0.$removeEventListener0($rt_str(var$1), otji_JS_functionAsObject(var$2, "handleEvent"), var$3 ? 1 : 0); } function otja_XMLHttpRequest_dispatchEvent$exported$3(var$0, var$1) { return !!var$0.$dispatchEvent(var$1); } function otja_XMLHttpRequest_addEventListener$exported$4(var$0, var$1, var$2, var$3) { var$0.$addEventListener0($rt_str(var$1), otji_JS_functionAsObject(var$2, "handleEvent"), var$3 ? 1 : 0); } var otja_ReadyStateChangeHandler = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function nhEn_PostRequest$send$lambda$_5_0() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$_0 = null; a.$_1 = null; } function nhEn_PostRequest$send$lambda$_5_0_stateChanged$exported$0(var$0) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7; var$1 = var$0.$_0; var$2 = var$0.$_1; if (var$1.readyState == 4 && var$1.status == 200) { var$3 = new oj_JSONObject; var$4 = $rt_str(var$1.responseText); oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); var$5 = new oj_JSONTokener; var$6 = new ji_StringReader; ji_Reader__init_(var$6); if (var$4 === null) { var$1 = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } var$6.$string = var$4; var$5.$reader = var$6; var$5.$eof = 0; var$5.$usePrevious = 0; var$5.$previous = 0; var$5.$index = Long_ZERO; var$5.$character = Long_fromInt(1); var$5.$characterPreviousLine = Long_ZERO; var$5.$line = Long_fromInt(1); oj_JSONObject__init_2(var$3, var$5); otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_complete(var$2, var$3); if (var$1.status == 400) { var$2 = jl_System_out(); var$1 = $rt_str(var$1.responseText); var$3 = var$2.$sb; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$3, var$1); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$3, 10); ji_PrintStream_printSB(var$2); } else { var$3 = new jl_Exception; var$7 = var$1.status; var$1 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$1); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$1, $rt_s(58)), var$7); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$3, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$1)); otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_error(var$2, var$3); } } } function jn_Buffer() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$capacity = 0; a.$position = 0; a.$limit = 0; a.$mark = 0; } function jn_Buffer__init_($this, $capacity) { $this.$mark = (-1); $this.$capacity = $capacity; $this.$limit = $capacity; } function jn_Buffer_position($this) { return $this.$position; } function jn_Buffer_remaining($this) { return $this.$limit - $this.$position | 0; } function jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($this) { return $this.$position >= $this.$limit ? 0 : 1; } var jl_Readable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jn_CharBuffer = $rt_classWithoutFields(jn_Buffer); function jn_CharBuffer_position($this, $newPosition) { var var$2, var$3, var$4; if ($newPosition >= 0 && $newPosition <= $this.$limit) { $this.$position = $newPosition; if ($newPosition < $this.$mark) $this.$mark = 0; return $this; } var$2 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; var$3 = $this.$limit; var$4 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$4); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$4, $rt_s(59)), $newPosition), $rt_s(60)), var$3), 93); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$2, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$4)); $rt_throw(var$2); } var jl_Math = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function jl_Math_min($a, $b) { if ($a < $b) $b = $a; return $b; } function jl_Math_max($a, $b) { if ($a > $b) $b = $a; return $b; } function jn_ByteBuffer() { var a = this; jn_Buffer.call(a); a.$start0 = 0; a.$array0 = null; a.$order = null; } function jn_ByteBuffer_put($this, $src, $offset, $length) { var var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, $pos, $i, var$12; if (!$length) return $this; if ($this.$readOnly0) { var$4 = new jn_ReadOnlyBufferException; jl_Exception__init_(var$4); $rt_throw(var$4); } if (jn_Buffer_remaining($this) < $length) { var$4 = new jn_BufferOverflowException; jl_Exception__init_(var$4); $rt_throw(var$4); } if ($offset >= 0) { var$5 = $src.data; var$6 = var$5.length; if ($offset <= var$6) { var$7 = $offset + $length | 0; if (var$7 > var$6) { var$8 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; var$9 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$9); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$9, $rt_s(61)), var$7), $rt_s(62)), var$6); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$8, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$9)); $rt_throw(var$8); } if ($length < 0) { var$4 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; var$8 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$8); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$8, $rt_s(63)), $length), $rt_s(64)); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$4, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$8)); $rt_throw(var$4); } var$7 = $this.$position; $pos = var$7 + $this.$start0 | 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $length) { $src = $this.$array0.data; var$12 = $pos + 1 | 0; var$6 = $offset + 1 | 0; $src[$pos] = var$5[$offset]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; $pos = var$12; $offset = var$6; } $this.$position = var$7 + $length | 0; return $this; } } $src = $src.data; var$4 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; $length = $src.length; var$8 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$8); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$8, $rt_s(65)), $offset), $rt_s(60)), $length), 41); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$4, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$8)); $rt_throw(var$4); } function jn_ByteBuffer_clear($this) { $this.$position = 0; $this.$limit = $this.$capacity; $this.$mark = (-1); return $this; } function jnc_CodingErrorAction() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$name4 = null; } var jnc_CodingErrorAction_IGNORE = null; var jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPLACE = null; var jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPORT = null; function jnc_CodingErrorAction_$callClinit() { jnc_CodingErrorAction_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jnc_CodingErrorAction); jnc_CodingErrorAction__clinit_(); } function jnc_CodingErrorAction__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jnc_CodingErrorAction(); jnc_CodingErrorAction__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jnc_CodingErrorAction__init_0($this, $name) { jnc_CodingErrorAction_$callClinit(); $this.$name4 = $name; } function jnc_CodingErrorAction__clinit_() { jnc_CodingErrorAction_IGNORE = jnc_CodingErrorAction__init_($rt_s(66)); jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPLACE = jnc_CodingErrorAction__init_($rt_s(67)); jnc_CodingErrorAction_REPORT = jnc_CodingErrorAction__init_($rt_s(68)); } var jn_CharBufferImpl = $rt_classWithoutFields(jn_CharBuffer); function jn_CharBufferOverArray() { var a = this; jn_CharBufferImpl.call(a); a.$readOnly = 0; a.$start = 0; a.$array = null; } function jnc_CharsetEncoder() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$charset0 = null; a.$replacement = null; a.$averageBytesPerChar = 0.0; a.$maxBytesPerChar = 0.0; a.$malformedAction = null; a.$unmappableAction = null; a.$status = 0; } function jnc_CoderResult() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$kind = 0; a.$length1 = 0; } var jnc_CoderResult_UNDERFLOW = null; var jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW = null; function jnc_CoderResult__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jnc_CoderResult(); jnc_CoderResult__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jnc_CoderResult__init_0($this, $kind, $length) { $this.$kind = $kind; $this.$length1 = $length; } function jnc_CoderResult_isOverflow($this) { return $this.$kind != 1 ? 0 : 1; } function jnc_CoderResult_isMalformed($this) { return $this.$kind != 2 ? 0 : 1; } function jnc_CoderResult_isUnmappable($this) { return $this.$kind != 3 ? 0 : 1; } function jnc_CoderResult_malformedForLength($length) { return jnc_CoderResult__init_(2, $length); } function jnc_CoderResult__clinit_() { jnc_CoderResult_UNDERFLOW = jnc_CoderResult__init_(0, 0); jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW = jnc_CoderResult__init_(1, 0); } function jn_ByteBufferImpl() { var a = this; jn_ByteBuffer.call(a); a.$direct = 0; a.$readOnly0 = 0; } function jn_ByteOrder() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$name5 = null; } var jn_ByteOrder_BIG_ENDIAN = null; var jn_ByteOrder_LITTLE_ENDIAN = null; function jn_ByteOrder_$callClinit() { jn_ByteOrder_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jn_ByteOrder); jn_ByteOrder__clinit_(); } function jn_ByteOrder__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jn_ByteOrder(); jn_ByteOrder__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jn_ByteOrder__init_0($this, $name) { jn_ByteOrder_$callClinit(); $this.$name5 = $name; } function jn_ByteOrder__clinit_() { jn_ByteOrder_BIG_ENDIAN = jn_ByteOrder__init_($rt_s(69)); jn_ByteOrder_LITTLE_ENDIAN = jn_ByteOrder__init_($rt_s(70)); } var jl_Iterable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_Collection = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_AbstractCollection = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var ju_Set = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_AbstractSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_AbstractCollection); function ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet() { ju_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$associatedMap = null; } function ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet_iterator($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new ju_HashMap$EntryIterator; ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator__init_(var$1, $this.$associatedMap); return var$1; } function jnci_BufferedEncoder() { var a = this; jnc_CharsetEncoder.call(a); a.$inArray = null; a.$outArray = null; } function jnci_BufferedEncoder_encodeLoop($this, $in, $out) { var $inArray, $inPos, $inSize, $outArray, $i, var$8, $outPos, $outSize, $result, var$12, var$13, var$14, $controller; $inArray = $this.$inArray; $inPos = 0; $inSize = 0; $outArray = $this.$outArray; a: { b: { while (true) { if (($inPos + 32 | 0) > $inSize && jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($in)) { $i = $inPos; while ($i < $inSize) { var$8 = $inArray.data; var$8[$i - $inPos | 0] = var$8[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } var$8 = $inArray.data; $outPos = $inSize - $inPos | 0; $outSize = jn_Buffer_remaining($in) + $outPos | 0; $i = var$8.length; $inSize = jl_Math_min($outSize, $i); $inPos = $inSize - $outPos | 0; if ($outPos < 0) break b; if ($outPos > $i) break b; $outSize = $outPos + $inPos | 0; if ($outSize > $i) { $result = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; $in = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($in); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append($in, $rt_s(71)), $outSize), $rt_s(62)), $i); jl_Throwable__init_0($result, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($in)); $rt_throw($result); } if (jn_Buffer_remaining($in) < $inPos) break; if ($inPos < 0) { $in = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; $out = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($out); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append($out, $rt_s(63)), $inPos), $rt_s(64)); jl_Throwable__init_0($in, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($out)); $rt_throw($in); } $i = $in.$position; var$12 = 0; var$13 = $i; while (var$12 < $inPos) { var$14 = $outPos + 1 | 0; $outSize = var$13 + 1 | 0; var$8[$outPos] = $in.$array.data[var$13 + $in.$start | 0]; var$12 = var$12 + 1 | 0; $outPos = var$14; var$13 = $outSize; } $in.$position = $i + $inPos | 0; $inPos = 0; } if (!jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($out)) { $result = !jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($in) && $inPos >= $inSize ? jnc_CoderResult_UNDERFLOW : jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW; break a; } var$8 = $outArray.data; $outSize = jl_Math_min(jn_Buffer_remaining($out), var$8.length); $controller = new jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller; $controller.$in = $in; $controller.$out1 = $out; $result = jnci_UTF8Encoder_arrayEncode($this, $inArray, $inPos, $inSize, $outArray, 0, $outSize, $controller); $inPos = $controller.$inPosition; $outPos = $controller.$outPosition; if ($result === null) { if (!jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($in) && $inPos >= $inSize) $result = jnc_CoderResult_UNDERFLOW; else if (!jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($out) && $inPos >= $inSize) $result = jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW; } jn_ByteBuffer_put($out, $outArray, 0, $outPos); if ($result !== null) break a; } $in = new jn_BufferUnderflowException; jl_Exception__init_($in); $rt_throw($in); } $controller = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; $result = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($result); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append($result, $rt_s(65)), $outPos), $rt_s(60)), $i), 41); jl_Throwable__init_0($controller, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result)); $rt_throw($controller); } jn_CharBuffer_position($in, $in.$position - ($inSize - $inPos | 0) | 0); return $result; } var jnci_UTF8Encoder = $rt_classWithoutFields(jnci_BufferedEncoder); function jnci_UTF8Encoder_arrayEncode($this, $inArray, $inPos, $inSize, $outArray, $outPos, $outSize, $controller) { var $result, var$9, var$10, $ch, $low, var$13, $codePoint; $result = null; a: { while ($inPos < $inSize) { if ($outPos >= $outSize) { var$9 = $inPos; break a; } var$10 = $inArray.data; var$9 = $inPos + 1 | 0; $ch = var$10[$inPos]; if ($ch < 128) { var$10 = $outArray.data; $low = $outPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$outPos] = $ch << 24 >> 24; } else if ($ch < 2048) { if (($outPos + 2 | 0) > $outSize) { var$9 = var$9 + (-1) | 0; if (jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller_hasMoreOutput($controller, 2)) break a; $result = jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW; break a; } var$10 = $outArray.data; $inPos = $outPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$outPos] = (192 | $ch >> 6) << 24 >> 24; $low = $inPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$inPos] = (128 | $ch & 63) << 24 >> 24; } else if (!jl_Character_isSurrogate($ch)) { if (($outPos + 3 | 0) > $outSize) { var$9 = var$9 + (-1) | 0; if (jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller_hasMoreOutput($controller, 3)) break a; $result = jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW; break a; } var$10 = $outArray.data; var$13 = $outPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$outPos] = (224 | $ch >> 12) << 24 >> 24; $inPos = var$13 + 1 | 0; var$10[var$13] = (128 | $ch >> 6 & 63) << 24 >> 24; $low = $inPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$inPos] = (128 | $ch & 63) << 24 >> 24; } else { if (!jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($ch)) { $result = jnc_CoderResult_malformedForLength(1); break a; } if (var$9 >= $inSize) { if (jn_Buffer_hasRemaining($controller.$in)) break a; $result = jnc_CoderResult_UNDERFLOW; break a; } $inPos = var$9 + 1 | 0; $low = var$10[var$9]; if (!jl_Character_isLowSurrogate($low)) { var$9 = $inPos + (-2) | 0; $result = jnc_CoderResult_malformedForLength(1); break a; } if (($outPos + 4 | 0) > $outSize) { var$9 = $inPos + (-2) | 0; if (jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller_hasMoreOutput($controller, 4)) break a; $result = jnc_CoderResult_OVERFLOW; break a; } var$10 = $outArray.data; $codePoint = jl_Character_toCodePoint($ch, $low); $low = $outPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$outPos] = (240 | $codePoint >> 18) << 24 >> 24; var$13 = $low + 1 | 0; var$10[$low] = (128 | $codePoint >> 12 & 63) << 24 >> 24; $outPos = var$13 + 1 | 0; var$10[var$13] = (128 | $codePoint >> 6 & 63) << 24 >> 24; $low = $outPos + 1 | 0; var$10[$outPos] = (128 | $codePoint & 63) << 24 >> 24; var$9 = $inPos; } $inPos = var$9; $outPos = $low; } var$9 = $inPos; } $controller.$inPosition = var$9; $controller.$outPosition = $outPos; return $result; } var ji_IOException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Exception); function oj_JSONTokener() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$character = Long_ZERO; a.$eof = 0; a.$index = Long_ZERO; a.$line = Long_ZERO; a.$previous = 0; a.$reader = null; a.$usePrevious = 0; a.$characterPreviousLine = Long_ZERO; } function oj_JSONTokener_back($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4; if (!$this.$usePrevious) { var$1 = $this.$index; if (Long_gt(var$1, Long_ZERO)) { $this.$index = Long_sub(var$1, Long_fromInt(1)); var$2 = $this.$previous; if (var$2 != 13 && var$2 != 10) { var$3 = $this.$character; if (Long_gt(var$3, Long_ZERO)) $this.$character = Long_sub(var$3, Long_fromInt(1)); } else { $this.$line = Long_sub($this.$line, Long_fromInt(1)); $this.$character = $this.$characterPreviousLine; } $this.$usePrevious = 1; $this.$eof = 0; return; } } var$4 = new oj_JSONException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$4, $rt_s(72)); $rt_throw(var$4); } function oj_JSONTokener_end($this) { return $this.$eof && !$this.$usePrevious ? 1 : 0; } function oj_JSONTokener_next($this) { var $c, $exception, $$je; if ($this.$usePrevious) { $this.$usePrevious = 0; $c = $this.$previous; } else a: { try { $c = $this.$reader.$read(); break a; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ji_IOException) { $exception = $$je; } else { throw $$e; } } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_($exception)); } if ($c <= 0) { $this.$eof = 1; return 0; } if ($c > 0) { $this.$index = Long_add($this.$index, Long_fromInt(1)); if ($c == 13) { $this.$line = Long_add($this.$line, Long_fromInt(1)); $this.$characterPreviousLine = $this.$character; $this.$character = Long_ZERO; } else if ($c != 10) $this.$character = Long_add($this.$character, Long_fromInt(1)); else { if ($this.$previous != 13) { $this.$line = Long_add($this.$line, Long_fromInt(1)); $this.$characterPreviousLine = $this.$character; } $this.$character = Long_ZERO; } } $c = $c & 65535; $this.$previous = $c; return $c; } function oj_JSONTokener_next0($this, $n) { var $chars, var$3, $pos; if (!$n) return $rt_s(7); $chars = $rt_createCharArray($n); var$3 = $chars.data; $pos = 0; while ($pos < $n) { var$3[$pos] = oj_JSONTokener_next($this); if (oj_JSONTokener_end($this)) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($this, $rt_s(73))); $pos = $pos + 1 | 0; } return jl_String__init_($chars); } function oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($this) { var $c; while (true) { $c = oj_JSONTokener_next($this); if (!$c) break; if ($c > 32) break; } return $c; } function oj_JSONTokener_nextValue($this) { var $c, $e, var$3, $$je; $c = oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($this); switch ($c) { case 91: oj_JSONTokener_back($this); a: { try { $e = oj_JSONArray__init_1($this); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_StackOverflowError) { $e = $$je; break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $e; } var$3 = new oj_JSONException; jl_RuntimeException__init_3(var$3, $rt_s(74), $e); $rt_throw(var$3); case 123: oj_JSONTokener_back($this); b: { try { $e = oj_JSONObject__init_1($this); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_StackOverflowError) { $e = $$je; break b; } else { throw $$e; } } return $e; } var$3 = new oj_JSONException; jl_RuntimeException__init_3(var$3, $rt_s(74), $e); $rt_throw(var$3); default: } return oj_JSONTokener_nextSimpleValue($this, $c); } function oj_JSONTokener_nextSimpleValue($this, $c) { var $sb, var$3, $string, var$5, var$6, var$7, $$je; switch ($c) { case 34: case 39: break; default: $sb = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($sb); while ($c >= 32 && jl_String_indexOf($rt_s(75), $c) < 0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, $c); $c = oj_JSONTokener_next($this); } if (!$this.$eof) oj_JSONTokener_back($this); $sb = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($sb); $c = 0; var$3 = jl_String_length($sb) - 1 | 0; a: { while ($c <= var$3) { if (jl_String_charAt($sb, $c) > 32) break a; $c = $c + 1 | 0; } } while ($c <= var$3 && jl_String_charAt($sb, var$3) <= 32) { var$3 = var$3 + (-1) | 0; } $string = jl_String_substring($sb, $c, var$3 + 1 | 0); if (jl_String_equals($rt_s(7), $string)) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($this, $rt_s(76))); b: { oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); if (!jl_String_equals($rt_s(7), $string)) { if (jl_String_equalsIgnoreCase($rt_s(77), $string)) $string = jl_Boolean_TRUE; else if (jl_String_equalsIgnoreCase($rt_s(78), $string)) $string = jl_Boolean_FALSE; else if (jl_String_equalsIgnoreCase($rt_s(18), $string)) $string = oj_JSONObject_NULL; else { c: { $c = jl_String_charAt($string, 0); if (!(!($c >= 48 && $c <= 57) && $c != 45)) try { $sb = oj_JSONObject_stringToNumber($string); break c; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { } else { throw $$e; } } break b; } $string = $sb; } } } return $string; } $sb = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($sb); d: while (true) { e: { var$5 = oj_JSONTokener_next($this); switch (var$5) { case 0: case 10: case 13: break d; case 92: break e; default: } if (var$5 == $c) return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($sb); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, var$5); continue d; } var$5 = oj_JSONTokener_next($this); switch (var$5) { case 34: case 39: case 47: case 92: break; case 98: jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 8); continue d; case 102: jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 12); continue d; case 110: jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 10); continue d; case 114: jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 13); continue d; case 116: jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 9); continue d; case 117: try { jl_StringBuilder_append3($sb, jl_Integer_parseInt(oj_JSONTokener_next0($this, 4), 16) & 65535); continue d; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { $sb = $$je; var$6 = new oj_JSONException; var$7 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$7); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$7, $rt_s(79)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$7, oj_JSONTokener_toString($this)); jl_RuntimeException__init_3(var$6, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$7), $sb); $rt_throw(var$6); } else { throw $$e; } } default: $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($this, $rt_s(79))); } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, var$5); } $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($this, $rt_s(80))); } function oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($this, $message) { var var$2, var$3; var$2 = new oj_JSONException; var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$3, $message); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$3, oj_JSONTokener_toString($this)); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$2, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3)); return var$2; } function oj_JSONTokener_toString($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$1); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$1, $rt_s(81)); var$1 = jl_StringBuilder_append2(var$1, $this.$index); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$1, $rt_s(82)); var$1 = jl_StringBuilder_append2(var$1, $this.$character); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$1, $rt_s(83)); var$1 = jl_StringBuilder_append2(var$1, $this.$line); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$1, $rt_s(84)); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$1); } function ji_Reader() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$lock = null; } function ji_Reader__init_($this) { $this.$lock = new jl_Object; } function ji_StringReader() { var a = this; ji_Reader.call(a); a.$string = null; a.$index0 = 0; } function ji_StringReader_read($this) { var var$1, var$2; ji_StringReader_checkOpened($this); if ($this.$index0 >= jl_String_length($this.$string)) return (-1); var$1 = $this.$string; var$2 = $this.$index0; $this.$index0 = var$2 + 1 | 0; return jl_String_charAt(var$1, var$2); } function ji_StringReader_checkOpened($this) { var var$1; if ($this.$string !== null) return; var$1 = new ji_IOException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } function jur_Pattern() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$lexemes = null; a.$flags1 = 0; a.$backRefs = null; a.$needsBackRefReplacement = 0; a.$globalGroupIndex = 0; a.$compCount = 0; a.$consCount = 0; a.$start2 = null; } function jur_Pattern_pattern($this) { return $this.$lexemes.$orig; } function jur_Pattern_processExpression($this, $ch, $newFlags, $last) { var $children, $saveFlags, $saveChangedFlags, $fSet, $child, var$9; $children = ju_ArrayList__init_(); $saveFlags = $this.$flags1; $saveChangedFlags = 0; if ($newFlags != $saveFlags) $this.$flags1 = $newFlags; a: { switch ($ch) { case -1073741784: $fSet = new jur_NonCapFSet; $newFlags = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; $this.$consCount = $newFlags; jur_FSet__init_($fSet, $newFlags); break a; case -536870872: case -268435416: break; case -134217688: case -67108824: $fSet = new jur_BehindFSet; $newFlags = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; $this.$consCount = $newFlags; jur_FSet__init_($fSet, $newFlags); break a; case -33554392: $fSet = new jur_AtomicFSet; $newFlags = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; $this.$consCount = $newFlags; jur_FSet__init_($fSet, $newFlags); break a; default: $newFlags = $this.$globalGroupIndex + 1 | 0; $this.$globalGroupIndex = $newFlags; if ($last !== null) $fSet = jur_FSet__init_0($newFlags); else { $fSet = new jur_FinalSet; jur_FSet__init_($fSet, 0); $saveChangedFlags = 1; } $newFlags = $this.$globalGroupIndex; if ($newFlags <= (-1)) break a; if ($newFlags >= 10) break a; $this.$backRefs.data[$newFlags] = $fSet; break a; } $fSet = new jur_AheadFSet; jur_FSet__init_($fSet, (-1)); } while (true) { if (jur_Lexer_isLetter($this.$lexemes) && $this.$lexemes.$lookAhead == (-536870788)) { $last = jur_CharClass__init_(jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2), jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64)); while (!jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes) && jur_Lexer_isLetter($this.$lexemes)) { $child = $this.$lexemes; var$9 = $child.$lookAhead; if (var$9 && var$9 != (-536870788) && var$9 != (-536870871)) break; jur_CharClass_add($last, jur_Lexer_next($child)); $child = $this.$lexemes; if ($child.$ch != (-536870788)) continue; jur_Lexer_next($child); } $child = jur_Pattern_processRangeSet($this, $last); $child.$setNext($fSet); } else if ($this.$lexemes.$ch == (-536870788)) { $child = jur_EmptySet__init_($fSet); jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); } else { $child = jur_Pattern_processSubExpression($this, $fSet); $last = $this.$lexemes; if ($last.$ch == (-536870788)) jur_Lexer_next($last); } if ($child !== null) ju_ArrayList_add($children, $child); if (jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes)) break; if ($this.$lexemes.$ch == (-536870871)) break; } if ($this.$lexemes.$lookBack == (-536870788)) ju_ArrayList_add($children, jur_EmptySet__init_($fSet)); if ($this.$flags1 != $saveFlags && !$saveChangedFlags) { $this.$flags1 = $saveFlags; $last = $this.$lexemes; $last.$flags0 = $saveFlags; $last.$lookAhead = $last.$ch; $last.$lookAheadST = $last.$curST; var$9 = $last.$curToc; $last.$index1 = var$9 + 1 | 0; $last.$lookAheadToc = var$9; jur_Lexer_movePointer($last); } switch ($ch) { case -1073741784: break; case -536870872: $last = new jur_PositiveLookAhead; jur_JointSet__init_($last, $children, $fSet); return $last; case -268435416: $last = new jur_NegativeLookAhead; jur_JointSet__init_($last, $children, $fSet); return $last; case -134217688: $last = new jur_PositiveLookBehind; jur_JointSet__init_($last, $children, $fSet); return $last; case -67108824: $last = new jur_NegativeLookBehind; jur_JointSet__init_($last, $children, $fSet); return $last; case -33554392: $last = new jur_AtomicJointSet; jur_JointSet__init_($last, $children, $fSet); return $last; default: switch ($children.$size0) { case 0: break; case 1: return jur_SingleSet__init_(ju_ArrayList_get($children, 0), $fSet); default: return jur_JointSet__init_0($children, $fSet); } return jur_EmptySet__init_($fSet); } $last = new jur_NonCapJointSet; jur_JointSet__init_($last, $children, $fSet); return $last; } function jur_Pattern_processDecomposedChar($this) { var $codePoints, $curSymb, $curSymbIndex, $codePointsHangul, var$5, var$6, $readCodePoints; $codePoints = $rt_createIntArray(4); $curSymb = (-1); $curSymbIndex = (-1); if (!jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes) && jur_Lexer_isLetter($this.$lexemes)) { $codePointsHangul = $codePoints.data; $curSymb = jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); $codePointsHangul[0] = $curSymb; $curSymbIndex = $curSymb - 4352 | 0; } if ($curSymbIndex >= 0 && $curSymbIndex < 19) { $codePointsHangul = $rt_createCharArray(3); $codePoints = $codePointsHangul.data; $codePoints[0] = $curSymb & 65535; var$5 = $this.$lexemes; var$6 = var$5.$ch; $readCodePoints = var$6 - 4449 | 0; if ($readCodePoints >= 0 && $readCodePoints < 21) { $codePoints[1] = var$6 & 65535; jur_Lexer_next(var$5); var$5 = $this.$lexemes; var$6 = var$5.$ch; $curSymb = var$6 - 4519 | 0; if ($curSymb >= 0 && $curSymb < 28) { $codePoints[2] = var$6 & 65535; jur_Lexer_next(var$5); return jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet__init_($codePointsHangul, 3); } return jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet__init_($codePointsHangul, 2); } if (!jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2)) return jur_CharSet__init_($codePoints[0]); if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64)) return jur_UCICharSet__init_($codePoints[0]); return jur_CICharSet__init_($codePoints[0]); } $codePointsHangul = $codePoints.data; $curSymb = 1; while ($curSymb < 4 && !jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes) && jur_Lexer_isLetter($this.$lexemes)) { $readCodePoints = $curSymb + 1 | 0; $codePointsHangul[$curSymb] = jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); $curSymb = $readCodePoints; } if ($curSymb == 1) { $readCodePoints = $codePointsHangul[0]; if (!(jur_Lexer_singleDecompTable.$get1($readCodePoints) == jur_Lexer_singleDecompTableSize ? 0 : 1)) return jur_Pattern_processCharSet($this, $codePointsHangul[0]); } if (!jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2)) return jur_DecomposedCharSet__init_($codePoints, $curSymb); if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64)) { var$5 = new jur_UCIDecomposedCharSet; jur_DecomposedCharSet__init_0(var$5, $codePoints, $curSymb); return var$5; } var$5 = new jur_CIDecomposedCharSet; jur_DecomposedCharSet__init_0(var$5, $codePoints, $curSymb); return var$5; } function jur_Pattern_processSubExpression($this, $last) { var $cur, $term, var$4, $next, var$6, var$7, var$8; if (jur_Lexer_isLetter($this.$lexemes) && !jur_Lexer_isNextSpecial($this.$lexemes) && jur_Lexer_isLetter0($this.$lexemes.$lookAhead)) { if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 128)) { $cur = jur_Pattern_processDecomposedChar($this); if (!jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes)) { $term = $this.$lexemes; var$4 = $term.$ch; if (!(var$4 == (-536870871) && !($last instanceof jur_FinalSet)) && var$4 != (-536870788) && !jur_Lexer_isLetter($term)) $cur = jur_Pattern_processQuantifier($this, $last, $cur); } } else if (!jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate($this.$lexemes) && !jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate($this.$lexemes)) { $next = new jl_StringBuffer; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($next); while (!jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes) && jur_Lexer_isLetter($this.$lexemes) && !jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate($this.$lexemes) && !jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate($this.$lexemes)) { if (!(!jur_Lexer_isNextSpecial($this.$lexemes) && !$this.$lexemes.$lookAhead) && !(!jur_Lexer_isNextSpecial($this.$lexemes) && jur_Lexer_isLetter0($this.$lexemes.$lookAhead))) { var$6 = $this.$lexemes.$lookAhead; if (var$6 != (-536870871) && (var$6 & (-2147418113)) != (-2147483608) && var$6 != (-536870788) && var$6 != (-536870876)) break; } var$4 = jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); if (!jl_Character_isSupplementaryCodePoint(var$4)) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($next, var$4 & 65535); else jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append3($next, jl_Character_toChars(var$4)); } if (!jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2)) { $cur = new jur_SequenceSet; jur_LeafSet__init_($cur); $cur.$string0 = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($next); var$4 = $next.$length0; $cur.$charCount = var$4; $cur.$leftToRight = jur_SequenceSet$IntHash__init_(var$4); $cur.$rightToLeft = jur_SequenceSet$IntHash__init_($cur.$charCount); var$7 = 0; while (var$7 < ($cur.$charCount - 1 | 0)) { jur_SequenceSet$IntHash_put($cur.$leftToRight, jl_String_charAt($cur.$string0, var$7), ($cur.$charCount - var$7 | 0) - 1 | 0); jur_SequenceSet$IntHash_put($cur.$rightToLeft, jl_String_charAt($cur.$string0, ($cur.$charCount - var$7 | 0) - 1 | 0), ($cur.$charCount - var$7 | 0) - 1 | 0); var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; } } else if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64)) $cur = jur_UCISequenceSet__init_($next); else { $cur = new jur_CISequenceSet; jur_LeafSet__init_($cur); $cur.$string1 = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($next); $cur.$charCount = $next.$length0; } } else $cur = jur_Pattern_processQuantifier($this, $last, jur_Pattern_processTerminal($this, $last)); } else { $term = $this.$lexemes; if ($term.$ch != (-536870871)) $cur = jur_Pattern_processQuantifier($this, $last, jur_Pattern_processTerminal($this, $last)); else { if ($last instanceof jur_FinalSet) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $term.$orig, jur_Lexer_getIndex($term))); $cur = jur_EmptySet__init_($last); } } a: { if (!jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes)) { var$4 = $this.$lexemes.$ch; if (!(var$4 == (-536870871) && !($last instanceof jur_FinalSet)) && var$4 != (-536870788)) { $next = jur_Pattern_processSubExpression($this, $last); if ($cur instanceof jur_LeafQuantifierSet && !($cur instanceof jur_CompositeQuantifierSet) && !($cur instanceof jur_GroupQuantifierSet) && !($cur instanceof jur_AltQuantifierSet)) { var$8 = $cur; if (!$next.$first(var$8.$innerSet)) { $cur = new jur_UnifiedQuantifierSet; jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($cur, var$8.$innerSet, var$8.$next4, var$8.$type); $cur.$innerSet.$setNext($cur); } } if (($next.$getType0() & 65535) != 43) $cur.$setNext($next); else $cur.$setNext($next.$innerSet); break a; } } if ($cur === null) return null; $cur.$setNext($last); } if (($cur.$getType0() & 65535) != 43) return $cur; return $cur.$innerSet; } function jur_Pattern_processQuantifier($this, $last, $term) { var $q, $quant, $leaf, var$6, $q_0; $q = $this.$lexemes; $quant = $q.$ch; if ($term !== null && !($term instanceof jur_LeafSet)) { switch ($quant) { case -2147483606: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, $quant); jur_FSet_$callClinit(); $term.$setNext(jur_FSet_posFSet); return $q; case -2147483605: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, (-2147483606)); jur_FSet_$callClinit(); $term.$setNext(jur_FSet_posFSet); return $q; case -2147483585: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, (-536870849)); jur_FSet_$callClinit(); $term.$setNext(jur_FSet_posFSet); return $q; case -2147483525: $leaf = new jur_PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet; $q = jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($q); var$6 = $this.$compCount + 1 | 0; $this.$compCount = var$6; jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet__init_($leaf, $q, $term, $last, (-536870849), var$6); jur_FSet_$callClinit(); $term.$setNext(jur_FSet_posFSet); return $leaf; case -1073741782: case -1073741781: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, $quant); $term.$setNext($q); return $q; case -1073741761: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, (-536870849)); $term.$setNext($last); return $q; case -1073741701: $q_0 = new jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet; $q = jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($q); $quant = $this.$compCount + 1 | 0; $this.$compCount = $quant; jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet__init_($q_0, $q, $term, $last, (-536870849), $quant); $term.$setNext($q_0); return $q_0; case -536870870: case -536870869: jur_Lexer_next($q); if ($term.$getType0() != (-2147483602)) { $q = new jur_GroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, $quant); } else if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 32)) { $q = new jur_DotAllQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, $quant); } else { $q = new jur_DotQuantifierSet; $leaf = jur_AbstractLineTerminator_getInstance($this.$flags1); jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, $quant); $q.$lt = $leaf; } $term.$setNext($q); return $q; case -536870849: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet; jur_QuantifierSet__init_($q, $term, $last, (-536870849)); $term.$setNext($last); return $q; case -536870789: $q_0 = new jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet; $q = jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($q); $quant = $this.$compCount + 1 | 0; $this.$compCount = $quant; jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet__init_($q_0, $q, $term, $last, (-536870849), $quant); $term.$setNext($q_0); return $q_0; default: } return $term; } $leaf = null; if ($term !== null) $leaf = $term; switch ($quant) { case -2147483606: case -2147483605: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_PossessiveQuantifierSet; jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($q, $leaf, $last, $quant); $leaf.$next4 = $q; return $q; case -2147483585: jur_Lexer_next($q); $term = new jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet; jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($term, $leaf, $last, (-2147483585)); return $term; case -2147483525: $term = new jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet; jur_CompositeQuantifierSet__init_($term, jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($q), $leaf, $last, (-2147483525)); return $term; case -1073741782: case -1073741781: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = new jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet; jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($q, $leaf, $last, $quant); $leaf.$next4 = $q; return $q; case -1073741761: jur_Lexer_next($q); $term = new jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet; jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($term, $leaf, $last, (-1073741761)); return $term; case -1073741701: $term = new jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet; jur_CompositeQuantifierSet__init_($term, jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($q), $leaf, $last, (-1073741701)); return $term; case -536870870: case -536870869: jur_Lexer_next($q); $q = jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_0($leaf, $last, $quant); $leaf.$next4 = $q; return $q; case -536870849: jur_Lexer_next($q); $term = new jur_AltQuantifierSet; jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($term, $leaf, $last, (-536870849)); return $term; case -536870789: return jur_CompositeQuantifierSet__init_0(jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($q), $leaf, $last, (-536870789)); default: } return $term; } function jur_Pattern_processTerminal($this, $last) { var $term, var$3, var$4, $ch, $newFlags, $number, $negative, $cc; $term = null; var$3 = $last instanceof jur_FinalSet; while (true) { a: { var$4 = $this.$lexemes; $ch = var$4.$ch; if (($ch & (-2147418113)) == (-2147483608)) { jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $newFlags = ($ch & 16711680) >> 16; $ch = $ch & (-16711681); if ($ch == (-16777176)) $this.$flags1 = $newFlags; else { if ($ch != (-1073741784)) $newFlags = $this.$flags1; $term = jur_Pattern_processExpression($this, $ch, $newFlags, $last); var$4 = $this.$lexemes; if (var$4.$ch != (-536870871)) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), var$4.$orig, var$4.$curToc)); jur_Lexer_next(var$4); } } else { b: { c: { switch ($ch) { case -2147483599: case -2147483598: case -2147483597: case -2147483596: case -2147483595: case -2147483594: case -2147483593: case -2147483592: case -2147483591: break c; case -2147483583: break; case -2147483582: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $term = jur_WordBoundary__init_(0); break a; case -2147483577: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $term = new jur_PreviousMatch; jur_AbstractSet__init_($term); break a; case -2147483558: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $term = new jur_EOLSet; $number = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; $this.$consCount = $number; jur_EOLSet__init_($term, $number); break a; case -2147483550: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $term = jur_WordBoundary__init_(1); break a; case -2147483526: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $term = new jur_EOISet; jur_AbstractSet__init_($term); break a; case -536870876: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $this.$consCount = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 8)) { if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 1)) { $term = jur_UMultiLineEOLSet__init_($this.$consCount); break a; } $term = jur_MultiLineEOLSet__init_($this.$consCount); break a; } if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 1)) { $term = jur_UEOLSet__init_($this.$consCount); break a; } $term = jur_EOLSet__init_0($this.$consCount); break a; case -536870866: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 32)) { $term = jur_DotAllSet__init_(); break a; } $term = jur_DotSet__init_(jur_AbstractLineTerminator_getInstance($this.$flags1)); break a; case -536870821: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $negative = 0; $term = $this.$lexemes; if ($term.$ch == (-536870818)) { $negative = 1; jur_Lexer_next($term); } $term = jur_Pattern_processRangeSet($this, jur_Pattern_processRangeExpression($this, $negative)); $term.$setNext($last); var$4 = $this.$lexemes; if (var$4.$ch != (-536870819)) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), var$4.$orig, var$4.$curToc)); jur_Lexer_setMode(var$4, 1); jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break a; case -536870818: jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $this.$consCount = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; if (!jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 8)) { $term = new jur_SOLSet; jur_AbstractSet__init_($term); break a; } $term = new jur_MultiLineSOLSet; var$4 = jur_AbstractLineTerminator_getInstance($this.$flags1); jur_AbstractSet__init_($term); $term.$lt0 = var$4; break a; case 0: $cc = var$4.$curST; if ($cc !== null) $term = jur_Pattern_processRangeSet($this, $cc); else { if (jur_Lexer_isEmpty(var$4)) { $term = jur_EmptySet__init_($last); break a; } $term = jur_CharSet__init_($ch & 65535); } jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break a; default: break b; } jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $term = new jur_SOLSet; jur_AbstractSet__init_($term); break a; } $number = ($ch & 2147483647) - 48 | 0; if ($this.$globalGroupIndex < $number) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Lexer_toString(var$4), jur_Lexer_getIndex($this.$lexemes))); jur_Lexer_next(var$4); $this.$consCount = $this.$consCount + 1 | 0; $term = !jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2) ? jur_BackReferenceSet__init_($number, $this.$consCount) : jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64) ? jur_UCIBackReferenceSet__init_($number, $this.$consCount) : jur_CIBackReferenceSet__init_($number, $this.$consCount); $this.$backRefs.data[$number].$isBackReferenced = 1; $this.$needsBackRefReplacement = 1; break a; } if ($ch >= 0 && !jur_Lexer_isSpecial(var$4)) { $term = jur_Pattern_processCharSet($this, $ch); jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); } else if ($ch == (-536870788)) $term = jur_EmptySet__init_($last); else { if ($ch != (-536870871)) { $last = new jur_PatternSyntaxException; $term = !jur_Lexer_isSpecial($this.$lexemes) ? jl_Character_toString($ch & 65535) : $this.$lexemes.$curST.$toString(); var$4 = $this.$lexemes; jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_($last, $term, var$4.$orig, var$4.$curToc); $rt_throw($last); } if (var$3) { $last = new jur_PatternSyntaxException; var$4 = $this.$lexemes; jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_($last, $rt_s(7), var$4.$orig, var$4.$curToc); $rt_throw($last); } $term = jur_EmptySet__init_($last); } } } if ($ch != (-16777176)) break; } return $term; } function jur_Pattern_processRangeExpression($this, $alt) { var $res, $buffer, $intersection, $notClosed, $firstInClass, $cs, $cur, $negative, $$je; $res = jur_CharClass__init_(jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2), jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64)); jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative($res, $alt); $buffer = (-1); $intersection = 0; $notClosed = 0; $firstInClass = 1; a: { b: { c: while (true) { if (jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this.$lexemes)) break a; $cs = $this.$lexemes; $alt = $cs.$ch; $notClosed = $alt == (-536870819) && !$firstInClass ? 0 : 1; if (!$notClosed) break a; d: { switch ($alt) { case -536870874: if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $buffer = jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); $cs = $this.$lexemes; if ($cs.$ch != (-536870874)) { $buffer = 38; break d; } if ($cs.$lookAhead == (-536870821)) { jur_Lexer_next($cs); $intersection = 1; $buffer = (-1); break d; } jur_Lexer_next($cs); if ($firstInClass) { $res = jur_Pattern_processRangeExpression($this, 0); break d; } if ($this.$lexemes.$ch == (-536870819)) break d; jur_CharClass_intersection($res, jur_Pattern_processRangeExpression($this, 0)); break d; case -536870867: if (!$firstInClass) { $alt = $cs.$lookAhead; if ($alt != (-536870819) && $alt != (-536870821) && $buffer >= 0) { jur_Lexer_next($cs); $cs = $this.$lexemes; $cur = $cs.$ch; if (jur_Lexer_isSpecial($cs)) break c; if ($cur < 0) { $negative = $this.$lexemes.$lookAhead; if ($negative != (-536870819) && $negative != (-536870821) && $buffer >= 0) break c; } e: { try { if (jur_Lexer_isLetter0($cur)) break e; $cur = $cur & 65535; break e; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break b; } else { throw $$e; } } } try { jur_CharClass_add0($res, $buffer, $cur); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break b; } else { throw $$e; } } jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); $buffer = (-1); break d; } } if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $buffer = 45; jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break d; case -536870821: if ($buffer >= 0) { jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $buffer = (-1); } jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); $negative = 0; $cs = $this.$lexemes; if ($cs.$ch == (-536870818)) { jur_Lexer_next($cs); $negative = 1; } if (!$intersection) jur_CharClass_union($res, jur_Pattern_processRangeExpression($this, $negative)); else jur_CharClass_intersection($res, jur_Pattern_processRangeExpression($this, $negative)); $intersection = 0; jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break d; case -536870819: if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $buffer = 93; jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break d; case -536870818: if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $buffer = 94; jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break d; case 0: if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $cs = $this.$lexemes.$curST; if ($cs === null) $buffer = 0; else { jur_CharClass_add1($res, $cs); $buffer = (-1); } jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); break d; default: } if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); $buffer = jur_Lexer_next($this.$lexemes); } $firstInClass = 0; } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Pattern_pattern($this), $this.$lexemes.$curToc)); } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Pattern_pattern($this), $this.$lexemes.$curToc)); } if (!$notClosed) { if ($buffer >= 0) jur_CharClass_add($res, $buffer); return $res; } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Pattern_pattern($this), $this.$lexemes.$curToc - 1 | 0)); } function jur_Pattern_processCharSet($this, $ch) { var $isSupplCodePoint, var$3, var$4; $isSupplCodePoint = jl_Character_isSupplementaryCodePoint($ch); if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 2)) { a: { if (!($ch >= 97 && $ch <= 122)) { if ($ch < 65) break a; if ($ch > 90) break a; } return jur_CICharSet__init_($ch & 65535); } if (jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, 64) && $ch > 128) { if ($isSupplCodePoint) { var$3 = new jur_UCISupplCharSet; jur_LeafSet__init_(var$3); var$3.$charCount = 2; var$3.$ch0 = jl_Character_toLowerCase0(jl_Character_toUpperCase0($ch)); return var$3; } if (jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate0($ch)) return jur_LowSurrogateCharSet__init_($ch & 65535); if (!jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate0($ch)) return jur_UCICharSet__init_($ch & 65535); return jur_HighSurrogateCharSet__init_($ch & 65535); } } if (!$isSupplCodePoint) { if (jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate0($ch)) return jur_LowSurrogateCharSet__init_($ch & 65535); if (!jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate0($ch)) return jur_CharSet__init_($ch & 65535); return jur_HighSurrogateCharSet__init_($ch & 65535); } var$3 = new jur_SupplCharSet; jur_LeafSet__init_(var$3); var$3.$charCount = 2; var$3.$ch1 = $ch; var$4 = (jl_Character_toChars($ch)).data; var$3.$high = var$4[0]; var$3.$low = var$4[1]; return var$3; } function jur_Pattern_processRangeSet($this, $charClass) { var $surrogates, $lowHighSurrRangeSet, var$4; if (!jur_AbstractCharClass_hasLowHighSurrogates($charClass)) { if (!$charClass.$mayContainSupplCodepoints) { if ($charClass.$hasUCI()) return jur_UCIRangeSet__init_($charClass); return jur_RangeSet__init_($charClass); } if (!$charClass.$hasUCI()) return jur_SupplRangeSet__init_($charClass); $surrogates = new jur_UCISupplRangeSet; jur_SupplRangeSet__init_0($surrogates, $charClass); return $surrogates; } $surrogates = jur_AbstractCharClass_getSurrogates($charClass); $lowHighSurrRangeSet = new jur_LowHighSurrogateRangeSet; jur_AbstractSet__init_($lowHighSurrRangeSet); $lowHighSurrRangeSet.$surrChars = $surrogates; $lowHighSurrRangeSet.$alt = $surrogates.$alt0; if (!$charClass.$mayContainSupplCodepoints) { if ($charClass.$hasUCI()) return jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_(jur_UCIRangeSet__init_(jur_AbstractCharClass_getWithoutSurrogates($charClass)), $lowHighSurrRangeSet); return jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_(jur_RangeSet__init_(jur_AbstractCharClass_getWithoutSurrogates($charClass)), $lowHighSurrRangeSet); } if (!$charClass.$hasUCI()) return jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_(jur_SupplRangeSet__init_(jur_AbstractCharClass_getWithoutSurrogates($charClass)), $lowHighSurrRangeSet); $surrogates = new jur_CompositeRangeSet; var$4 = new jur_UCISupplRangeSet; jur_SupplRangeSet__init_0(var$4, jur_AbstractCharClass_getWithoutSurrogates($charClass)); jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_0($surrogates, var$4, $lowHighSurrRangeSet); return $surrogates; } function jur_Pattern_getSupplement($ch) { if ($ch >= 97 && $ch <= 122) $ch = ($ch - 32 | 0) & 65535; else if ($ch >= 65 && $ch <= 90) $ch = ($ch + 32 | 0) & 65535; return $ch; } function jur_Pattern_hasFlag($this, $flag) { return ($this.$flags1 & $flag) != $flag ? 0 : 1; } var oj_JSONObject$Null = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function oj_JSONObject$Null_equals($this, $object) { return $object !== null && $object !== $this ? 0 : 1; } function oj_JSONObject$Null_toString($this) { return $rt_s(18); } function ji_BufferedReader() { var a = this; ji_Reader.call(a); a.$innerReader = null; a.$buffer2 = null; a.$index2 = 0; a.$count = 0; a.$eof0 = 0; a.$mark0 = 0; } function ji_BufferedReader_read($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9; if ($this.$innerReader === null) { var$1 = new ji_IOException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } if ($this.$index2 >= $this.$count) { var$2 = 0; if ($this.$eof0) var$2 = 0; else { a: { while (true) { var$3 = $this.$buffer2.data; var$4 = var$3.length; if (var$2 >= var$4) break a; var$1 = $this.$innerReader; var$5 = var$4 - var$2 | 0; ji_StringReader_checkOpened(var$1); if (var$1.$index0 >= jl_String_length(var$1.$string)) var$6 = (-1); else { var$6 = jl_Math_min(jl_String_length(var$1.$string) - var$1.$index0 | 0, var$5); var$4 = 0; var$7 = var$2; while (var$4 < var$6) { var$5 = var$7 + 1 | 0; var$8 = var$1.$string; var$9 = var$1.$index0; var$1.$index0 = var$9 + 1 | 0; var$3[var$7] = jl_String_charAt(var$8, var$9); var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; var$7 = var$5; } } if (var$6 == (-1)) { $this.$eof0 = 1; break a; } if (!var$6) break; var$2 = var$2 + var$6 | 0; } } $this.$count = var$2; $this.$index2 = 0; $this.$mark0 = (-1); var$2 = 1; } if (!var$2) return (-1); } var$3 = $this.$buffer2.data; var$4 = $this.$index2; $this.$index2 = var$4 + 1 | 0; return var$3[var$4]; } function jur_AbstractSet() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$next4 = null; a.$isSecondPassVisited = 0; a.$index3 = null; a.$type = 0; } var jur_AbstractSet_counter = 0; function jur_AbstractSet__init_($this) { var var$1; var$1 = jur_AbstractSet_counter; jur_AbstractSet_counter = var$1 + 1 | 0; $this.$index3 = jl_Integer_toString(var$1); } function jur_AbstractSet__init_0($this, $n) { var var$2; var$2 = jur_AbstractSet_counter; jur_AbstractSet_counter = var$2 + 1 | 0; $this.$index3 = jl_Integer_toString(var$2); $this.$next4 = $n; } function jur_AbstractSet_findBack($this, $stringIndex, $startSearch, $testString, $matchResult) { while (true) { if ($startSearch < $stringIndex) return (-1); if ($this.$matches($startSearch, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $startSearch = $startSearch + (-1) | 0; } return $startSearch; } function jur_AbstractSet_setType($this, $type) { $this.$type = $type; } function jur_AbstractSet_getType($this) { return $this.$type; } function jur_AbstractSet_getQualifiedName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = $this.$index3; var$2 = $this.$getName(); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$3, 60); var$1 = jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, var$1); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$1, 58); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$1, var$2), 62); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_AbstractSet_toString($this) { return jur_AbstractSet_getQualifiedName($this); } function jur_AbstractSet_getNext($this) { return $this.$next4; } function jur_AbstractSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_AbstractSet_first($this, $set) { return 1; } function jur_AbstractSet_processBackRefReplacement($this) { return null; } function jur_AbstractSet_processSecondPass($this) { var $set; $this.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $set = $this.$next4; if ($set !== null) { if (!$set.$isSecondPassVisited) { $set = $set.$processBackRefReplacement(); if ($set !== null) { $this.$next4.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $this.$next4 = $set; } $this.$next4.$processSecondPass(); } else if ($set instanceof jur_SingleSet && $set.$fSet.$isBackReferenced) $this.$next4 = $set.$next4; } } function jur_AbstractSet__clinit_() { jur_AbstractSet_counter = 1; } function jur_FSet() { var a = this; jur_AbstractSet.call(a); a.$isBackReferenced = 0; a.$groupIndex = 0; } var jur_FSet_posFSet = null; function jur_FSet_$callClinit() { jur_FSet_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jur_FSet); jur_FSet__clinit_(); } function jur_FSet__init_0(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_FSet(); jur_FSet__init_(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_FSet__init_($this, $groupIndex) { jur_FSet_$callClinit(); jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$groupIndex = $groupIndex; } function jur_FSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $end, $shift; $end = jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnd($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex); jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnd($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex, $stringIndex); $shift = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift < 0) jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnd($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex, $end); return $shift; } function jur_FSet_getGroupIndex($this) { return $this.$groupIndex; } function jur_FSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(85); } function jur_FSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 0; } function jur_FSet__clinit_() { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet; jur_AbstractSet__init_(var$1); jur_FSet_posFSet = var$1; } function jur_Lexer() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$pattern = null; a.$flags0 = 0; a.$mode0 = 0; a.$savedMode = 0; a.$lookBack = 0; a.$ch = 0; a.$lookAhead = 0; a.$patternFullLength = 0; a.$curST = null; a.$lookAheadST = null; a.$index1 = 0; a.$prevNW = 0; a.$curToc = 0; a.$lookAheadToc = 0; a.$orig = null; } var jur_Lexer_decompTable = null; var jur_Lexer_singleDecompTable = null; var jur_Lexer_singleDecompTableSize = 0; function jur_Lexer_setMode($this, $mode) { if ($mode > 0 && $mode < 3) $this.$mode0 = $mode; if ($mode == 1) { $this.$lookAhead = $this.$ch; $this.$lookAheadST = $this.$curST; $this.$index1 = $this.$lookAheadToc; $this.$lookAheadToc = $this.$curToc; jur_Lexer_movePointer($this); } } function jur_Lexer_isSpecial($this) { return $this.$curST === null ? 0 : 1; } function jur_Lexer_isNextSpecial($this) { return $this.$lookAheadST === null ? 0 : 1; } function jur_Lexer_next($this) { jur_Lexer_movePointer($this); return $this.$lookBack; } function jur_Lexer_nextSpecial($this) { var $res; $res = $this.$curST; jur_Lexer_movePointer($this); return $res; } function jur_Lexer_movePointer($this) { var $reread, $nonCap, var$3, $behind, $mod, $cs, $negative, $$je; $this.$lookBack = $this.$ch; $this.$ch = $this.$lookAhead; $this.$curST = $this.$lookAheadST; $this.$curToc = $this.$lookAheadToc; $this.$lookAheadToc = $this.$index1; while (true) { $reread = 0; $nonCap = $this.$index1 >= $this.$pattern.data.length ? 0 : jur_Lexer_nextCodePoint($this); $this.$lookAhead = $nonCap; $this.$lookAheadST = null; if ($this.$mode0 == 4) { if ($nonCap != 92) return; $nonCap = $this.$index1; var$3 = $this.$pattern.data; $nonCap = $nonCap >= var$3.length ? 0 : var$3[jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this)]; $this.$lookAhead = $nonCap; switch ($nonCap) { case 69: break; default: $this.$lookAhead = 92; $this.$index1 = $this.$prevNW; return; } $this.$mode0 = $this.$savedMode; $this.$lookAhead = $this.$index1 > ($this.$pattern.data.length - 2 | 0) ? 0 : jur_Lexer_nextCodePoint($this); } a: { $nonCap = $this.$lookAhead; if ($nonCap != 92) { $behind = $this.$mode0; if ($behind == 1) switch ($nonCap) { case 36: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870876); break a; case 40: if ($this.$pattern.data[$this.$index1] != 63) { $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483608); break a; } jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); $nonCap = $this.$pattern.data[$this.$index1]; $behind = 0; while (true) { b: { if ($behind) { $behind = 0; switch ($nonCap) { case 33: break; case 61: $this.$lookAhead = (-134217688); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break b; default: $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Lexer_toString($this), $this.$index1)); } $this.$lookAhead = (-67108824); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); } else { switch ($nonCap) { case 33: break; case 60: jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); $nonCap = $this.$pattern.data[$this.$index1]; $behind = 1; break b; case 61: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870872); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break b; case 62: $this.$lookAhead = (-33554392); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break b; default: $mod = jur_Lexer_readFlags($this); $this.$lookAhead = $mod; if ($mod < 256) { $this.$flags0 = $mod; $mod = $mod << 16; $this.$lookAhead = $mod; $this.$lookAhead = (-1073741784) | $mod; break b; } $mod = $mod & 255; $this.$lookAhead = $mod; $this.$flags0 = $mod; $mod = $mod << 16; $this.$lookAhead = $mod; $this.$lookAhead = (-16777176) | $mod; break b; } $this.$lookAhead = (-268435416); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); } } if (!$behind) break; } break a; case 41: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870871); break a; case 42: case 43: case 63: $behind = $this.$index1; var$3 = $this.$pattern.data; switch ($behind >= var$3.length ? 42 : var$3[$behind]) { case 43: $this.$lookAhead = $nonCap | (-2147483648); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break a; case 63: $this.$lookAhead = $nonCap | (-1073741824); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break a; default: } $this.$lookAhead = $nonCap | (-536870912); break a; case 46: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870866); break a; case 91: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870821); jur_Lexer_setMode($this, 2); break a; case 93: if ($behind != 2) break a; $this.$lookAhead = (-536870819); break a; case 94: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870818); break a; case 123: $this.$lookAheadST = jur_Lexer_processQuantifier($this, $nonCap); break a; case 124: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870788); break a; default: } else if ($behind == 2) switch ($nonCap) { case 38: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870874); break a; case 45: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870867); break a; case 91: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870821); break a; case 93: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870819); break a; case 94: $this.$lookAhead = (-536870818); break a; default: } } else { $nonCap = $this.$index1 >= ($this.$pattern.data.length - 2 | 0) ? (-1) : jur_Lexer_nextCodePoint($this); c: { $this.$lookAhead = $nonCap; switch ($nonCap) { case -1: $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Lexer_toString($this), $this.$index1)); case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 58: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 62: case 63: case 64: case 91: case 92: case 93: case 94: case 95: case 96: case 118: break; case 48: $this.$lookAhead = jur_Lexer_readOctals($this); break a; case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: if ($this.$mode0 != 1) break a; $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483648) | $nonCap; break a; case 65: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483583); break a; case 66: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483582); break a; case 67: case 69: case 70: case 72: case 73: case 74: case 75: case 76: case 77: case 78: case 79: case 82: case 84: case 85: case 86: case 88: case 89: case 103: case 104: case 105: case 106: case 107: case 108: case 109: case 111: case 113: case 121: $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Lexer_toString($this), $this.$index1)); case 68: case 83: case 87: case 100: case 115: case 119: $this.$lookAheadST = jur_AbstractCharClass_getPredefinedClass(jl_String__init_1($this.$pattern, $this.$prevNW, 1), 0); $this.$lookAhead = 0; break a; case 71: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483577); break a; case 80: case 112: break c; case 81: $this.$savedMode = $this.$mode0; $this.$mode0 = 4; $reread = 1; break a; case 90: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483558); break a; case 97: $this.$lookAhead = 7; break a; case 98: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483550); break a; case 99: $nonCap = $this.$index1; var$3 = $this.$pattern.data; if ($nonCap >= (var$3.length - 2 | 0)) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Lexer_toString($this), $this.$index1)); $this.$lookAhead = var$3[jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this)] & 31; break a; case 101: $this.$lookAhead = 27; break a; case 102: $this.$lookAhead = 12; break a; case 110: $this.$lookAhead = 10; break a; case 114: $this.$lookAhead = 13; break a; case 116: $this.$lookAhead = 9; break a; case 117: $this.$lookAhead = jur_Lexer_readHex($this, 4); break a; case 120: $this.$lookAhead = jur_Lexer_readHex($this, 2); break a; case 122: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483526); break a; default: } break a; } $cs = jur_Lexer_parseCharClassName($this); $negative = 0; if ($this.$lookAhead == 80) $negative = 1; try { $this.$lookAheadST = jur_AbstractCharClass_getPredefinedClass($cs, $negative); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ju_MissingResourceException) { $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), jur_Lexer_toString($this), $this.$index1)); } else { throw $$e; } } $this.$lookAhead = 0; } } if ($reread) continue; else break; } } function jur_Lexer_parseCharClassName($this) { var $sb, $ch, var$3, var$4, $res, var$6; $sb = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($sb, 10); $ch = $this.$index1; var$3 = $this.$pattern; var$4 = var$3.data; if ($ch < (var$4.length - 2 | 0)) { if (var$4[$ch] != 123) { $sb = jl_String__init_1(var$3, jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this), 1); $res = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($res); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($res, $rt_s(86)), $sb); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($res); } jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); $ch = 0; a: { while (true) { var$6 = $this.$index1; var$3 = $this.$pattern.data; if (var$6 >= (var$3.length - 2 | 0)) break; $ch = var$3[jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this)]; if ($ch == 125) break a; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, $ch); } } if ($ch != 125) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); } if (!$sb.$length0) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); $res = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($sb); if (jl_String_length($res) == 1) { $sb = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($sb); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($sb, $rt_s(86)), $res); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($sb); } b: { c: { if (jl_String_length($res) > 3) { if (jl_String_startsWith0($res, $rt_s(86))) break c; if (jl_String_startsWith0($res, $rt_s(87))) break c; } break b; } $res = jl_String_substring0($res, 2); } return $res; } function jur_Lexer_processQuantifier($this, $ch) { var $sb, $min, $max, $mod, var$6, $$je; $sb = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($sb, 4); $min = (-1); $max = 2147483647; a: { while (true) { $mod = $this.$index1; var$6 = $this.$pattern.data; if ($mod >= var$6.length) break a; $ch = var$6[jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this)]; if ($ch == 125) break a; if ($ch == 44 && $min < 0) try { $min = jl_Integer_parseInt(jl_StringBuilder_toString($sb), 10); jl_StringBuilder_delete($sb, 0, jl_StringBuilder_length($sb)); continue; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { break; } else { throw $$e; } } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, $ch & 65535); } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); } if ($ch != 125) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); if ($sb.$length0 > 0) b: { try { $max = jl_Integer_parseInt(jl_StringBuilder_toString($sb), 10); if ($min >= 0) break b; $min = $max; break b; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { } else { throw $$e; } } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); } else if ($min < 0) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); if (($min | $max | ($max - $min | 0)) < 0) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); $ch = $this.$index1; var$6 = $this.$pattern.data; $mod = $ch >= var$6.length ? 42 : var$6[$ch]; c: { switch ($mod) { case 43: $this.$lookAhead = (-2147483525); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break c; case 63: $this.$lookAhead = (-1073741701); jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); break c; default: } $this.$lookAhead = (-536870789); } $sb = new jur_Quantifier; $sb.$min0 = $min; $sb.$max0 = $max; return $sb; } function jur_Lexer_toString($this) { return $this.$orig; } function jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this) { return !$this.$ch && !$this.$lookAhead && $this.$index1 == $this.$patternFullLength && !jur_Lexer_isSpecial($this) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_Lexer_isLetter0($ch) { return $ch < 0 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_Lexer_isLetter($this) { return !jur_Lexer_isEmpty($this) && !jur_Lexer_isSpecial($this) && jur_Lexer_isLetter0($this.$ch) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate($this) { var var$1; var$1 = $this.$ch; return var$1 <= 56319 && var$1 >= 55296 ? 1 : 0; } function jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate($this) { var var$1; var$1 = $this.$ch; return var$1 <= 57343 && var$1 >= 56320 ? 1 : 0; } function jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate0($ch) { return $ch <= 56319 && $ch >= 55296 ? 1 : 0; } function jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate0($ch) { return $ch <= 57343 && $ch >= 56320 ? 1 : 0; } function jur_Lexer_readHex($this, $max) { var $st, $length, $i, var$5, $$je; $st = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($st, $max); $length = $this.$pattern.data.length - 2 | 0; $i = 0; while (true) { var$5 = $rt_compare($i, $max); if (var$5 >= 0) break; if ($this.$index1 >= $length) break; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($st, $this.$pattern.data[jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this)]); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if (!var$5) a: { try { $max = jl_Integer_parseInt(jl_StringBuilder_toString($st), 16); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_NumberFormatException) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $max; } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); } function jur_Lexer_readOctals($this) { var $max, $i, var$3, $length, $res, var$6; $max = 3; $i = 1; var$3 = $this.$pattern.data; $length = var$3.length - 2 | 0; $res = jl_Character_digit(var$3[$this.$index1], 8); switch ($res) { case -1: break; default: if ($res > 3) $max = 2; jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); a: { while (true) { if ($i >= $max) break a; var$6 = $this.$index1; if (var$6 >= $length) break a; var$6 = jl_Character_digit($this.$pattern.data[var$6], 8); if (var$6 < 0) break; $res = ($res * 8 | 0) + var$6 | 0; jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } return $res; } $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, $this.$index1)); } function jur_Lexer_readFlags($this) { var $pos, $res, var$3, var$4; $pos = 1; $res = $this.$flags0; a: while (true) { var$3 = $this.$index1; var$4 = $this.$pattern.data; if (var$3 >= var$4.length) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, var$3)); b: { c: { switch (var$4[var$3]) { case 41: jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); return $res | 256; case 45: if (!$pos) $rt_throw(jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0($rt_s(7), $this.$orig, var$3)); $pos = 0; break b; case 58: break a; case 100: break c; case 105: $res = $pos ? $res | 2 : ($res ^ 2) & $res; break b; case 109: $res = $pos ? $res | 8 : ($res ^ 8) & $res; break b; case 115: $res = $pos ? $res | 32 : ($res ^ 32) & $res; break b; case 117: $res = $pos ? $res | 64 : ($res ^ 64) & $res; break b; case 120: $res = $pos ? $res | 4 : ($res ^ 4) & $res; break b; default: } break b; } $res = $pos ? $res | 1 : ($res ^ 1) & $res; } jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); } jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); return $res; } function jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; var$1 = $this.$index1; $this.$prevNW = var$1; if (!($this.$flags0 & 4)) $this.$index1 = var$1 + 1 | 0; else { var$2 = $this.$pattern.data.length - 2 | 0; $this.$index1 = var$1 + 1 | 0; a: while (true) { var$3 = $this.$index1; if (var$3 < var$2 && jl_Character_isWhitespace($this.$pattern.data[var$3])) { $this.$index1 = $this.$index1 + 1 | 0; continue; } var$3 = $this.$index1; if (var$3 >= var$2) break; var$4 = $this.$pattern.data; if (var$4[var$3] != 35) break; $this.$index1 = var$3 + 1 | 0; while (true) { var$5 = $this.$index1; if (var$5 >= var$2) continue a; var$1 = var$4[var$5]; if (var$1 != 10 && var$1 != 13 && var$1 != 133 && (var$1 | 1) != 8233 ? 0 : 1) continue a; $this.$index1 = var$5 + 1 | 0; } } } return $this.$prevNW; } function jur_Lexer_getDecomposition($ch) { return jur_Lexer_decompTable.$get2($ch); } function jur_Lexer_nextCodePoint($this) { var $high, $lowExpectedIndex, var$3, $low; $high = $this.$pattern.data[jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this)]; if (jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($high)) { $lowExpectedIndex = $this.$prevNW + 1 | 0; var$3 = $this.$pattern.data; if ($lowExpectedIndex < var$3.length) { $low = var$3[$lowExpectedIndex]; if (jl_Character_isLowSurrogate($low)) { jur_Lexer_nextIndex($this); return jl_Character_toCodePoint($high, $low); } } } return $high; } function jur_Lexer_getIndex($this) { return $this.$curToc; } function jur_PatternSyntaxException() { var a = this; jl_IllegalArgumentException.call(a); a.$desc = null; a.$pattern1 = null; a.$index4 = 0; } function jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_0(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jur_PatternSyntaxException(); jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jur_PatternSyntaxException__init_($this, $description, $pattern, $index) { jl_Exception__init_($this); $this.$index4 = (-1); $this.$desc = $description; $this.$pattern1 = $pattern; $this.$index4 = $index; } var ju_SequencedCollection = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_List = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function ju_AbstractList() { ju_AbstractCollection.call(this); this.$modCount0 = 0; } function ju_AbstractList_iterator($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new ju_AbstractList$1; var$1.$this$00 = $this; var$1.$modCount1 = $this.$modCount0; var$1.$size1 = $this.$size0; var$1.$removeIndex = (-1); return var$1; } var ju_RandomAccess = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function ju_ArrayList() { var a = this; ju_AbstractList.call(a); a.$array1 = null; a.$size0 = 0; } function ju_ArrayList__init_() { var var_0 = new ju_ArrayList(); ju_ArrayList__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function ju_ArrayList__init_1(var_0) { var var_1 = new ju_ArrayList(); ju_ArrayList__init_2(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function ju_ArrayList__init_0($this) { ju_ArrayList__init_2($this, 10); } function ju_ArrayList__init_2($this, $initialCapacity) { var var$2; if ($initialCapacity >= 0) { $this.$array1 = $rt_createArray(jl_Object, $initialCapacity); return; } var$2 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } function ju_ArrayList_ensureCapacity($this, $minCapacity) { var var$2, $newLength; var$2 = $this.$array1.data.length; if (var$2 < $minCapacity) { $newLength = var$2 >= 1073741823 ? 2147483647 : jl_Math_max($minCapacity, jl_Math_max(var$2 * 2 | 0, 5)); $this.$array1 = ju_Arrays_copyOf($this.$array1, $newLength); } } function ju_ArrayList_get($this, $index) { ju_ArrayList_checkIndex($this, $index); return $this.$array1.data[$index]; } function ju_ArrayList_add($this, $element) { var var$2, var$3; ju_ArrayList_ensureCapacity($this, $this.$size0 + 1 | 0); var$2 = $this.$array1.data; var$3 = $this.$size0; $this.$size0 = var$3 + 1 | 0; var$2[var$3] = $element; $this.$modCount0 = $this.$modCount0 + 1 | 0; return 1; } function ju_ArrayList_checkIndex($this, $index) { var var$2; if ($index >= 0 && $index < $this.$size0) return; var$2 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } var jur_NonCapFSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_FSet); function jur_NonCapFSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $gr; $gr = $this.$groupIndex; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $gr, $stringIndex - jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $gr) | 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_NonCapFSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(88); } function jur_NonCapFSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 0; } var jur_AheadFSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_FSet); function jur_AheadFSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { return $stringIndex; } function jur_AheadFSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(89); } var jur_BehindFSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_FSet); function jur_BehindFSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { if (jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex) != $stringIndex) $stringIndex = (-1); return $stringIndex; } function jur_BehindFSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(90); } function jur_AtomicFSet() { jur_FSet.call(this); this.$index5 = 0; } function jur_AtomicFSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $gr; $gr = $this.$groupIndex; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $gr, $stringIndex - jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $gr) | 0); $this.$index5 = $stringIndex; return $stringIndex; } function jur_AtomicFSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(91); } function jur_AtomicFSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 0; } var jur_FinalSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_FSet); function jur_FinalSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { if ($matchResult.$mode != 1 && $stringIndex != $matchResult.$rightBound) return (-1); $matchResult.$valid = 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnd($matchResult, 0, $stringIndex); return $stringIndex; } function jur_FinalSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(92); } function jur_LeafSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$charCount = 0; } function jur_LeafSet__init_($this) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$charCount = 1; } function jur_LeafSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $shift; if (($stringIndex + $this.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $shift = $this.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if ($shift < 0) return (-1); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex + $shift | 0, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_LeafSet_charCount($this) { return $this.$charCount; } function jur_LeafSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 1; } var jur_EmptySet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_LeafSet); function jur_EmptySet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_EmptySet(); jur_EmptySet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_EmptySet__init_0($this, $next) { jur_AbstractSet__init_0($this, $next); $this.$charCount = 1; $this.$type = 1; $this.$charCount = 0; } function jur_EmptySet_accepts($this, $stringIndex, $testString) { return 0; } function jur_EmptySet_findBack($this, $stringIndex, $startSearch, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength, $startStr; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; $startStr = $matchResult.$leftBound; while (true) { if ($startSearch < $stringIndex) return (-1); if ($startSearch < $strLength && jl_Character_isLowSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testString, $startSearch)) && $startSearch > $startStr && jl_Character_isHighSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testString, $startSearch - 1 | 0))) { $startSearch = $startSearch + (-1) | 0; continue; } if ($this.$next4.$matches($startSearch, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $startSearch = $startSearch + (-1) | 0; } return $startSearch; } function jur_EmptySet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(93); } function jur_EmptySet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 0; } function jur_JointSet() { var a = this; jur_AbstractSet.call(a); a.$children = null; a.$fSet = null; a.$groupIndex0 = 0; } function jur_JointSet__init_0(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_JointSet(); jur_JointSet__init_(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_JointSet__init_($this, $children, $fSet) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$children = $children; $this.$fSet = $fSet; $this.$groupIndex0 = $fSet.$groupIndex; } function jur_JointSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $start, $size, $i, $shift; if ($this.$children === null) return (-1); $start = jur_MatchResultImpl_getStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0); jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $stringIndex); $size = $this.$children.$size0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $size) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $start); return (-1); } $shift = (ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift >= 0) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $shift; } function jur_JointSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$fSet.$next4 = $next; } function jur_JointSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(94); } function jur_JointSet_first($this, $set) { var $i; a: { $i = $this.$children; if ($i !== null) { $i = ju_AbstractList_iterator($i); while (true) { if (!ju_AbstractList$1_hasNext($i)) break a; if (!(ju_AbstractList$1_next($i)).$first($set)) continue; else return 1; } } } return 0; } function jur_JointSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnd($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0) >= 0 && jur_MatchResultImpl_getStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0) == jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnd($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_JointSet_processSecondPass($this) { var $child, $childrenSize, $i, $set, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9; $this.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $child = $this.$fSet; if ($child !== null && !$child.$isSecondPassVisited) jur_AbstractSet_processSecondPass($child); a: { $child = $this.$children; if ($child !== null) { $childrenSize = $child.$size0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $childrenSize) break a; $child = ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i); $set = $child.$processBackRefReplacement(); if ($set === null) $set = $child; else { $child.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; var$5 = $this.$children; ju_ArrayList_checkIndex(var$5, $i); var$6 = var$5.$size0 - 1 | 0; var$5.$size0 = var$6; var$7 = $i; while (var$7 < var$6) { var$8 = var$5.$array1.data; var$9 = var$7 + 1 | 0; var$8[var$7] = var$8[var$9]; var$7 = var$9; } var$5.$array1.data[var$6] = null; var$5.$modCount0 = var$5.$modCount0 + 1 | 0; var$5 = $this.$children; if ($i < 0) break; var$9 = var$5.$size0; if ($i > var$9) break; ju_ArrayList_ensureCapacity(var$5, var$9 + 1 | 0); var$7 = var$5.$size0; var$6 = var$7; while (var$6 > $i) { var$8 = var$5.$array1.data; var$8[var$6] = var$8[var$6 - 1 | 0]; var$6 = var$6 + (-1) | 0; } var$5.$array1.data[$i] = $set; var$5.$size0 = var$7 + 1 | 0; var$5.$modCount0 = var$5.$modCount0 + 1 | 0; } if (!$set.$isSecondPassVisited) $set.$processSecondPass(); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $child = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_($child); $rt_throw($child); } } if ($this.$next4 !== null) jur_AbstractSet_processSecondPass($this); } var jur_NonCapJointSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_JointSet); function jur_NonCapJointSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $start, $size, $i, $shift; $start = jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0); jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $stringIndex); $size = $this.$children.$size0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $size) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $start); return (-1); } $shift = (ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift >= 0) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $shift; } function jur_NonCapJointSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(95); } function jur_NonCapJointSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return !jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0) ? 0 : 1; } var jur_AtomicJointSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_NonCapJointSet); function jur_AtomicJointSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $start, $size, $i; $start = jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0); jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $stringIndex); $size = $this.$children.$size0; $i = 0; while ($i < $size) { if ((ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) return $this.$next4.$matches($this.$fSet.$index5, $testString, $matchResult); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $start); return (-1); } function jur_AtomicJointSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_AtomicJointSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(95); } var jur_PositiveLookAhead = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AtomicJointSet); function jur_PositiveLookAhead_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $size, $i; $size = $this.$children.$size0; $i = 0; while ($i < $size) { if ((ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_PositiveLookAhead_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_PositiveLookAhead_getName($this) { return $rt_s(96); } var jur_NegativeLookAhead = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AtomicJointSet); function jur_NegativeLookAhead_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $size, $i; $size = $this.$children.$size0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $size) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ((ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_NegativeLookAhead_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_NegativeLookAhead_getName($this) { return $rt_s(97); } var jur_PositiveLookBehind = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AtomicJointSet); function jur_PositiveLookBehind_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $size, $leftBound, $shift, $i; $size = $this.$children.$size0; $leftBound = $matchResult.$transparentBounds ? 0 : $matchResult.$leftBound; a: { $shift = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift >= 0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $stringIndex); $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $size) break a; if ((ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$findBack($leftBound, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, (-1)); return $shift; } $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } } return (-1); } function jur_PositiveLookBehind_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_PositiveLookBehind_getName($this) { return $rt_s(98); } var jur_NegativeLookBehind = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AtomicJointSet); function jur_NegativeLookBehind_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $size, $i; $size = $this.$children.$size0; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $stringIndex); $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $size) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ((ju_ArrayList_get($this.$children, $i)).$findBack(0, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_NegativeLookBehind_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_NegativeLookBehind_getName($this) { return $rt_s(99); } function jur_SingleSet() { jur_JointSet.call(this); this.$kid = null; } function jur_SingleSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_SingleSet(); jur_SingleSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_SingleSet__init_0($this, $child, $fSet) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$kid = $child; $this.$fSet = $fSet; $this.$groupIndex0 = $fSet.$groupIndex; } function jur_SingleSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $start, $shift; $start = jur_MatchResultImpl_getStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0); jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $stringIndex); $shift = $this.$kid.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift >= 0) return $shift; jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $start); return (-1); } function jur_SingleSet_findBack($this, $stringIndex, $lastIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $res; $res = $this.$kid.$findBack($stringIndex, $lastIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($res >= 0) jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $res); return $res; } function jur_SingleSet_first($this, $set) { return $this.$kid.$first($set); } function jur_SingleSet_processBackRefReplacement($this) { var $set; $set = new jur_BackReferencedSingleSet; jur_SingleSet__init_0($set, $this.$kid, $this.$fSet); $this.$next4 = $set; return $set; } function jur_SingleSet_processSecondPass($this) { var $set; $this.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $set = $this.$fSet; if ($set !== null && !$set.$isSecondPassVisited) jur_AbstractSet_processSecondPass($set); $set = $this.$kid; if ($set !== null && !$set.$isSecondPassVisited) { $set = $set.$processBackRefReplacement(); if ($set !== null) { $this.$kid.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $this.$kid = $set; } $this.$kid.$processSecondPass(); } } var jur_SpecialToken = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function jur_AbstractCharClass() { var a = this; jur_SpecialToken.call(a); a.$alt0 = 0; a.$altSurrogates = 0; a.$lowHighSurrogates = null; a.$charClassWithoutSurrogates = null; a.$charClassWithSurrogates = null; a.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 0; } var jur_AbstractCharClass_charClasses = null; function jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit() { jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jur_AbstractCharClass); jur_AbstractCharClass__clinit_(); } function jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($this) { var var$1; jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit(); var$1 = new ju_BitSet; var$1.$data0 = $rt_createIntArray(64); $this.$lowHighSurrogates = var$1; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_getBits($this) { return null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_getLowHighSurrogates($this) { return $this.$lowHighSurrogates; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_hasLowHighSurrogates($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; if (!$this.$altSurrogates) var$1 = ju_BitSet_nextSetBit($this.$lowHighSurrogates, 0) >= 2048 ? 0 : 1; else { a: { var$2 = $this.$lowHighSurrogates; var$1 = 0; var$3 = var$2.$length2; if (var$1 < var$3) { var$4 = var$2.$data0.data; var$5 = (var$4[0] ^ (-1)) >>> 0 | 0; if (var$5) var$1 = jl_Integer_numberOfTrailingZeros(var$5) + var$1 | 0; else { var$1 = (var$3 + 31 | 0) / 32 | 0; var$5 = 1; while (var$5 < var$1) { if (var$4[var$5] != (-1)) { var$1 = (var$5 * 32 | 0) + jl_Integer_numberOfTrailingZeros(var$4[var$5] ^ (-1)) | 0; break a; } var$5 = var$5 + 1 | 0; } var$1 = var$3; } } } var$1 = var$1 >= 2048 ? 0 : 1; } return var$1; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_mayContainSupplCodepoints($this) { return $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_getInstance($this) { return $this; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_getSurrogates($this) { var $lHS, var$2; if ($this.$charClassWithSurrogates === null) { $lHS = $this.$getLowHighSurrogates(); var$2 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$1; var$2.$this$01 = $this; var$2.$val$lHS = $lHS; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$2); $this.$charClassWithSurrogates = var$2; jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative(var$2, $this.$altSurrogates); } return $this.$charClassWithSurrogates; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_getWithoutSurrogates($this) { var $lHS, var$2; if ($this.$charClassWithoutSurrogates === null) { $lHS = $this.$getLowHighSurrogates(); var$2 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$2; var$2.$this$02 = $this; var$2.$val$lHS0 = $lHS; var$2.$val$thisClass = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$2); $this.$charClassWithoutSurrogates = var$2; jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative(var$2, $this.$alt0); $this.$charClassWithoutSurrogates.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints; } return $this.$charClassWithoutSurrogates; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_hasUCI($this) { return 0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative($this, $value) { var var$2; var$2 = $this.$alt0; if (var$2 ^ $value) { $this.$alt0 = var$2 ? 0 : 1; $this.$altSurrogates = $this.$altSurrogates ? 0 : 1; } if (!$this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints) $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $this; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_isNegative($this) { return $this.$alt0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects($cc, $ch) { jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit(); return $cc.$contains0($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects0($cc1, $cc2) { var var$3, var$4; jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit(); if ($cc1.$getBits() !== null && $cc2.$getBits() !== null) { $cc1 = $cc1.$getBits(); $cc2 = $cc2.$getBits(); var$3 = jl_Math_min($cc1.$data0.data.length, $cc2.$data0.data.length); var$4 = 0; a: { while (var$4 < var$3) { if ($cc1.$data0.data[var$4] & $cc2.$data0.data[var$4]) { var$3 = 1; break a; } var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; } var$3 = 0; } return var$3; } return 1; } function jur_AbstractCharClass_getPredefinedClass($name, $negative) { var var$3, var$4, var$5; jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit(); var$3 = 0; while (true) { jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_$callClinit(); var$4 = jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_contents.data; if (var$3 >= var$4.length) { var$5 = new ju_MissingResourceException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$5, $rt_s(7)); var$5.$className = $rt_s(7); var$5.$key0 = $name; $rt_throw(var$5); } var$4 = var$4[var$3].data; if (jl_String_equals($name, var$4[0])) break; var$3 = var$3 + 1 | 0; } return jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass_getValue(var$4[1], $negative); } function jur_AbstractCharClass__clinit_() { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses; jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_$callClinit(); jur_AbstractCharClass_charClasses = var$1; } function jur_CharClass() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$ci = 0; a.$uci = 0; a.$hasUCI0 = 0; a.$invertedSurrogates = 0; a.$inverted = 0; a.$hideBits = 0; a.$bits = null; a.$nonBitSet = null; } function jur_CharClass__init_0() { var var_0 = new jur_CharClass(); jur_CharClass__init_1(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_CharClass__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_CharClass(); jur_CharClass__init_2(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_CharClass__init_1($this) { jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($this); $this.$bits = ju_BitSet__init_(); } function jur_CharClass__init_2($this, $ci, $uci) { jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($this); $this.$bits = ju_BitSet__init_(); $this.$ci = $ci; $this.$uci = $uci; } function jur_CharClass_add($this, $ch) { a: { if ($this.$ci) { b: { if (!($ch >= 97 && $ch <= 122)) { if ($ch < 65) break b; if ($ch > 90) break b; } if ($this.$inverted) { ju_BitSet_clear($this.$bits, jur_Pattern_getSupplement($ch & 65535)); break a; } ju_BitSet_set($this.$bits, jur_Pattern_getSupplement($ch & 65535)); break a; } if ($this.$uci && $ch > 128) { $this.$hasUCI0 = 1; $ch = jl_Character_toLowerCase0(jl_Character_toUpperCase0($ch)); } } } if (!(!jur_Lexer_isHighSurrogate0($ch) && !jur_Lexer_isLowSurrogate0($ch))) { if ($this.$invertedSurrogates) ju_BitSet_clear($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $ch - 55296 | 0); else ju_BitSet_set($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $ch - 55296 | 0); } if ($this.$inverted) ju_BitSet_clear($this.$bits, $ch); else ju_BitSet_set($this.$bits, $ch); if (!$this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints && jl_Character_isSupplementaryCodePoint($ch)) $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $this; } function jur_CharClass_add1($this, $cc) { var $curAlt, $nb, var$4; if (!$this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints && $cc.$mayContainSupplCodepoints) $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; if ($this.$invertedSurrogates) { if (!$cc.$altSurrogates) ju_BitSet_andNot($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $cc.$getLowHighSurrogates()); else ju_BitSet_and($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $cc.$getLowHighSurrogates()); } else if (!$cc.$altSurrogates) ju_BitSet_or($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $cc.$getLowHighSurrogates()); else { ju_BitSet_xor($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $cc.$getLowHighSurrogates()); ju_BitSet_and($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $cc.$getLowHighSurrogates()); $this.$altSurrogates = $this.$altSurrogates ? 0 : 1; $this.$invertedSurrogates = 1; } if (!$this.$hideBits && $cc.$getBits() !== null) { if ($this.$inverted) { if (!$cc.$alt0) ju_BitSet_andNot($this.$bits, $cc.$getBits()); else ju_BitSet_and($this.$bits, $cc.$getBits()); } else if (!$cc.$alt0) ju_BitSet_or($this.$bits, $cc.$getBits()); else { ju_BitSet_xor($this.$bits, $cc.$getBits()); ju_BitSet_and($this.$bits, $cc.$getBits()); $this.$alt0 = $this.$alt0 ? 0 : 1; $this.$inverted = 1; } } else { $curAlt = $this.$alt0; $nb = $this.$nonBitSet; if ($nb !== null) { if (!$curAlt) { var$4 = new jur_CharClass$5; var$4.$this$03 = $this; var$4.$val$curAlt = $curAlt; var$4.$val$nb = $nb; var$4.$val$cc = $cc; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$4); $this.$nonBitSet = var$4; } else { var$4 = new jur_CharClass$4; var$4.$this$04 = $this; var$4.$val$curAlt0 = $curAlt; var$4.$val$nb0 = $nb; var$4.$val$cc0 = $cc; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$4); $this.$nonBitSet = var$4; } } else { if ($curAlt && !$this.$inverted && ju_BitSet_isEmpty($this.$bits)) { $nb = new jur_CharClass$1; $nb.$this$05 = $this; $nb.$val$cc1 = $cc; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } else if (!$curAlt) { $nb = new jur_CharClass$3; $nb.$this$06 = $this; $nb.$val$curAlt1 = $curAlt; $nb.$val$cc2 = $cc; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } else { $nb = new jur_CharClass$2; $nb.$this$07 = $this; $nb.$val$curAlt2 = $curAlt; $nb.$val$cc3 = $cc; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } $this.$hideBits = 1; } } return $this; } function jur_CharClass_add0($this, $i, $end) { var var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7; if ($i > $end) { var$3 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_(var$3); $rt_throw(var$3); } a: { b: { if (!$this.$ci) { if ($end < 55296) break b; if ($i > 57343) break b; } $end = $end + 1 | 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $end) break a; jur_CharClass_add($this, $i); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } if (!$this.$inverted) ju_BitSet_set0($this.$bits, $i, $end + 1 | 0); else { var$3 = $this.$bits; $end = $end + 1 | 0; if ($i >= 0 && $i <= $end) { var$4 = var$3.$length2; if ($i < var$4) { var$5 = jl_Math_min(var$4, $end); if ($i != var$5) { var$6 = $i / 32 | 0; $end = var$5 / 32 | 0; if (var$6 == $end) { var$7 = var$3.$data0.data; var$7[var$6] = var$7[var$6] & (ju_BitSet_trailingOneBits(var$3, $i) | ju_BitSet_trailingZeroBits(var$3, var$5)); } else { var$7 = var$3.$data0.data; var$7[var$6] = var$7[var$6] & ju_BitSet_trailingOneBits(var$3, $i); var$4 = var$6 + 1 | 0; while (var$4 < $end) { var$3.$data0.data[var$4] = 0; var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; } if (var$5 & 31) { var$7 = var$3.$data0.data; var$7[$end] = var$7[$end] & ju_BitSet_trailingZeroBits(var$3, var$5); } } ju_BitSet_recalculateLength(var$3); } } } else { var$3 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$3); $rt_throw(var$3); } } } return $this; } function jur_CharClass_union($this, $clazz) { var $curAlt, $nb, var$4; if (!$this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints && $clazz.$mayContainSupplCodepoints) $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; if ($clazz.$hasUCI0) $this.$hasUCI0 = 1; $curAlt = $this.$altSurrogates; if (!($curAlt ^ $clazz.$altSurrogates)) { if (!$curAlt) ju_BitSet_or($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); else ju_BitSet_and($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); } else if ($curAlt) ju_BitSet_andNot($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); else { ju_BitSet_xor($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); ju_BitSet_and($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); $this.$altSurrogates = 1; } if (!$this.$hideBits && jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz) !== null) { $curAlt = $this.$alt0; if (!($curAlt ^ $clazz.$alt0)) { if (!$curAlt) ju_BitSet_or($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); else ju_BitSet_and($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); } else if ($curAlt) ju_BitSet_andNot($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); else { ju_BitSet_xor($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); ju_BitSet_and($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); $this.$alt0 = 1; } } else { $curAlt = $this.$alt0; $nb = $this.$nonBitSet; if ($nb !== null) { if (!$curAlt) { var$4 = new jur_CharClass$11; var$4.$this$08 = $this; var$4.$val$curAlt3 = $curAlt; var$4.$val$nb1 = $nb; var$4.$val$clazz = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$4); $this.$nonBitSet = var$4; } else { var$4 = new jur_CharClass$10; var$4.$this$09 = $this; var$4.$val$curAlt4 = $curAlt; var$4.$val$nb2 = $nb; var$4.$val$clazz0 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$4); $this.$nonBitSet = var$4; } } else { if (!$this.$inverted && ju_BitSet_isEmpty($this.$bits)) { if (!$curAlt) { $nb = new jur_CharClass$7; $nb.$this$010 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz1 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } else { $nb = new jur_CharClass$6; $nb.$this$011 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz2 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } } else if (!$curAlt) { $nb = new jur_CharClass$9; $nb.$this$012 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz3 = $clazz; $nb.$val$curAlt5 = $curAlt; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } else { $nb = new jur_CharClass$8; $nb.$this$013 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz4 = $clazz; $nb.$val$curAlt6 = $curAlt; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } $this.$hideBits = 1; } } } function jur_CharClass_intersection($this, $clazz) { var $curAlt, $nb, var$4; if (!$this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints && $clazz.$mayContainSupplCodepoints) $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; if ($clazz.$hasUCI0) $this.$hasUCI0 = 1; $curAlt = $this.$altSurrogates; if (!($curAlt ^ $clazz.$altSurrogates)) { if (!$curAlt) ju_BitSet_and($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); else ju_BitSet_or($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); } else if (!$curAlt) ju_BitSet_andNot($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); else { ju_BitSet_xor($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); ju_BitSet_and($this.$lowHighSurrogates, $clazz.$lowHighSurrogates); $this.$altSurrogates = 0; } if (!$this.$hideBits && jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz) !== null) { $curAlt = $this.$alt0; if (!($curAlt ^ $clazz.$alt0)) { if (!$curAlt) ju_BitSet_and($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); else ju_BitSet_or($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); } else if (!$curAlt) ju_BitSet_andNot($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); else { ju_BitSet_xor($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); ju_BitSet_and($this.$bits, jur_CharClass_getBits($clazz)); $this.$alt0 = 0; } } else { $curAlt = $this.$alt0; $nb = $this.$nonBitSet; if ($nb !== null) { if (!$curAlt) { var$4 = new jur_CharClass$17; var$4.$this$014 = $this; var$4.$val$curAlt7 = $curAlt; var$4.$val$nb3 = $nb; var$4.$val$clazz5 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$4); $this.$nonBitSet = var$4; } else { var$4 = new jur_CharClass$16; var$4.$this$015 = $this; var$4.$val$curAlt8 = $curAlt; var$4.$val$nb4 = $nb; var$4.$val$clazz6 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$4); $this.$nonBitSet = var$4; } } else { if (!$this.$inverted && ju_BitSet_isEmpty($this.$bits)) { if (!$curAlt) { $nb = new jur_CharClass$13; $nb.$this$016 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz7 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } else { $nb = new jur_CharClass$12; $nb.$this$017 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz8 = $clazz; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } } else if (!$curAlt) { $nb = new jur_CharClass$15; $nb.$this$018 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz9 = $clazz; $nb.$val$curAlt9 = $curAlt; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } else { $nb = new jur_CharClass$14; $nb.$this$019 = $this; $nb.$val$clazz10 = $clazz; $nb.$val$curAlt10 = $curAlt; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($nb); $this.$nonBitSet = $nb; } $this.$hideBits = 1; } } } function jur_CharClass_contains($this, $ch) { var var$2; var$2 = $this.$nonBitSet; if (var$2 !== null) return $this.$alt0 ^ var$2.$contains0($ch); return $this.$alt0 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$bits, $ch); } function jur_CharClass_getBits($this) { if (!$this.$hideBits) return $this.$bits; return null; } function jur_CharClass_getLowHighSurrogates($this) { return $this.$lowHighSurrogates; } function jur_CharClass_getInstance($this) { var $bs, $res; if ($this.$nonBitSet !== null) return $this; $bs = jur_CharClass_getBits($this); $res = new jur_CharClass$18; $res.$this$020 = $this; $res.$val$bs = $bs; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($res); return jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative($res, $this.$alt0); } function jur_CharClass_toString($this) { var $temp, $i, var$3; $temp = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($temp); $i = ju_BitSet_nextSetBit($this.$bits, 0); while ($i >= 0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append3($temp, jl_Character_toChars($i)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($temp, 124); $i = ju_BitSet_nextSetBit($this.$bits, $i + 1 | 0); } var$3 = $temp.$length0; if (var$3 > 0) jl_StringBuilder_deleteCharAt($temp, var$3 - 1 | 0); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($temp); } function jur_CharClass_hasUCI($this) { return $this.$hasUCI0; } function ju_MissingResourceException() { var a = this; jl_RuntimeException.call(a); a.$className = null; a.$key0 = null; } function jur_QuantifierSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$innerSet = null; } function jur_QuantifierSet__init_($this, $innerSet, $next, $type) { jur_AbstractSet__init_0($this, $next); $this.$innerSet = $innerSet; $this.$type = $type; } function jur_QuantifierSet_getInnerSet($this) { return $this.$innerSet; } function jur_QuantifierSet_first($this, $set) { return !$this.$innerSet.$first($set) && !$this.$next4.$first($set) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_QuantifierSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 1; } function jur_QuantifierSet_processSecondPass($this) { var $set; $this.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $set = $this.$next4; if ($set !== null && !$set.$isSecondPassVisited) { $set = $set.$processBackRefReplacement(); if ($set !== null) { $this.$next4.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $this.$next4 = $set; } $this.$next4.$processSecondPass(); } $set = $this.$innerSet; if ($set !== null) { if (!$set.$isSecondPassVisited) { $set = $set.$processBackRefReplacement(); if ($set !== null) { $this.$innerSet.$isSecondPassVisited = 1; $this.$innerSet = $set; } $this.$innerSet.$processSecondPass(); } else if ($set instanceof jur_SingleSet && $set.$fSet.$isBackReferenced) $this.$innerSet = $set.$next4; } } function jur_LeafQuantifierSet() { jur_QuantifierSet.call(this); this.$leaf = null; } function jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_0(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jur_LeafQuantifierSet(); jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($this, $innerSet, $next, $type) { jur_QuantifierSet__init_($this, $innerSet, $next, $type); $this.$leaf = $innerSet; } function jur_LeafQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $i, var$5; $i = 0; a: { while (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { var$5 = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if (var$5 <= 0) break a; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + var$5 | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } while (true) { if ($i < 0) return (-1); var$5 = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if (var$5 >= 0) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex - $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } return var$5; } function jur_LeafQuantifierSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(100); } function jur_CompositeQuantifierSet() { jur_LeafQuantifierSet.call(this); this.$quantifier = null; } function jur_CompositeQuantifierSet__init_0(var_0, var_1, var_2, var_3) { var var_4 = new jur_CompositeQuantifierSet(); jur_CompositeQuantifierSet__init_(var_4, var_0, var_1, var_2, var_3); return var_4; } function jur_CompositeQuantifierSet__init_($this, $quant, $innerSet, $next, $type) { jur_LeafQuantifierSet__init_($this, $innerSet, $next, $type); $this.$quantifier = $quant; } function jur_CompositeQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4, $min, $max, $i, $shift; var$4 = $this.$quantifier; $min = var$4.$min0; $max = var$4.$max0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $min) { a: { while ($i < $max) { if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) break a; $shift = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if ($shift < 1) break a; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + $shift | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } while (true) { if ($i < $min) return (-1); $shift = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift >= 0) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex - $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } return $shift; } if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $shift = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if ($shift < 1) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + $shift | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_CompositeQuantifierSet_getName($this) { return jur_Quantifier_toString($this.$quantifier); } var jur_GroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_QuantifierSet); function jur_GroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $nextIndex; if (!$this.$innerSet.$hasConsumed($matchResult)) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex >= 0) return $nextIndex; return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_GroupQuantifierSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(101); } var jur_AltQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_LeafQuantifierSet); function jur_AltQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $shift; $shift = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift < 0) $shift = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); return $shift; } function jur_AltQuantifierSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; $this.$innerSet.$setNext($next); } var jur_UnifiedQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_LeafQuantifierSet); function jur_UnifiedQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { while (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound && $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString) > 0) { $stringIndex = $stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0; } return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$posValue = null; a.$negValue = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass_getValue($this, $negative) { if (!$negative && $this.$posValue === null) $this.$posValue = $this.$computeValue(); else if ($negative && $this.$negValue === null) $this.$negValue = jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative($this.$computeValue(), 1); if ($negative) return $this.$negValue; return $this.$posValue; } var jl_NumberFormatException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_IllegalArgumentException); function jl_NumberFormatException__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_NumberFormatException(); jl_NumberFormatException__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_NumberFormatException__init_0($this, $message) { jl_Throwable__init_0($this, $message); } function jur_Quantifier() { var a = this; jur_SpecialToken.call(a); a.$min0 = 0; a.$max0 = 0; } function jur_Quantifier_toString($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5; var$1 = $this.$min0; var$2 = $this.$max0; var$3 = var$2 != 2147483647 ? jl_Integer_toString(var$2) : $rt_s(7); var$4 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$4); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$4, 123); var$5 = jl_StringBuilder_append0(var$4, var$1); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$5, 44); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$5, var$3), 125); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$4); } var jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractSet); function jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { return $stringIndex; } function jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(102); } function jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 0; } function ju_BitSet() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$data0 = null; a.$length2 = 0; } function ju_BitSet__init_() { var var_0 = new ju_BitSet(); ju_BitSet__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function ju_BitSet__init_0($this) { $this.$data0 = $rt_createIntArray(2); } function ju_BitSet_set($this, $bitIndex) { var var$2, $index, var$4; if ($bitIndex < 0) { var$2 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } $index = $bitIndex / 32 | 0; if ($bitIndex >= $this.$length2) { ju_BitSet_ensureCapacity($this, $index + 1 | 0); $this.$length2 = $bitIndex + 1 | 0; } var$4 = $this.$data0.data; var$4[$index] = var$4[$index] | 1 << ($bitIndex % 32 | 0); } function ju_BitSet_set0($this, $fromIndex, $toIndex) { var $fromDataIndex, $toDataIndex, var$5, $i, var$7; if ($fromIndex >= 0) { $fromDataIndex = $rt_compare($fromIndex, $toIndex); if ($fromDataIndex <= 0) { if (!$fromDataIndex) return; $fromDataIndex = $fromIndex / 32 | 0; $toDataIndex = $toIndex / 32 | 0; if ($toIndex > $this.$length2) { ju_BitSet_ensureCapacity($this, $toDataIndex + 1 | 0); $this.$length2 = $toIndex; } if ($fromDataIndex == $toDataIndex) { var$5 = $this.$data0.data; var$5[$fromDataIndex] = var$5[$fromDataIndex] | ju_BitSet_trailingZeroBits($this, $fromIndex) & ju_BitSet_trailingOneBits($this, $toIndex); } else { var$5 = $this.$data0.data; var$5[$fromDataIndex] = var$5[$fromDataIndex] | ju_BitSet_trailingZeroBits($this, $fromIndex); $i = $fromDataIndex + 1 | 0; while ($i < $toDataIndex) { $this.$data0.data[$i] = (-1); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if ($toIndex & 31) { var$5 = $this.$data0.data; var$5[$toDataIndex] = var$5[$toDataIndex] | ju_BitSet_trailingOneBits($this, $toIndex); } } return; } } var$7 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$7); $rt_throw(var$7); } function ju_BitSet_trailingZeroBits($this, $num) { return (-1) << ($num % 32 | 0); } function ju_BitSet_trailingOneBits($this, $num) { $num = $num % 32 | 0; return !$num ? 0 : (-1) >>> (32 - $num | 0) | 0; } function ju_BitSet_clear($this, $bitIndex) { var var$2, $index, var$4, var$5, var$6; if ($bitIndex < 0) { var$2 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } $index = $bitIndex / 32 | 0; var$4 = $this.$data0.data; if ($index < var$4.length) { var$5 = var$4[$index]; var$6 = ($bitIndex % 32 | 0) & 31; var$4[$index] = var$5 & ((-2) << var$6 | ((-2) >>> (32 - var$6 | 0) | 0)); if ($bitIndex == ($this.$length2 - 1 | 0)) ju_BitSet_recalculateLength($this); } } function ju_BitSet_get($this, $bitIndex) { var var$2, $index, var$4; if ($bitIndex < 0) { var$2 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } $index = $bitIndex / 32 | 0; var$4 = $this.$data0.data; return $index < var$4.length && var$4[$index] & 1 << ($bitIndex % 32 | 0) ? 1 : 0; } function ju_BitSet_nextSetBit($this, $fromIndex) { var var$2, $top, $index, var$5, $i; if ($fromIndex < 0) { var$2 = new jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } $top = $this.$length2; if ($fromIndex >= $top) return (-1); $index = $fromIndex / 32 | 0; var$5 = $this.$data0.data; $i = var$5[$index] >>> ($fromIndex % 32 | 0) | 0; if ($i) return jl_Integer_numberOfTrailingZeros($i) + $fromIndex | 0; $top = ($top + 31 | 0) / 32 | 0; $i = $index + 1 | 0; while ($i < $top) { if (var$5[$i]) return ($i * 32 | 0) + jl_Integer_numberOfTrailingZeros(var$5[$i]) | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function ju_BitSet_ensureCapacity($this, $capacity) { var $newArrayLength, var$3, var$4, var$5; $newArrayLength = $this.$data0.data.length; if ($newArrayLength >= $capacity) return; $newArrayLength = jl_Math_max(($capacity * 3 | 0) / 2 | 0, ($newArrayLength * 2 | 0) + 1 | 0); var$3 = $this.$data0.data; var$4 = $rt_createIntArray($newArrayLength); var$5 = var$4.data; $capacity = jl_Math_min($newArrayLength, var$3.length); $newArrayLength = 0; while ($newArrayLength < $capacity) { var$5[$newArrayLength] = var$3[$newArrayLength]; $newArrayLength = $newArrayLength + 1 | 0; } $this.$data0 = var$4; } function ju_BitSet_recalculateLength($this) { var $top, $i, $sz; $top = ($this.$length2 + 31 | 0) / 32 | 0; $this.$length2 = $top * 32 | 0; $i = $top - 1 | 0; a: { while (true) { if ($i < 0) break a; $sz = jl_Integer_numberOfLeadingZeros($this.$data0.data[$i]); if ($sz < 32) break; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; $this.$length2 = $this.$length2 - 32 | 0; } $this.$length2 = $this.$length2 - $sz | 0; } } function ju_BitSet_and($this, $set) { var $i, $i_0, var$4, var$5; $i = jl_Math_min($this.$data0.data.length, $set.$data0.data.length); $i_0 = 0; while ($i_0 < $i) { var$4 = $this.$data0.data; var$4[$i_0] = var$4[$i_0] & $set.$data0.data[$i_0]; $i_0 = $i_0 + 1 | 0; } while (true) { var$5 = $this.$data0.data; if ($i >= var$5.length) break; var$5[$i] = 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $this.$length2 = jl_Math_min($this.$length2, $set.$length2); ju_BitSet_recalculateLength($this); } function ju_BitSet_andNot($this, $set) { var $sz, $i, var$4; $sz = jl_Math_min($this.$data0.data.length, $set.$data0.data.length); $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { var$4 = $this.$data0.data; var$4[$i] = var$4[$i] & ($set.$data0.data[$i] ^ (-1)); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } ju_BitSet_recalculateLength($this); } function ju_BitSet_or($this, $set) { var $sz, $i, var$4; $sz = jl_Math_max($this.$length2, $set.$length2); $this.$length2 = $sz; ju_BitSet_ensureCapacity($this, ($sz + 31 | 0) / 32 | 0); $sz = jl_Math_min($this.$data0.data.length, $set.$data0.data.length); $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { var$4 = $this.$data0.data; var$4[$i] = var$4[$i] | $set.$data0.data[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } function ju_BitSet_xor($this, $set) { var $sz, $i, var$4; $sz = jl_Math_max($this.$length2, $set.$length2); $this.$length2 = $sz; ju_BitSet_ensureCapacity($this, ($sz + 31 | 0) / 32 | 0); $sz = jl_Math_min($this.$data0.data.length, $set.$data0.data.length); $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { var$4 = $this.$data0.data; var$4[$i] = var$4[$i] ^ $set.$data0.data[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } ju_BitSet_recalculateLength($this); } function ju_BitSet_isEmpty($this) { return $this.$length2 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_LowHighSurrogateRangeSet() { var a = this; jur_JointSet.call(a); a.$surrChars = null; a.$alt = 0; } function jur_LowHighSurrogateRangeSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = !$this.$alt ? $rt_s(103) : $rt_s(104); var$2 = $this.$surrChars.$toString(); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, $rt_s(105)), var$1), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_CompositeRangeSet() { var a = this; jur_JointSet.call(a); a.$withoutSurrogates = null; a.$withSurrogates = null; } function jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_CompositeRangeSet(); jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_CompositeRangeSet__init_0($this, $withoutSurrogates, $withSurrogates) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$withoutSurrogates = $withoutSurrogates; $this.$withSurrogates = $withSurrogates; } function jur_CompositeRangeSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $shift, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8; $shift = $this.$withoutSurrogates.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift < 0) a: { var$5 = $this.$withSurrogates; var$6 = $matchResult.$leftBound; $shift = $matchResult.$rightBound; var$7 = $stringIndex + 1 | 0; $shift = $rt_compare(var$7, $shift); if ($shift > 0) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; $shift = (-1); } else { var$8 = jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex); if (!var$5.$surrChars.$contains0(var$8)) $shift = (-1); else { if (jl_Character_isHighSurrogate(var$8)) { if ($shift < 0 && jl_Character_isLowSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testString, var$7))) { $shift = (-1); break a; } } else if (jl_Character_isLowSurrogate(var$8) && $stringIndex > var$6 && jl_Character_isHighSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex - 1 | 0))) { $shift = (-1); break a; } $shift = var$5.$next4.$matches(var$7, $testString, $matchResult); } } } if ($shift >= 0) return $shift; return (-1); } function jur_CompositeRangeSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; $this.$withSurrogates.$next4 = $next; $this.$withoutSurrogates.$setNext($next); } function jur_CompositeRangeSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = $this.$withoutSurrogates; var$2 = $this.$withSurrogates; var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, $rt_s(106)), var$1), $rt_s(107)), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_CompositeRangeSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } function jur_CompositeRangeSet_first($this, $set) { return 1; } function jur_SupplRangeSet() { var a = this; jur_JointSet.call(a); a.$chars = null; a.$alt1 = 0; } function jur_SupplRangeSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_SupplRangeSet(); jur_SupplRangeSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_SupplRangeSet__init_0($this, $cc) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$chars = $cc.$getInstance0(); $this.$alt1 = $cc.$alt0; } function jur_SupplRangeSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength, $low, $high, $offset; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; if ($stringIndex < $strLength) { $low = $stringIndex + 1 | 0; $high = jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex); if ($this.$contains0($high)) { $offset = $this.$next4.$matches($low, $testString, $matchResult); if ($offset > 0) return $offset; } if ($low < $strLength) { $stringIndex = $low + 1 | 0; $low = jl_String_charAt($testString, $low); if (jl_Character_isSurrogatePair($high, $low) && $this.$contains0(jl_Character_toCodePoint($high, $low))) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } } return (-1); } function jur_SupplRangeSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = !$this.$alt1 ? $rt_s(103) : $rt_s(104); var$2 = $this.$chars.$toString(); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, $rt_s(105)), var$1), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_SupplRangeSet_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$chars.$contains0($ch); } function jur_SupplRangeSet_first($this, $set) { if ($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet) return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects($this.$chars, $set.$ch1); if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects($this.$chars, $set.$ch2); if ($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet) return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects0($this.$chars, $set.$chars); if (!($set instanceof jur_RangeSet)) return 1; return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects0($this.$chars, $set.$chars0); } function jur_SupplRangeSet_getChars($this) { return $this.$chars; } function jur_SupplRangeSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_SupplRangeSet_hasConsumed($this, $mr) { return 1; } var jur_UCISupplRangeSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_SupplRangeSet); function jur_UCISupplRangeSet_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$chars.$contains0(jl_Character_toLowerCase0(jl_Character_toUpperCase0($ch))); } function jur_UCISupplRangeSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = !$this.$alt1 ? $rt_s(103) : $rt_s(104); var$2 = $this.$chars.$toString(); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, $rt_s(108)), var$1), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_UCIRangeSet() { var a = this; jur_LeafSet.call(a); a.$chars1 = null; a.$alt2 = 0; } function jur_UCIRangeSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_UCIRangeSet(); jur_UCIRangeSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_UCIRangeSet__init_0($this, $cc) { jur_LeafSet__init_($this); $this.$chars1 = $cc.$getInstance0(); $this.$alt2 = $cc.$alt0; } function jur_UCIRangeSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { return !$this.$chars1.$contains0(jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase(jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex)))) ? (-1) : 1; } function jur_UCIRangeSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = !$this.$alt2 ? $rt_s(103) : $rt_s(104); var$2 = $this.$chars1.$toString(); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, $rt_s(108)), var$1), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_RangeSet() { var a = this; jur_LeafSet.call(a); a.$chars0 = null; a.$alt3 = 0; } function jur_RangeSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_RangeSet(); jur_RangeSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_RangeSet__init_0($this, $cc) { jur_LeafSet__init_($this); $this.$chars0 = $cc.$getInstance0(); $this.$alt3 = $cc.$alt0; } function jur_RangeSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { return !$this.$chars0.$contains0(jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex)) ? (-1) : 1; } function jur_RangeSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = !$this.$alt3 ? $rt_s(103) : $rt_s(104); var$2 = $this.$chars0.$toString(); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$3, $rt_s(105)), var$1), var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_RangeSet_first($this, $set) { if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects($this.$chars0, $set.$ch2); if ($set instanceof jur_RangeSet) return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects0($this.$chars0, $set.$chars0); if (!($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet)) { if (!($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet)) return 1; return 0; } return jur_AbstractCharClass_intersects0($this.$chars0, $set.$chars); } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet() { var a = this; jur_JointSet.call(a); a.$decomposedChar = null; a.$decomposedCharUTF16 = null; a.$decomposedCharLength = 0; } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet(); jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet__init_0($this, $decomposedChar, $decomposedCharLength) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$decomposedChar = $decomposedChar; $this.$decomposedCharLength = $decomposedCharLength; } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($this) { if ($this.$decomposedCharUTF16 === null) $this.$decomposedCharUTF16 = jl_String__init_($this.$decomposedChar); return $this.$decomposedCharUTF16; } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($this); var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(109)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $rightBound, $decompSyllable, $vIndex, $tIndex, var$8, $curSymb, $lIndex, $i, $decompCurSymb, $syllIndex; $rightBound = $matchResult.$rightBound; $decompSyllable = $rt_createIntArray(3); $vIndex = (-1); $tIndex = (-1); if ($strIndex >= $rightBound) return (-1); var$8 = $strIndex + 1 | 0; $curSymb = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); $strIndex = $curSymb - 44032 | 0; if ($strIndex >= 0 && $strIndex < 11172) { $lIndex = 4352 + ($strIndex / 588 | 0) | 0; $i = 4449 + (($strIndex % 588 | 0) / 28 | 0) | 0; $strIndex = $strIndex % 28 | 0; $decompCurSymb = !$strIndex ? $rt_createIntArrayFromData([$lIndex, $i]) : $rt_createIntArrayFromData([$lIndex, $i, 4519 + $strIndex | 0]); } else $decompCurSymb = null; if ($decompCurSymb !== null) { $decompCurSymb = $decompCurSymb.data; $i = 0; $strIndex = $decompCurSymb.length; $syllIndex = $this.$decomposedCharLength; if ($strIndex != $syllIndex) return (-1); while (true) { if ($i >= $syllIndex) return $this.$next4.$matches(var$8, $testString, $matchResult); if ($decompCurSymb[$i] != $this.$decomposedChar.data[$i]) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } $decompSyllable = $decompSyllable.data; $decompSyllable[0] = $curSymb; $lIndex = $curSymb - 4352 | 0; if ($lIndex >= 0 && $lIndex < 19) { if (var$8 < $rightBound) { $curSymb = jl_String_charAt($testString, var$8); $vIndex = $curSymb - 4449 | 0; } if ($vIndex >= 0 && $vIndex < 21) { $lIndex = var$8 + 1 | 0; $decompSyllable[1] = $curSymb; if ($lIndex < $rightBound) { $curSymb = jl_String_charAt($testString, $lIndex); $tIndex = $curSymb - 4519 | 0; } if ($tIndex >= 0 && $tIndex < 28) { a: { $strIndex = $lIndex + 1 | 0; $decompSyllable[2] = $curSymb; if ($this.$decomposedCharLength == 3) { $lIndex = $decompSyllable[0]; $decompCurSymb = $this.$decomposedChar.data; if ($lIndex == $decompCurSymb[0] && $decompSyllable[1] == $decompCurSymb[1] && $decompSyllable[2] == $decompCurSymb[2]) { $strIndex = $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); break a; } } $strIndex = (-1); } return $strIndex; } b: { if ($this.$decomposedCharLength == 2) { $strIndex = $decompSyllable[0]; $decompCurSymb = $this.$decomposedChar.data; if ($strIndex == $decompCurSymb[0] && $decompSyllable[1] == $decompCurSymb[1]) { $strIndex = $this.$next4.$matches($lIndex, $testString, $matchResult); break b; } } $strIndex = (-1); } return $strIndex; } return (-1); } return (-1); } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_first($this, $set) { return $set instanceof jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet && !jl_String_equals(jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($set), jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($this)) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } function jur_CharSet() { jur_LeafSet.call(this); this.$ch2 = 0; } function jur_CharSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_CharSet(); jur_CharSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_CharSet__init_0($this, $ch) { jur_LeafSet__init_($this); $this.$ch2 = $ch; } function jur_CharSet_charCount($this) { return 1; } function jur_CharSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { return $this.$ch2 != jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex) ? (-1) : 1; } function jur_CharSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult) { var var$5; if (!($testStr instanceof jl_String)) return jur_AbstractSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult); a: { while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) return (-1); var$5 = jl_String_lastIndexOf($testStr, $this.$ch2, $lastIndex); if (var$5 < 0) break a; if (var$5 < $strIndex) break a; if ($this.$next4.$matches(var$5 + 1 | 0, $testStr, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $lastIndex = var$5 + (-1) | 0; } return var$5; } return (-1); } function jur_CharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$ch2; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$2, var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_CharSet_first($this, $set) { if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return $set.$ch2 != $this.$ch2 ? 0 : 1; if (!($set instanceof jur_RangeSet)) { if ($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet) return $set.$contains0($this.$ch2); if (!($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet)) return 1; return 0; } return jur_RangeSet_accepts($set, 0, jl_Character_toString($this.$ch2)) <= 0 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_UCICharSet() { jur_LeafSet.call(this); this.$ch3 = 0; } function jur_UCICharSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_UCICharSet(); jur_UCICharSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_UCICharSet__init_0($this, $ch) { jur_LeafSet__init_($this); $this.$ch3 = jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase($ch)); } function jur_UCICharSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { return $this.$ch3 != jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase(jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex))) ? (-1) : 1; } function jur_UCICharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$ch3; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(110)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_CICharSet() { var a = this; jur_LeafSet.call(a); a.$ch4 = 0; a.$supplement = 0; } function jur_CICharSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_CICharSet(); jur_CICharSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_CICharSet__init_0($this, $ch) { jur_LeafSet__init_($this); $this.$ch4 = $ch; $this.$supplement = jur_Pattern_getSupplement($ch); } function jur_CICharSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { return $this.$ch4 != jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex) && $this.$supplement != jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex) ? (-1) : 1; } function jur_CICharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$ch4; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(111)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_DecomposedCharSet() { var a = this; jur_JointSet.call(a); a.$readCharsForCodePoint = 0; a.$decomposedCharUTF160 = null; a.$decomposedChar0 = null; a.$decomposedCharLength0 = 0; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_DecomposedCharSet(); jur_DecomposedCharSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet__init_0($this, $decomposedChar, $decomposedCharLength) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$readCharsForCodePoint = 1; $this.$decomposedChar0 = $decomposedChar; $this.$decomposedCharLength0 = $decomposedCharLength; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $decCodePoint, $rightBound, $curChar, var$7, $decCurCodePoint, var$9, var$10, $readCodePoints; $decCodePoint = $rt_createIntArray(4); $rightBound = $matchResult.$rightBound; if ($strIndex >= $rightBound) return (-1); $curChar = jur_DecomposedCharSet_codePointAt($this, $strIndex, $testString, $rightBound); var$7 = $strIndex + $this.$readCharsForCodePoint | 0; $decCurCodePoint = jur_Lexer_getDecomposition($curChar); if ($decCurCodePoint === null) { $decCurCodePoint = $decCodePoint.data; $strIndex = 1; $decCurCodePoint[0] = $curChar; } else { $strIndex = $decCurCodePoint.data.length; jl_System_fastArraycopy($decCurCodePoint, 0, $decCodePoint, 0, $strIndex); $strIndex = 0 + $strIndex | 0; } a: { if (var$7 < $rightBound) { var$9 = $decCodePoint.data; $curChar = jur_DecomposedCharSet_codePointAt($this, var$7, $testString, $rightBound); while ($strIndex < 4) { if (!(($curChar != 832 ? 0 : 1) | ($curChar != 833 ? 0 : 1) | ($curChar != 835 ? 0 : 1) | ($curChar != 836 ? 0 : 1))) { var$10 = $strIndex + 1 | 0; var$9[$strIndex] = $curChar; } else { $decCurCodePoint = (jur_Lexer_getDecomposition($curChar)).data; if ($decCurCodePoint.length != 2) { var$10 = $strIndex + 1 | 0; var$9[$strIndex] = $decCurCodePoint[0]; } else { $readCodePoints = $strIndex + 1 | 0; var$9[$strIndex] = $decCurCodePoint[0]; var$10 = $readCodePoints + 1 | 0; var$9[$readCodePoints] = $decCurCodePoint[1]; } } var$7 = var$7 + $this.$readCharsForCodePoint | 0; if (var$7 >= $rightBound) { $strIndex = var$10; break a; } $curChar = jur_DecomposedCharSet_codePointAt($this, var$7, $testString, $rightBound); $strIndex = var$10; } } } if ($strIndex != $this.$decomposedCharLength0) return (-1); $decCurCodePoint = $decCodePoint.data; $curChar = 0; while (true) { if ($curChar >= $strIndex) return $this.$next4.$matches(var$7, $testString, $matchResult); if ($decCurCodePoint[$curChar] != $this.$decomposedChar0.data[$curChar]) break; $curChar = $curChar + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($this) { var $strBuff, $i; if ($this.$decomposedCharUTF160 === null) { $strBuff = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($strBuff); $i = 0; while ($i < $this.$decomposedCharLength0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append3($strBuff, jl_Character_toChars($this.$decomposedChar0.data[$i])); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $this.$decomposedCharUTF160 = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($strBuff); } return $this.$decomposedCharUTF160; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = jur_DecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($this); var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(112)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_codePointAt($this, $strIndex, $testString, $rightBound) { var $curChar, $low, $curCodePointUTF16; $this.$readCharsForCodePoint = 1; if ($strIndex >= ($rightBound - 1 | 0)) $curChar = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); else { $rightBound = $strIndex + 1 | 0; $curChar = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); $low = jl_String_charAt($testString, $rightBound); if (jl_Character_isSurrogatePair($curChar, $low)) { $curCodePointUTF16 = $rt_createCharArray(2).data; $curCodePointUTF16[0] = $curChar; $curCodePointUTF16[1] = $low; $curChar = 0 < ($curCodePointUTF16.length - 1 | 0) && jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($curCodePointUTF16[0]) && jl_Character_isLowSurrogate($curCodePointUTF16[1]) ? jl_Character_toCodePoint($curCodePointUTF16[0], $curCodePointUTF16[1]) : $curCodePointUTF16[0]; $this.$readCharsForCodePoint = 2; } } return $curChar; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_first($this, $set) { return $set instanceof jur_DecomposedCharSet && !jl_String_equals(jur_DecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($set), jur_DecomposedCharSet_getDecomposedChar($this)) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_DecomposedCharSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } var jur_UCIDecomposedCharSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_DecomposedCharSet); var jur_CIDecomposedCharSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_DecomposedCharSet); var jur_PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_GroupQuantifierSet); function jur_PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $stringIndex_0; while (true) { $stringIndex_0 = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($stringIndex_0 <= 0) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex_0; } return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_GroupQuantifierSet); function jur_PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $nextIndex; $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex < 0) return (-1); if ($nextIndex > $stringIndex) { while (true) { $stringIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($nextIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($stringIndex <= $nextIndex) break; $nextIndex = $stringIndex; } $stringIndex = $nextIndex; } return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_GroupQuantifierSet); function jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $nextIndex; if (!$this.$innerSet.$hasConsumed($matchResult)) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex >= 0) return $nextIndex; return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; $this.$innerSet.$setNext($next); } var jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet); function jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $nextIndex; $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex <= 0) $nextIndex = $stringIndex; return $this.$next4.$matches($nextIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet() { var a = this; jur_GroupQuantifierSet.call(a); a.$quantifier0 = null; a.$setCounter = 0; } function jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet__init_0(var_0, var_1, var_2, var_3, var_4) { var var_5 = new jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet(); jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet__init_(var_5, var_0, var_1, var_2, var_3, var_4); return var_5; } function jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet__init_($this, $quant, $innerSet, $next, $type, $setCounter) { jur_QuantifierSet__init_($this, $innerSet, $next, $type); $this.$quantifier0 = $quant; $this.$setCounter = $setCounter; } function jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $enterCounter, $nextIndex; $enterCounter = jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter); if (!$this.$innerSet.$hasConsumed($matchResult)) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($enterCounter >= $this.$quantifier0.$max0) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); $nextIndex = $this.$setCounter; $enterCounter = $enterCounter + 1 | 0; jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $nextIndex, $enterCounter); $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex >= 0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter, 0); return $nextIndex; } $nextIndex = $this.$setCounter; $enterCounter = $enterCounter + (-1) | 0; jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $nextIndex, $enterCounter); if ($enterCounter >= $this.$quantifier0.$min0) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter, 0); return (-1); } function jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet_getName($this) { return jur_Quantifier_toString($this.$quantifier0); } var jur_PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet); function jur_PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $counter, $max, $nextIndex; $counter = 0; $max = $this.$quantifier0.$max0; a: { while (true) { $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex <= $stringIndex) break a; if ($counter >= $max) break; $counter = $counter + 1 | 0; $stringIndex = $nextIndex; } } if ($nextIndex < 0 && $counter < $this.$quantifier0.$min0) return (-1); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_GroupQuantifierSet); function jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $res; if (!$this.$innerSet.$hasConsumed($matchResult)) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); $res = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($res >= 0) return $res; return $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet); function jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $nextIndex; if (!$this.$innerSet.$hasConsumed($matchResult)) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); $nextIndex = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex < 0) $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); return $nextIndex; } var jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet); function jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $enterCounter, var$5, $nextIndex; $enterCounter = jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter); if (!$this.$innerSet.$hasConsumed($matchResult)) return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); var$5 = $this.$quantifier0; if ($enterCounter >= var$5.$max0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } if ($enterCounter < var$5.$min0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter, $enterCounter + 1 | 0); $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } else { $nextIndex = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($nextIndex >= 0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter, 0); return $nextIndex; } jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($matchResult, $this.$setCounter, $enterCounter + 1 | 0); $nextIndex = $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } return $nextIndex; } var jur_DotAllQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_QuantifierSet); function jur_DotAllQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; if ($strLength > $stringIndex) return $this.$next4.$findBack($stringIndex, $strLength, $testString, $matchResult); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_DotAllQuantifierSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(113); } function jur_DotQuantifierSet() { jur_QuantifierSet.call(this); this.$lt = null; } function jur_DotQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength, $startSearch; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; $startSearch = $stringIndex; a: { while (true) { if ($startSearch >= $strLength) { $startSearch = (-1); break a; } if ($this.$lt.$isLineTerminator(jl_String_charAt($testString, $startSearch))) break; $startSearch = $startSearch + 1 | 0; } } if ($startSearch >= 0) $strLength = $startSearch; if ($strLength > $stringIndex) return $this.$next4.$findBack($stringIndex, $strLength, $testString, $matchResult); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_DotQuantifierSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(114); } var jur_AbstractLineTerminator = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jur_AbstractLineTerminator_unixLT = null; var jur_AbstractLineTerminator_unicodeLT = null; function jur_AbstractLineTerminator_getInstance($flag) { var var$2; if (!($flag & 1)) { var$2 = jur_AbstractLineTerminator_unicodeLT; if (var$2 !== null) return var$2; var$2 = new jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2; jur_AbstractLineTerminator_unicodeLT = var$2; return var$2; } var$2 = jur_AbstractLineTerminator_unixLT; if (var$2 !== null) return var$2; var$2 = new jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1; jur_AbstractLineTerminator_unixLT = var$2; return var$2; } var jur_PossessiveQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_LeafQuantifierSet); function jur_PossessiveQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4; a: { while (true) { if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) break a; var$4 = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if (var$4 < 1) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + var$4 | 0; } } return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AltQuantifierSet); function jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4; if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { var$4 = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if (var$4 >= 1) $stringIndex = $stringIndex + var$4 | 0; } return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_CompositeQuantifierSet); function jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4, $min, $max, $i, $shift; var$4 = $this.$quantifier; $min = var$4.$min0; $max = var$4.$max0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $min) { a: { while (true) { if ($i >= $max) break a; if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) break a; $shift = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if ($shift < 1) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + $shift | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $shift = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if ($shift < 1) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + $shift | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } var jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_LeafQuantifierSet); function jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4; while (true) { var$4 = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if (var$4 >= 0) break; if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { var$4 = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); $stringIndex = $stringIndex + var$4 | 0; } if (var$4 < 1) return (-1); } return var$4; } var jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AltQuantifierSet); function jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $shift; $shift = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if ($shift >= 0) return $shift; return $this.$innerSet.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_CompositeQuantifierSet); function jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4, $min, $max, $i, var$8, var$9; var$4 = $this.$quantifier; $min = var$4.$min0; $max = var$4.$max0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $min) { a: { while (true) { var$8 = $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); if (var$8 >= 0) break; if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { var$8 = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); $stringIndex = $stringIndex + var$8 | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if (var$8 < 1) break a; if ($i > $max) break a; } return var$8; } return (-1); } if (($stringIndex + $this.$leaf.$charCount0() | 0) > $matchResult.$rightBound) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } var$9 = $this.$leaf.$accepts($stringIndex, $testString); if (var$9 < 1) break; $stringIndex = $stringIndex + var$9 | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } var jur_SOLSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractSet); function jur_SOLSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { if ($strIndex && !($matchResult.$anchoringBounds && $strIndex == $matchResult.$leftBound)) return (-1); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_SOLSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_SOLSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(115); } function jur_WordBoundary() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$positive = 0; } function jur_WordBoundary__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_WordBoundary(); jur_WordBoundary__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_WordBoundary__init_0($this, $positive) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$positive = $positive; } function jur_WordBoundary_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $ch1, $ch2, $leftBound; $ch1 = $stringIndex < $matchResult.$rightBound ? jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex) : 32; $ch2 = !$stringIndex ? 32 : jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex - 1 | 0); $leftBound = $matchResult.$transparentBounds ? 0 : $matchResult.$leftBound; return ($ch1 != 32 && !jur_WordBoundary_isSpace($this, $ch1, $stringIndex, $leftBound, $testString) ? 0 : 1) ^ ($ch2 != 32 && !jur_WordBoundary_isSpace($this, $ch2, $stringIndex - 1 | 0, $leftBound, $testString) ? 0 : 1) ^ $this.$positive ? (-1) : $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_WordBoundary_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_WordBoundary_getName($this) { return $rt_s(116); } function jur_WordBoundary_isSpace($this, $ch, $index, $leftBound, $testString) { var var$5; if (!jl_Character_isLetterOrDigit($ch) && $ch != 95) { a: { if (jl_Character_getType($ch) == 6) while (true) { $index = $index + (-1) | 0; if ($index < $leftBound) break a; var$5 = jl_String_charAt($testString, $index); if (jl_Character_isLetterOrDigit(var$5)) return 0; if (jl_Character_getType(var$5) != 6) return 1; } } return 1; } return 0; } var jur_PreviousMatch = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractSet); function jur_PreviousMatch_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { if ($stringIndex != $matchResult.$previousMatch) return (-1); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_PreviousMatch_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_PreviousMatch_getName($this) { return $rt_s(117); } function jur_EOLSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$consCounter = 0; } function jur_EOLSet__init_0(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_EOLSet(); jur_EOLSet__init_(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_EOLSet__init_($this, $counter) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$consCounter = $counter; } function jur_EOLSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $rightBound, var$5, $ch; $rightBound = !$matchResult.$anchoringBounds ? jl_String_length($testString) : $matchResult.$rightBound; if ($strIndex >= $rightBound) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } var$5 = $rightBound - $strIndex | 0; if (var$5 == 2 && jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex) == 13 && jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex + 1 | 0) == 10) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } a: { if (var$5 == 1) { $ch = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); if ($ch == 10) break a; if ($ch == 13) break a; if ($ch == 133) break a; if (($ch | 1) == 8233) break a; } return (-1); } jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_EOLSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { var $res; $res = !jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter) ? 0 : 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter, (-1)); return $res; } function jur_EOLSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(118); } var jur_EOISet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractSet); function jur_EOISet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { if ($stringIndex < ($matchResult.$transparentBounds ? jl_String_length($testString) : $matchResult.$rightBound)) return (-1); $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; $matchResult.$requireEnd = 1; return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_EOISet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_EOISet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(119); } function jur_MultiLineSOLSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$lt0 = null; } function jur_MultiLineSOLSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { a: { if ($strIndex != $matchResult.$rightBound) { if (!$strIndex) break a; if ($matchResult.$anchoringBounds && $strIndex == $matchResult.$leftBound) break a; if ($this.$lt0.$isAfterLineTerminator(jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex - 1 | 0), jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex))) break a; } return (-1); } return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_MultiLineSOLSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 0; } function jur_MultiLineSOLSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(120); } var jur_DotAllSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_JointSet); function jur_DotAllSet__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_DotAllSet(); jur_DotAllSet__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_DotAllSet__init_0($this) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); } function jur_DotAllSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength, var$5, $high, var$7; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; var$5 = $stringIndex + 1 | 0; if (var$5 > $strLength) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $high = jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex); if (jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($high)) { var$7 = $stringIndex + 2 | 0; if (var$7 <= $strLength && jl_Character_isSurrogatePair($high, jl_String_charAt($testString, var$5))) return $this.$next4.$matches(var$7, $testString, $matchResult); } return $this.$next4.$matches(var$5, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_DotAllSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(121); } function jur_DotAllSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_DotAllSet_getType($this) { return (-2147483602); } function jur_DotAllSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } function jur_DotSet() { jur_JointSet.call(this); this.$lt1 = null; } function jur_DotSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_DotSet(); jur_DotSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_DotSet__init_0($this, $lt) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$lt1 = $lt; } function jur_DotSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength, var$5, $high, $low; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; var$5 = $stringIndex + 1 | 0; if (var$5 > $strLength) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $high = jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex); if (jl_Character_isHighSurrogate($high)) { $stringIndex = $stringIndex + 2 | 0; if ($stringIndex <= $strLength) { $low = jl_String_charAt($testString, var$5); if (jl_Character_isSurrogatePair($high, $low)) return $this.$lt1.$isLineTerminator(jl_Character_toCodePoint($high, $low)) ? (-1) : $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } } return $this.$lt1.$isLineTerminator($high) ? (-1) : $this.$next4.$matches(var$5, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_DotSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(54); } function jur_DotSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_DotSet_getType($this) { return (-2147483602); } function jur_DotSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } function jur_UEOLSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$consCounter0 = 0; } function jur_UEOLSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_UEOLSet(); jur_UEOLSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_UEOLSet__init_0($this, $counter) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$consCounter0 = $counter; } function jur_UEOLSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $rightBound; $rightBound = !$matchResult.$anchoringBounds ? jl_String_length($testString) : $matchResult.$rightBound; if ($strIndex >= $rightBound) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter0, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } if (($rightBound - $strIndex | 0) == 1 && jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex) == 10) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter0, 1); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex + 1 | 0, $testString, $matchResult); } return (-1); } function jur_UEOLSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { var $res; $res = !jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter0) ? 0 : 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter0, (-1)); return $res; } function jur_UEOLSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(118); } function jur_UMultiLineEOLSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$consCounter1 = 0; } function jur_UMultiLineEOLSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_UMultiLineEOLSet(); jur_UMultiLineEOLSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_UMultiLineEOLSet__init_0($this, $counter) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$consCounter1 = $counter; } function jur_UMultiLineEOLSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { if ((!$matchResult.$anchoringBounds ? jl_String_length($testString) - $strIndex | 0 : $matchResult.$rightBound - $strIndex | 0) <= 0) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter1, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } if (jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex) != 10) return (-1); jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter1, 1); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex + 1 | 0, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_UMultiLineEOLSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { var $res; $res = !jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter1) ? 0 : 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter1, (-1)); return $res; } function jur_UMultiLineEOLSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(122); } function jur_MultiLineEOLSet() { jur_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$consCounter2 = 0; } function jur_MultiLineEOLSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_MultiLineEOLSet(); jur_MultiLineEOLSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_MultiLineEOLSet__init_0($this, $counter) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$consCounter2 = $counter; } function jur_MultiLineEOLSet_matches($this, $strIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strDif, $ch1, $ch2; $strDif = !$matchResult.$anchoringBounds ? jl_String_length($testString) - $strIndex | 0 : $matchResult.$rightBound - $strIndex | 0; if (!$strDif) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter2, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } if ($strDif < 2) { $ch1 = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); $ch2 = 97; } else { $ch1 = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); $ch2 = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex + 1 | 0); } switch ($ch1) { case 10: case 133: case 8232: case 8233: jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter2, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); case 13: if ($ch2 != 10) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter2, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); } jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter2, 0); return $this.$next4.$matches($strIndex, $testString, $matchResult); default: } return (-1); } function jur_MultiLineEOLSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { var $res; $res = !jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter2) ? 0 : 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter2, (-1)); return $res; } function jur_MultiLineEOLSet_getName($this) { return $rt_s(123); } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet() { var a = this; jur_JointSet.call(a); a.$referencedGroup = 0; a.$consCounter3 = 0; } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_CIBackReferenceSet(); jur_CIBackReferenceSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet__init_0($this, $groupIndex, $consCounter) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$referencedGroup = $groupIndex; $this.$consCounter3 = $consCounter; } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $group, $i, var$6, var$7; $group = jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getString($this, $matchResult); if ($group !== null && ($stringIndex + jl_String_length($group) | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= jl_String_length($group)) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter3, jl_String_length($group)); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex + jl_String_length($group) | 0, $testString, $matchResult); } var$6 = jl_String_charAt($group, $i); var$7 = $stringIndex + $i | 0; if (var$6 != jl_String_charAt($testString, var$7) && jur_Pattern_getSupplement(jl_String_charAt($group, $i)) != jl_String_charAt($testString, var$7)) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } return (-1); } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getString($this, $matchResult) { var var$2, var$3; var$2 = $this.$referencedGroup; var$3 = jur_MatchResultImpl_getStart($matchResult, var$2); var$2 = jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnd($matchResult, var$2); return (var$2 | var$3 | (var$2 - var$3 | 0)) >= 0 && var$2 <= jl_String_length($matchResult.$string2) ? jl_String_substring($matchResult.$string2, var$3, var$2) : null; } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$groupIndex0; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(124)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_CIBackReferenceSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { var $res; $res = !jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter3) ? 0 : 1; jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter3, (-1)); return $res; } var jur_BackReferenceSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_CIBackReferenceSet); function jur_BackReferenceSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_BackReferenceSet(); jur_BackReferenceSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_BackReferenceSet__init_0($this, $groupIndex, $consCounter) { jur_CIBackReferenceSet__init_0($this, $groupIndex, $consCounter); } function jur_BackReferenceSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $group, $shift; $group = jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getString($this, $matchResult); if ($group !== null && ($stringIndex + jl_String_length($group) | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { $shift = !jl_String_startsWith($testString, $group, $stringIndex) ? (-1) : jl_String_length($group); if ($shift < 0) return (-1); jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter3, $shift); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex + $shift | 0, $testString, $matchResult); } return (-1); } function jur_BackReferenceSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $group, var$6; $group = jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getString($this, $matchResult); if ($group === null) return (-1); a: { while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) return (-1); var$6 = jl_Math_min($lastIndex, jl_String_length($testString) - jl_String_length($group) | 0); b: { c: while (true) { if (var$6 < 0) { var$6 = (-1); break b; } $lastIndex = 0; while (true) { if ($lastIndex >= jl_String_length($group)) break c; if (jl_String_charAt($testString, var$6 + $lastIndex | 0) != jl_String_charAt($group, $lastIndex)) break; $lastIndex = $lastIndex + 1 | 0; } var$6 = var$6 + (-1) | 0; } } if (var$6 < 0) break a; if (var$6 < $strIndex) break a; if ($this.$next4.$matches(var$6 + jl_String_length($group) | 0, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $lastIndex = var$6 + (-1) | 0; } return var$6; } return (-1); } function jur_BackReferenceSet_first($this, $set) { return 1; } function jur_BackReferenceSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$groupIndex0; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(125)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_UCIBackReferenceSet() { jur_CIBackReferenceSet.call(this); this.$groupIndex1 = 0; } function jur_UCIBackReferenceSet__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_UCIBackReferenceSet(); jur_UCIBackReferenceSet__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_UCIBackReferenceSet__init_0($this, $groupIndex, $consCounter) { jur_CIBackReferenceSet__init_0($this, $groupIndex, $consCounter); } function jur_UCIBackReferenceSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $group, $i; $group = jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getString($this, $matchResult); if ($group !== null && ($stringIndex + jl_String_length($group) | 0) <= $matchResult.$rightBound) { $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= jl_String_length($group)) { jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($matchResult, $this.$consCounter3, jl_String_length($group)); return $this.$next4.$matches($stringIndex + jl_String_length($group) | 0, $testString, $matchResult); } if (jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase(jl_String_charAt($group, $i))) != jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase(jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex + $i | 0)))) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } return (-1); } function jur_UCIBackReferenceSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$groupIndex1; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(126)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } var jl_StringBuffer = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_AbstractStringBuilder); function jl_StringBuffer_insert($this, var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert3($this, var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4); return $this; } function jl_StringBuffer_append($this, var$1, var$2, var$3) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($this, var$1, var$2, var$3); return $this; } function jl_StringBuffer_ensureCapacity($this, var$1) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_ensureCapacity($this, var$1); } function jl_StringBuffer_insert0($this, var$1, var$2) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($this, var$1, var$2); return $this; } function jl_StringBuffer_insert1($this, var$1, var$2) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert($this, var$1, var$2); return $this; } function jur_SequenceSet() { var a = this; jur_LeafSet.call(a); a.$string0 = null; a.$leftToRight = null; a.$rightToLeft = null; } function jur_SequenceSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { return !jur_SequenceSet_startsWith($this, $testString, $strIndex) ? (-1) : $this.$charCount; } function jur_SequenceSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11; while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) return (-1); var$5 = jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 0); var$6 = (jl_String_length($testString) - $lastIndex | 0) - $this.$charCount | 0; if (var$6 <= 0) $lastIndex = $lastIndex + var$6 | 0; a: { while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) { $lastIndex = (-1); break a; } var$6 = jl_String_charAt($testString, $lastIndex); if (var$6 == var$5 && jur_SequenceSet_startsWith($this, $testString, $lastIndex)) break; var$7 = $this.$rightToLeft; var$8 = var$7.$mask; var$9 = var$6 & var$8; var$10 = 0; b: { while (true) { var$11 = var$7.$table.data[var$9]; if (!var$11) break; if (var$11 == var$6) { var$6 = var$7.$values.data[var$9]; break b; } var$10 = (var$10 + 1 | 0) & var$8; var$9 = (var$9 + var$10 | 0) & var$8; } var$6 = var$7.$size2; } $lastIndex = $lastIndex - var$6 | 0; } } if ($lastIndex < 0) return (-1); if ($this.$next4.$matches($lastIndex + $this.$charCount | 0, $testString, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $lastIndex = $lastIndex + (-1) | 0; } return $lastIndex; } function jur_SequenceSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$string0; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(127)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_SequenceSet_first($this, $set) { var var$2; if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return $set.$ch2 != jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 0) ? 0 : 1; if ($set instanceof jur_RangeSet) return jur_RangeSet_accepts($set, 0, jl_String_substring($this.$string0, 0, 1)) <= 0 ? 0 : 1; if (!($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet)) { if (!($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet)) return 1; return jl_String_length($this.$string0) > 1 && $set.$ch1 == jl_Character_toCodePoint(jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 0), jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 1)) ? 1 : 0; } a: { b: { $set = $set; if (!$set.$contains0(jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 0))) { if (jl_String_length($this.$string0) <= 1) break b; if (!$set.$contains0(jl_Character_toCodePoint(jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 0), jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, 1)))) break b; } var$2 = 1; break a; } var$2 = 0; } return var$2; } function jur_SequenceSet_startsWith($this, $str, $from) { var $i; $i = 0; while ($i < $this.$charCount) { if (jl_String_charAt($str, $i + $from | 0) != jl_String_charAt($this.$string0, $i)) return 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return 1; } function jur_UCISequenceSet() { jur_LeafSet.call(this); this.$string3 = null; } function jur_UCISequenceSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_UCISequenceSet(); jur_UCISequenceSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_UCISequenceSet__init_0($this, $substring) { var $res, $i; jur_LeafSet__init_($this); $res = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($res); $i = 0; while ($i < $substring.$length0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($res, jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase(jl_AbstractStringBuilder_charAt($substring, $i)))); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $this.$string3 = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($res); $this.$charCount = $res.$length0; } function jur_UCISequenceSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { var $i; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= jl_String_length($this.$string3)) return jl_String_length($this.$string3); if (jl_String_charAt($this.$string3, $i) != jl_Character_toLowerCase(jl_Character_toUpperCase(jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex + $i | 0)))) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_UCISequenceSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$string3; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(128)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_CISequenceSet() { jur_LeafSet.call(this); this.$string1 = null; } function jur_CISequenceSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { var $i, var$4, var$5; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= jl_String_length($this.$string1)) return jl_String_length($this.$string1); var$4 = jl_String_charAt($this.$string1, $i); var$5 = $strIndex + $i | 0; if (var$4 != jl_String_charAt($testString, var$5) && jur_Pattern_getSupplement(jl_String_charAt($this.$string1, $i)) != jl_String_charAt($testString, var$5)) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return (-1); } function jur_CISequenceSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$string1; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(129)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_space = null; var jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_digit = null; var jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_contents = null; function jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_$callClinit() { jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses); jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses__clinit_(); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses__clinit_() { jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_space = jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace__init_(); jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_digit = jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit__init_(); jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_contents = $rt_createArrayFromData($rt_arraycls(jl_Object), [$rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(130), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(131), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(132), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(133), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(134), jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_digit]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(135), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(136), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(137), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(138), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(139), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(140), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(141), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(142), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(143), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(144), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(145), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(146), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(147), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(148), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(149), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(150), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(151), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(152), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(153), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(154), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(155), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(156), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(157), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(158), jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_space]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(159), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(160), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(161), jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_space]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(162), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(163), jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_digit]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(164), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(165), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(0, 127)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(166), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(128, 255)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(167), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(256, 383)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(168), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(384, 591)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(169), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(592, 687)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(170), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(688, 767)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(171), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(768, 879)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(172), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(880, 1023)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(173), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1024, 1279)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(174), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1280, 1327)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(175), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1328, 1423)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(176), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1424, 1535)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(177), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1536, 1791)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(178), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1792, 1871)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(179), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1872, 1919)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(180), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(1920, 1983)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(181), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(2304, 2431)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(182), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(2432, 2559)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(183), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(2560, 2687)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(184), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(2688, 2815)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(185), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(2816, 2943)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(186), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(2944, 3071)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(187), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3072, 3199)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(188), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3200, 3327)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(189), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3328, 3455)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(190), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3456, 3583)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(191), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3584, 3711)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(192), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3712, 3839)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(193), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(3840, 4095)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(194), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(4096, 4255)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(195), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(4256, 4351)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(196), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(4352, 4607)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(197), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(4608, 4991)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(198), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(4992, 5023)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(199), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5024, 5119)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(200), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5120, 5759)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(201), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5760, 5791)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(202), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5792, 5887)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(203), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5888, 5919)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(204), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5920, 5951)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(205), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5952, 5983)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(206), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(5984, 6015)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(207), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6016, 6143)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(208), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6144, 6319)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(209), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6400, 6479)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(210), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6480, 6527)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(211), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6528, 6623)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(212), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6624, 6655)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(213), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(6656, 6687)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(214), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(7424, 7551)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(215), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(7552, 7615)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(216), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(7616, 7679)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(217), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(7680, 7935)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(218), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(7936, 8191)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(219), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8192, 8303)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(220), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8304, 8351)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(221), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8352, 8399)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(222), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8400, 8447)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(223), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8448, 8527)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(224), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8528, 8591)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(225), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8592, 8703)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(226), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8704, 8959)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(227), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(8960, 9215)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(228), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9216, 9279)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(229), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9280, 9311)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(230), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9312, 9471)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(231), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9472, 9599)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(232), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9600, 9631)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(233), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9632, 9727)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(234), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9728, 9983)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(235), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(9984, 10175)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(236), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(10176, 10223)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(237), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(10224, 10239)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(238), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(10240, 10495)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(239), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(10496, 10623)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(240), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(10624, 10751)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(241), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(10752, 11007)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(242), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11008, 11263)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(243), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11264, 11359)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(244), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11392, 11519)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(245), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11520, 11567)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(246), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11568, 11647)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(247), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11648, 11743)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(248), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11776, 11903)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(249), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(11904, 12031)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(250), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12032, 12255)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(251), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12272, 12287)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(252), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12288, 12351)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(253), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12352, 12447)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(254), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12448, 12543)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(255), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12544, 12591)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(256), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12592, 12687)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(257), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12688, 12703)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(258), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12704, 12735)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(259), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12736, 12783)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(260), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12784, 12799)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(261), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(12800, 13055)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(262), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(13056, 13311)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(263), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(13312, 19893)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(264), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(19904, 19967)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(265), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(19968, 40959)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(266), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(40960, 42127)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(267), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(42128, 42191)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(268), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(42752, 42783)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(269), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(43008, 43055)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(270), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(44032, 55203)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(271), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(55296, 56191)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(272), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(56192, 56319)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(273), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(56320, 57343)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(274), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(57344, 63743)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(275), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(63744, 64255)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(276), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(64256, 64335)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(277), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(64336, 65023)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(278), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65024, 65039)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(279), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65040, 65055)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(280), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65056, 65071)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(281), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65072, 65103)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(282), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65104, 65135)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(283), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65136, 65279)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(284), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(65280, 65519)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(285), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(0, 1114111)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(286), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock__init_()]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(287), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(0, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(288), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(62, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(289), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(1, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(290), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(2, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(291), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(3, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(292), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(4, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(293), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(5, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(294), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(448, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(295), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(6, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(296), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(7, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(297), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(8, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(298), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(3584, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(299), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(9, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(300), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(10, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(301), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(11, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(302), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(28672, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(303), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(12, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(304), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(13, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(305), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(14, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(306), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_0(983040, 1, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(307), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(15, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(308), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(16, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(309), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(18, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(310), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_0(19, 0, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(311), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(1643118592, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(312), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(20, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(313), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(21, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(314), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(22, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(315), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(23, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(316), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(24, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(317), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(2113929216, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(318), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(25, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(319), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(26, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(320), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(27, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(321), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(28, 1)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(322), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(29, 0)]), $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$rt_s(323), jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(30, 0)])]); } function jur_UCISupplCharSet() { jur_LeafSet.call(this); this.$ch0 = 0; } function jur_UCISupplCharSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { var $low, $high; $low = $strIndex + 1 | 0; $high = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); $low = jl_String_charAt($testString, $low); return $this.$ch0 != jl_Character_toLowerCase0(jl_Character_toUpperCase0(jl_Character_toCodePoint($high, $low))) ? (-1) : 2; } function jur_UCISupplCharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = jl_String__init_(jl_Character_toChars($this.$ch0)); var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$2, $rt_s(110)), var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet() { jur_JointSet.call(this); this.$low0 = 0; } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_LowSurrogateCharSet(); jur_LowSurrogateCharSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet__init_0($this, $low) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$low0 = $low; } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var var$4, $low; var$4 = $stringIndex + 1 | 0; if (var$4 > $matchResult.$rightBound) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $low = jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex); if ($stringIndex > $matchResult.$leftBound && jl_Character_isHighSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex - 1 | 0))) return (-1); if ($this.$low0 != $low) return (-1); return $this.$next4.$matches(var$4, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult) { var $startStr, var$6; if (!($testStr instanceof jl_String)) return jur_AbstractSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult); $startStr = $matchResult.$leftBound; a: { while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) return (-1); var$6 = jl_String_lastIndexOf($testStr, $this.$low0, $lastIndex); if (var$6 < 0) break a; if (var$6 < $strIndex) break a; if (var$6 > $startStr && jl_Character_isHighSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testStr, var$6 - 1 | 0))) { $lastIndex = var$6 + (-2) | 0; continue; } if ($this.$next4.$matches(var$6 + 1 | 0, $testStr, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $lastIndex = var$6 + (-1) | 0; } return var$6; } return (-1); } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$low0; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$2, var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_first($this, $set) { if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_RangeSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_HighSurrogateCharSet) return 0; if (!($set instanceof jur_LowSurrogateCharSet)) return 1; return $set.$low0 != $this.$low0 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet() { jur_JointSet.call(this); this.$high0 = 0; } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_HighSurrogateCharSet(); jur_HighSurrogateCharSet__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet__init_0($this, $high) { jur_AbstractSet__init_($this); $this.$high0 = $high; } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_setNext($this, $next) { $this.$next4 = $next; } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_matches($this, $stringIndex, $testString, $matchResult) { var $strLength, var$5, $low, $high; $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; var$5 = $stringIndex + 1 | 0; $low = $rt_compare(var$5, $strLength); if ($low > 0) { $matchResult.$hitEnd = 1; return (-1); } $high = jl_String_charAt($testString, $stringIndex); if ($low < 0 && jl_Character_isLowSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testString, var$5))) return (-1); if ($this.$high0 != $high) return (-1); return $this.$next4.$matches(var$5, $testString, $matchResult); } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult) { var $strLength, var$6; if (!($testStr instanceof jl_String)) return jur_AbstractSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult); $strLength = $matchResult.$rightBound; a: { while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) return (-1); var$6 = jl_String_lastIndexOf($testStr, $this.$high0, $lastIndex); if (var$6 < 0) break a; if (var$6 < $strIndex) break a; $lastIndex = var$6 + 1 | 0; if ($lastIndex < $strLength && jl_Character_isLowSurrogate(jl_String_charAt($testStr, $lastIndex))) { $lastIndex = var$6 + (-1) | 0; continue; } if ($this.$next4.$matches($lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $lastIndex = var$6 + (-1) | 0; } return var$6; } return (-1); } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$high0; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$2, var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_first($this, $set) { if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_RangeSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet) return 0; if ($set instanceof jur_LowSurrogateCharSet) return 0; if (!($set instanceof jur_HighSurrogateCharSet)) return 1; return $set.$high0 != $this.$high0 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_hasConsumed($this, $matchResult) { return 1; } function jur_SupplCharSet() { var a = this; jur_LeafSet.call(a); a.$high = 0; a.$low = 0; a.$ch1 = 0; } function jur_SupplCharSet_accepts($this, $strIndex, $testString) { var $low, $high; $low = $strIndex + 1 | 0; $high = jl_String_charAt($testString, $strIndex); $low = jl_String_charAt($testString, $low); return $this.$high == $high && $this.$low == $low ? 2 : (-1); } function jur_SupplCharSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult) { var var$5; if (!($testStr instanceof jl_String)) return jur_AbstractSet_findBack($this, $strIndex, $lastIndex, $testStr, $matchResult); a: { while (true) { if ($lastIndex < $strIndex) return (-1); var$5 = jl_String_lastIndexOf($testStr, $this.$low, $lastIndex) + (-1) | 0; if (var$5 < 0) break a; if (var$5 < $strIndex) break a; if ($this.$high == jl_String_charAt($testStr, var$5) && $this.$next4.$matches(var$5 + 2 | 0, $testStr, $matchResult) >= 0) break; $lastIndex = var$5 + (-1) | 0; } return var$5; } return (-1); } function jur_SupplCharSet_getName($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = $this.$high; var$2 = $this.$low; var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$3, var$1); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$3, var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3); } function jur_SupplCharSet_first($this, $set) { if ($set instanceof jur_SupplCharSet) return $set.$ch1 != $this.$ch1 ? 0 : 1; if ($set instanceof jur_SupplRangeSet) return $set.$contains0($this.$ch1); if ($set instanceof jur_CharSet) return 0; if (!($set instanceof jur_RangeSet)) return 1; return 0; } var jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1 = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractLineTerminator); function jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1_isLineTerminator($this, $ch) { return $ch != 10 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1_isAfterLineTerminator($this, $ch, $ch2) { return $ch != 10 ? 0 : 1; } var jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2 = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractLineTerminator); function jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2_isLineTerminator($this, $ch) { return $ch != 10 && $ch != 13 && $ch != 133 && ($ch | 1) != 8233 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2_isAfterLineTerminator($this, $ch, $ch2) { a: { b: { if ($ch != 10 && $ch != 133 && ($ch | 1) != 8233) { if ($ch != 13) break b; if ($ch2 == 10) break b; } $ch = 1; break a; } $ch = 0; } return $ch; } function jur_SequenceSet$IntHash() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$table = null; a.$values = null; a.$mask = 0; a.$size2 = 0; } function jur_SequenceSet$IntHash__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_SequenceSet$IntHash(); jur_SequenceSet$IntHash__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_SequenceSet$IntHash__init_0($this, $size) { var var$2, var$3; while (true) { var$2 = $this.$mask; if ($size < var$2) break; $this.$mask = var$2 << 1 | 1; } var$3 = var$2 << 1 | 1; $this.$mask = var$3; var$3 = var$3 + 1 | 0; $this.$table = $rt_createIntArray(var$3); $this.$values = $rt_createIntArray(var$3); $this.$size2 = $size; } function jur_SequenceSet$IntHash_put($this, $key, $value) { var $i, var$4, $hashCode, var$6; $i = 0; var$4 = $this.$mask; $hashCode = $key & var$4; while (true) { var$6 = $this.$table.data; if (!var$6[$hashCode]) break; if (var$6[$hashCode] == $key) break; $i = ($i + 1 | 0) & var$4; $hashCode = ($hashCode + $i | 0) & var$4; } var$6[$hashCode] = $key; $this.$values.data[$hashCode] = $value; } var jl_NegativeArraySizeException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jur_IntHash = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 9, 13), 32); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 48, 57); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 97, 122); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 65, 90); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 0, 127); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 97, 122), 65, 90); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha_computeValue($this), 48, 57); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 33, 64), 91, 96), 123, 126); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum_computeValue($this), 33, 64), 91, 96), 123, 126); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph_computeValue($this), 32); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add(jur_CharClass_add(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 32), 9); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 0, 31), 127); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 48, 57), 97, 102), 65, 70); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase$1; $chCl.$this$021 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase$1; $chCl.$this$022 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace_computeValue($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace$1; var$1.$this$023 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$1); return var$1; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored_computeValue($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored$1; var$1.$this$024 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$1); return var$1; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined$1; $chCl.$this$025 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); ju_BitSet_set0($chCl.$lowHighSurrogates, 0, 2048); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit$1; $chCl.$this$026 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable$1; $chCl.$this$027 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl_computeValue($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl$1; var$1.$this$028 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$1); return var$1; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart$1; $chCl.$this$029 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart$1; $chCl.$this$030 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter$1; $chCl.$this$031 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit$1; $chCl.$this$032 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar_computeValue($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar$1; var$1.$this$033 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$1); return var$1; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase_computeValue($this) { var var$1; var$1 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase$1; var$1.$this$034 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_(var$1); return var$1; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart$1; $chCl.$this$035 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart$1; $chCl.$this$036 = $this; jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($chCl); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 97, 122), 65, 90), 48, 57), 95); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord_computeValue($this), 1); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace_computeValue($this), 1); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = jur_AbstractCharClass_setNegative(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit_computeValue($this), 1); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = 1; return $chCl; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass.call(a); a.$start3 = 0; a.$end1 = 0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange__init_0($this, $start, $end) { $this.$start3 = $start; $this.$end1 = $end; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), $this.$start3, $this.$end1); } var jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock__init_() { var var_0 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock__init_0($this) {} function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock_computeValue($this) { return jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass_add0(jur_CharClass__init_0(), 65279, 65279), 65520, 65533); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass.call(a); a.$category = 0; a.$mayContainSupplCodepoints0 = 0; a.$containsAllSurrogates = 0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_1(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_0(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_2(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_1($this, $cat, $mayContainSupplCodepoints) { $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints0 = $mayContainSupplCodepoints; $this.$category = $cat; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory__init_2($this, $cat, $mayContainSupplCodepoints, $containsAllSurrogates) { $this.$containsAllSurrogates = $containsAllSurrogates; $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints0 = $mayContainSupplCodepoints; $this.$category = $cat; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = jur_UnicodeCategory__init_($this.$category); if ($this.$containsAllSurrogates) ju_BitSet_set0($chCl.$lowHighSurrogates, 0, 2048); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints0; return $chCl; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass.call(a); a.$category0 = 0; a.$mayContainSupplCodepoints1 = 0; a.$containsAllSurrogates0 = 0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_1(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_0(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope(); jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_2(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_1($this, $cat, $mayContainSupplCodepoints) { $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints1 = $mayContainSupplCodepoints; $this.$category0 = $cat; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope__init_2($this, $cat, $mayContainSupplCodepoints, $containsAllSurrogates) { $this.$containsAllSurrogates0 = $containsAllSurrogates; $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints1 = $mayContainSupplCodepoints; $this.$category0 = $cat; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope_computeValue($this) { var $chCl; $chCl = new jur_UnicodeCategoryScope; jur_UnicodeCategory__init_0($chCl, $this.$category0); if ($this.$containsAllSurrogates0) ju_BitSet_set0($chCl.$lowHighSurrogates, 0, 2048); $chCl.$mayContainSupplCodepoints = $this.$mayContainSupplCodepoints1; return $chCl; } var otpp_ResourceAccessor = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otciu_UnicodeHelper = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeCaseMapping($text) { var $flow, $sz, $data, var$5, $last, $i, var$8; $flow = otci_CharFlow__init_(jl_String_toCharArray($text)); $sz = otci_Base46_decodeUnsigned($flow); $data = $rt_createIntArray($sz * 2 | 0); var$5 = $data.data; $last = 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { $last = $last + otci_Base46_decodeUnsigned($flow) | 0; var$8 = $i * 2 | 0; var$5[var$8] = $last; var$5[var$8 + 1 | 0] = otci_Base46_decode($flow); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $data; } function otciu_UnicodeHelper_createCharMapping($data) { var $result, var$3, $last, $lastValue, $i, var$7, $key, $value, var$10, var$11; $result = $rt_createIntArray(65536); var$3 = $result.data; $last = 0; $lastValue = 0; $i = 0; a: { while (true) { var$7 = $data.data; if ($i >= var$7.length) break a; $key = var$7[$i]; $value = var$7[$i + 1 | 0]; var$10 = var$3.length; if ($key < var$10) var$10 = $key; else if ($key == $last) break; ju_Arrays_fill0($result, $last, var$10, $lastValue); $i = $i + 2 | 0; $last = var$10; $lastValue = $value; } } var$11 = new otciu_CharMapping; var$11.$binarySearchTable = $data; var$11.$fastTable = $result; return var$11; } function otciu_UnicodeHelper_decodeByte($c) { if ($c > 92) return (($c - 32 | 0) - 2 | 0) << 24 >> 24; if ($c <= 34) return ($c - 32 | 0) << 24 >> 24; return (($c - 32 | 0) - 1 | 0) << 24 >> 24; } function otciu_CharMapping() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$binarySearchTable = null; a.$fastTable = null; } function otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$start1 = 0; a.$end = 0; a.$data = null; } function otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range__init_(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range(); otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range__init_0(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range__init_0($this, $start, $end, $data) { $this.$start1 = $start; $this.$end = $end; $this.$data = $data; } function otci_CharFlow() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$characters0 = null; a.$pointer = 0; } function otci_CharFlow__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new otci_CharFlow(); otci_CharFlow__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function otci_CharFlow__init_0($this, $characters) { $this.$characters0 = $characters; } var otci_Base46 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otci_Base46_decodeUnsigned($seq) { var $number, $pos, var$4, $hasMore, $digit; $number = 0; $pos = 1; while (true) { var$4 = $seq.$characters0.data; $hasMore = $seq.$pointer; $seq.$pointer = $hasMore + 1 | 0; $digit = var$4[$hasMore]; $digit = $digit < 34 ? $digit - 32 | 0 : $digit >= 92 ? ($digit - 32 | 0) - 2 | 0 : ($digit - 32 | 0) - 1 | 0; $hasMore = ($digit % 2 | 0) != 1 ? 0 : 1; $number = $number + $rt_imul($pos, $digit / 2 | 0) | 0; $pos = $pos * 46 | 0; if (!$hasMore) break; } return $number; } function otci_Base46_decode($seq) { var $number, $result; $number = otci_Base46_decodeUnsigned($seq); $result = $number / 2 | 0; if ($number % 2 | 0) $result = -$result | 0; return $result; } var ju_Arrays = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function ju_Arrays_copyOf0($array, $length) { var $result, var$4, $sz, $i; $array = $array.data; $result = $rt_createCharArray($length); var$4 = $result.data; $sz = jl_Math_min($length, $array.length); $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { var$4[$i] = $array[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $result; } function ju_Arrays_copyOf1($array, $length) { var $result, var$4, $sz, $i; $array = $array.data; $result = $rt_createByteArray($length); var$4 = $result.data; $sz = jl_Math_min($length, $array.length); $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { var$4[$i] = $array[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $result; } function ju_Arrays_copyOf($original, $newLength) { var var$3, $result, $sz, $i; var$3 = $original.data; $result = jlr_Array_newInstance(jl_Class_getComponentType(jl_Object_getClass($original)), $newLength); $sz = jl_Math_min($newLength, var$3.length); $i = 0; while ($i < $sz) { $result.data[$i] = var$3[$i]; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $result; } function ju_Arrays_fill0($a, $fromIndex, $toIndex, $val) { var var$5, var$6, var$7; if ($fromIndex > $toIndex) { var$5 = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_(var$5); $rt_throw(var$5); } while ($fromIndex < $toIndex) { var$6 = $a.data; var$7 = $fromIndex + 1 | 0; var$6[$fromIndex] = $val; $fromIndex = var$7; } } function ju_Arrays_fill($a, $val) { ju_Arrays_fill0($a, 0, $a.data.length, $val); } function ju_Arrays_equals($a, $a2) { var var$3, var$4, var$5; if ($a === $a2) return 1; if ($a !== null && $a2 !== null) { $a = $a.data; $a2 = $a2.data; var$3 = $a.length; if (var$3 == $a2.length) { var$4 = 0; a: { while (true) { if (var$4 >= var$3) { var$4 = (-1); break a; } var$5 = var$4 + 0 | 0; if (!ju_Objects_equals($a[var$5], $a2[var$5])) break; var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; } } return var$4 >= 0 ? 0 : 1; } } return 0; } function ju_Arrays_hashCode($a) { var $hash, $i, var$4, var$5; if ($a === null) return 0; $hash = 1; $i = 0; while (true) { var$4 = $a.data; if ($i >= var$4.length) break; $hash = 31 * $hash | 0; var$5 = var$4[$i]; $hash = $hash + (var$5 !== null ? var$5.$hashCode0() : 0) | 0; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return $hash; } function ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$position2 = 0; a.$expectedModCount = 0; a.$futureEntry = null; a.$currentEntry = null; a.$prevEntry = null; a.$associatedMap0 = null; } function ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator__init_0(var_0) { var var_1 = new ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator(); ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator__init_(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator__init_($this, $hm) { $this.$associatedMap0 = $hm; $this.$expectedModCount = $hm.$modCount; $this.$futureEntry = null; } function ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_hasNext($this) { var var$1, var$2; if ($this.$futureEntry !== null) return 1; while (true) { var$1 = $this.$position2; var$2 = $this.$associatedMap0.$elementData.data; if (var$1 >= var$2.length) break; if (var$2[var$1] !== null) return 1; $this.$position2 = var$1 + 1 | 0; } return 0; } function ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_checkConcurrentMod($this) { var var$1; if ($this.$expectedModCount == $this.$associatedMap0.$modCount) return; var$1 = new ju_ConcurrentModificationException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } function ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_makeNext($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4; ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_checkConcurrentMod($this); if (!ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_hasNext($this)) { var$1 = new ju_NoSuchElementException; jl_Exception__init_(var$1); $rt_throw(var$1); } var$1 = $this.$futureEntry; if (var$1 !== null) { var$2 = $this.$currentEntry; if (var$2 !== null) $this.$prevEntry = var$2; $this.$currentEntry = var$1; $this.$futureEntry = var$1.$next0; } else { var$3 = $this.$associatedMap0.$elementData.data; var$4 = $this.$position2; $this.$position2 = var$4 + 1 | 0; var$1 = var$3[var$4]; $this.$currentEntry = var$1; $this.$futureEntry = var$1.$next0; $this.$prevEntry = null; } } var ju_Iterator = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_HashMap$EntryIterator = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator); function ju_HashMap$EntryIterator_next($this) { ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator_makeNext($this); return $this.$currentEntry; } var otcic_Console = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var oj_JSONException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); function oj_JSONException__init_0(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new oj_JSONException(); oj_JSONException__init_1(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function oj_JSONException__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new oj_JSONException(); oj_JSONException__init_2(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function oj_JSONException__init_1($this, $message, $cause) { jl_RuntimeException__init_3($this, $message, $cause); } function oj_JSONException__init_2($this, $cause) { jl_RuntimeException__init_3($this, $cause.$message, $cause); } var jl_VirtualMachineError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Error); var jl_StackOverflowError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_VirtualMachineError); function oj_JSONArray() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$myArrayList = null; } function oj_JSONArray__init_2() { var var_0 = new oj_JSONArray(); oj_JSONArray__init_3(var_0); return var_0; } function oj_JSONArray__init_1(var_0) { var var_1 = new oj_JSONArray(); oj_JSONArray__init_4(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function oj_JSONArray__init_(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new oj_JSONArray(); oj_JSONArray__init_5(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function oj_JSONArray__init_0(var_0) { var var_1 = new oj_JSONArray(); oj_JSONArray__init_6(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function oj_JSONArray__init_3($this) { $this.$myArrayList = ju_ArrayList__init_(); } function oj_JSONArray__init_4($this, $x) { var $nextChar, var$3; oj_JSONArray__init_3($this); if (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x) != 91) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(324))); $nextChar = oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x); if (!$nextChar) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(325))); if ($nextChar == 93) return; oj_JSONTokener_back($x); while (true) { if (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x) != 44) { oj_JSONTokener_back($x); ju_ArrayList_add($this.$myArrayList, oj_JSONTokener_nextValue($x)); } else { oj_JSONTokener_back($x); var$3 = $this.$myArrayList; oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); ju_ArrayList_add(var$3, oj_JSONObject_NULL); } switch (oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x)) { case 0: $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(325))); case 44: break; case 93: return; default: $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(325))); } $nextChar = oj_JSONTokener_nextClean($x); if (!$nextChar) $rt_throw(oj_JSONTokener_syntaxError($x, $rt_s(325))); if ($nextChar == 93) break; oj_JSONTokener_back($x); } } function oj_JSONArray__init_5($this, $collection, $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration) { var var$4; if ($recursionDepth > $jsonParserConfiguration.$maxNestingDepth) { $collection = new oj_JSONException; var$4 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$4); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$4, $rt_s(326)); jl_Throwable__init_0($collection, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append0(var$4, $jsonParserConfiguration.$maxNestingDepth))); $rt_throw($collection); } if ($collection === null) $this.$myArrayList = ju_ArrayList__init_(); else { var$4 = ju_ArrayList__init_1($collection.$size()); $this.$myArrayList = var$4; ju_ArrayList_ensureCapacity(var$4, var$4.$size0 + $collection.$size() | 0); $collection = $collection.$iterator(); $recursionDepth = $recursionDepth + 1 | 0; while ($collection.$hasNext()) { oj_JSONArray_put($this, oj_JSONObject_wrap($collection.$next(), $recursionDepth, $jsonParserConfiguration)); } } } function oj_JSONArray__init_6($this, $array) { oj_JSONArray__init_3($this); if (jl_Class_isArray(jl_Object_getClass($array))) { oj_JSONArray_addAll($this, $array, 1, 0); return; } $array = new oj_JSONException; jl_Throwable__init_0($array, $rt_s(327)); $rt_throw($array); } function oj_JSONArray_iterator($this) { return ju_AbstractList_iterator($this.$myArrayList); } function oj_JSONArray_length($this) { return $this.$myArrayList.$size0; } function oj_JSONArray_put($this, $value) { oj_JSONObject_testValidity($value); ju_ArrayList_add($this.$myArrayList, $value); return $this; } function oj_JSONArray_toString($this) { var var$1, $$je; a: { try { var$1 = oj_JSONArray_toString0($this, 0); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return var$1; } return null; } function oj_JSONArray_toString0($this, $indentFactor) { return ji_StringWriter_toString(oj_JSONArray_write($this, ji_StringWriter__init_(), $indentFactor, 0)); } function oj_JSONArray_write($this, $writer, $indentFactor, $indent) { var $needsComma, $length, $e, $newIndent, $i, $$je; a: { try { b: { $needsComma = 0; $length = oj_JSONArray_length($this); ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 91); if ($length == 1) c: { try { oj_JSONObject_writeValue($writer, ju_ArrayList_get($this.$myArrayList, 0), $indentFactor, $indent); break c; } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { $e = $$je; } else { throw $$e; } } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_0($rt_s(328), $e)); } else if ($length) { $newIndent = $indent + $indentFactor | 0; $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= $length) { if ($indentFactor > 0) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 10); oj_JSONObject_indent($writer, $indent); break b; } if ($needsComma) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 44); if ($indentFactor > 0) ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 10); oj_JSONObject_indent($writer, $newIndent); try { oj_JSONObject_writeValue($writer, ju_ArrayList_get($this.$myArrayList, $i), $indentFactor, $newIndent); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof jl_Exception) { $e = $$je; break; } else { throw $$e; } } $needsComma = 1; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_0(jl_StringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append1(jl_StringBuilder__init_(), $rt_s(329)), $i)), $e)); } } ji_StringWriter_write($writer, 93); } catch ($$e) { $$je = $rt_wrapException($$e); if ($$je instanceof ji_IOException) { $e = $$je; break a; } else { throw $$e; } } return $writer; } $rt_throw(oj_JSONException__init_($e)); } function oj_JSONArray_addAll($this, $array, $wrap, $recursionDepth) { var var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7; var$4 = oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_(); if (jl_Class_isArray(jl_Object_getClass($array))) a: { var$5 = jlr_Array_getLength($array); var$6 = $this.$myArrayList; ju_ArrayList_ensureCapacity(var$6, var$6.$size0 + var$5 | 0); if (!$wrap) { $wrap = 0; while (true) { if ($wrap >= var$5) break a; oj_JSONArray_put($this, jlr_Array_get($array, $wrap)); $wrap = $wrap + 1 | 0; } } var$7 = 0; $recursionDepth = $recursionDepth + 1 | 0; while (var$7 < var$5) { oj_JSONArray_put($this, oj_JSONObject_wrap(jlr_Array_get($array, var$7), $recursionDepth, var$4)); var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; } } else if ($array instanceof oj_JSONArray) { var$4 = $this.$myArrayList; $array = ju_AbstractList_iterator($array.$myArrayList); while (ju_AbstractList$1_hasNext($array)) { if (!ju_ArrayList_add(var$4, ju_AbstractList$1_next($array))) continue; } } else if ($rt_isInstance($array, ju_Collection)) oj_JSONArray_addAll($this, $array, $wrap, $recursionDepth); else { if (!$rt_isInstance($array, jl_Iterable)) { var$4 = new oj_JSONException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$4, $rt_s(327)); $rt_throw(var$4); } b: { $array = $array; if (!$wrap) { $array = oj_JSONArray_iterator($array); while (true) { if (!ju_AbstractList$1_hasNext($array)) break b; oj_JSONArray_put($this, ju_AbstractList$1_next($array)); } } $array = oj_JSONArray_iterator($array); while (ju_AbstractList$1_hasNext($array)) { var$4 = ju_AbstractList$1_next($array); oj_JSONObject_$callClinit(); oj_JSONArray_put($this, oj_JSONObject_wrap0(var$4, null)); } } } } function jur_AbstractCharClass$1() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$lHS = null; a.$this$01 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$1_contains($this, $ch) { var $index; $index = $ch - 55296 | 0; return $index >= 0 && $index < 2048 ? $this.$altSurrogates ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$val$lHS, $index) : 0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$2() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$lHS0 = null; a.$val$thisClass = null; a.$this$02 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$2_contains($this, $ch) { var $index, $containslHS; $index = $ch - 55296 | 0; $containslHS = $index >= 0 && $index < 2048 ? $this.$altSurrogates ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$val$lHS0, $index) : 0; return $this.$val$thisClass.$contains0($ch) && !$containslHS ? 1 : 0; } function jur_CharClass$18() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$bs = null; a.$this$020 = null; } function jur_CharClass$18_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$alt0 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$val$bs, $ch); } function jur_CharClass$18_toString($this) { var $temp, $i, var$3; $temp = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($temp); $i = ju_BitSet_nextSetBit($this.$val$bs, 0); while ($i >= 0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append3($temp, jl_Character_toChars($i)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($temp, 124); $i = ju_BitSet_nextSetBit($this.$val$bs, $i + 1 | 0); } var$3 = $temp.$length0; if (var$3 > 0) jl_StringBuilder_deleteCharAt($temp, var$3 - 1 | 0); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($temp); } function jur_CharClass$1() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$cc1 = null; a.$this$05 = null; } function jur_CharClass$1_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$val$cc1.$contains0($ch); } function jur_CharClass$3() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt1 = 0; a.$val$cc2 = null; a.$this$06 = null; } function jur_CharClass$3_contains($this, $ch) { return !($this.$val$curAlt1 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$this$06.$bits, $ch)) && !($this.$val$curAlt1 ^ $this.$this$06.$inverted ^ $this.$val$cc2.$contains0($ch)) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$2() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt2 = 0; a.$val$cc3 = null; a.$this$07 = null; } function jur_CharClass$2_contains($this, $ch) { return !($this.$val$curAlt2 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$this$07.$bits, $ch)) && !($this.$val$curAlt2 ^ $this.$this$07.$inverted ^ $this.$val$cc3.$contains0($ch)) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_CharClass$5() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt = 0; a.$val$nb = null; a.$val$cc = null; a.$this$03 = null; } function jur_CharClass$5_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$val$curAlt ^ (!$this.$val$nb.$contains0($ch) && !$this.$val$cc.$contains0($ch) ? 0 : 1); } function jur_CharClass$4() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt0 = 0; a.$val$nb0 = null; a.$val$cc0 = null; a.$this$04 = null; } function jur_CharClass$4_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$val$curAlt0 ^ (!$this.$val$nb0.$contains0($ch) && !$this.$val$cc0.$contains0($ch) ? 0 : 1) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$7() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz1 = null; a.$this$010 = null; } function jur_CharClass$7_contains($this, $ch) { return jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz1, $ch); } function jur_CharClass$6() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz2 = null; a.$this$011 = null; } function jur_CharClass$6_contains($this, $ch) { return jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz2, $ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$9() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz3 = null; a.$val$curAlt5 = 0; a.$this$012 = null; } function jur_CharClass$9_contains($this, $ch) { return !jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz3, $ch) && !($this.$val$curAlt5 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$this$012.$bits, $ch)) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$8() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz4 = null; a.$val$curAlt6 = 0; a.$this$013 = null; } function jur_CharClass$8_contains($this, $ch) { return !jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz4, $ch) && !($this.$val$curAlt6 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$this$013.$bits, $ch)) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_CharClass$11() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt3 = 0; a.$val$nb1 = null; a.$val$clazz = null; a.$this$08 = null; } function jur_CharClass$11_contains($this, $ch) { return !($this.$val$curAlt3 ^ $this.$val$nb1.$contains0($ch)) && !jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz, $ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$10() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt4 = 0; a.$val$nb2 = null; a.$val$clazz0 = null; a.$this$09 = null; } function jur_CharClass$10_contains($this, $ch) { return !($this.$val$curAlt4 ^ $this.$val$nb2.$contains0($ch)) && !jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz0, $ch) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_CharClass$13() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz7 = null; a.$this$016 = null; } function jur_CharClass$13_contains($this, $ch) { return jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz7, $ch); } function jur_CharClass$12() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz8 = null; a.$this$017 = null; } function jur_CharClass$12_contains($this, $ch) { return jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz8, $ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$15() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz9 = null; a.$val$curAlt9 = 0; a.$this$018 = null; } function jur_CharClass$15_contains($this, $ch) { return jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz9, $ch) && $this.$val$curAlt9 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$this$018.$bits, $ch) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_CharClass$14() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$clazz10 = null; a.$val$curAlt10 = 0; a.$this$019 = null; } function jur_CharClass$14_contains($this, $ch) { return jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz10, $ch) && $this.$val$curAlt10 ^ ju_BitSet_get($this.$this$019.$bits, $ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_CharClass$17() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt7 = 0; a.$val$nb3 = null; a.$val$clazz5 = null; a.$this$014 = null; } function jur_CharClass$17_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$val$curAlt7 ^ $this.$val$nb3.$contains0($ch) && jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz5, $ch) ? 1 : 0; } function jur_CharClass$16() { var a = this; jur_AbstractCharClass.call(a); a.$val$curAlt8 = 0; a.$val$nb4 = null; a.$val$clazz6 = null; a.$this$015 = null; } function jur_CharClass$16_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$val$curAlt8 ^ $this.$val$nb4.$contains0($ch) && jur_CharClass_contains($this.$val$clazz6, $ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jl_Boolean() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$value3 = 0; } var jl_Boolean_TRUE = null; var jl_Boolean_FALSE = null; var jl_Boolean_TYPE = null; function jl_Boolean__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jl_Boolean(); jl_Boolean__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jl_Boolean__init_0($this, $value) { $this.$value3 = $value; } function jl_Boolean_toString($this) { return !$this.$value3 ? $rt_s(78) : $rt_s(77); } function jl_Boolean_equals($this, $obj) { if ($this === $obj) return 1; return $obj instanceof jl_Boolean && $obj.$value3 == $this.$value3 ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Boolean__clinit_() { jl_Boolean_TRUE = jl_Boolean__init_(1); jl_Boolean_FALSE = jl_Boolean__init_(0); jl_Boolean_TYPE = $rt_cls($rt_booleancls()); } function jm_BigDecimal() { var a = this; jl_Number.call(a); a.$toStringImage = null; a.$intVal = null; a.$bitLength0 = 0; a.$smallValue = Long_ZERO; a.$scale = 0; a.$precision = 0; } var jm_BigDecimal_ZERO = null; var jm_BigDecimal_ONE = null; var jm_BigDecimal_TEN = null; var jm_BigDecimal_FIVE_POW = null; var jm_BigDecimal_TEN_POW = null; var jm_BigDecimal_LONG_TEN_POW = null; var jm_BigDecimal_LONG_FIVE_POW = null; var jm_BigDecimal_LONG_FIVE_POW_BIT_LENGTH = null; var jm_BigDecimal_LONG_TEN_POW_BIT_LENGTH = null; var jm_BigDecimal_BI_SCALED_BY_ZERO = null; var jm_BigDecimal_ZERO_SCALED_BY = null; var jm_BigDecimal_CH_ZEROS = null; function jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit() { jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jm_BigDecimal); jm_BigDecimal__clinit_(); } function jm_BigDecimal__init_0(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jm_BigDecimal(); jm_BigDecimal__init_1(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jm_BigDecimal__init_2(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jm_BigDecimal(); jm_BigDecimal__init_3(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jm_BigDecimal__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jm_BigDecimal(); jm_BigDecimal__init_4(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jm_BigDecimal__init_1($this, $smallValue, $scale) { jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit(); $this.$smallValue = Long_fromInt($smallValue); $this.$scale = $scale; if ($smallValue < 0) $smallValue = $smallValue ^ (-1); $this.$bitLength0 = 32 - jl_Integer_numberOfLeadingZeros($smallValue) | 0; } function jm_BigDecimal__init_3($this, $in, $offset, $len) { var $last, $unscaledBuffer, var$6, var$7, $counter, $wasNonZero, var$10, var$11, $newScale, var$13; jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit(); $last = $offset + ($len - 1 | 0) | 0; if ($in === null) { $unscaledBuffer = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Exception__init_($unscaledBuffer); $rt_throw($unscaledBuffer); } var$6 = $in.data; if ($last < var$6.length && $offset >= 0 && $len > 0 && $last >= 0) { $unscaledBuffer = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($unscaledBuffer, $len); if ($offset > $last) var$7 = $offset; else if (var$6[$offset] != 43) var$7 = $offset; else { $offset = $offset + 1 | 0; var$7 = $offset; } $counter = 0; $wasNonZero = 0; while (true) { $len = $rt_compare(var$7, $last); if ($len > 0) break; if (var$6[var$7] == 46) break; if (var$6[var$7] == 101) break; if (var$6[var$7] == 69) break; if (!$wasNonZero) { if (var$6[var$7] != 48) $wasNonZero = 1; else $counter = $counter + 1 | 0; } var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; } var$10 = var$7 - $offset | 0; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($unscaledBuffer, $in, $offset, var$10); $offset = 0 + var$10 | 0; if ($len <= 0 && var$6[var$7] == 46) { $len = var$7 + 1 | 0; var$7 = $len; while (var$7 <= $last && var$6[var$7] != 101 && var$6[var$7] != 69) { if (!$wasNonZero) { if (var$6[var$7] != 48) $wasNonZero = 1; else $counter = $counter + 1 | 0; } var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; } $wasNonZero = var$7 - $len | 0; $this.$scale = $wasNonZero; $offset = $offset + $wasNonZero | 0; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($unscaledBuffer, $in, $len, $wasNonZero); } else $this.$scale = 0; if (var$7 <= $last && !(var$6[var$7] != 101 && var$6[var$7] != 69)) { $wasNonZero = var$7 + 1 | 0; if ($wasNonZero > $last) $len = $wasNonZero; else if (var$6[$wasNonZero] != 43) $len = $wasNonZero; else { $len = $wasNonZero + 1 | 0; if ($len > $last) $len = $wasNonZero; else if (var$6[$len] == 45) $len = $wasNonZero; } $last = ($last + 1 | 0) - $len | 0; jl_String_$callClinit(); var$11 = jl_String__init_1($in, $len, $last); $newScale = Long_sub(Long_fromInt($this.$scale), Long_fromInt(jl_Integer_parseInt(var$11, 10))); $len = Long_lo($newScale); $this.$scale = $len; if (Long_ne($newScale, Long_fromInt($len))) { $unscaledBuffer = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Throwable__init_0($unscaledBuffer, $rt_s(330)); $rt_throw($unscaledBuffer); } } if ($offset < 19) { var$11 = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($unscaledBuffer); if (var$11 === null) { $unscaledBuffer = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Throwable__init_0($unscaledBuffer, $rt_s(11)); $rt_throw($unscaledBuffer); } $newScale = jl_Long_parseLongImpl(var$11, 0, jl_String_length(var$11), 10); $this.$smallValue = $newScale; $this.$bitLength0 = jm_BigDecimal_bitLength($newScale); } else { var$13 = jm_BigInteger__init_(jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($unscaledBuffer)); $this.$intVal = var$13; $len = jm_BigInteger_bitLength(var$13); $this.$bitLength0 = $len; if ($len < 64) $this.$smallValue = jm_BigInteger_longValue(var$13); } $this.$precision = $unscaledBuffer.$length0 - $counter | 0; if (jl_AbstractStringBuilder_charAt($unscaledBuffer, 0) == 45) $this.$precision = $this.$precision - 1 | 0; return; } $unscaledBuffer = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($unscaledBuffer); $rt_throw($unscaledBuffer); } function jm_BigDecimal__init_4($this, $val) { jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit(); jm_BigDecimal__init_3($this, jl_String_toCharArray($val), 0, jl_String_length($val)); } function jm_BigDecimal_signum($this) { var var$1; if ($this.$bitLength0 >= 64) return (jm_BigDecimal_getUnscaledValue($this)).$sign0; var$1 = $this.$smallValue; return Long_lo(Long_or(Long_shr(var$1, 63), Long_shru(Long_neg(var$1), 63))); } function jm_BigDecimal_compareTo($this, $val) { var $thisSign, $valueSign, $diffPrecision, $diffScale, var$6, $thisUnscaled, $valUnscaled, var$9; $thisSign = jm_BigDecimal_signum($this); $valueSign = $rt_compare($thisSign, jm_BigDecimal_signum($val)); if ($valueSign) { if ($valueSign >= 0) return 1; return (-1); } $valueSign = $this.$scale; $diffPrecision = $val.$scale; if ($valueSign == $diffPrecision && $this.$bitLength0 < 64 && $val.$bitLength0 < 64) { $thisSign = Long_compare($this.$smallValue, $val.$smallValue); return $thisSign < 0 ? (-1) : $thisSign <= 0 ? 0 : 1; } $diffScale = Long_sub(Long_fromInt($valueSign), Long_fromInt($diffPrecision)); var$6 = Long_fromInt(jm_BigDecimal_aproxPrecision($this) - jm_BigDecimal_aproxPrecision($val) | 0); if (Long_gt(var$6, Long_add($diffScale, Long_fromInt(1)))) return $thisSign; if (Long_lt(var$6, Long_sub($diffScale, Long_fromInt(1)))) return -$thisSign | 0; $thisUnscaled = jm_BigDecimal_getUnscaledValue($this); $valUnscaled = jm_BigDecimal_getUnscaledValue($val); $thisSign = Long_compare($diffScale, Long_ZERO); if ($thisSign < 0) $thisUnscaled = jm_BigInteger_multiply($thisUnscaled, jm_Multiplication_powerOf10(Long_neg($diffScale))); else if ($thisSign > 0) $valUnscaled = jm_BigInteger_multiply($valUnscaled, jm_Multiplication_powerOf10($diffScale)); $thisSign = $thisUnscaled.$sign0; $valueSign = $valUnscaled.$sign0; $diffPrecision = $rt_compare($thisSign, $valueSign); if ($diffPrecision > 0) $thisSign = 1; else if ($diffPrecision < 0) $thisSign = (-1); else { $diffPrecision = $thisUnscaled.$numberLength; var$9 = $rt_compare($diffPrecision, $valUnscaled.$numberLength); if (var$9 <= 0) $thisSign = var$9 < 0 ? -$valueSign | 0 : $rt_imul($thisSign, jm_Elementary_compareArrays($thisUnscaled.$digits, $valUnscaled.$digits, $diffPrecision)); } return $thisSign; } function jm_BigDecimal_equals($this, $x1) { var var$2; if ($this === $x1) return 1; if (!($x1 instanceof jm_BigDecimal)) return 0; a: { b: { c: { if ($x1.$scale == $this.$scale) { if ($this.$bitLength0 >= 64) { if (!jm_BigInteger_equals($this.$intVal, $x1.$intVal)) break c; else break b; } if (Long_eq($x1.$smallValue, $this.$smallValue)) break b; } } var$2 = 0; break a; } var$2 = 1; } return var$2; } function jm_BigDecimal_toString($this) { var $intString, $begin, $end, $exponent, $result, var$6; $intString = $this.$toStringImage; if ($intString !== null) return $intString; if ($this.$bitLength0 < 32) { $intString = jm_Conversion_toDecimalScaledString($this.$smallValue, $this.$scale); $this.$toStringImage = $intString; return $intString; } $intString = jm_BigInteger_toString(jm_BigDecimal_getUnscaledValue($this)); if (!$this.$scale) return $intString; $begin = (jm_BigDecimal_getUnscaledValue($this)).$sign0 >= 0 ? 1 : 2; $end = jl_String_length($intString); $exponent = Long_sub(Long_add(Long_neg(Long_fromInt($this.$scale)), Long_fromInt($end)), Long_fromInt($begin)); $result = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($result); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result, $intString); var$6 = $this.$scale; if (var$6 > 0 && Long_ge($exponent, Long_fromInt(-6))) { if (Long_ge($exponent, Long_ZERO)) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($result, $end - var$6 | 0, 46); else { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert($result, $begin - 1 | 0, $rt_s(331)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert3($result, $begin + 1 | 0, jm_BigDecimal_CH_ZEROS, 0, ( -Long_lo($exponent) | 0) - 1 | 0); } } else { if (($end - $begin | 0) >= 1) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($result, $begin, 46); $end = $end + 1 | 0; } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($result, $end, 69); if (Long_gt($exponent, Long_ZERO)) { $end = $end + 1 | 0; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert2($result, $end, 43); } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert($result, $end + 1 | 0, jl_Long_toString($exponent)); } $intString = jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result); $this.$toStringImage = $intString; return $intString; } function jm_BigDecimal_aproxPrecision($this) { var var$1; var$1 = $this.$precision; if (var$1 <= 0) var$1 = (($this.$bitLength0 - 1 | 0) * 0.3010299956639812 | 0) + 1 | 0; return var$1; } function jm_BigDecimal_getUnscaledValue($this) { if ($this.$intVal === null) $this.$intVal = jm_BigInteger_valueOf($this.$smallValue); return $this.$intVal; } function jm_BigDecimal_bitLength($smallValue) { jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit(); if (Long_lt($smallValue, Long_ZERO)) $smallValue = Long_xor($smallValue, Long_fromInt(-1)); return 64 - jl_Long_numberOfLeadingZeros($smallValue) | 0; } function jm_BigDecimal__clinit_() { var var$1, var$2, var$3, $i, $j; jm_BigDecimal_ZERO = jm_BigDecimal__init_0(0, 0); jm_BigDecimal_ONE = jm_BigDecimal__init_0(1, 0); jm_BigDecimal_TEN = jm_BigDecimal__init_0(10, 0); var$1 = $rt_createLongArray(19); var$2 = var$1.data; var$2[0] = Long_fromInt(1); var$2[1] = Long_fromInt(10); var$2[2] = Long_fromInt(100); var$2[3] = Long_fromInt(1000); var$2[4] = Long_fromInt(10000); var$2[5] = Long_fromInt(100000); var$2[6] = Long_fromInt(1000000); var$2[7] = Long_fromInt(10000000); var$2[8] = Long_fromInt(100000000); var$2[9] = Long_fromInt(1000000000); var$2[10] = Long_create(1410065408, 2); var$2[11] = Long_create(1215752192, 23); var$2[12] = Long_create(3567587328, 232); var$2[13] = Long_create(1316134912, 2328); var$2[14] = Long_create(276447232, 23283); var$2[15] = Long_create(2764472320, 232830); var$2[16] = Long_create(1874919424, 2328306); var$2[17] = Long_create(1569325056, 23283064); var$2[18] = Long_create(2808348672, 232830643); jm_BigDecimal_LONG_TEN_POW = var$1; var$1 = $rt_createLongArray(28); var$3 = var$1.data; var$3[0] = Long_fromInt(1); var$3[1] = Long_fromInt(5); var$3[2] = Long_fromInt(25); var$3[3] = Long_fromInt(125); var$3[4] = Long_fromInt(625); var$3[5] = Long_fromInt(3125); var$3[6] = Long_fromInt(15625); var$3[7] = Long_fromInt(78125); var$3[8] = Long_fromInt(390625); var$3[9] = Long_fromInt(1953125); var$3[10] = Long_fromInt(9765625); var$3[11] = Long_fromInt(48828125); var$3[12] = Long_fromInt(244140625); var$3[13] = Long_fromInt(1220703125); var$3[14] = Long_create(1808548329, 1); var$3[15] = Long_create(452807053, 7); var$3[16] = Long_create(2264035265, 35); var$3[17] = Long_create(2730241733, 177); var$3[18] = Long_create(766306777, 888); var$3[19] = Long_create(3831533885, 4440); var$3[20] = Long_create(1977800241, 22204); var$3[21] = Long_create(1299066613, 111022); var$3[22] = Long_create(2200365769, 555111); var$3[23] = Long_create(2411894253, 2775557); var$3[24] = Long_create(3469536673, 13877787); var$3[25] = Long_create(167814181, 69388939); var$3[26] = Long_create(839070905, 346944695); var$3[27] = Long_create(4195354525, 1734723475); jm_BigDecimal_LONG_FIVE_POW = var$1; jm_BigDecimal_LONG_FIVE_POW_BIT_LENGTH = $rt_createIntArray(var$3.length); jm_BigDecimal_LONG_TEN_POW_BIT_LENGTH = $rt_createIntArray(var$2.length); jm_BigDecimal_BI_SCALED_BY_ZERO = $rt_createArray(jm_BigDecimal, 11); jm_BigDecimal_ZERO_SCALED_BY = $rt_createArray(jm_BigDecimal, 11); jm_BigDecimal_CH_ZEROS = $rt_createCharArray(100); $i = 0; while ($i < jm_BigDecimal_ZERO_SCALED_BY.data.length) { jm_BigDecimal_BI_SCALED_BY_ZERO.data[$i] = jm_BigDecimal__init_0($i, 0); jm_BigDecimal_ZERO_SCALED_BY.data[$i] = jm_BigDecimal__init_0(0, $i); jm_BigDecimal_CH_ZEROS.data[$i] = 48; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } while (true) { var$1 = jm_BigDecimal_CH_ZEROS.data; if ($i >= var$1.length) break; var$1[$i] = 48; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $j = 0; while (true) { var$1 = jm_BigDecimal_LONG_FIVE_POW_BIT_LENGTH.data; if ($j >= var$1.length) break; var$1[$j] = jm_BigDecimal_bitLength(jm_BigDecimal_LONG_FIVE_POW.data[$j]); $j = $j + 1 | 0; } $j = 0; while (true) { var$1 = jm_BigDecimal_LONG_TEN_POW_BIT_LENGTH.data; if ($j >= var$1.length) break; var$1[$j] = jm_BigDecimal_bitLength(jm_BigDecimal_LONG_TEN_POW.data[$j]); $j = $j + 1 | 0; } jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); jm_BigDecimal_TEN_POW = jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows; jm_BigDecimal_FIVE_POW = jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows; } function jl_Double() { jl_Number.call(this); this.$value4 = 0.0; } var jl_Double_TYPE = null; function jl_Double_valueOf($d) { var var$2; var$2 = new jl_Double; var$2.$value4 = $d; return var$2; } function jl_Double_valueOf0($string) { return jl_Double_valueOf(jl_Double_parseDouble($string)); } function jl_Double_parseDouble($string) { var $start, $end, $negative, $c, $mantissa, $exp, $hasOneDigit, $mantissaPos, var$10, $negativeExp, $numExp; if (jl_String_isEmpty($string)) { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } $start = 0; $end = jl_String_length($string); while (true) { if (jl_String_charAt($string, $start) > 32) { while (jl_String_charAt($string, $end - 1 | 0) <= 32) { $end = $end + (-1) | 0; } $negative = 0; if (jl_String_charAt($string, $start) == 45) { $start = $start + 1 | 0; $negative = 1; } else if (jl_String_charAt($string, $start) == 43) $start = $start + 1 | 0; if ($start == $end) { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } a: { $c = jl_String_charAt($string, $start); $mantissa = Long_ZERO; $exp = (-1); $hasOneDigit = 0; $mantissaPos = Long_create(2808348672, 232830643); if ($c != 46) { $hasOneDigit = 1; if ($c >= 48 && $c <= 57) { b: { while ($start < $end) { if (jl_String_charAt($string, $start) != 48) break b; $start = $start + 1 | 0; } } while ($start < $end) { var$10 = jl_String_charAt($string, $start); if (var$10 < 48) break a; if (var$10 > 57) break a; if (Long_gt($mantissaPos, Long_ZERO)) { $mantissa = Long_add($mantissa, Long_mul($mantissaPos, Long_fromInt(var$10 - 48 | 0))); $mantissaPos = jl_Long_divideUnsigned($mantissaPos, Long_fromInt(10)); } $exp = $exp + 1 | 0; $start = $start + 1 | 0; } } else { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } } } if ($start < $end && jl_String_charAt($string, $start) == 46) { $start = $start + 1 | 0; c: { while (true) { if ($start >= $end) break c; $c = jl_String_charAt($string, $start); var$10 = $rt_compare($c, 48); if (var$10 < 0) break c; if ($c > 57) break; if (Long_eq($mantissa, Long_ZERO) && !var$10) $exp = $exp + (-1) | 0; else if (Long_gt($mantissaPos, Long_ZERO)) { $mantissa = Long_add($mantissa, Long_mul($mantissaPos, Long_fromInt($c - 48 | 0))); $mantissaPos = jl_Long_divideUnsigned($mantissaPos, Long_fromInt(10)); } $start = $start + 1 | 0; $hasOneDigit = 1; } } if (!$hasOneDigit) { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } } if ($start < $end) { $c = jl_String_charAt($string, $start); if ($c != 101 && $c != 69) { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } $c = $start + 1 | 0; $negativeExp = 0; if ($c == $end) { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } if (jl_String_charAt($string, $c) == 45) { $c = $c + 1 | 0; $negativeExp = 1; } else if (jl_String_charAt($string, $c) == 43) $c = $c + 1 | 0; $numExp = 0; $start = 0; d: { while (true) { if ($c >= $end) break d; $hasOneDigit = jl_String_charAt($string, $c); if ($hasOneDigit < 48) break d; if ($hasOneDigit > 57) break; $numExp = (10 * $numExp | 0) + ($hasOneDigit - 48 | 0) | 0; $start = 1; $c = $c + 1 | 0; } } if (!$start) { $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } if ($negativeExp) $numExp = -$numExp | 0; $exp = $exp + $numExp | 0; } return otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_synthesizeDouble($mantissa, $exp, $negative); } $start = $start + 1 | 0; if ($start == $end) break; } $string = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Exception__init_($string); $rt_throw($string); } function jl_Double_toString($this) { var var$1, var$2; var$1 = $this.$value4; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_insert1(var$2, var$2.$length0, var$1); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$2); } function jl_Double_equals($this, $other) { if ($this === $other) return 1; return $other instanceof jl_Double && $rt_equalDoubles($this.$value4, $other.$value4) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Double_isNaN($this) { return $rt_globals.isNaN($this.$value4) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Double_isInfinite($this) { return !$rt_globals.isFinite($this.$value4) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Double__clinit_() { jl_Double_TYPE = $rt_cls($rt_doublecls()); } function jm_BigInteger() { var a = this; jl_Number.call(a); a.$digits = null; a.$numberLength = 0; a.$sign0 = 0; a.$firstNonzeroDigit = 0; } var jm_BigInteger_ZERO = null; var jm_BigInteger_ONE = null; var jm_BigInteger_TEN = null; var jm_BigInteger_MINUS_ONE = null; var jm_BigInteger_SMALL_VALUES = null; var jm_BigInteger_TWO_POWS = null; function jm_BigInteger_$callClinit() { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jm_BigInteger); jm_BigInteger__clinit_(); } function jm_BigInteger__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jm_BigInteger(); jm_BigInteger__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jm_BigInteger__init_1(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jm_BigInteger(); jm_BigInteger__init_2(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jm_BigInteger__init_3(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new jm_BigInteger(); jm_BigInteger__init_4(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function jm_BigInteger__init_5(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new jm_BigInteger(); jm_BigInteger__init_6(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function jm_BigInteger__init_0($this, $val) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11, var$12, var$13, var$14; jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $this.$firstNonzeroDigit = (-2); if ($val === null) { $val = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Exception__init_($val); $rt_throw($val); } if (!jl_String_length($val)) { $val = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Throwable__init_0($val, $rt_s(332)); $rt_throw($val); } var$2 = jl_String_length($val); if (jl_String_charAt($val, 0) != 45) { var$3 = 1; var$4 = 0; var$5 = var$2; } else { var$3 = (-1); var$4 = 1; var$5 = var$2 + (-1) | 0; } var$6 = jm_Conversion_digitFitInInt.data[10]; var$7 = var$5 / var$6 | 0; var$5 = var$5 % var$6 | 0; if (var$5) var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; var$8 = $rt_createIntArray(var$7); var$9 = jm_Conversion_bigRadices.data[8]; var$10 = 0; if (!var$5) var$5 = var$6; var$11 = var$8.data; var$12 = var$4 + var$5 | 0; while (var$4 < var$2) { var$7 = jl_Integer_parseInt(jl_String_substring($val, var$4, var$12), 10); jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); var$4 = jm_Multiplication_multiplyByInt(var$8, var$8, var$10, var$9); var$13 = Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$7), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); var$7 = 0; while (Long_ne(var$13, Long_ZERO) && var$7 < var$10) { var$14 = Long_add(var$13, Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$11[var$7]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); var$11[var$7] = Long_lo(var$14); var$13 = Long_shr(var$14, 32); var$7 = var$7 + 1 | 0; } var$5 = var$4 + Long_lo(var$13) | 0; var$7 = var$10 + 1 | 0; var$11[var$10] = var$5; var$5 = var$12 + var$6 | 0; var$10 = var$7; var$4 = var$12; var$12 = var$5; } $this.$sign0 = var$3; $this.$numberLength = var$10; $this.$digits = var$8; jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($this); } function jm_BigInteger__init_2($this, $sign, $value) { var var$3; jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $this.$firstNonzeroDigit = (-2); $this.$sign0 = $sign; $this.$numberLength = 1; var$3 = $rt_createIntArray(1); var$3.data[0] = $value; $this.$digits = var$3; } function jm_BigInteger__init_4($this, $sign, $numberLength, $digits) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $this.$firstNonzeroDigit = (-2); $this.$sign0 = $sign; $this.$numberLength = $numberLength; $this.$digits = $digits; } function jm_BigInteger__init_6($this, $sign, $val) { var var$3; jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $this.$firstNonzeroDigit = (-2); $this.$sign0 = $sign; if (Long_eq(Long_and($val, Long_create(0, 4294967295)), Long_ZERO)) { $this.$numberLength = 1; var$3 = $rt_createIntArray(1); var$3.data[0] = Long_lo($val); $this.$digits = var$3; } else { $this.$numberLength = 2; $this.$digits = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([Long_lo($val), Long_hi($val)]); } } function jm_BigInteger_valueOf($val) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); if (Long_lt($val, Long_ZERO)) { if (Long_eq($val, Long_fromInt(-1))) return jm_BigInteger_MINUS_ONE; return jm_BigInteger__init_5((-1), Long_neg($val)); } if (Long_gt($val, Long_fromInt(10))) return jm_BigInteger__init_5(1, $val); return jm_BigInteger_SMALL_VALUES.data[Long_lo($val)]; } function jm_BigInteger_add($this, $val) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10; a: { var$2 = $this.$sign0; var$3 = $val.$sign0; if (var$2) { if (!var$3) $val = $this; else { var$4 = $this.$numberLength; var$5 = $val.$numberLength; if ((var$4 + var$5 | 0) == 2) { var$6 = Long_and(Long_fromInt($this.$digits.data[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); var$7 = Long_and(Long_fromInt($val.$digits.data[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); if (var$2 != var$3) $val = jm_BigInteger_valueOf(var$2 >= 0 ? Long_sub(var$6, var$7) : Long_sub(var$7, var$6)); else { var$6 = Long_add(var$6, var$7); var$8 = Long_lo(var$6); var$4 = Long_hi(var$6); $val = !var$4 ? jm_BigInteger__init_1(var$2, var$8) : jm_BigInteger__init_3(var$2, 2, $rt_createIntArrayFromData([var$8, var$4])); } } else { if (var$2 == var$3) var$9 = var$4 < var$5 ? jm_Elementary_add($val.$digits, var$5, $this.$digits, var$4) : jm_Elementary_add($this.$digits, var$4, $val.$digits, var$5); else { var$8 = $rt_compare(var$4, var$5); var$8 = !var$8 ? jm_Elementary_compareArrays($this.$digits, $val.$digits, var$4) : var$8 <= 0 ? (-1) : 1; if (!var$8) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $val = jm_BigInteger_ZERO; break a; } if (var$8 != 1) { var$9 = jm_Elementary_subtract($val.$digits, var$5, $this.$digits, var$4); var$2 = var$3; } else var$9 = jm_Elementary_subtract($this.$digits, var$4, $val.$digits, var$5); } var$10 = var$9.data; $val = jm_BigInteger__init_3(var$2, var$10.length, var$9); jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($val); } } } } return $val; } function jm_BigInteger_subtract($this, $val) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10; a: { var$2 = $this.$sign0; var$3 = $val.$sign0; if (var$3) { if (!var$2) $this = !var$3 ? $val : jm_BigInteger__init_3( -var$3 | 0, $val.$numberLength, $val.$digits); else { var$4 = $this.$numberLength; var$5 = $val.$numberLength; if ((var$4 + var$5 | 0) == 2) { var$6 = Long_and(Long_fromInt($this.$digits.data[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); var$7 = Long_and(Long_fromInt($val.$digits.data[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); if (var$2 < 0) var$6 = Long_neg(var$6); if (var$3 < 0) var$7 = Long_neg(var$7); $this = jm_BigInteger_valueOf(Long_sub(var$6, var$7)); } else { var$8 = $rt_compare(var$4, var$5); var$8 = !var$8 ? jm_Elementary_compareArrays($this.$digits, $val.$digits, var$4) : var$8 <= 0 ? (-1) : 1; if (var$8 == (-1)) { var$8 = -var$3 | 0; var$9 = var$2 != var$3 ? jm_Elementary_add($val.$digits, var$5, $this.$digits, var$4) : jm_Elementary_subtract($val.$digits, var$5, $this.$digits, var$4); } else if (var$2 != var$3) { var$9 = jm_Elementary_add($this.$digits, var$4, $val.$digits, var$5); var$8 = var$2; } else { if (!var$8) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $this = jm_BigInteger_ZERO; break a; } var$9 = jm_Elementary_subtract($this.$digits, var$4, $val.$digits, var$5); var$8 = var$2; } var$10 = var$9.data; $this = jm_BigInteger__init_3(var$8, var$10.length, var$9); jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($this); } } } } return $this; } function jm_BigInteger_shiftRight($this, $n) { if ($n && $this.$sign0) return $n > 0 ? jm_BitLevel_shiftRight($this, $n) : jm_BitLevel_shiftLeft($this, -$n | 0); return $this; } function jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft($this, $n) { if ($n && $this.$sign0) return $n > 0 ? jm_BitLevel_shiftLeft($this, $n) : jm_BitLevel_shiftRight($this, -$n | 0); return $this; } function jm_BigInteger_bitLength($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4; var$1 = $this.$sign0; if (!var$1) var$2 = 0; else { var$3 = $this.$numberLength; var$4 = var$3 << 5; var$2 = $this.$digits.data[var$3 - 1 | 0]; if (var$1 < 0 && jm_BigInteger_getFirstNonzeroDigit($this) == ($this.$numberLength - 1 | 0)) var$2 = var$2 + (-1) | 0; var$2 = var$4 - jl_Integer_numberOfLeadingZeros(var$2) | 0; } return var$2; } function jm_BigInteger_testBit($this, $n) { var var$2, $intCount, $digit, $firstNonZeroDigit; if (!$n) return !($this.$digits.data[0] & 1) ? 0 : 1; if ($n < 0) { var$2 = new jl_ArithmeticException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$2, $rt_s(333)); $rt_throw(var$2); } $intCount = $n >> 5; if ($intCount >= $this.$numberLength) return $this.$sign0 >= 0 ? 0 : 1; $digit = $this.$digits.data[$intCount]; $n = 1 << ($n & 31); if ($this.$sign0 < 0) { $firstNonZeroDigit = jm_BigInteger_getFirstNonzeroDigit($this); if ($intCount < $firstNonZeroDigit) return 0; $digit = $firstNonZeroDigit == $intCount ? -$digit | 0 : $digit ^ (-1); } return !($digit & $n) ? 0 : 1; } function jm_BigInteger_longValue($this) { var $value, var$2; if ($this.$numberLength <= 1) $value = Long_and(Long_fromInt($this.$digits.data[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); else { var$2 = $this.$digits.data; $value = Long_or(Long_shl(Long_fromInt(var$2[1]), 32), Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$2[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); } return Long_mul(Long_fromInt($this.$sign0), $value); } function jm_BigInteger_equals($this, $x1) { var var$2, var$3, var$4; if ($this === $x1) return 1; if (!($x1 instanceof jm_BigInteger)) return 0; a: { if ($this.$sign0 == $x1.$sign0) { var$2 = $this.$numberLength; if (var$2 == $x1.$numberLength) { var$3 = $x1.$digits; var$2 = var$2 - 1 | 0; while (var$2 >= 0) { var$4 = var$3.data; if ($this.$digits.data[var$2] != var$4[var$2]) break; var$2 = var$2 + (-1) | 0; } if (var$2 >= 0 ? 0 : 1) { var$2 = 1; break a; } } } var$2 = 0; } return var$2; } function jm_BigInteger_toString($this) { return jm_Conversion_toDecimalScaledString0($this, 0); } function jm_BigInteger_multiply($this, $val) { if (!$val.$sign0) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); return jm_BigInteger_ZERO; } if (!$this.$sign0) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); return jm_BigInteger_ZERO; } jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); return jm_Multiplication_karatsuba($this, $val); } function jm_BigInteger_pow($this, $exp) { var var$2, $x, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10; if ($exp < 0) { var$2 = new jl_ArithmeticException; jl_Throwable__init_0(var$2, $rt_s(334)); $rt_throw(var$2); } if (!$exp) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); return jm_BigInteger_ONE; } if ($exp != 1) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); if (!jm_BigInteger_equals($this, jm_BigInteger_ONE) && !jm_BigInteger_equals($this, jm_BigInteger_ZERO)) { if (!jm_BigInteger_testBit($this, 0)) { $x = 1; while (!jm_BigInteger_testBit($this, $x)) { $x = $x + 1 | 0; } var$4 = $rt_imul($x, $exp); var$5 = jm_BigInteger_TWO_POWS.data; if (var$4 < var$5.length) var$2 = var$5[var$4]; else { var$6 = var$4 >> 5; var$7 = var$4 & 31; var$8 = var$6 + 1 | 0; var$5 = $rt_createIntArray(var$8); var$5.data[var$6] = 1 << var$7; var$2 = jm_BigInteger__init_3(1, var$8, var$5); } return jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$2, jm_BigInteger_pow(jm_BigInteger_shiftRight($this, $x), $exp)); } jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); var$2 = jm_BigInteger_ONE; while ($exp > 1) { if ($exp & 1) var$2 = jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$2, $this); $x = $this.$numberLength; if ($x == 1) $this = jm_BigInteger_multiply($this, $this); else { var$9 = new jm_BigInteger; var$5 = jm_Multiplication_square($this.$digits, $x, $rt_createIntArray($x << 1)); var$10 = var$5.data; var$9.$firstNonzeroDigit = (-2); $x = var$10.length; if ($x) { var$9.$sign0 = 1; var$9.$numberLength = $x; var$9.$digits = var$5; jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes(var$9); } else { var$9.$sign0 = 0; var$9.$numberLength = 1; var$5 = $rt_createIntArray(1); var$5.data[0] = 0; var$9.$digits = var$5; } $this = var$9; } $exp = $exp >> 1; } return jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$2, $this); } } return $this; } function jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; while (true) { var$1 = $this.$numberLength; if (var$1 <= 0) break; var$2 = $this.$digits.data; var$1 = var$1 - 1 | 0; $this.$numberLength = var$1; if (var$2[var$1]) break; } var$2 = $this.$digits.data; var$3 = $this.$numberLength; $this.$numberLength = var$3 + 1 | 0; if (!var$2[var$3]) $this.$sign0 = 0; } function jm_BigInteger_getFirstNonzeroDigit($this) { var $i; if ($this.$firstNonzeroDigit == (-2)) { if (!$this.$sign0) $i = (-1); else { $i = 0; while (!$this.$digits.data[$i]) { $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } $this.$firstNonzeroDigit = $i; } return $this.$firstNonzeroDigit; } function jm_BigInteger__clinit_() { var $i, var$2; jm_BigInteger_ZERO = jm_BigInteger__init_1(0, 0); jm_BigInteger_ONE = jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 1); jm_BigInteger_TEN = jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 10); jm_BigInteger_MINUS_ONE = jm_BigInteger__init_1((-1), 1); jm_BigInteger_SMALL_VALUES = $rt_createArrayFromData(jm_BigInteger, [jm_BigInteger_ZERO, jm_BigInteger_ONE, jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 2), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 3), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 4), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 5), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 6), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 7), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 8), jm_BigInteger__init_1(1, 9), jm_BigInteger_TEN]); jm_BigInteger_TWO_POWS = $rt_createArray(jm_BigInteger, 32); $i = 0; while (true) { var$2 = jm_BigInteger_TWO_POWS.data; if ($i >= var$2.length) break; var$2[$i] = jm_BigInteger_valueOf(Long_shl(Long_fromInt(1), $i)); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } function jl_Long() { jl_Number.call(this); this.$value2 = Long_ZERO; } var jl_Long_TYPE = null; function jl_Long_parseLongImpl($s, $beginIndex, $endIndex, $radix) { var $negative, $digit, $value, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11, var$12; if ($radix >= 2 && $radix <= 36) { if ($beginIndex == $endIndex) { $s = new jl_NumberFormatException; jl_Throwable__init_0($s, $rt_s(12)); $rt_throw($s); } a: { $negative = 0; switch (jl_String_charAt($s, $beginIndex)) { case 43: $digit = $beginIndex + 1 | 0; break a; case 45: $negative = 1; $digit = $beginIndex + 1 | 0; break a; default: } $digit = $beginIndex; } $value = Long_ZERO; var$8 = Long_fromInt($radix); while ($digit < $endIndex) { var$9 = $digit + 1 | 0; $digit = jl_Character_getNumericValue(jl_String_charAt($s, $digit)); if ($digit < 0) { var$10 = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$11 = jl_String_substring($s, $beginIndex, $endIndex); $s = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($s); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($s, $rt_s(13)), var$11); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$10, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($s)); $rt_throw(var$10); } if ($digit >= $radix) { var$12 = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$10 = jl_String_substring($s, $beginIndex, $endIndex); var$11 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$11); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$11, $rt_s(14)), $radix), $rt_s(15)), var$10); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$12, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$11)); $rt_throw(var$12); } $value = Long_add(Long_mul(var$8, $value), Long_fromInt($digit)); if (Long_lt($value, Long_ZERO)) { if (var$9 == $endIndex && Long_eq($value, Long_create(0, 2147483648)) && $negative) return Long_create(0, 2147483648); var$10 = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$11 = jl_String_substring($s, $beginIndex, $endIndex); $s = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($s); jl_StringBuilder_append(jl_StringBuilder_append($s, $rt_s(16)), var$11); jl_Throwable__init_0(var$10, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($s)); $rt_throw(var$10); } $digit = var$9; } if ($negative) $value = Long_neg($value); return $value; } $s = new jl_NumberFormatException; var$10 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$10); jl_StringBuilder_append0(jl_StringBuilder_append(var$10, $rt_s(17)), $radix); jl_Throwable__init_0($s, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$10)); $rt_throw($s); } function jl_Long_toString($value) { var var$2; var$2 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$2); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(jl_StringBuilder_append2(var$2, $value)); } function jl_Long_toString0($this) { return jl_Long_toString($this.$value2); } function jl_Long_equals($this, $other) { if ($this === $other) return 1; return $other instanceof jl_Long && Long_eq($other.$value2, $this.$value2) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Long_numberOfLeadingZeros($i) { var $n, var$3; if (Long_eq($i, Long_ZERO)) return 64; $n = 0; var$3 = Long_shru($i, 32); if (Long_ne(var$3, Long_ZERO)) $n = 32; else var$3 = $i; $i = Long_shru(var$3, 16); if (Long_eq($i, Long_ZERO)) $i = var$3; else $n = $n | 16; var$3 = Long_shru($i, 8); if (Long_eq(var$3, Long_ZERO)) var$3 = $i; else $n = $n | 8; $i = Long_shru(var$3, 4); if (Long_eq($i, Long_ZERO)) $i = var$3; else $n = $n | 4; var$3 = Long_shru($i, 2); if (Long_eq(var$3, Long_ZERO)) var$3 = $i; else $n = $n | 2; if (Long_ne(Long_shru(var$3, 1), Long_ZERO)) $n = $n | 1; return (64 - $n | 0) - 1 | 0; } function jl_Long_divideUnsigned(var$1, var$2) { return Long_udiv(var$1, var$2); } function jl_Long_remainderUnsigned(var$1, var$2) { return Long_urem(var$1, var$2); } function jl_Long_compareUnsigned(var$1, var$2) { return Long_ucompare(var$1, var$2); } function jl_Long__clinit_() { jl_Long_TYPE = $rt_cls($rt_longcls()); } var jl_Float = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Number); var jl_Float_TYPE = null; function jl_Float__clinit_() { jl_Float_TYPE = $rt_cls($rt_floatcls()); } var jm_Multiplication = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jm_Multiplication_tenPows = null; var jm_Multiplication_fivePows = null; var jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows = null; var jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows = null; function jm_Multiplication_$callClinit() { jm_Multiplication_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jm_Multiplication); jm_Multiplication__clinit_(); } function jm_Multiplication_karatsuba($op1, $op2) { var $upperOp1, $ndiv2, $upperOp2, $lowerOp1, $lowerOp2, $upper, $lower, var$10, var$11, var$12, var$13, var$14, var$15, var$16, var$17, var$18, var$19, var$20, var$21, var$22, var$23; jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); if ($op2.$numberLength <= $op1.$numberLength) { $upperOp1 = $op2; $op2 = $op1; $op1 = $upperOp1; } $ndiv2 = $op1.$numberLength; if ($ndiv2 >= 63) { $ndiv2 = ($op2.$numberLength & (-2)) << 4; $upperOp1 = jm_BigInteger_shiftRight($op2, $ndiv2); $upperOp2 = jm_BigInteger_shiftRight($op1, $ndiv2); $lowerOp1 = jm_BigInteger_subtract($op2, jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft($upperOp1, $ndiv2)); $lowerOp2 = jm_BigInteger_subtract($op1, jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft($upperOp2, $ndiv2)); $upper = jm_Multiplication_karatsuba($upperOp1, $upperOp2); $lower = jm_Multiplication_karatsuba($lowerOp1, $lowerOp2); $op1 = jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft(jm_BigInteger_add(jm_BigInteger_add(jm_Multiplication_karatsuba(jm_BigInteger_subtract($upperOp1, $lowerOp1), jm_BigInteger_subtract($lowerOp2, $upperOp2)), $upper), $lower), $ndiv2); return jm_BigInteger_add(jm_BigInteger_add(jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft($upper, $ndiv2 << 1), $op1), $lower); } var$10 = $op2.$numberLength; var$11 = var$10 + $ndiv2 | 0; var$12 = $op2.$sign0 == $op1.$sign0 ? 1 : (-1); if (var$11 == 2) { var$13 = jm_Multiplication_unsignedMultAddAdd($op2.$digits.data[0], $op1.$digits.data[0], 0, 0); $ndiv2 = Long_lo(var$13); var$10 = Long_hi(var$13); $op1 = !var$10 ? jm_BigInteger__init_1(var$12, $ndiv2) : jm_BigInteger__init_3(var$12, 2, $rt_createIntArrayFromData([$ndiv2, var$10])); } else { var$14 = $op2.$digits; var$15 = $op1.$digits; var$16 = $rt_createIntArray(var$11); if (var$10 && $ndiv2) { if (var$10 == 1) { var$17 = var$14.data; var$16.data[$ndiv2] = jm_Multiplication_multiplyByInt(var$16, var$15, $ndiv2, var$17[0]); } else if ($ndiv2 == 1) { var$17 = var$15.data; var$16.data[var$10] = jm_Multiplication_multiplyByInt(var$16, var$14, var$10, var$17[0]); } else if (var$14 === var$15 && var$10 == $ndiv2) jm_Multiplication_square(var$14, var$10, var$16); else { var$18 = var$16.data; var$19 = 0; while (var$19 < var$10) { var$17 = var$14.data; var$13 = Long_ZERO; var$20 = var$17[var$19]; var$21 = 0; while (var$21 < $ndiv2) { var$22 = var$15.data[var$21]; var$23 = var$19 + var$21 | 0; var$13 = jm_Multiplication_unsignedMultAddAdd(var$20, var$22, var$18[var$23], Long_lo(var$13)); var$18[var$23] = Long_lo(var$13); var$13 = Long_shru(var$13, 32); var$21 = var$21 + 1 | 0; } var$18[var$19 + $ndiv2 | 0] = Long_lo(var$13); var$19 = var$19 + 1 | 0; } } } $op1 = jm_BigInteger__init_3(var$12, var$11, var$16); jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($op1); } return $op1; } function jm_Multiplication_multiplyByInt($res, $a, $aSize, $factor) { var $carry, $i, var$7; jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); $carry = Long_ZERO; $i = 0; while ($i < $aSize) { var$7 = $res.data; $carry = jm_Multiplication_unsignedMultAddAdd($a.data[$i], $factor, Long_lo($carry), 0); var$7[$i] = Long_lo($carry); $carry = Long_shru($carry, 32); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } return Long_lo($carry); } function jm_Multiplication_square($a, $aLen, $res) { var $i, $carry, $i_0, $j, var$8, var$9, $i_1, $index, var$12, var$13; jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); $i = 0; while ($i < $aLen) { $carry = Long_ZERO; $i_0 = $i + 1 | 0; $j = $i_0; while ($j < $aLen) { var$8 = $a.data; var$9 = $res.data; $i_1 = var$8[$i]; $index = var$8[$j]; var$12 = $i + $j | 0; $carry = jm_Multiplication_unsignedMultAddAdd($i_1, $index, var$9[var$12], Long_lo($carry)); var$9[var$12] = Long_lo($carry); $carry = Long_shru($carry, 32); $j = $j + 1 | 0; } $res.data[$i + $aLen | 0] = Long_lo($carry); $i = $i_0; } $i_1 = $aLen << 1; $index = 0; var$13 = 0; while (var$13 < $i_1) { var$8 = $res.data; $i = var$8[var$13]; var$8[var$13] = $i << 1 | $index; $index = $i >>> 31 | 0; var$13 = var$13 + 1 | 0; } if ($index) $res.data[$i_1] = $index; $carry = Long_ZERO; $i_1 = 0; $index = 0; while ($i_1 < $aLen) { var$8 = $a.data; var$9 = $res.data; $carry = jm_Multiplication_unsignedMultAddAdd(var$8[$i_1], var$8[$i_1], var$9[$index], Long_lo($carry)); var$9[$index] = Long_lo($carry); $carry = Long_shru($carry, 32); $index = $index + 1 | 0; $carry = Long_add($carry, Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$9[$index]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); var$9[$index] = Long_lo($carry); $carry = Long_shru($carry, 32); $i_1 = $i_1 + 1 | 0; $index = $index + 1 | 0; } return $res; } function jm_Multiplication_powerOf10($exp) { var $intExp, var$3, $powerOfFive, $longExp, var$6; jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); $intExp = Long_lo($exp); var$3 = jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows.data; if (Long_lt($exp, Long_fromInt(var$3.length))) return var$3[$intExp]; if (Long_le($exp, Long_fromInt(50))) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); return jm_BigInteger_pow(jm_BigInteger_TEN, $intExp); } if (Long_le($exp, Long_fromInt(1000))) return jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft(jm_BigInteger_pow(jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows.data[1], $intExp), $intExp); if (Long_gt(Long_add(Long_fromInt(1), Long_fromNumber(Long_toNumber($exp) / 2.4082399653118496)), Long_fromInt(1000000))) { $powerOfFive = new jl_ArithmeticException; jl_Throwable__init_0($powerOfFive, $rt_s(335)); $rt_throw($powerOfFive); } if (Long_le($exp, Long_fromInt(2147483647))) return jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft(jm_BigInteger_pow(jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows.data[1], $intExp), $intExp); $powerOfFive = jm_BigInteger_pow(jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows.data[1], 2147483647); $longExp = Long_sub($exp, Long_fromInt(2147483647)); $intExp = Long_lo(Long_rem($exp, Long_fromInt(2147483647))); var$6 = $powerOfFive; $exp = $longExp; while (Long_gt($exp, Long_fromInt(2147483647))) { var$6 = jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$6, $powerOfFive); $exp = Long_sub($exp, Long_fromInt(2147483647)); } $powerOfFive = jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft(jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$6, jm_BigInteger_pow(jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows.data[1], $intExp)), 2147483647); while (Long_gt($longExp, Long_fromInt(2147483647))) { $powerOfFive = jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft($powerOfFive, 2147483647); $longExp = Long_sub($longExp, Long_fromInt(2147483647)); } return jm_BigInteger_shiftLeft($powerOfFive, $intExp); } function jm_Multiplication_unsignedMultAddAdd($a, $b, $c, $d) { jm_Multiplication_$callClinit(); return Long_add(Long_add(Long_mul(Long_and(Long_fromInt($a), Long_create(4294967295, 0)), Long_and(Long_fromInt($b), Long_create(4294967295, 0))), Long_and(Long_fromInt($c), Long_create(4294967295, 0))), Long_and(Long_fromInt($d), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); } function jm_Multiplication__clinit_() { var $fivePow, $i, var$3, var$4; jm_Multiplication_tenPows = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000]); jm_Multiplication_fivePows = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([1, 5, 25, 125, 625, 3125, 15625, 78125, 390625, 1953125, 9765625, 48828125, 244140625, 1220703125]); jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows = $rt_createArray(jm_BigInteger, 32); jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows = $rt_createArray(jm_BigInteger, 32); $fivePow = Long_fromInt(1); $i = 0; while ($i <= 18) { jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows.data[$i] = jm_BigInteger_valueOf($fivePow); jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows.data[$i] = jm_BigInteger_valueOf(Long_shl($fivePow, $i)); $fivePow = Long_mul($fivePow, Long_fromInt(5)); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } while ($i < jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows.data.length) { var$3 = jm_Multiplication_bigFivePows.data; var$4 = $i - 1 | 0; var$3[$i] = jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$3[var$4], var$3[1]); var$3 = jm_Multiplication_bigTenPows.data; var$3[$i] = jm_BigInteger_multiply(var$3[var$4], jm_BigInteger_TEN); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } var otcit_DoubleSynthesizer = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_mantissa10Table = null; var otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_exp10Table = null; function otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_synthesizeDouble($mantissa, $exp, $negative) { var $indexInTable, var$5, $binMantissa, $binExp, $binMantissaShift, $error, $correction, $binMantissaWithoutError, $cmp, $iee754; $indexInTable = 330 + $exp | 0; if (Long_ne($mantissa, Long_ZERO)) { var$5 = otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_mantissa10Table.data; if ($indexInTable <= var$5.length && $indexInTable >= 0) { $binMantissa = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight($mantissa, var$5[$indexInTable], 0); $binExp = otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_exp10Table.data[$indexInTable]; $binMantissaShift = (64 - jl_Long_numberOfLeadingZeros($binMantissa) | 0) - 58 | 0; $binMantissa = $binMantissaShift >= 0 ? Long_shru($binMantissa, $binMantissaShift) : Long_shl($binMantissa, -$binMantissaShift | 0); $exp = $binExp + $binMantissaShift | 0; if ($exp >= 2047) return !$negative ? Infinity : (-Infinity); $error = Long_lo(Long_and($binMantissa, Long_fromInt(31))); $correction = 16; $binMantissaShift = $error - 16 | 0; if ($binMantissaShift < 0) $binMantissaShift = -$binMantissaShift | 0; if ($binMantissaShift <= 1) { $binMantissaWithoutError = Long_and($binMantissa, Long_fromInt(-32)); $cmp = jl_Long_compareUnsigned(Long_sub($mantissa, otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_calcDecMantissa($binMantissaWithoutError, 32, $indexInTable, $exp)), Long_sub(otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_calcDecMantissa(Long_add($binMantissaWithoutError, Long_fromInt(32)), 32, $indexInTable, $exp), $mantissa)); if ($cmp < 0) $correction = -$error | 0; else if ($cmp > 0) $correction = 32 - $error | 0; } $mantissa = Long_add($binMantissa, Long_fromInt($correction)); if (Long_ne(Long_and($mantissa, Long_create(0, 4227858432)), Long_ZERO)) { $mantissa = Long_shru($mantissa, 1); $exp = $exp + 1 | 0; } if ($exp <= 0) { $mantissa = Long_shr($mantissa, jl_Math_min(( -$exp | 0) + 1 | 0, 64)); $exp = 0; } $iee754 = Long_or(Long_and(Long_shru($mantissa, 5), Long_create(4294967295, 1048575)), Long_shl(Long_fromInt($exp), 52)); if ($negative) $iee754 = Long_xor($iee754, Long_create(0, 2147483648)); return $rt_longBitsToDouble($iee754); } } return $rt_longBitsToDouble((!$negative ? Long_ZERO : Long_create(0, 2147483648))); } function otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_calcDecMantissa($mantissa, $lowerBit, $indexInTable, $binExp) { var $half, $shift, $decMantissa, $lowerPos, $decMantissaHi, $upperPos, $posCmp; $half = $lowerBit >>> 1 | 0; $shift = 7 - (otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_exp10Table.data[$indexInTable] - $binExp | 0) | 0; $decMantissa = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight($mantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data[$indexInTable], $shift); $lowerPos = Long_fromInt($half); $decMantissaHi = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight(Long_add($mantissa, $lowerPos), otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data[$indexInTable], $shift); $lowerPos = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_findLowerDistance($decMantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight(Long_sub($mantissa, $lowerPos), otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data[$indexInTable], $shift)); $upperPos = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_findUpperDistance($decMantissa, $decMantissaHi); $posCmp = jl_Long_compareUnsigned($lowerPos, $upperPos); return $posCmp > 0 ? Long_mul(jl_Long_divideUnsigned($decMantissa, $lowerPos), $lowerPos) : $posCmp < 0 ? Long_add(Long_mul(jl_Long_divideUnsigned($decMantissa, $upperPos), $upperPos), $upperPos) : Long_mul(jl_Long_divideUnsigned(Long_add($decMantissa, Long_div($upperPos, Long_fromInt(2))), $upperPos), $upperPos); } function otcit_DoubleSynthesizer__clinit_() { otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_mantissa10Table = $rt_createLongArrayFromData([Long_create(136053384, 4203730336), Long_create(85033365, 2627331460), Long_create(106291706, 3284164325), Long_create(1206606457, 4105205406), Long_create(3975354508, 2565753378), Long_create(2821709486, 3207191723), Long_create(2453395034, 4008989654), Long_create(459630072, 2505618534), Long_create(2722021238, 3132023167), Long_create(2328784724, 3915028959), Long_create(3066103188, 2446893099), Long_create(2758887162, 3058616374), Long_create(1301125304, 3823270468), Long_create(2960686963, 2389544042), Long_create(1553375056, 2986930053), Long_create(3015460644, 3733662566), Long_create(810921078, 2333539104), Long_create(1013651348, 2916923880), Long_create(1267064185, 3646154850), Long_create(1865656940, 2278846781), Long_create(3405812998, 2848558476), Long_create(4257266248, 3560698095), Long_create(4271404141, 2225436309), Long_create(2118029704, 2781795387), Long_create(1573795306, 3477244234), Long_create(2057363890, 2173277646), Long_create(424221215, 2716597058), Long_create(2677760167, 3395746322), Long_create(1199716561, 4244682903), Long_create(2360435586, 2652926814), Long_create(803060835, 3316158518), Long_create(3151309692, 4145198147), Long_create(1432697645, 2590748842), Long_create(3938355705, 3238436052), Long_create(627977335, 4048045066), Long_create(1466227658, 2530028166), Long_create(3980268221, 3162535207), Long_create(3901593452, 3953169009), Long_create(827883171, 2470730631), Long_create(4256079436, 3088413288), Long_create(1025131999, 3860516611), Long_create(103836588, 2412822882), Long_create(2277279383, 3016028602), Long_create(699115580, 3770035753), Long_create(3121301798, 2356272345), Long_create(680401775, 2945340432), Long_create(850502219, 3681675540), Long_create(2679047535, 2301047212), Long_create(3348809418, 2876309015), Long_create(3112269949, 3595386269), Long_create(2482039630, 2247116418), Long_create(955065890, 2808895523), Long_create(120090538, 3511119404), Long_create(2222540234, 2194449627), Long_create(1704433469, 2743062034), Long_create(4278025484, 3428827542), Long_create(3200048207, 4286034428), Long_create(4147513777, 2678771517), Long_create(1963166750, 3348464397), Long_create(3527700261, 4185580496), Long_create(2204812663, 2615987810), Long_create(608532181, 3269984763), Long_create(3981890698, 4087480953), Long_create(878068951, 2554675596), Long_create(1097586188, 3193344495), Long_create(298240911, 3991680619), Long_create(3944496953, 2494800386), Long_create(2783137544, 3118500483), Long_create(2405180106, 3898125604), Long_create(3650721214, 2436328502), Long_create(2415917870, 3045410628), Long_create(3019897337, 3806763285), 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Long_create(2583070084, 3105036184), Long_create(3228837605, 3881295230), Long_create(944281679, 2425809519), Long_create(106610275, 3032261899), Long_create(3354488316, 3790327373), Long_create(2633426109, 2368954608), Long_create(3291782637, 2961193260), Long_create(4114728296, 3701491575), Long_create(4182317921, 2313432234), Long_create(3080413753, 2891790293), Long_create(629291719, 3614737867), Long_create(4151403709, 2259211166), Long_create(3041770988, 2824013958), Long_create(1654730087, 3530017448), Long_create(1034206304, 2206260905), Long_create(2366499704, 2757826131), Long_create(1884382806, 3447282664), Long_create(1177739254, 2154551665), Long_create(2545915892, 2693189581), Long_create(4256136688, 3366486976), Long_create(1025203564, 4208108721), Long_create(3325106788, 2630067950), Long_create(2008899837, 3287584938), Long_create(363641148, 4109481173), Long_create(764146629, 2568425733), Long_create(2028925111, 3210532166), Long_create(388672741, 4013165208), Long_create(242920463, 2508228255), Long_create(3524876051, 3135285318), Long_create(2258611415, 3919106648), Long_create(1411632134, 2449441655), Long_create(690798344, 3061802069), Long_create(1937239754, 3827252586), Long_create(2284516670, 2392032866), Long_create(708162190, 2990041083), Long_create(4106428209, 3737551353), Long_create(955904895, 2335969596), Long_create(1194881119, 2919961995), Long_create(419859574, 3649952494), Long_create(3483637706, 2281220308), Long_create(59579836, 2851525386), Long_create(2221958443, 3564406732), Long_create(3536207675, 2227754207), Long_create(3346517770, 2784692759), Long_create(3109405388, 3480865949), Long_create(2480249280, 2175541218), Long_create(952827952, 2719426523), Long_create(117293116, 3399283154), Long_create(2294100043, 4249103942), Long_create(360070703, 2655689964), Long_create(450088378, 3319612455), Long_create(3783835945, 4149515568), Long_create(2364897466, 2593447230), Long_create(808638184, 3241809038), Long_create(3158281378, 4052261297), Long_create(363313125, 2532663311), Long_create(3675366878, 3165829138), Long_create(2446724950, 3957286423), Long_create(3139815830, 2473304014), Long_create(1777286139, 3091630018), Long_create(74124026, 3864537523), Long_create(3804423900, 2415335951), Long_create(3681788051, 3019169939), Long_create(3528493240, 3773962424), Long_create(2205308275, 2358726515), Long_create(1682893520, 2948408144), Long_create(2103616900, 3685510180), Long_create(3462244210, 2303443862), Long_create(2180321615, 2879304828), Long_create(2725402019, 3599131035), Long_create(1166505350, 2249456897), Long_create(2531873511, 2811821121), Long_create(4238583713, 3514776401), Long_create(1038502085, 2196735251), Long_create(224385782, 2745919064), Long_create(280482227, 3432398830), Long_create(2498086432, 4290498537), Long_create(4245658580, 2681561585), Long_create(2085847753, 3351951982), Long_create(459826043, 4189939978), Long_create(1361133101, 2618712486), Long_create(3848900024, 3273390607), Long_create(3737383206, 4091738259), Long_create(1798993592, 2557336412), Long_create(2248741990, 3196670515), Long_create(1737185663, 3995838144), Long_create(1085741040, 2497398840), Long_create(1357176300, 3121748550), Long_create(3843954022, 3902185687), Long_create(4013084000, 2438866054), Long_create(2868871352, 3048582568), Long_create(3586089190, 3810728210), Long_create(3315047568, 2381705131), Long_create(3070067636, 2977131414), Long_create(1690100897, 3721414268), Long_create(3203796708, 2325883917), Long_create(783520414, 2907354897), Long_create(2053142341, 3634193621), Long_create(1820084875, 2271371013), Long_create(3348847918, 2839213766), Long_create(2038576249, 3549017208), Long_create(1274110156, 2218135755), Long_create(518895871, 2772669694), Long_create(2796103486, 3465837117), Long_create(2284435591, 2166148198), Long_create(708060841, 2707685248), Long_create(885076051, 3384606560), Long_create(1106345064, 4230758200), Long_create(691465665, 2644223875), Long_create(4085557553, 3305279843), Long_create(4033205117, 4131599804), Long_create(373269550, 2582249878), Long_create(2614070586, 3227812347), Long_create(2193846408, 4034765434), Long_create(2444895829, 2521728396), Long_create(3056119787, 3152160495), Long_create(2746407909, 3940200619), Long_create(1179634031, 2462625387), Long_create(400800715, 3078281734), Long_create(2648484542, 3847852167), Long_create(3265915575, 2404907604), Long_create(4082394468, 3006134505), Long_create(1881767613, 3757668132), Long_create(3323588406, 2348542582), Long_create(2007001860, 2935678228), Long_create(2508752325, 3669597785), Long_create(4252324763, 2293498615), Long_create(4241664130, 2866873269), Long_create(2080854690, 3583591587), Long_create(763663269, 2239744742), Long_create(3102062735, 2799680927), Long_create(2803836594, 3499601159), Long_create(3363010608, 2187250724), Long_create(4203763259, 2734063405), Long_create(2033478602, 3417579257), Long_create(3615590077, 4271974071), Long_create(3870356534, 2669983794), Long_create(2690462020, 3337479743), Long_create(2289335700, 4171849679), Long_create(3041447549, 2607406049), Long_create(580583964, 3259257562), Long_create(2873213603, 4074071952), Long_create(1795758502, 2546294970), Long_create(97214479, 3182868713), Long_create(1195259923, 3978585891), Long_create(210166540, 2486616182), Long_create(2410191823, 3108270227), Long_create(1938997955, 3885337784), Long_create(1211873722, 2428336115), Long_create(441100328, 3035420144), Long_create(551375410, 3794275180), Long_create(2492093279, 2371421987), Long_create(2041374775, 2964277484), Long_create(2551718469, 3705346855), Long_create(3205436779, 2315841784), Long_create(4006795974, 2894802230), Long_create(2861011319, 3618502788), Long_create(3935615723, 2261564242), Long_create(2772036005, 2826955303), Long_create(2391303183, 3533694129), Long_create(4178919049, 2208558830), Long_create(3076165163, 2760698538), Long_create(1697722806, 3450873173), Long_create(1597947666, 2156795733), Long_create(3071176406, 2695994666), Long_create(1691486860, 3369993333), Long_create(3188100399, 4212491666), Long_create(3066304573, 2632807291), Long_create(2759138893, 3291009114), Long_create(1301439968, 4113761393), Long_create(3497754540, 2571100870), Long_create(2224709527, 3213876088), Long_create(2780886909, 4017345110), Long_create(664312494, 2510840694), Long_create(2977874265, 3138550867), Long_create(2648601008, 3923188584), Long_create(1655375630, 2451992865), Long_create(3142961361, 3064991081), Long_create(707476230, 3831238852), Long_create(2589656291, 2394524282), Long_create(1089586716, 2993155353), Long_create(2435725219, 3741444191), Long_create(3132940998, 2338402619), Long_create(2842434424, 2923003274), Long_create(1405559382, 3653754093), Long_create(1415345525, 2283596308), Long_create(1769181907, 2854495385), Long_create(3285219208, 3568119231), Long_create(3663874741, 2230074519), Long_create(3506101602, 2787593149), Long_create(1161401530, 3484491437), Long_create(1262746869, 2177807148), Long_create(1578433586, 2722258935), Long_create(899300158, 3402823669), Long_create(2197867022, 4253529586), Long_create(2447408712, 2658455991), Long_create(1985519067, 3323069989), Long_create(3555640657, 4153837486), Long_create(1148533587, 2596148429), Long_create(2509408807, 3245185536), Long_create(3136761009, 4056481920), Long_create(1960475631, 2535301200), Long_create(2450594539, 3169126500), Long_create(3063243173, 3961408125), Long_create(2451397895, 2475880078), Long_create(916763721, 3094850098), Long_create(3293438299, 3868562622), Long_create(984657113, 2417851639), Long_create(157079567, 3022314549), Long_create(1270091283, 3777893186), Long_create(1867548876, 2361183241), Long_create(3408177919, 2951479051), Long_create(3186480575, 3689348814), Long_create(917808535, 2305843009), Long_create(2221002493, 2882303761), Long_create(3849994940, 3602879701), Long_create(2943117750, 2251799813), Long_create(457671715, 2814749767), Long_create(3793315116, 3518437208), Long_create(2370821947, 2199023255), Long_create(1889785610, 2748779069), Long_create(3435973837, 3435973836), Long_create(0, 2147483648), Long_create(0, 2684354560), Long_create(0, 3355443200), Long_create(0, 4194304000), Long_create(0, 2621440000), Long_create(0, 3276800000), Long_create(0, 4096000000), Long_create(0, 2560000000), Long_create(0, 3200000000), Long_create(0, 4000000000), Long_create(0, 2500000000), Long_create(0, 3125000000), Long_create(0, 3906250000), Long_create(0, 2441406250), Long_create(2147483648, 3051757812), Long_create(2684354560, 3814697265), Long_create(67108864, 2384185791), Long_create(3305111552, 2980232238), Long_create(1983905792, 3725290298), Long_create(2313682944, 2328306436), Long_create(2892103680, 2910383045), Long_create(393904128, 3637978807), Long_create(1856802816, 2273736754), Long_create(173519872, 2842170943), Long_create(3438125312, 3552713678), Long_create(1075086496, 2220446049), Long_create(2417599944, 2775557561), Long_create(4095741754, 3469446951), Long_create(4170451332, 2168404344), Long_create(918096869, 2710505431), Long_create(73879263, 3388131789), Long_create(1166090902, 4235164736), Long_create(728806814, 2646977960), Long_create(911008517, 3308722450), Long_create(3286244295, 4135903062), Long_create(980160860, 2584939414), Long_create(3372684723, 3231174267), Long_create(3142114080, 4038967834), Long_create(3037563124, 2524354896), Long_create(3796953905, 3155443620), Long_create(451225085, 3944304526), Long_create(3503241150, 2465190328), Long_create(84084142, 3081487911), Long_create(3326330649, 3851859888), Long_create(2078956656, 2407412430), Long_create(451212172, 3009265538), Long_create(2711498863, 3761581922), Long_create(2768428613, 2350988701), Long_create(239310295, 2938735877), Long_create(1372879692, 3673419846), Long_create(4079275280, 2295887403), Long_create(4025352276, 2869859254), Long_create(2884206696, 3587324068), Long_create(3950112833, 2242077542), Long_create(2790157394, 2802596928), Long_create(3487696742, 3503246160), Long_create(2179810464, 2189528850), Long_create(577279432, 2736911063), Long_create(3942824762, 3421138828), Long_create(633563656, 4276423536), Long_create(395977285, 2672764710), Long_create(2642455254, 3340955887), Long_create(2229327244, 4176194859), Long_create(856458615, 2610121787), Long_create(4291798741, 3262652233), Long_create(2143522955, 4078315292), Long_create(3487185495, 2548947057), Long_create(1137756396, 3186183822), Long_create(3569679143, 3982729777), Long_create(620436729, 2489206111), Long_create(3996771383, 3111507638), Long_create(2848480580, 3889384548), Long_create(3927784011, 2430865342), Long_create(2762246365, 3038581678), Long_create(1305324309, 3798227098), Long_create(1889569517, 2373891936), Long_create(2361961896, 2967364920), Long_create(2952452370, 3709206150), Long_create(771540907, 2318253844), Long_create(964426134, 2897817305), Long_create(2279274492, 3622271631), Long_create(3035159293, 2263919769), Long_create(572723645, 2829899712), Long_create(715904556, 3537374640), Long_create(447440347, 2210859150), Long_create(2706784082, 2763573937), Long_create(162254631, 3454467422), Long_create(3322634616, 2159042138), Long_create(2005809622, 2698802673), Long_create(3581003852, 3373503341), Long_create(1255029343, 4216879177), Long_create(3468747899, 2635549485), Long_create(1114709402, 3294436857), Long_create(2467128577, 4118046071), Long_create(3152568096, 2573778794), Long_create(1793226473, 3217223493), Long_create(3315274915, 4021529366), Long_create(998304998, 2513455854), Long_create(3395364895, 3141819817), Long_create(1022980647, 3927274772), Long_create(2786846552, 2454546732), Long_create(3483558190, 3068183415), Long_create(3280705914, 3835229269), Long_create(2587312108, 2397018293), Long_create(12914663, 2996272867), Long_create(3237368801, 3745341083), Long_create(1486484589, 2340838177), Long_create(2931847560, 2926047721), Long_create(443583978, 3657559652), Long_create(2424723634, 2285974782), Long_create(883420895, 2857468478), Long_create(3251759766, 3571835597), Long_create(2569220766, 2232397248), Long_create(3211525958, 2790496560), Long_create(4014407447, 3488120700), Long_create(361521006, 2180075438), Long_create(2599384906, 2725094297), Long_create(28005660, 3406367872), Long_create(35007075, 4257959840), Long_create(21879422, 2661224900), Long_create(27349278, 3326531125), Long_create(1107928421, 4158163906), Long_create(1766197087, 2598852441), Long_create(3281488183, 3248565551), Long_create(3028118405, 4060706939), Long_create(1355703091, 2537941837), Long_create(2768370688, 3172427296), Long_create(3460463360, 3965534120), Long_create(2162789600, 2478458825), Long_create(3777228824, 3098073531), Long_create(3647794206, 3872591914), Long_create(3353613203, 2420369946), Long_create(2044532855, 3025462433), Long_create(3629407893, 3781828041), Long_create(657767197, 2363642526), Long_create(2969692644, 2954553157), Long_create(490890333, 3693191447), Long_create(1917419194, 2308244654), Long_create(249290345, 2885305818), Long_create(2459096579, 3606632272), Long_create(1536935362, 2254145170), Long_create(4068652851, 2817681462), Long_create(2938332415, 3522101828), Long_create(3983941407, 2201313642), Long_create(2832443111, 2751642053), Long_create(319328417, 3439552567), Long_create(1810192997, 2149720354), Long_create(115257598, 2687150443), Long_create(3365297469, 3358938053), Long_create(985396365, 4198672567), Long_create(2226485464, 2624170354), Long_create(635623182, 3280212943), Long_create(4015754449, 4100266178), Long_create(3583588355, 2562666361), Long_create(1258259972, 3203332952), Long_create(1572824965, 4004166190), Long_create(4204241075, 2502603868), Long_create(960334048, 3128254836), Long_create(1200417559, 3910318545), Long_create(3434615535, 2443949090), Long_create(2145785770, 3054936363), Long_create(1608490389, 3818670454), Long_create(4226531965, 2386669033), Long_create(2061939484, 2983336292), Long_create(2577424355, 3729170365), Long_create(2147761134, 2330731478), Long_create(537217770, 2913414348), Long_create(671522212, 3641767935), Long_create(2030314119, 2276104959), Long_create(1464150824, 2845131199), Long_create(756446706, 3556413999), Long_create(2083391927, 2222758749), Long_create(3677981733, 2778448436), Long_create(302509871, 3473060546), Long_create(1262810493, 2170662841), Long_create(2652254940, 2713328551), Long_create(2241576851, 3391660689), Long_create(3875712888, 4239575861), Long_create(2959191467, 2649734913), Long_create(477763862, 3312168642), Long_create(2744688476, 4140210802), Long_create(2789172121, 2587631751), Long_create(2412723328, 3234539689), Long_create(4089645983, 4043174611), Long_create(2019157828, 2526984132), Long_create(2523947285, 3158730165), Long_create(4228675930, 3948412706), Long_create(3716664280, 2467757941), Long_create(1424604878, 3084697427), Long_create(707014274, 3855871784), Long_create(441883921, 2409919865), Long_create(1626096725, 3012399831), Long_create(958879083, 3765499789), Long_create(1136170339, 2353437368), Long_create(1420212923, 2941796710), Long_create(3922749802, 3677245887), Long_create(4062331362, 2298278679), Long_create(4004172379, 2872848349), Long_create(1783990002, 3591060437), Long_create(1651864663, 2244412773), Long_create(3138572653, 2805515966), Long_create(1775732168, 3506894958), Long_create(36090781, 2191809349), Long_create(1118855300, 2739761686), Long_create(3546052773, 3424702107), Long_create(3358824142, 4280877634), Long_create(3173006913, 2675548521), Long_create(745033169, 3344435652), Long_create(931291462, 4180544565), Long_create(1118928076, 2612840353), Long_create(2472401918, 3266050441), Long_create(4164244222, 4082563051), Long_create(2065781727, 2551601907), Long_create(1508485334, 3189502384), Long_create(1885606668, 3986877980), Long_create(3325987816, 2491798737), Long_create(936259297, 3114748422), Long_create(3317807770, 3893435527), Long_create(3684242592, 2433397204), Long_create(310335944, 3041746506), Long_create(2535403578, 3802183132), Long_create(3732110884, 2376364457), Long_create(1443913133, 2970455572), Long_create(1804891417, 3713069465), Long_create(3812411696, 2320668415), Long_create(3691772795, 2900835519), Long_create(3540974170, 3626044399), Long_create(3823721592, 2266277749), Long_create(1558426518, 2832847187), Long_create(874291324, 3541058984), Long_create(546432078, 2213161865), Long_create(1756781921, 2766452331), Long_create(1122235577, 3458065414), Long_create(3922622708, 2161290883), Long_create(3829536561, 2701613604), Long_create(491953405, 3377017006), Long_create(2762425404, 4221271257), Long_create(115903142, 2638294536), Long_create(144878927, 3297868170), Long_create(2328582307, 4122335212), Long_create(3602847590, 2576459507), Long_create(3429817663, 3220574384), Long_create(4287272079, 4025717980), Long_create(532061401, 2516073738), Long_create(2812560400, 3145092172), Long_create(3515700500, 3931365215), Long_create(3807925548, 2457103259), Long_create(3686165111, 3071379074), Long_create(2460222741, 3839223843), Long_create(1000768301, 2399514902), Long_create(3398444024, 2999393627), Long_create(3174313207, 3749242034), Long_create(3057687578, 2343276271), Long_create(2748367649, 2929095339), Long_create(2361717737, 3661369174), Long_create(402331761, 2288355734), Long_create(2650398350, 2860444667), Long_create(2239256113, 3575555834), Long_create(2473276895, 2234722396), Long_create(3091596119, 2793402995), Long_create(2790753324, 3491753744), Long_create(1744220828, 2182346090), Long_create(32792387, 2727932613), Long_create(1114732307, 3409915766), Long_create(3540899032, 4262394707), Long_create(1676190983, 2663996692), Long_create(2095238729, 3329995865), Long_create(3692790235, 4162494831), Long_create(3918606633, 2601559269), Long_create(1677032819, 3251949087), Long_create(1022549200, 4064936359), Long_create(2249705986, 2540585224), Long_create(2812132482, 3175731530), Long_create(1367681955, 3969664413), Long_create(1391672134, 2481040258), Long_create(3887073815, 3101300322), Long_create(2711358621, 3876625403), Long_create(1157728226, 2422890877), Long_create(2520902107, 3028613596), Long_create(3151127633, 3785766995), Long_create(1432583859, 2366104372), Long_create(1790729824, 2957630465), Long_create(3312154103, 3697038081), Long_create(459483579, 2310648801), Long_create(1648096297, 2888311001), Long_create(3133862196, 3610388751), Long_create(3569276608, 2256492969), Long_create(1240370288, 2820616212), Long_create(1550462860, 3525770265), Long_create(3653393848, 2203606415), Long_create(3493000486, 2754508019), Long_create(3292508783, 3443135024), Long_create(2057817989, 2151959390), Long_create(424788839, 2689949238), Long_create(2678469697, 3362436547), Long_create(2274345297, 4203045684), Long_create(3568949458, 2626903552), Long_create(166219527, 3283629441), Long_create(1281516233, 4104536801), Long_create(3485302206, 2565335500), Long_create(61660461, 3206669376), Long_create(77075576, 4008336720), Long_create(48172235, 2505210450), Long_create(2207698942, 3131513062), Long_create(612140029, 3914391328), Long_create(382587518, 2446494580), Long_create(478234398, 3058118225), Long_create(1671534821, 3822647781), Long_create(1581580175, 2389154863), Long_create(903233395, 2986443579), Long_create(55299920, 3733054474), Long_create(1108304274, 2333159046)]); otcit_DoubleSynthesizer_exp10Table = $rt_createShortArrayFromData([(-76), (-72), (-69), (-66), (-62), (-59), (-56), (-52), (-49), (-46), (-42), (-39), (-36), (-32), (-29), (-26), (-22), (-19), (-16), (-12), (-9), (-6), (-2), 1, 4, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21, 24, 27, 31, 34, 37, 41, 44, 47, 51, 54, 57, 61, 64, 67, 71, 74, 77, 81, 84, 87, 91, 94, 97, 101, 104, 107, 110, 114, 117, 120, 124, 127, 130, 134, 137, 140, 144, 147, 150, 154, 157, 160, 164, 167, 170, 174, 177, 180, 184, 187, 190, 194, 197, 200, 204, 207, 210, 213, 217, 220, 223, 227, 230, 233, 237, 240, 243, 247, 250, 253, 257, 260, 263, 267, 270, 273, 277, 280, 283, 287, 290, 293, 297, 300, 303, 306, 310, 313, 316, 320, 323, 326, 330, 333, 336, 340, 343, 346, 350, 353, 356, 360, 363, 366, 370, 373, 376, 380, 383, 386, 390, 393, 396, 400, 403, 406, 409, 413, 416, 419, 423, 426, 429, 433, 436, 439, 443, 446, 449, 453, 456, 459, 463, 466, 469, 473, 476, 479, 483, 486, 489, 493, 496, 499, 502, 506, 509, 512, 516, 519, 522, 526, 529, 532, 536, 539, 542, 546, 549, 552, 556, 559, 562, 566, 569, 572, 576, 579, 582, 586, 589, 592, 595, 599, 602, 605, 609, 612, 615, 619, 622, 625, 629, 632, 635, 639, 642, 645, 649, 652, 655, 659, 662, 665, 669, 672, 675, 679, 682, 685, 689, 692, 695, 698, 702, 705, 708, 712, 715, 718, 722, 725, 728, 732, 735, 738, 742, 745, 748, 752, 755, 758, 762, 765, 768, 772, 775, 778, 782, 785, 788, 791, 795, 798, 801, 805, 808, 811, 815, 818, 821, 825, 828, 831, 835, 838, 841, 845, 848, 851, 855, 858, 861, 865, 868, 871, 875, 878, 881, 885, 888, 891, 894, 898, 901, 904, 908, 911, 914, 918, 921, 924, 928, 931, 934, 938, 941, 944, 948, 951, 954, 958, 961, 964, 968, 971, 974, 978, 981, 984, 987, 991, 994, 997, 1001, 1004, 1007, 1011, 1014, 1017, 1021, 1024, 1027, 1031, 1034, 1037, 1041, 1044, 1047, 1051, 1054, 1057, 1061, 1064, 1067, 1071, 1074, 1077, 1081, 1084, 1087, 1090, 1094, 1097, 1100, 1104, 1107, 1110, 1114, 1117, 1120, 1124, 1127, 1130, 1134, 1137, 1140, 1144, 1147, 1150, 1154, 1157, 1160, 1164, 1167, 1170, 1174, 1177, 1180, 1183, 1187, 1190, 1193, 1197, 1200, 1203, 1207, 1210, 1213, 1217, 1220, 1223, 1227, 1230, 1233, 1237, 1240, 1243, 1247, 1250, 1253, 1257, 1260, 1263, 1267, 1270, 1273, 1276, 1280, 1283, 1286, 1290, 1293, 1296, 1300, 1303, 1306, 1310, 1313, 1316, 1320, 1323, 1326, 1330, 1333, 1336, 1340, 1343, 1346, 1350, 1353, 1356, 1360, 1363, 1366, 1370, 1373, 1376, 1379, 1383, 1386, 1389, 1393, 1396, 1399, 1403, 1406, 1409, 1413, 1416, 1419, 1423, 1426, 1429, 1433, 1436, 1439, 1443, 1446, 1449, 1453, 1456, 1459, 1463, 1466, 1469, 1472, 1476, 1479, 1482, 1486, 1489, 1492, 1496, 1499, 1502, 1506, 1509, 1512, 1516, 1519, 1522, 1526, 1529, 1532, 1536, 1539, 1542, 1546, 1549, 1552, 1556, 1559, 1562, 1566, 1569, 1572, 1575, 1579, 1582, 1585, 1589, 1592, 1595, 1599, 1602, 1605, 1609, 1612, 1615, 1619, 1622, 1625, 1629, 1632, 1635, 1639, 1642, 1645, 1649, 1652, 1655, 1659, 1662, 1665, 1668, 1672, 1675, 1678, 1682, 1685, 1688, 1692, 1695, 1698, 1702, 1705, 1708, 1712, 1715, 1718, 1722, 1725, 1728, 1732, 1735, 1738, 1742, 1745, 1748, 1752, 1755, 1758, 1761, 1765, 1768, 1771, 1775, 1778, 1781, 1785, 1788, 1791, 1795, 1798, 1801, 1805, 1808, 1811, 1815, 1818, 1821, 1825, 1828, 1831, 1835, 1838, 1841, 1845, 1848, 1851, 1855, 1858, 1861, 1864, 1868, 1871, 1874, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1888, 1891, 1894, 1898, 1901, 1904, 1908, 1911, 1914, 1918, 1921, 1924, 1928, 1931, 1934, 1938, 1941, 1944, 1948, 1951, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021, 2024, 2027, 2031, 2034, 2037, 2041, 2044, 2047, 2051, 2054, 2057, 2060, 2064, 2067, 2070, 2074, 2077, 2080, 2084, 2087, 2090, 2094, 2097, 2100, 2104, 2107, 2110, 2114]); } var jm_Conversion = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jm_Conversion_digitFitInInt = null; var jm_Conversion_bigRadices = null; function jm_Conversion_toDecimalScaledString0($val, $scale) { var $sign, $numberLength, $digits, $result1, $resLengthInChars, $result, $v, $i1, $v_0, $v_1, $v_2, var$14, $temp, var$16, $negNumber, $result11, $j, $res, $resDigit, $delta, $i, $exponent, $insertPoint, $startPoint; $sign = $val.$sign0; $numberLength = $val.$numberLength; $digits = $val.$digits; if (!$sign) { switch ($scale) { case 0: break; case 1: return $rt_s(336); case 2: return $rt_s(337); case 3: return $rt_s(338); case 4: return $rt_s(339); case 5: return $rt_s(340); case 6: return $rt_s(341); default: $result1 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($result1); if ($scale >= 0) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, $rt_s(342)); else jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, $rt_s(343)); jl_StringBuilder_append0($result1, -$scale | 0); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result1); } return $rt_s(10); } $resLengthInChars = (($numberLength * 10 | 0) + 1 | 0) + 7 | 0; $result = $rt_createCharArray($resLengthInChars + 1 | 0); if ($numberLength == 1) { $v = $digits.data[0]; if ($v >= 0) { $i1 = $resLengthInChars; while (true) { $digits = $result.data; $v_0 = $v / 10 | 0; $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; $digits[$i1] = (48 + ($v - ($v_0 * 10 | 0) | 0) | 0) & 65535; if (!$v_0) break; $v = $v_0; } } else { $v_1 = Long_and(Long_fromInt($v), Long_create(4294967295, 0)); $i1 = $resLengthInChars; while (true) { $digits = $result.data; $v_2 = Long_div($v_1, Long_fromInt(10)); $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; $digits[$i1] = (48 + Long_lo(Long_sub($v_1, Long_mul($v_2, Long_fromInt(10)))) | 0) & 65535; if (Long_eq($v_2, Long_ZERO)) break; $v_1 = $v_2; } } } else { var$14 = $result.data; $temp = $rt_createIntArray($numberLength); var$16 = $temp.data; jl_System_fastArraycopy($digits, 0, $temp, 0, $numberLength); $negNumber = $resLengthInChars; a: while (true) { $result11 = Long_ZERO; $j = $numberLength - 1 | 0; $i1 = $j; while ($i1 >= 0) { $res = jm_Conversion_divideLongByBillion(Long_add(Long_shl($result11, 32), Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$16[$i1]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)))); var$16[$i1] = Long_lo($res); $result11 = Long_fromInt(Long_hi($res)); $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; } $resDigit = Long_lo($result11); $i1 = $negNumber; while (true) { $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; var$14[$i1] = (48 + ($resDigit % 10 | 0) | 0) & 65535; $resDigit = $resDigit / 10 | 0; if (!$resDigit) break; if (!$i1) break; } $delta = (9 - $negNumber | 0) + $i1 | 0; $i = 0; while ($i < $delta && $i1 > 0) { $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; var$14[$i1] = 48; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } while (!var$16[$j]) { if (!$j) break a; $j = $j + (-1) | 0; } $numberLength = $j + 1 | 0; $negNumber = $i1; } while (var$14[$i1] == 48) { $i1 = $i1 + 1 | 0; } } $negNumber = $sign >= 0 ? 0 : 1; $sign = $resLengthInChars - $i1 | 0; $exponent = ($sign - $scale | 0) - 1 | 0; if (!$scale) { if ($negNumber) { $digits = $result.data; $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; $digits[$i1] = 45; } return jl_String__init_1($result, $i1, $resLengthInChars - $i1 | 0); } if ($scale > 0 && $exponent >= (-6)) { if ($exponent < 0) { $digits = $result.data; $j = 2; $scale = ( -$exponent | 0) + 1 | 0; while ($j < $scale) { $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; $digits[$i1] = 48; $j = $j + 1 | 0; } $scale = $i1 + (-1) | 0; $digits[$scale] = 46; $scale = $scale + (-1) | 0; $digits[$scale] = 48; if ($negNumber) { $scale = $scale + (-1) | 0; $digits[$scale] = 45; } return jl_String__init_1($result, $scale, $resLengthInChars - $scale | 0); } $digits = $result.data; $insertPoint = $i1 + $exponent | 0; $j = $resLengthInChars - 1 | 0; while ($j >= $insertPoint) { $digits[$j + 1 | 0] = $digits[$j]; $j = $j + (-1) | 0; } $digits[$insertPoint + 1 | 0] = 46; if ($negNumber) { $i1 = $i1 + (-1) | 0; $digits[$i1] = 45; } return jl_String__init_1($result, $i1, ($resLengthInChars - $i1 | 0) + 1 | 0); } $startPoint = $i1 + 1 | 0; $result1 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($result1, (16 + $resLengthInChars | 0) - $startPoint | 0); if ($negNumber) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 45); if (($resLengthInChars - $startPoint | 0) < 1) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($result1, $result, $i1, $sign); else { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, $result.data[$i1]); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 46); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($result1, $result, $startPoint, $sign - 1 | 0); } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 69); if ($exponent > 0) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 43); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, jl_Integer_toString($exponent)); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result1); } function jm_Conversion_toDecimalScaledString($v, $scale) { var $negNumber, $result1, $result, var$6, var$7, $v_0, $exponent, $j, $insertPoint, $startPoint; $negNumber = Long_ge($v, Long_ZERO) ? 0 : 1; if ($negNumber) $v = Long_neg($v); if (Long_eq($v, Long_ZERO)) { switch ($scale) { case 0: break; case 1: return $rt_s(336); case 2: return $rt_s(337); case 3: return $rt_s(338); case 4: return $rt_s(339); case 5: return $rt_s(340); case 6: return $rt_s(341); default: $result1 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($result1); if ($scale >= 0) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, $rt_s(342)); else jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, $rt_s(343)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, $scale == (-2147483648) ? $rt_s(344) : jl_Integer_toString( -$scale | 0)); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result1); } return $rt_s(10); } $result = $rt_createCharArray(19); var$6 = 18; while (true) { var$7 = $result.data; $v_0 = Long_div($v, Long_fromInt(10)); var$6 = var$6 + (-1) | 0; var$7[var$6] = Long_lo(Long_add(Long_fromInt(48), Long_sub($v, Long_mul($v_0, Long_fromInt(10))))) & 65535; if (Long_eq($v_0, Long_ZERO)) break; $v = $v_0; } $exponent = Long_sub(Long_sub(Long_sub(Long_fromInt(18), Long_fromInt(var$6)), Long_fromInt($scale)), Long_fromInt(1)); if (!$scale) { if ($negNumber) { var$6 = var$6 + (-1) | 0; var$7[var$6] = 45; } return jl_String__init_1($result, var$6, 18 - var$6 | 0); } if ($scale > 0 && Long_ge($exponent, Long_fromInt(-6))) { if (Long_lt($exponent, Long_ZERO)) { $j = 2; $v = Long_add(Long_neg($exponent), Long_fromInt(1)); while (Long_lt(Long_fromInt($j), $v)) { var$6 = var$6 + (-1) | 0; var$7[var$6] = 48; $j = $j + 1 | 0; } $scale = var$6 + (-1) | 0; var$7[$scale] = 46; $scale = $scale + (-1) | 0; var$7[$scale] = 48; if ($negNumber) { $scale = $scale + (-1) | 0; var$7[$scale] = 45; } return jl_String__init_1($result, $scale, 18 - $scale | 0); } $insertPoint = var$6 + Long_lo($exponent) | 0; $j = 17; while ($j >= $insertPoint) { var$7[$j + 1 | 0] = var$7[$j]; $j = $j + (-1) | 0; } var$7[$insertPoint + 1 | 0] = 46; if ($negNumber) { var$6 = var$6 + (-1) | 0; var$7[var$6] = 45; } return jl_String__init_1($result, var$6, (18 - var$6 | 0) + 1 | 0); } $startPoint = var$6 + 1 | 0; $result1 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2($result1, 34 - $startPoint | 0); if ($negNumber) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 45); if ((18 - $startPoint | 0) < 1) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($result1, $result, var$6, 18 - var$6 | 0); else { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, var$7[var$6]); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 46); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append2($result1, $result, $startPoint, (18 - var$6 | 0) - 1 | 0); } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 69); if (Long_gt($exponent, Long_ZERO)) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($result1, 43); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($result1, jl_Long_toString($exponent)); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($result1); } function jm_Conversion_divideLongByBillion($a) { var $quot, $rem, $aPos; if (Long_ge($a, Long_ZERO)) { $quot = Long_div($a, Long_fromInt(1000000000)); $rem = Long_rem($a, Long_fromInt(1000000000)); } else { $aPos = Long_shru($a, 1); $quot = Long_div($aPos, Long_fromInt(500000000)); $rem = Long_add(Long_shl(Long_rem($aPos, Long_fromInt(500000000)), 1), Long_and($a, Long_fromInt(1))); } return Long_or(Long_shl($rem, 32), Long_and($quot, Long_create(4294967295, 0))); } function jm_Conversion__clinit_() { jm_Conversion_digitFitInInt = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([(-1), (-1), 31, 19, 15, 13, 11, 11, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5]); jm_Conversion_bigRadices = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([(-2147483648), 1162261467, 1073741824, 1220703125, 362797056, 1977326743, 1073741824, 387420489, 1000000000, 214358881, 429981696, 815730721, 1475789056, 170859375, 268435456, 410338673, 612220032, 893871739, 1280000000, 1801088541, 113379904, 148035889, 191102976, 244140625, 308915776, 387420489, 481890304, 594823321, 729000000, 887503681, 1073741824, 1291467969, 1544804416, 1838265625, 60466176]); } var jm_Elementary = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function jm_Elementary_compareArrays($a, $b, $size) { var $i, var$5; $i = $size - 1 | 0; while ($i >= 0) { var$5 = $b.data; if ($a.data[$i] != var$5[$i]) break; $i = $i + (-1) | 0; } if ($i < 0) $size = 0; else { $b = $b.data; $size = Long_ge(Long_and(Long_fromInt($a.data[$i]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)), Long_and(Long_fromInt($b[$i]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))) ? 1 : (-1); } return $size; } function jm_Elementary_add($a, $aSize, $b, $bSize) { var $res, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9; $a = $a.data; $b = $b.data; $res = $rt_createIntArray($aSize + 1 | 0); var$6 = $res.data; var$7 = Long_add(Long_and(Long_fromInt($a[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)), Long_and(Long_fromInt($b[0]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); var$6[0] = Long_lo(var$7); var$8 = Long_shr(var$7, 32); if ($aSize < $bSize) { var$9 = 1; while (var$9 < $aSize) { var$7 = Long_add(var$8, Long_add(Long_and(Long_fromInt($a[var$9]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)), Long_and(Long_fromInt($b[var$9]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)))); var$6[var$9] = Long_lo(var$7); var$8 = Long_shr(var$7, 32); var$9 = var$9 + 1 | 0; } while (var$9 < $bSize) { var$7 = Long_add(var$8, Long_and(Long_fromInt($b[var$9]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); var$6[var$9] = Long_lo(var$7); var$8 = Long_shr(var$7, 32); var$9 = var$9 + 1 | 0; } } else { var$9 = 1; while (var$9 < $bSize) { var$7 = Long_add(var$8, Long_add(Long_and(Long_fromInt($a[var$9]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)), Long_and(Long_fromInt($b[var$9]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)))); var$6[var$9] = Long_lo(var$7); var$8 = Long_shr(var$7, 32); var$9 = var$9 + 1 | 0; } while (var$9 < $aSize) { var$7 = Long_add(var$8, Long_and(Long_fromInt($a[var$9]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); var$6[var$9] = Long_lo(var$7); var$8 = Long_shr(var$7, 32); var$9 = var$9 + 1 | 0; } } if (Long_ne(var$8, Long_ZERO)) var$6[var$9] = Long_lo(var$8); return $res; } function jm_Elementary_subtract($a, $aSize, $b, $bSize) { var $res, var$6, var$7, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11; $res = $rt_createIntArray($aSize); var$6 = $res.data; var$7 = Long_ZERO; var$8 = 0; while (var$8 < $bSize) { var$9 = $a.data; var$10 = $b.data; var$11 = Long_add(var$7, Long_sub(Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$9[var$8]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)), Long_and(Long_fromInt(var$10[var$8]), Long_create(4294967295, 0)))); var$6[var$8] = Long_lo(var$11); var$7 = Long_shr(var$11, 32); var$8 = var$8 + 1 | 0; } while (var$8 < $aSize) { var$11 = Long_add(var$7, Long_and(Long_fromInt($a.data[var$8]), Long_create(4294967295, 0))); var$6[var$8] = Long_lo(var$11); var$7 = Long_shr(var$11, 32); var$8 = var$8 + 1 | 0; } return $res; } var otcit_DoubleAnalyzer = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_MAX_MANTISSA = Long_ZERO; var otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table = null; var otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_exp10Table = null; function otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_analyze($d, $result) { var $bits, $mantissa, $exponent, var$6, $binExponentCorrection, $mantissaShift, $decExponent, $posCmp, var$11, $decMantissa, $decMantissaHi, $lowerPos, $upperPos; $bits = !($rt_globals.isNaN($d) ? 1 : 0) ? $rt_doubleToRawLongBits($d) : Long_create(0, 2146959360); $result.$sign = Long_eq(Long_and($bits, Long_create(0, 2147483648)), Long_ZERO) ? 0 : 1; $mantissa = Long_and($bits, Long_create(4294967295, 1048575)); $exponent = Long_lo(Long_shr($bits, 52)) & 2047; if (Long_eq($mantissa, Long_ZERO) && !$exponent) { $result.$mantissa = Long_ZERO; $result.$exponent = 0; return; } if ($exponent) $mantissa = Long_or($mantissa, Long_create(0, 1048576)); else { $mantissa = Long_shl($mantissa, 1); while (Long_eq(Long_and($mantissa, Long_create(0, 1048576)), Long_ZERO)) { $mantissa = Long_shl($mantissa, 1); $exponent = $exponent + (-1) | 0; } } var$6 = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_exp10Table.data; $binExponentCorrection = $exponent << 16 >> 16; $mantissaShift = 0; $decExponent = var$6.length; if ($mantissaShift > $decExponent) { $result = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($result); $rt_throw($result); } $posCmp = $decExponent - 1 | 0; a: { while (true) { if ($mantissaShift > $posCmp) { $decExponent = ( -$mantissaShift | 0) - 1 | 0; break a; } $decExponent = ($mantissaShift + $posCmp | 0) / 2 | 0; var$11 = $rt_compare(var$6[$decExponent], $binExponentCorrection); if (!var$11) break; if (var$11 <= 0) $mantissaShift = $decExponent + 1 | 0; else $posCmp = $decExponent - 1 | 0; } } if ($decExponent < 0) $decExponent = -$decExponent | 0; $posCmp = $decExponent + 1 | 0; $mantissaShift = 12 + ($exponent - var$6[$posCmp] | 0) | 0; $decMantissa = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight($mantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data[$posCmp], $mantissaShift); if (Long_le($decMantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_MAX_MANTISSA)) { while (jl_Long_compareUnsigned($decMantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_MAX_MANTISSA) <= 0) { $decExponent = $decExponent + (-1) | 0; $decMantissa = Long_add(Long_mul($decMantissa, Long_fromInt(10)), Long_fromInt(9)); } var$6 = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_exp10Table.data; $binExponentCorrection = $decExponent + 1 | 0; $mantissaShift = 12 + ($exponent - var$6[$binExponentCorrection] | 0) | 0; $decMantissa = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight($mantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data[$binExponentCorrection], $mantissaShift); } $mantissa = Long_shl($mantissa, 1); $bits = Long_add($mantissa, Long_fromInt(1)); var$6 = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data; $binExponentCorrection = $decExponent + 1 | 0; $decMantissaHi = var$6[$binExponentCorrection]; $exponent = $mantissaShift - 1 | 0; $decMantissaHi = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight($bits, $decMantissaHi, $exponent); $lowerPos = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_findLowerDistance($decMantissa, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight(Long_sub($mantissa, Long_fromInt(1)), otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table.data[$binExponentCorrection], $exponent)); $upperPos = otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_findUpperDistance($decMantissa, $decMantissaHi); $posCmp = jl_Long_compareUnsigned($lowerPos, $upperPos); $mantissa = $posCmp > 0 ? Long_mul(jl_Long_divideUnsigned($decMantissa, $lowerPos), $lowerPos) : $posCmp < 0 ? Long_add(Long_mul(jl_Long_divideUnsigned($decMantissa, $upperPos), $upperPos), $upperPos) : Long_mul(jl_Long_divideUnsigned(Long_add($decMantissa, Long_div($upperPos, Long_fromInt(2))), $upperPos), $upperPos); if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned($mantissa, Long_create(2808348672, 232830643)) >= 0) while (true) { $decExponent = $decExponent + 1 | 0; $mantissa = jl_Long_divideUnsigned($mantissa, Long_fromInt(10)); if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned($mantissa, Long_create(2808348672, 232830643)) < 0) break; } else if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned($mantissa, Long_create(1569325056, 23283064)) < 0) { $decExponent = $decExponent + (-1) | 0; $mantissa = Long_mul($mantissa, Long_fromInt(10)); } $result.$mantissa = $mantissa; $result.$exponent = $decExponent - 330 | 0; } function otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_findLowerDistance($mantissa, $lower) { var $pos, $pos_0; $pos = Long_fromInt(1); while (true) { $pos_0 = Long_mul($pos, Long_fromInt(10)); if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned(jl_Long_divideUnsigned($mantissa, $pos_0), jl_Long_divideUnsigned($lower, $pos_0)) <= 0) break; $pos = $pos_0; } return $pos; } function otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_findUpperDistance($mantissa, $upper) { var $pos, $pos_0; $pos = Long_fromInt(1); while (true) { $pos_0 = Long_mul($pos, Long_fromInt(10)); if (jl_Long_compareUnsigned(jl_Long_divideUnsigned($mantissa, $pos_0), jl_Long_divideUnsigned($upper, $pos_0)) >= 0) break; $pos = $pos_0; } return $pos; } function otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mulAndShiftRight($a, $b, $shift) { var $a1, $a2, $a3, $a4, $b1, $b2, $b3, $b4; $a1 = Long_and($a, Long_fromInt(65535)); $a2 = Long_and(Long_shru($a, 16), Long_fromInt(65535)); $a3 = Long_and(Long_shru($a, 32), Long_fromInt(65535)); $a4 = Long_and(Long_shru($a, 48), Long_fromInt(65535)); $b1 = Long_and($b, Long_fromInt(65535)); $b2 = Long_and(Long_shru($b, 16), Long_fromInt(65535)); $b3 = Long_and(Long_shru($b, 32), Long_fromInt(65535)); $b4 = Long_and(Long_shru($b, 48), Long_fromInt(65535)); return Long_add(Long_add(Long_add(Long_shl(Long_mul($b4, $a4), 32 + $shift | 0), Long_shl(Long_add(Long_mul($b4, $a3), Long_mul($b3, $a4)), 16 + $shift | 0)), Long_shl(Long_add(Long_add(Long_mul($b4, $a2), Long_mul($b3, $a3)), Long_mul($b2, $a4)), $shift)), Long_shru(Long_add(Long_add(Long_add(Long_mul($b3, $a1), Long_mul($b2, $a2)), Long_mul($b1, $a3)), Long_shl(Long_add(Long_add(Long_add(Long_mul($b4, $a1), Long_mul($b3, $a2)), Long_mul($b2, $a3)), Long_mul($b1, $a4)), 16)), 32 - $shift | 0)); } function otcit_DoubleAnalyzer__clinit_() { otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_MAX_MANTISSA = jl_Long_divideUnsigned(Long_fromInt(-1), Long_fromInt(10)); otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_mantissa10Table = $rt_createLongArrayFromData([Long_create(3251292512, 2194092222), Long_create(1766094183, 3510547556), Long_create(553881887, 2808438045), Long_create(443105509, 2246750436), Long_create(3285949193, 3594800697), Long_create(910772436, 2875840558), Long_create(2446604867, 2300672446), Long_create(2196580869, 3681075914), Long_create(2616258154, 2944860731), Long_create(1234013064, 2355888585), Long_create(1974420903, 3769421736), Long_create(720543263, 3015537389), Long_create(1435428070, 2412429911), Long_create(578697993, 3859887858), Long_create(2180945313, 3087910286), Long_create(885762791, 2470328229), Long_create(3135207384, 3952525166), Long_create(1649172448, 3162020133), Long_create(3037324877, 2529616106), Long_create(3141732885, 4047385770), Long_create(2513386308, 3237908616), Long_create(1151715587, 2590326893), Long_create(983751480, 4144523029), Long_create(1645994643, 3315618423), Long_create(3034782633, 2652494738), Long_create(3996658754, 4243991581), Long_create(2338333544, 3395193265), Long_create(1870666835, 2716154612), Long_create(4073513845, 2172923689), Long_create(3940641775, 3476677903), Long_create(575533043, 2781342323), Long_create(2178413352, 2225073858), Long_create(2626467905, 3560118173), Long_create(3819161242, 2848094538), Long_create(478348616, 2278475631), Long_create(3342338164, 3645561009), Long_create(3532863990, 2916448807), Long_create(1108304273, 2333159046), Long_create(55299919, 3733054474), Long_create(903233395, 2986443579), Long_create(1581580175, 2389154863), Long_create(1671534821, 3822647781), Long_create(478234397, 3058118225), Long_create(382587518, 2446494580), Long_create(612140029, 3914391328), Long_create(2207698941, 3131513062), Long_create(48172235, 2505210450), Long_create(77075576, 4008336720), Long_create(61660460, 3206669376), Long_create(3485302205, 2565335500), Long_create(1281516232, 4104536801), Long_create(166219527, 3283629441), Long_create(3568949458, 2626903552), Long_create(2274345296, 4203045684), Long_create(2678469696, 3362436547), Long_create(424788838, 2689949238), Long_create(2057817989, 2151959390), Long_create(3292508783, 3443135024), Long_create(3493000485, 2754508019), Long_create(3653393847, 2203606415), Long_create(1550462860, 3525770265), Long_create(1240370288, 2820616212), Long_create(3569276608, 2256492969), Long_create(3133862195, 3610388751), Long_create(1648096297, 2888311001), Long_create(459483578, 2310648801), Long_create(3312154103, 3697038081), Long_create(1790729823, 2957630465), Long_create(1432583858, 2366104372), Long_create(3151127633, 3785766995), Long_create(2520902106, 3028613596), Long_create(1157728226, 2422890877), Long_create(2711358621, 3876625403), Long_create(3887073815, 3101300322), Long_create(1391672133, 2481040258), Long_create(1367681954, 3969664413), Long_create(2812132482, 3175731530), Long_create(2249705985, 2540585224), Long_create(1022549199, 4064936359), Long_create(1677032818, 3251949087), Long_create(3918606632, 2601559269), Long_create(3692790234, 4162494831), Long_create(2095238728, 3329995865), Long_create(1676190982, 2663996692), Long_create(3540899031, 4262394707), Long_create(1114732307, 3409915766), Long_create(32792386, 2727932613), Long_create(1744220827, 2182346090), Long_create(2790753324, 3491753744), Long_create(3091596118, 2793402995), Long_create(2473276894, 2234722396), Long_create(2239256113, 3575555834), Long_create(2650398349, 2860444667), Long_create(402331761, 2288355734), Long_create(2361717736, 3661369174), Long_create(2748367648, 2929095339), Long_create(3057687578, 2343276271), Long_create(3174313206, 3749242034), Long_create(3398444024, 2999393627), Long_create(1000768301, 2399514902), Long_create(2460222741, 3839223843), Long_create(3686165111, 3071379074), Long_create(3807925548, 2457103259), Long_create(3515700499, 3931365215), Long_create(2812560399, 3145092172), Long_create(532061401, 2516073738), Long_create(4287272078, 4025717980), Long_create(3429817663, 3220574384), Long_create(3602847589, 2576459507), Long_create(2328582306, 4122335212), Long_create(144878926, 3297868170), Long_create(115903141, 2638294536), Long_create(2762425404, 4221271257), Long_create(491953404, 3377017006), Long_create(3829536560, 2701613604), Long_create(3922622707, 2161290883), Long_create(1122235577, 3458065414), Long_create(1756781920, 2766452331), Long_create(546432077, 2213161865), Long_create(874291324, 3541058984), Long_create(1558426518, 2832847187), Long_create(3823721592, 2266277749), Long_create(3540974170, 3626044399), Long_create(3691772795, 2900835519), Long_create(3812411695, 2320668415), Long_create(1804891416, 3713069465), Long_create(1443913133, 2970455572), Long_create(3732110884, 2376364457), Long_create(2535403578, 3802183132), Long_create(310335944, 3041746506), Long_create(3684242592, 2433397204), Long_create(3317807769, 3893435527), Long_create(936259297, 3114748422), Long_create(3325987815, 2491798737), Long_create(1885606668, 3986877980), Long_create(1508485334, 3189502384), Long_create(2065781726, 2551601907), Long_create(4164244222, 4082563051), Long_create(2472401918, 3266050441), Long_create(1118928075, 2612840353), Long_create(931291461, 4180544565), Long_create(745033169, 3344435652), Long_create(3173006913, 2675548521), Long_create(3358824142, 4280877634), Long_create(3546052773, 3424702107), Long_create(1118855300, 2739761686), Long_create(36090780, 2191809349), Long_create(1775732167, 3506894958), Long_create(3138572652, 2805515966), Long_create(1651864662, 2244412773), Long_create(1783990001, 3591060437), Long_create(4004172378, 2872848349), Long_create(4062331362, 2298278679), Long_create(3922749802, 3677245887), Long_create(1420212923, 2941796710), Long_create(1136170338, 2353437368), Long_create(958879082, 3765499789), Long_create(1626096725, 3012399831), Long_create(441883920, 2409919865), Long_create(707014273, 3855871784), Long_create(1424604878, 3084697427), Long_create(3716664280, 2467757941), Long_create(4228675929, 3948412706), Long_create(2523947284, 3158730165), Long_create(2019157827, 2526984132), Long_create(4089645983, 4043174611), Long_create(2412723327, 3234539689), Long_create(2789172121, 2587631751), Long_create(2744688475, 4140210802), Long_create(477763862, 3312168642), Long_create(2959191467, 2649734913), Long_create(3875712888, 4239575861), Long_create(2241576851, 3391660689), Long_create(2652254940, 2713328551), Long_create(1262810493, 2170662841), Long_create(302509870, 3473060546), Long_create(3677981733, 2778448436), Long_create(2083391927, 2222758749), Long_create(756446706, 3556413999), Long_create(1464150824, 2845131199), Long_create(2030314118, 2276104959), Long_create(671522212, 3641767935), Long_create(537217769, 2913414348), Long_create(2147761134, 2330731478), Long_create(2577424355, 3729170365), Long_create(2061939484, 2983336292), Long_create(4226531965, 2386669033), Long_create(1608490388, 3818670454), Long_create(2145785770, 3054936363), Long_create(3434615534, 2443949090), Long_create(1200417559, 3910318545), Long_create(960334047, 3128254836), Long_create(4204241074, 2502603868), Long_create(1572824964, 4004166190), Long_create(1258259971, 3203332952), Long_create(3583588354, 2562666361), Long_create(4015754449, 4100266178), Long_create(635623181, 3280212943), Long_create(2226485463, 2624170354), Long_create(985396364, 4198672567), Long_create(3365297469, 3358938053), Long_create(115257597, 2687150443), Long_create(1810192996, 2149720354), Long_create(319328417, 3439552567), Long_create(2832443111, 2751642053), Long_create(3983941407, 2201313642), Long_create(2938332415, 3522101828), Long_create(4068652850, 2817681462), Long_create(1536935362, 2254145170), Long_create(2459096579, 3606632272), Long_create(249290345, 2885305818), Long_create(1917419194, 2308244654), Long_create(490890333, 3693191447), Long_create(2969692644, 2954553157), Long_create(657767197, 2363642526), Long_create(3629407892, 3781828041), Long_create(2044532855, 3025462433), Long_create(3353613202, 2420369946), Long_create(3647794205, 3872591914), Long_create(3777228823, 3098073531), Long_create(2162789599, 2478458825), Long_create(3460463359, 3965534120), Long_create(2768370687, 3172427296), Long_create(1355703090, 2537941837), Long_create(3028118404, 4060706939), Long_create(3281488183, 3248565551), Long_create(1766197087, 2598852441), Long_create(1107928421, 4158163906), Long_create(27349277, 3326531125), Long_create(21879422, 2661224900), Long_create(35007075, 4257959840), Long_create(28005660, 3406367872), Long_create(2599384905, 2725094297), Long_create(361521006, 2180075438), Long_create(4014407446, 3488120700), Long_create(3211525957, 2790496560), Long_create(2569220766, 2232397248), Long_create(3251759766, 3571835597), Long_create(883420894, 2857468478), Long_create(2424723634, 2285974782), Long_create(443583977, 3657559652), Long_create(2931847559, 2926047721), Long_create(1486484588, 2340838177), Long_create(3237368801, 3745341083), Long_create(12914663, 2996272867), Long_create(2587312108, 2397018293), Long_create(3280705914, 3835229269), Long_create(3483558190, 3068183415), Long_create(2786846552, 2454546732), Long_create(1022980646, 3927274772), Long_create(3395364895, 3141819817), Long_create(998304997, 2513455854), Long_create(3315274914, 4021529366), Long_create(1793226472, 3217223493), Long_create(3152568096, 2573778794), Long_create(2467128576, 4118046071), Long_create(1114709402, 3294436857), Long_create(3468747899, 2635549485), Long_create(1255029343, 4216879177), Long_create(3581003852, 3373503341), Long_create(2005809622, 2698802673), Long_create(3322634616, 2159042138), Long_create(162254630, 3454467422), Long_create(2706784082, 2763573937), Long_create(447440347, 2210859150), Long_create(715904555, 3537374640), Long_create(572723644, 2829899712), Long_create(3035159293, 2263919769), Long_create(2279274491, 3622271631), Long_create(964426134, 2897817305), Long_create(771540907, 2318253844), Long_create(2952452370, 3709206150), Long_create(2361961896, 2967364920), Long_create(1889569516, 2373891936), Long_create(1305324308, 3798227098), Long_create(2762246365, 3038581678), Long_create(3927784010, 2430865342), Long_create(2848480580, 3889384548), Long_create(3996771382, 3111507638), Long_create(620436728, 2489206111), Long_create(3569679143, 3982729777), Long_create(1137756396, 3186183822), Long_create(3487185494, 2548947057), Long_create(2143522954, 4078315292), Long_create(4291798741, 3262652233), Long_create(856458615, 2610121787), Long_create(2229327243, 4176194859), Long_create(2642455254, 3340955887), Long_create(395977285, 2672764710), Long_create(633563656, 4276423536), Long_create(3942824761, 3421138828), Long_create(577279431, 2736911063), Long_create(2179810463, 2189528850), Long_create(3487696741, 3503246160), Long_create(2790157393, 2802596928), Long_create(3950112833, 2242077542), Long_create(2884206696, 3587324068), Long_create(4025352275, 2869859254), Long_create(4079275279, 2295887403), Long_create(1372879692, 3673419846), Long_create(239310294, 2938735877), Long_create(2768428613, 2350988701), Long_create(2711498862, 3761581922), Long_create(451212171, 3009265538), Long_create(2078956655, 2407412430), Long_create(3326330649, 3851859888), Long_create(84084141, 3081487911), Long_create(3503241150, 2465190328), Long_create(451225085, 3944304526), Long_create(3796953905, 3155443620), Long_create(3037563124, 2524354896), Long_create(3142114080, 4038967834), Long_create(3372684723, 3231174267), Long_create(980160860, 2584939414), Long_create(3286244294, 4135903062), Long_create(911008517, 3308722450), Long_create(728806813, 2646977960), Long_create(1166090902, 4235164736), Long_create(73879262, 3388131789), Long_create(918096869, 2710505431), Long_create(4170451332, 2168404344), Long_create(4095741754, 3469446951), Long_create(2417599944, 2775557561), Long_create(1075086496, 2220446049), Long_create(3438125312, 3552713678), Long_create(173519872, 2842170943), Long_create(1856802816, 2273736754), Long_create(393904128, 3637978807), Long_create(2892103680, 2910383045), Long_create(2313682944, 2328306436), Long_create(1983905792, 3725290298), Long_create(3305111552, 2980232238), Long_create(67108864, 2384185791), Long_create(2684354560, 3814697265), Long_create(2147483648, 3051757812), Long_create(0, 2441406250), Long_create(0, 3906250000), Long_create(0, 3125000000), Long_create(0, 2500000000), Long_create(0, 4000000000), Long_create(0, 3200000000), Long_create(0, 2560000000), Long_create(0, 4096000000), Long_create(0, 3276800000), Long_create(0, 2621440000), Long_create(0, 4194304000), Long_create(0, 3355443200), Long_create(0, 2684354560), Long_create(0, 2147483648), Long_create(3435973836, 3435973836), Long_create(1889785610, 2748779069), Long_create(2370821947, 2199023255), Long_create(3793315115, 3518437208), Long_create(457671715, 2814749767), Long_create(2943117749, 2251799813), Long_create(3849994940, 3602879701), Long_create(2221002492, 2882303761), Long_create(917808535, 2305843009), Long_create(3186480574, 3689348814), Long_create(3408177918, 2951479051), Long_create(1867548875, 2361183241), Long_create(1270091283, 3777893186), Long_create(157079567, 3022314549), Long_create(984657113, 2417851639), Long_create(3293438299, 3868562622), Long_create(916763721, 3094850098), Long_create(2451397895, 2475880078), Long_create(3063243173, 3961408125), Long_create(2450594538, 3169126500), Long_create(1960475630, 2535301200), Long_create(3136761009, 4056481920), Long_create(2509408807, 3245185536), Long_create(1148533586, 2596148429), Long_create(3555640657, 4153837486), Long_create(1985519066, 3323069989), Long_create(2447408712, 2658455991), Long_create(2197867021, 4253529586), Long_create(899300158, 3402823669), Long_create(1578433585, 2722258935), Long_create(1262746868, 2177807148), Long_create(1161401530, 3484491437), Long_create(3506101601, 2787593149), Long_create(3663874740, 2230074519), Long_create(3285219207, 3568119231), Long_create(1769181906, 2854495385), Long_create(1415345525, 2283596308), Long_create(1405559381, 3653754093), Long_create(2842434423, 2923003274), Long_create(3132940998, 2338402619), Long_create(2435725219, 3741444191), Long_create(1089586716, 2993155353), Long_create(2589656291, 2394524282), Long_create(707476229, 3831238852), Long_create(3142961361, 3064991081), Long_create(1655375629, 2451992865), Long_create(2648601007, 3923188584), Long_create(2977874265, 3138550867), Long_create(664312493, 2510840694), Long_create(2780886908, 4017345110), Long_create(2224709526, 3213876088), Long_create(3497754539, 2571100870), Long_create(1301439967, 4113761393), Long_create(2759138892, 3291009114), Long_create(3066304573, 2632807291), Long_create(3188100398, 4212491666), Long_create(1691486859, 3369993333), Long_create(3071176406, 2695994666), Long_create(1597947665, 2156795733), Long_create(1697722806, 3450873173), Long_create(3076165163, 2760698538), Long_create(4178919049, 2208558830), Long_create(2391303182, 3533694129), Long_create(2772036005, 2826955303), Long_create(3935615722, 2261564242), Long_create(2861011319, 3618502788), Long_create(4006795973, 2894802230), Long_create(3205436779, 2315841784), Long_create(2551718468, 3705346855), Long_create(2041374775, 2964277484), Long_create(2492093279, 2371421987), Long_create(551375410, 3794275180), Long_create(441100328, 3035420144), Long_create(1211873721, 2428336115), Long_create(1938997954, 3885337784), Long_create(2410191822, 3108270227), Long_create(210166539, 2486616182), Long_create(1195259923, 3978585891), Long_create(97214479, 3182868713), Long_create(1795758501, 2546294970), Long_create(2873213602, 4074071952), Long_create(580583963, 3259257562), Long_create(3041447548, 2607406049), Long_create(2289335700, 4171849679), Long_create(2690462019, 3337479743), Long_create(3870356534, 2669983794), Long_create(3615590076, 4271974071), Long_create(2033478602, 3417579257), Long_create(4203763259, 2734063405), Long_create(3363010607, 2187250724), Long_create(2803836594, 3499601159), Long_create(3102062734, 2799680927), Long_create(763663269, 2239744742), Long_create(2080854690, 3583591587), Long_create(4241664129, 2866873269), Long_create(4252324763, 2293498615), Long_create(2508752324, 3669597785), Long_create(2007001859, 2935678228), Long_create(3323588406, 2348542582), Long_create(1881767613, 3757668132), Long_create(4082394468, 3006134505), Long_create(3265915574, 2404907604), Long_create(2648484541, 3847852167), Long_create(400800715, 3078281734), Long_create(1179634031, 2462625387), Long_create(2746407909, 3940200619), Long_create(3056119786, 3152160495), Long_create(2444895829, 2521728396), Long_create(2193846408, 4034765434), Long_create(2614070585, 3227812347), Long_create(373269550, 2582249878), Long_create(4033205117, 4131599804), Long_create(4085557553, 3305279843), Long_create(691465664, 2644223875), Long_create(1106345063, 4230758200), Long_create(885076050, 3384606560), Long_create(708060840, 2707685248), Long_create(2284435591, 2166148198), Long_create(2796103486, 3465837117), Long_create(518895870, 2772669694), Long_create(1274110155, 2218135755), Long_create(2038576249, 3549017208), Long_create(3348847917, 2839213766), Long_create(1820084875, 2271371013), Long_create(2053142340, 3634193621), Long_create(783520413, 2907354897), Long_create(3203796708, 2325883917), Long_create(1690100896, 3721414268), Long_create(3070067635, 2977131414), Long_create(3315047567, 2381705131), Long_create(3586089190, 3810728210), Long_create(2868871352, 3048582568), Long_create(4013084000, 2438866054), Long_create(3843954022, 3902185687), Long_create(1357176299, 3121748550), Long_create(1085741039, 2497398840), Long_create(1737185663, 3995838144), Long_create(2248741989, 3196670515), Long_create(1798993591, 2557336412), Long_create(3737383206, 4091738259), Long_create(3848900024, 3273390607), Long_create(1361133101, 2618712486), Long_create(459826043, 4189939978), Long_create(2085847752, 3351951982), Long_create(4245658579, 2681561585), Long_create(2498086431, 4290498537), Long_create(280482227, 3432398830), Long_create(224385781, 2745919064), Long_create(1038502084, 2196735251), Long_create(4238583712, 3514776401), Long_create(2531873511, 2811821121), Long_create(1166505349, 2249456897), Long_create(2725402018, 3599131035), Long_create(2180321615, 2879304828), Long_create(3462244210, 2303443862), Long_create(2103616899, 3685510180), Long_create(1682893519, 2948408144), Long_create(2205308275, 2358726515), Long_create(3528493240, 3773962424), Long_create(3681788051, 3019169939), Long_create(3804423900, 2415335951), Long_create(74124026, 3864537523), Long_create(1777286139, 3091630018), Long_create(3139815829, 2473304014), Long_create(2446724950, 3957286423), Long_create(3675366878, 3165829138), Long_create(363313125, 2532663311), Long_create(3158281377, 4052261297), Long_create(808638183, 3241809038), Long_create(2364897465, 2593447230), Long_create(3783835944, 4149515568), Long_create(450088378, 3319612455), Long_create(360070702, 2655689964), Long_create(2294100042, 4249103942), Long_create(117293115, 3399283154), Long_create(952827951, 2719426523), Long_create(2480249279, 2175541218), Long_create(3109405388, 3480865949), Long_create(3346517769, 2784692759), Long_create(3536207675, 2227754207), Long_create(2221958443, 3564406732), Long_create(59579836, 2851525386), Long_create(3483637705, 2281220308), Long_create(419859574, 3649952494), Long_create(1194881118, 2919961995), Long_create(955904894, 2335969596), Long_create(4106428209, 3737551353), Long_create(708162189, 2990041083), Long_create(2284516670, 2392032866), Long_create(1937239754, 3827252586), Long_create(690798344, 3061802069), Long_create(1411632134, 2449441655), Long_create(2258611415, 3919106648), Long_create(3524876050, 3135285318), Long_create(242920462, 2508228255), Long_create(388672740, 4013165208), Long_create(2028925110, 3210532166), Long_create(764146629, 2568425733), Long_create(363641147, 4109481173), Long_create(2008899836, 3287584938), Long_create(3325106787, 2630067950), Long_create(1025203564, 4208108721), Long_create(4256136688, 3366486976), Long_create(2545915891, 2693189581), Long_create(1177739254, 2154551665), Long_create(1884382806, 3447282664), Long_create(2366499704, 2757826131), Long_create(1034206304, 2206260905), Long_create(1654730086, 3530017448), Long_create(3041770987, 2824013958), Long_create(4151403708, 2259211166), Long_create(629291719, 3614737867), Long_create(3080413753, 2891790293), Long_create(4182317920, 2313432234), Long_create(4114728295, 3701491575), Long_create(3291782636, 2961193260), Long_create(2633426109, 2368954608), Long_create(3354488315, 3790327373), Long_create(106610275, 3032261899), Long_create(944281679, 2425809519), Long_create(3228837605, 3881295230), Long_create(2583070084, 3105036184), Long_create(2925449526, 2484028947), Long_create(1244745405, 3974446316), Long_create(136802865, 3179557053), Long_create(1827429210, 2543645642), Long_create(3782880196, 4069833027), Long_create(1308317238, 3255866422), Long_create(3623634168, 2604693137), Long_create(2361840832, 4167509020), Long_create(1889472666, 3334007216), Long_create(652584673, 2667205773), Long_create(185142018, 4267529237), Long_create(2725093992, 3414023389), Long_create(3039068653, 2731218711), Long_create(1572261463, 2184974969), Long_create(4233605259, 3495959950), Long_create(3386884207, 2796767960), Long_create(2709507366, 2237414368), Long_create(3476218326, 3579862989), Long_create(3639968120, 2863890391), Long_create(2052981037, 2291112313), Long_create(2425776200, 3665779701), Long_create(1081627501, 2932623761), Long_create(6308541, 2346099009), Long_create(1728080585, 3753758414), Long_create(2241457927, 3003006731), Long_create(934172882, 2402405385), Long_create(1494676612, 3843848616), Long_create(336747830, 3075078893), Long_create(1987385183, 2460063114), Long_create(602835915, 3936100983), Long_create(2200255650, 3148880786), Long_create(901211061, 2519104629), Long_create(3159924616, 4030567406), Long_create(1668946233, 3224453925), Long_create(1335156987, 2579563140), Long_create(2136251179, 4127301024), Long_create(2567994402, 3301840819), Long_create(2913388981, 2641472655), Long_create(366455074, 4226356249), Long_create(1152157518, 3381084999), Long_create(1780719474, 2704867999), Long_create(2283569038, 2163894399), Long_create(1076730083, 3462231039), Long_create(1720377526, 2769784831), Long_create(517308561, 2215827865), Long_create(827693699, 3545324584), Long_create(1521148418, 2836259667), Long_create(3793899112, 2269007733), Long_create(916277824, 3630412374), Long_create(1592015718, 2904329899), Long_create(2132606034, 2323463919), Long_create(835189277, 3717542271), Long_create(4104125258, 2974033816), Long_create(2424306747, 2379227053), Long_create(3019897337, 3806763285), Long_create(2415917869, 3045410628), Long_create(3650721214, 2436328502), Long_create(2405180105, 3898125604), Long_create(2783137543, 3118500483), Long_create(3944496953, 2494800386), Long_create(298240911, 3991680619), Long_create(1097586188, 3193344495), Long_create(878068950, 2554675596), Long_create(3981890698, 4087480953), Long_create(608532181, 3269984763), Long_create(2204812663, 2615987810), Long_create(3527700261, 4185580496), Long_create(1963166749, 3348464397), Long_create(4147513777, 2678771517), Long_create(3200048207, 4286034428), Long_create(4278025484, 3428827542), Long_create(1704433468, 2743062034), Long_create(2222540234, 2194449627), Long_create(120090538, 3511119404), Long_create(955065889, 2808895523), Long_create(2482039630, 2247116418), Long_create(3112269949, 3595386269), Long_create(3348809418, 2876309015), Long_create(2679047534, 2301047212), Long_create(850502218, 3681675540), Long_create(680401775, 2945340432), Long_create(3121301797, 2356272345), Long_create(699115580, 3770035753), Long_create(2277279382, 3016028602), Long_create(103836587, 2412822882), Long_create(1025131999, 3860516611), Long_create(4256079436, 3088413288), Long_create(827883168, 2470730631), Long_create(3901593088, 3953169009)]); otcit_DoubleAnalyzer_exp10Table = $rt_createShortArrayFromData([(-70), (-66), (-63), (-60), (-56), (-53), (-50), (-46), (-43), (-40), (-36), (-33), (-30), (-26), (-23), (-20), (-16), (-13), (-10), (-6), (-3), 0, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, 30, 33, 37, 40, 43, 47, 50, 53, 57, 60, 63, 67, 70, 73, 77, 80, 83, 87, 90, 93, 97, 100, 103, 107, 110, 113, 116, 120, 123, 126, 130, 133, 136, 140, 143, 146, 150, 153, 156, 160, 163, 166, 170, 173, 176, 180, 183, 186, 190, 193, 196, 200, 203, 206, 210, 213, 216, 219, 223, 226, 229, 233, 236, 239, 243, 246, 249, 253, 256, 259, 263, 266, 269, 273, 276, 279, 283, 286, 289, 293, 296, 299, 303, 306, 309, 312, 316, 319, 322, 326, 329, 332, 336, 339, 342, 346, 349, 352, 356, 359, 362, 366, 369, 372, 376, 379, 382, 386, 389, 392, 396, 399, 402, 406, 409, 412, 415, 419, 422, 425, 429, 432, 435, 439, 442, 445, 449, 452, 455, 459, 462, 465, 469, 472, 475, 479, 482, 485, 489, 492, 495, 499, 502, 505, 508, 512, 515, 518, 522, 525, 528, 532, 535, 538, 542, 545, 548, 552, 555, 558, 562, 565, 568, 572, 575, 578, 582, 585, 588, 592, 595, 598, 601, 605, 608, 611, 615, 618, 621, 625, 628, 631, 635, 638, 641, 645, 648, 651, 655, 658, 661, 665, 668, 671, 675, 678, 681, 685, 688, 691, 695, 698, 701, 704, 708, 711, 714, 718, 721, 724, 728, 731, 734, 738, 741, 744, 748, 751, 754, 758, 761, 764, 768, 771, 774, 778, 781, 784, 788, 791, 794, 797, 801, 804, 807, 811, 814, 817, 821, 824, 827, 831, 834, 837, 841, 844, 847, 851, 854, 857, 861, 864, 867, 871, 874, 877, 881, 884, 887, 891, 894, 897, 900, 904, 907, 910, 914, 917, 920, 924, 927, 930, 934, 937, 940, 944, 947, 950, 954, 957, 960, 964, 967, 970, 974, 977, 980, 984, 987, 990, 993, 997, 1000, 1003, 1007, 1010, 1013, 1017, 1020, 1023, 1027, 1030, 1033, 1037, 1040, 1043, 1047, 1050, 1053, 1057, 1060, 1063, 1067, 1070, 1073, 1077, 1080, 1083, 1086, 1090, 1093, 1096, 1100, 1103, 1106, 1110, 1113, 1116, 1120, 1123, 1126, 1130, 1133, 1136, 1140, 1143, 1146, 1150, 1153, 1156, 1160, 1163, 1166, 1170, 1173, 1176, 1180, 1183, 1186, 1189, 1193, 1196, 1199, 1203, 1206, 1209, 1213, 1216, 1219, 1223, 1226, 1229, 1233, 1236, 1239, 1243, 1246, 1249, 1253, 1256, 1259, 1263, 1266, 1269, 1273, 1276, 1279, 1282, 1286, 1289, 1292, 1296, 1299, 1302, 1306, 1309, 1312, 1316, 1319, 1322, 1326, 1329, 1332, 1336, 1339, 1342, 1346, 1349, 1352, 1356, 1359, 1362, 1366, 1369, 1372, 1376, 1379, 1382, 1385, 1389, 1392, 1395, 1399, 1402, 1405, 1409, 1412, 1415, 1419, 1422, 1425, 1429, 1432, 1435, 1439, 1442, 1445, 1449, 1452, 1455, 1459, 1462, 1465, 1469, 1472, 1475, 1478, 1482, 1485, 1488, 1492, 1495, 1498, 1502, 1505, 1508, 1512, 1515, 1518, 1522, 1525, 1528, 1532, 1535, 1538, 1542, 1545, 1548, 1552, 1555, 1558, 1562, 1565, 1568, 1572, 1575, 1578, 1581, 1585, 1588, 1591, 1595, 1598, 1601, 1605, 1608, 1611, 1615, 1618, 1621, 1625, 1628, 1631, 1635, 1638, 1641, 1645, 1648, 1651, 1655, 1658, 1661, 1665, 1668, 1671, 1674, 1678, 1681, 1684, 1688, 1691, 1694, 1698, 1701, 1704, 1708, 1711, 1714, 1718, 1721, 1724, 1728, 1731, 1734, 1738, 1741, 1744, 1748, 1751, 1754, 1758, 1761, 1764, 1767, 1771, 1774, 1777, 1781, 1784, 1787, 1791, 1794, 1797, 1801, 1804, 1807, 1811, 1814, 1817, 1821, 1824, 1827, 1831, 1834, 1837, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1851, 1854, 1857, 1861, 1864, 1867, 1870, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1884, 1887, 1890, 1894, 1897, 1900, 1904, 1907, 1910, 1914, 1917, 1920, 1924, 1927, 1930, 1934, 1937, 1940, 1944, 1947, 1950, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1967, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2017, 2020, 2023, 2027, 2030, 2033, 2037, 2040, 2043, 2047, 2050, 2053, 2057, 2060, 2063, 2066, 2070, 2073, 2076, 2080, 2083, 2086, 2090, 2093, 2096, 2100, 2103, 2106, 2110, 2113, 2116, 2120]); } var jur_BackReferencedSingleSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_SingleSet); function jur_BackReferencedSingleSet_findBack($this, $stringIndex, $startSearch, $testString, $matchResult) { var $res, $saveStart; $res = 0; a: { while (true) { if ($startSearch < $stringIndex) { $startSearch = $res; break a; } $saveStart = jur_MatchResultImpl_getStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0); jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $startSearch); $res = $this.$kid.$matches($startSearch, $testString, $matchResult); if ($res >= 0) break; jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($matchResult, $this.$groupIndex0, $saveStart); $startSearch = $startSearch + (-1) | 0; } } return $startSearch; } function jur_BackReferencedSingleSet_processBackRefReplacement($this) { return null; } function ju_AbstractList$1() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$index6 = 0; a.$modCount1 = 0; a.$size1 = 0; a.$removeIndex = 0; a.$this$00 = null; } function ju_AbstractList$1_hasNext($this) { return $this.$index6 >= $this.$size1 ? 0 : 1; } function ju_AbstractList$1_next($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; var$1 = $this.$modCount1; var$2 = $this.$this$00; if (var$1 < var$2.$modCount0) { var$2 = new ju_ConcurrentModificationException; jl_Exception__init_(var$2); $rt_throw(var$2); } var$3 = $this.$index6; $this.$removeIndex = var$3; $this.$index6 = var$3 + 1 | 0; return ju_ArrayList_get(var$2, var$3); } function ji_Writer() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$lock0 = null; } function ji_StringWriter() { ji_Writer.call(this); this.$buf = null; } function ji_StringWriter__init_() { var var_0 = new ji_StringWriter(); ji_StringWriter__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function ji_StringWriter__init_0($this) { var var$1; $this.$lock0 = $this; var$1 = new jl_StringBuffer; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_2(var$1, 16); $this.$buf = var$1; $this.$lock0 = var$1; } function ji_StringWriter_toString($this) { return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($this.$buf); } function ji_StringWriter_write($this, $oneChar) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($this.$buf, $oneChar & 65535); } function ji_StringWriter_write0($this, $str) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($this.$buf, $str); } var jm_BitLevel = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function jm_BitLevel_shiftLeft($source, $count) { var $intCount, var$4, var$5, $resLength, $resDigits, var$8, var$9, var$10, var$11, var$12, $result; $intCount = $count >> 5; $count = $count & 31; var$4 = $source.$numberLength + $intCount | 0; var$5 = $count ? 1 : 0; a: { $resLength = var$4 + var$5 | 0; $resDigits = $rt_createIntArray($resLength); var$8 = $source.$digits; if (!$count) jl_System_fastArraycopy(var$8, 0, $resDigits, $intCount, $resDigits.data.length - $intCount | 0); else { var$9 = $resDigits.data; var$10 = 32 - $count | 0; var$11 = var$9.length - 1 | 0; var$9[var$11] = 0; while (true) { if (var$11 <= $intCount) break a; var$12 = var$8.data; var$4 = var$9[var$11]; var$5 = (var$11 - $intCount | 0) - 1 | 0; var$9[var$11] = var$4 | (var$12[var$5] >>> var$10 | 0); var$9[var$11 - 1 | 0] = var$12[var$5] << $count; var$11 = var$11 + (-1) | 0; } } } var$12 = $resDigits.data; $count = 0; while ($count < $intCount) { var$12[$count] = 0; $count = $count + 1 | 0; } $result = jm_BigInteger__init_3($source.$sign0, $resLength, $resDigits); jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($result); return $result; } function jm_BitLevel_shiftRight($source, $count) { var $intCount, $resLength, var$5, $resDigits, var$7, $i, var$9, var$10, var$11, var$12, $result; $intCount = $count >> 5; $count = $count & 31; $resLength = $source.$numberLength; if ($intCount >= $resLength) { if ($source.$sign0 >= 0) { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $source = jm_BigInteger_ZERO; } else { jm_BigInteger_$callClinit(); $source = jm_BigInteger_MINUS_ONE; } return $source; } $resLength = $resLength - $intCount | 0; var$5 = $resLength + 1 | 0; $resDigits = $rt_createIntArray(var$5); var$7 = $source.$digits; $i = 0; while ($i < $intCount) { $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if (!$count) jl_System_fastArraycopy(var$7, $intCount, $resDigits, 0, $resLength); else { var$9 = var$7.data; var$10 = 32 - $count | 0; var$7 = $resDigits.data; $i = 0; var$11 = $resLength - 1 | 0; while ($i < var$11) { var$12 = $i + $intCount | 0; var$7[$i] = (var$9[var$12] >>> $count | 0) | var$9[var$12 + 1 | 0] << var$10; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } var$7[$i] = var$9[$i + $intCount | 0] >>> $count | 0; } a: { var$12 = $source.$sign0; if (var$12 >= 0) var$5 = $resLength; else { $i = 0; while (true) { var$10 = $rt_compare($i, $intCount); if (var$10 >= 0) break; if ($source.$digits.data[$i]) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } if (var$10 >= 0) { if ($count <= 0) { var$5 = $resLength; break a; } if (!($source.$digits.data[$i] << (32 - $count | 0))) { var$5 = $resLength; break a; } } var$7 = $resDigits.data; $count = 0; while (true) { $intCount = $rt_compare($count, $resLength); if ($intCount >= 0) break; if (var$7[$count] != (-1)) break; var$7[$count] = 0; $count = $count + 1 | 0; } if ($intCount) var$5 = $resLength; var$7[$count] = var$7[$count] + 1 | 0; } } $result = jm_BigInteger__init_3(var$12, var$5, $resDigits); jm_BigInteger_cutOffLeadingZeroes($result); return $result; } var jl_ArithmeticException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jl_IllegalStateException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jnc_CoderMalfunctionError = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Error); function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$021 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_isLowerCase($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$022 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_isUpperCase($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$023 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_isWhitespace($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$024 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored$1_contains($this, $ch) { return 0; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$025 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined$1_contains($this, $ch) { return !jl_Character_getType($ch) ? 0 : 1; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$026 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_getType($ch) != 9 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$027 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_isIdentifierIgnorable($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$028 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl$1_contains($this, $ch) { a: { b: { if (!($ch >= 0 && $ch <= 31)) { if ($ch < 127) break b; if ($ch > 159) break b; } $ch = 1; break a; } $ch = 0; } return $ch; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$029 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart$1_contains($this, $ch) { a: { b: { switch (jl_Character_getType($ch)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 23: case 26: break; case 7: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 24: case 25: break b; default: break b; } $ch = 1; break a; } $ch = jl_Character_isIdentifierIgnorable($ch); } return $ch; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$030 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart$1_contains($this, $ch) { a: { b: { switch (jl_Character_getType($ch)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 10: case 23: case 26: break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 24: case 25: break b; default: break b; } $ch = 1; break a; } $ch = jl_Character_isIdentifierIgnorable($ch); } return $ch; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$031 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter$1_contains($this, $ch) { a: { switch (jl_Character_getType($ch)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; default: $ch = 0; break a; } $ch = 1; } return $ch; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$032 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_isLetterOrDigit($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$033 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_isSpaceChar($ch); } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$034 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase$1_contains($this, $ch) { return jl_Character_getType($ch) != 3 ? 0 : 1; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$035 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart$1_contains($this, $ch) { a: { b: { switch (jl_Character_getType($ch)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 23: break; case 7: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: break b; default: break b; } $ch = 1; break a; } $ch = jl_Character_isIdentifierIgnorable($ch); } return $ch; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart$1() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$this$036 = null; } function jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart$1_contains($this, $ch) { a: { b: { switch (jl_Character_getType($ch)) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 10: break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: break b; default: break b; } $ch = 1; break a; } $ch = jl_Character_isIdentifierIgnorable($ch); } return $ch; } function jur_UnicodeCategory() { jur_AbstractCharClass.call(this); this.$category1 = 0; } function jur_UnicodeCategory__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new jur_UnicodeCategory(); jur_UnicodeCategory__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function jur_UnicodeCategory__init_0($this, $category) { jur_AbstractCharClass__init_($this); $this.$category1 = $category; } function jur_UnicodeCategory_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$alt0 ^ ($this.$category1 != jl_Character_getType($ch & 65535) ? 0 : 1); } var jur_UnicodeCategoryScope = $rt_classWithoutFields(jur_UnicodeCategory); function jur_UnicodeCategoryScope_contains($this, $ch) { return $this.$alt0 ^ (!($this.$category1 >> jl_Character_getType($ch & 65535) & 1) ? 0 : 1); } var ju_ConcurrentModificationException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var oj_JSONString = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jl_Enum = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jur_MatchResult = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function jur_Matcher() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$pat = null; a.$start4 = null; a.$string4 = null; a.$matchResult = null; a.$leftBound0 = 0; a.$rightBound0 = 0; } function oj_ParserConfiguration() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$keepStrings = 0; a.$maxNestingDepth = 0; } var oj_JSONParserConfiguration = $rt_classWithoutFields(oj_ParserConfiguration); function oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_() { var var_0 = new oj_JSONParserConfiguration(); oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_0(var_0); return var_0; } function oj_JSONParserConfiguration__init_0($this) { $this.$keepStrings = 0; $this.$maxNestingDepth = 512; } var jl_Byte = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Number); var jl_Short = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Number); var jl_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException); function jl_Package() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$name2 = null; } var jl_Package_packages = null; function jl_Package_getName($this) { return $this.$name2; } function jl_Package__clinit_() { jl_Package_packages = ju_HashMap__init_(); } function ju_IdentityHashMap() { var a = this; ju_AbstractMap.call(a); a.$elementCount0 = 0; a.$elementData0 = null; a.$modCount2 = 0; a.$loadFactor0 = 0.0; a.$threshold0 = 0; } function ju_IdentityHashMap_calculateCapacity($x) { var var$2; if ($x >= 1073741824) return 1073741824; if (!$x) return 16; var$2 = $x - 1 | 0; $x = var$2 | var$2 >> 1; $x = $x | $x >> 2; $x = $x | $x >> 4; $x = $x | $x >> 8; return ($x | $x >> 16) + 1 | 0; } function ju_IdentityHashMap_computeThreshold($this) { $this.$threshold0 = $this.$elementData0.data.length * $this.$loadFactor0 | 0; } function ju_IdentityHashMap_findNonNullKeyEntry($this, $key, $index, $keyHash) { var $m; $m = $this.$elementData0.data[$index]; while ($m !== null && !($m.$origKeyHash0 == $keyHash && ju_IdentityHashMap_areSameKeys($key, $m.$key))) { $m = $m.$next5; } return $m; } function ju_IdentityHashMap_findNullKeyEntry($this) { var $m; $m = $this.$elementData0.data[0]; while ($m !== null && $m.$key !== null) { $m = $m.$next5; } return $m; } function ju_IdentityHashMap_createHashedEntry($this, $key, $index, $hash) { var $entry, var$5; $entry = new ju_IdentityHashMap$HashEntry; ju_MapEntry__init_($entry, $key, null); $entry.$origKeyHash0 = $hash; var$5 = $this.$elementData0.data; $entry.$next5 = var$5[$index]; var$5[$index] = $entry; return $entry; } function ju_IdentityHashMap_rehash($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8; var$1 = $this.$elementData0.data.length; var$1 = ju_IdentityHashMap_calculateCapacity(!var$1 ? 1 : var$1 << 1); var$2 = $rt_createArray(ju_IdentityHashMap$HashEntry, var$1); var$3 = var$2.data; var$4 = 0; var$5 = var$1 - 1 | 0; while (true) { var$6 = $this.$elementData0.data; if (var$4 >= var$6.length) break; var$7 = var$6[var$4]; var$6[var$4] = null; while (var$7 !== null) { var$1 = var$7.$origKeyHash0 & var$5; var$8 = var$7.$next5; var$7.$next5 = var$3[var$1]; var$3[var$1] = var$7; var$7 = var$8; } var$4 = var$4 + 1 | 0; } $this.$elementData0 = var$2; ju_IdentityHashMap_computeThreshold($this); } function ju_IdentityHashMap_areSameKeys($key1, $key2) { return $key1 !== $key2 ? 0 : 1; } var ju_Collections = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var ju_Collections_EMPTY_SET = null; var ju_Collections_EMPTY_MAP = null; var ju_Collections_EMPTY_LIST = null; var ju_Collections_EMPTY_ITERATOR = null; var ju_Collections_EMPTY_LIST_ITERATOR = null; var ju_Collections_reverseOrder = null; function ju_Collections__clinit_() { ju_Collections_EMPTY_SET = new ju_Collections$1; ju_Collections_EMPTY_MAP = new ju_Collections$2; ju_Collections_EMPTY_LIST = new ju_Collections$3; ju_Collections_EMPTY_ITERATOR = new ju_Collections$4; ju_Collections_EMPTY_LIST_ITERATOR = new ju_Collections$5; ju_Collections_reverseOrder = new ju_Collections$_clinit_$lambda$_59_0; } var jlr_Modifier = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jlr_Modifier_modifierNames = null; var jlr_Modifier_canonicalOrder = null; function jlr_Modifier_isPublic($mod) { return !($mod & 1) ? 0 : 1; } function jlr_Modifier__clinit_() { jlr_Modifier_canonicalOrder = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([1, 4, 2, 1024, 8, 16, 128, 64, 32, 256, 2048, 512]); } var jl_ReflectiveOperationException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Exception); var jl_IllegalAccessException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_ReflectiveOperationException); var jlr_InvocationTargetException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_ReflectiveOperationException); function ju_SetFromMap() { ju_AbstractSet.call(this); this.$map0 = null; } function ju_SetFromMap_contains($this, $o) { var var$2, var$3; var$2 = $this.$map0; if ($o === null) $o = ju_IdentityHashMap_findNullKeyEntry(var$2); else { var$3 = jl_Object_identity($o); $o = ju_IdentityHashMap_findNonNullKeyEntry(var$2, $o, var$3 & (var$2.$elementData0.data.length - 1 | 0), var$3); } return $o === null ? 0 : 1; } function ju_SetFromMap_add($this, $e) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6; var$2 = $this.$map0; var$3 = jl_Boolean_TRUE; if ($e === null) { var$4 = ju_IdentityHashMap_findNullKeyEntry(var$2); if (var$4 === null) { var$2.$modCount2 = var$2.$modCount2 + 1 | 0; var$4 = ju_IdentityHashMap_createHashedEntry(var$2, null, 0, 0); var$5 = var$2.$elementCount0 + 1 | 0; var$2.$elementCount0 = var$5; if (var$5 > var$2.$threshold0) ju_IdentityHashMap_rehash(var$2); } } else { var$6 = jl_Object_identity($e); var$5 = var$6 & (var$2.$elementData0.data.length - 1 | 0); var$4 = ju_IdentityHashMap_findNonNullKeyEntry(var$2, $e, var$5, var$6); if (var$4 === null) { var$2.$modCount2 = var$2.$modCount2 + 1 | 0; var$4 = ju_IdentityHashMap_createHashedEntry(var$2, $e, var$5, var$6); var$5 = var$2.$elementCount0 + 1 | 0; var$2.$elementCount0 = var$5; if (var$5 > var$2.$threshold0) ju_IdentityHashMap_rehash(var$2); } } $e = var$4.$value0; var$4.$value0 = var$3; return $e !== null ? 0 : 1; } function ju_SetFromMap_remove($this, $o) { var var$2, var$3, var$4, var$5, var$6, var$7, var$8; a: { var$2 = $this.$map0; var$3 = 0; var$4 = null; if ($o === null) { var$5 = var$2.$elementData0.data[0]; while (var$5 !== null) { if (var$5.$key === null) break a; $o = var$5.$next5; var$4 = var$5; var$5 = $o; } } else { var$6 = jl_Object_identity($o); var$7 = var$2.$elementData0.data; var$3 = var$6 & (var$7.length - 1 | 0); var$5 = var$7[var$3]; while (var$5 !== null && !(var$5.$origKeyHash0 == var$6 && ju_IdentityHashMap_areSameKeys($o, var$5.$key))) { var$8 = var$5.$next5; var$4 = var$5; var$5 = var$8; } } } if (var$5 === null) var$5 = null; else { if (var$4 !== null) var$4.$next5 = var$5.$next5; else var$2.$elementData0.data[var$3] = var$5.$next5; var$2.$modCount2 = var$2.$modCount2 + 1 | 0; var$2.$elementCount0 = var$2.$elementCount0 - 1 | 0; } return (var$5 === null ? null : var$5.$value0) === null ? 0 : 1; } var jlr_AccessibleObject = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jlr_Member = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function jlr_Method() { var a = this; jlr_AccessibleObject.call(a); a.$declaringClass = null; a.$name0 = null; a.$flags = 0; a.$accessLevel = 0; a.$returnType = null; a.$parameterTypes = null; a.$callable = null; } function jlr_Method_getName($this) { return $this.$name0; } function jlr_Method_getModifiers($this) { var var$1, var$2, var$3; a: { var$1 = $this.$flags; var$2 = $this.$accessLevel; var$3 = 0; switch (var$2) { case 1: var$3 = 2; break a; case 2: var$3 = 4; break a; case 3: var$3 = 1; break a; default: } } var$2 = var$1 >>> 6 | 0; return var$3 | var$2 & 8 | var$1 << 2 & 16 | var$2 & 32 | (var$1 >>> 8 | 0) & 64 | (var$1 >>> 5 | 0) & 128 | var$1 & 256 | var$1 << 8 & 512 | var$1 << 10 & 1024 | var$1 << 1 & 2048; } function jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($this) { return $this.$parameterTypes.$clone(); } function jlr_Method_toString($this) { var $sb, $i, var$3, var$4, var$5, $parameterTypes, var$7, var$8; $sb = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_($sb); $i = jlr_Method_getModifiers($this); var$3 = new jl_StringBuilder; jl_AbstractStringBuilder__init_(var$3); if (jlr_Modifier_modifierNames === null) jlr_Modifier_modifierNames = $rt_createArrayFromData(jl_String, [$rt_s(345), $rt_s(346), $rt_s(347), $rt_s(348), $rt_s(349), $rt_s(350), $rt_s(351), $rt_s(352), $rt_s(353), $rt_s(354), $rt_s(355), $rt_s(356)]); var$4 = jlr_Modifier_modifierNames; var$5 = 0; $parameterTypes = jlr_Modifier_canonicalOrder.data; var$7 = $parameterTypes.length; var$8 = 0; while (var$8 < var$7) { if ($i & $parameterTypes[var$8]) { if (var$3.$length0 > 0) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append(var$3, 32); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1(var$3, var$4.data[var$5]); } var$5 = var$5 + 1 | 0; var$8 = var$8 + 1 | 0; } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($sb, jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString(var$3)); if ($sb.$length0 > 0) jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 32); a: { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($sb, jl_Class_getName($this.$returnType)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 32); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($sb, jl_Class_getName($this.$declaringClass)); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 46); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($sb, $this.$name0); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 40); $parameterTypes = (jlr_Method_getParameterTypes($this)).data; var$5 = $parameterTypes.length; if (var$5 > 0) { jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($sb, jl_Class_getName($parameterTypes[0])); $i = 1; while (true) { if ($i >= var$5) break a; jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 44); jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append1($sb, jl_Class_getName($parameterTypes[$i])); $i = $i + 1 | 0; } } } jl_AbstractStringBuilder_append($sb, 41); return jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString($sb); } function jlr_Method_invoke($this, $obj, $args) { var var$3, var$4, $i, $jsArgs, $result; if ($this.$callable === null) { $obj = new jl_IllegalAccessException; jl_Exception__init_($obj); $rt_throw($obj); } var$3 = $args.data; var$4 = var$3.length; if (var$4 != $this.$parameterTypes.data.length) { $obj = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($obj); $rt_throw($obj); } if ($this.$flags & 512) $this.$declaringClass.$platformClass.$clinit(); else if (!jl_Class_isInstance($this.$declaringClass, $obj)) { $obj = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($obj); $rt_throw($obj); } $i = 0; while (true) { if ($i >= var$4) { $jsArgs = $args.data; $result = $this.$callable; $obj = $obj; return $result.call($obj, $jsArgs); } if (!jl_Class_isPrimitive($this.$parameterTypes.data[$i]) && var$3[$i] !== null && !jl_Class_isInstance($this.$parameterTypes.data[$i], var$3[$i])) { $obj = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($obj); $rt_throw($obj); } if (jl_Class_isPrimitive($this.$parameterTypes.data[$i]) && var$3[$i] === null) break; $i = $i + 1 | 0; } $obj = new jl_IllegalArgumentException; jl_Exception__init_($obj); $rt_throw($obj); } var jla_Annotation = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var oj_JSONPropertyIgnore = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var oj_JSONPropertyName = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); function ju_Locale() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$countryCode = null; a.$languageCode = null; a.$variantCode = null; } var ju_Locale_defaultLocale = null; var ju_Locale_CANADA = null; var ju_Locale_CANADA_FRENCH = null; var ju_Locale_CHINA = null; var ju_Locale_CHINESE = null; var ju_Locale_ENGLISH = null; var ju_Locale_FRANCE = null; var ju_Locale_FRENCH = null; var ju_Locale_GERMAN = null; var ju_Locale_GERMANY = null; var ju_Locale_ITALIAN = null; var ju_Locale_ITALY = null; var ju_Locale_JAPAN = null; var ju_Locale_JAPANESE = null; var ju_Locale_KOREA = null; var ju_Locale_KOREAN = null; var ju_Locale_PRC = null; var ju_Locale_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE = null; var ju_Locale_TAIWAN = null; var ju_Locale_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE = null; var ju_Locale_UK = null; var ju_Locale_US = null; var ju_Locale_ROOT = null; function ju_Locale_$callClinit() { ju_Locale_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(ju_Locale); ju_Locale__clinit_(); } function ju_Locale__init_(var_0, var_1) { var var_2 = new ju_Locale(); ju_Locale__init_0(var_2, var_0, var_1); return var_2; } function ju_Locale__init_1(var_0, var_1, var_2) { var var_3 = new ju_Locale(); ju_Locale__init_2(var_3, var_0, var_1, var_2); return var_3; } function ju_Locale__init_0($this, $language, $country) { ju_Locale_$callClinit(); ju_Locale__init_2($this, $language, $country, $rt_s(7)); } function ju_Locale__init_2($this, $language, $country, $variant) { ju_Locale_$callClinit(); if ($language !== null && $country !== null && $variant !== null) { if (!jl_String_length($language) && !jl_String_length($country)) { $this.$languageCode = $rt_s(7); $this.$countryCode = $rt_s(7); $this.$variantCode = $variant; return; } $this.$languageCode = $language; $this.$countryCode = $country; $this.$variantCode = $variant; return; } $language = new jl_NullPointerException; jl_Exception__init_($language); $rt_throw($language); } function ju_Locale__clinit_() { var $localeName, $countryIndex; ju_Locale_CANADA = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(357), $rt_s(358)); ju_Locale_CANADA_FRENCH = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(359), $rt_s(358)); ju_Locale_CHINA = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(360), $rt_s(361)); ju_Locale_CHINESE = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(360), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_ENGLISH = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(357), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_FRANCE = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(359), $rt_s(362)); ju_Locale_FRENCH = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(359), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_GERMAN = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(363), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_GERMANY = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(363), $rt_s(364)); ju_Locale_ITALIAN = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(365), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_ITALY = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(365), $rt_s(366)); ju_Locale_JAPAN = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(367), $rt_s(368)); ju_Locale_JAPANESE = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(367), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_KOREA = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(369), $rt_s(370)); ju_Locale_KOREAN = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(369), $rt_s(7)); ju_Locale_PRC = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(360), $rt_s(361)); ju_Locale_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(360), $rt_s(361)); ju_Locale_TAIWAN = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(360), $rt_s(371)); ju_Locale_TRADITIONAL_CHINESE = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(360), $rt_s(371)); ju_Locale_UK = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(357), $rt_s(372)); ju_Locale_US = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(357), $rt_s(373)); ju_Locale_ROOT = ju_Locale__init_($rt_s(7), $rt_s(7)); if (otciu_CLDRHelper_$$metadata$$10 === null) otciu_CLDRHelper_$$metadata$$10 = otciu_CLDRHelper_getDefaultLocale$$create(); $localeName = (otciu_CLDRHelper_$$metadata$$10.value !== null ? $rt_str(otciu_CLDRHelper_$$metadata$$10.value) : null); $countryIndex = jl_String_indexOf($localeName, 95); ju_Locale_defaultLocale = ju_Locale__init_1(jl_String_substring($localeName, 0, $countryIndex), jl_String_substring0($localeName, $countryIndex + 1 | 0), $rt_s(7)); } var ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableSet = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_AbstractSet); var ju_Collections$1 = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableSet); var ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableMap = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_AbstractMap); var ju_Collections$2 = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableMap); var ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableList = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_AbstractList); var ju_Collections$3 = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableList); var ju_Collections$4 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var ju_ListIterator = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_Collections$5 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var ju_Collections$_clinit_$lambda$_59_0 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jl_SecurityException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jl_NoSuchMethodException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_ReflectiveOperationException); var otciu_CLDRHelper = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otciu_CLDRHelper_$$metadata$$10 = null; function otciu_CLDRHelper_getDefaultLocale$$create() { return {"value" : "en_GB"}; } var jl_UnsupportedOperationException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); function jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$in = null; a.$out1 = null; a.$inPosition = 0; a.$outPosition = 0; } function jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller_hasMoreOutput($this, $sz) { return jn_Buffer_remaining($this.$out1) < $sz ? 0 : 1; } var ju_NoSuchElementException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); function jl_ClassLoader() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$parent = null; } var jl_ClassLoader_systemClassLoader = null; function jl_ClassLoader_$callClinit() { jl_ClassLoader_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(jl_ClassLoader); jl_ClassLoader__clinit_(); } function jl_ClassLoader__clinit_() { var var$1; var$1 = new jl_SystemClassLoader; jl_ClassLoader_$callClinit(); var$1.$parent = null; jl_ClassLoader_systemClassLoader = var$1; } function otji_JSWrapper() { jl_Object.call(this); this.$js = null; } var otji_JSWrapper_hashCodes = null; var otji_JSWrapper_wrappers = null; var otji_JSWrapper_stringWrappers = null; var otji_JSWrapper_numberWrappers = null; var otji_JSWrapper_undefinedWrapper = null; var otji_JSWrapper_stringFinalizationRegistry = null; var otji_JSWrapper_numberFinalizationRegistry = null; function otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit() { otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit = $rt_eraseClinit(otji_JSWrapper); otji_JSWrapper__clinit_(); } function otji_JSWrapper__init_(var_0) { var var_1 = new otji_JSWrapper(); otji_JSWrapper__init_0(var_1, var_0); return var_1; } function otji_JSWrapper__init_0($this, $js) { otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit(); $this.$js = $js; } function otji_JSWrapper_wrap($o) { var $jsNumber, $type, $isObject, $existingRef, $existing, $wrapper, $wrapperAsJs; otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit(); if ($o === null) return null; $jsNumber = $o; $type = $rt_str(typeof $jsNumber); $isObject = !jl_String_equals($type, $rt_s(374)) && !jl_String_equals($type, $rt_s(375)) ? 0 : 1; if ($isObject && $o[$rt_jso_marker] === true) return $o; $o = otji_JSWrapper_wrappers; if ($o !== null) { if ($isObject) { $existingRef = $o.get($jsNumber); $existing = (typeof $existingRef === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) ? void 0 : $existingRef.deref(); if (!(typeof $existing === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0)) return $existing; $wrapper = otji_JSWrapper__init_($jsNumber); otji_JSWrapper_wrappers.set($jsNumber, new $rt_globals.WeakRef($wrapper)); return $wrapper; } if (jl_String_equals($type, $rt_s(376))) { $existingRef = otji_JSWrapper_stringWrappers.get($jsNumber); $existing = (typeof $existingRef === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) ? void 0 : $existingRef.deref(); if (!(typeof $existing === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0)) return $existing; $wrapper = otji_JSWrapper__init_($jsNumber); $wrapperAsJs = $wrapper; otji_JSWrapper_stringWrappers.set($jsNumber, new $rt_globals.WeakRef($wrapperAsJs)); otji_JSWrapper_register$js_body$_4(otji_JSWrapper_stringFinalizationRegistry, $wrapperAsJs, $jsNumber); return $wrapper; } if (jl_String_equals($type, $rt_s(377))) { $existingRef = otji_JSWrapper_numberWrappers.get($jsNumber); $existing = (typeof $existingRef === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) ? void 0 : $existingRef.deref(); if (!(typeof $existing === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0)) return $existing; $wrapper = otji_JSWrapper__init_($jsNumber); $wrapperAsJs = $wrapper; otji_JSWrapper_numberWrappers.set($jsNumber, new $rt_globals.WeakRef($wrapperAsJs)); otji_JSWrapper_register$js_body$_4(otji_JSWrapper_numberFinalizationRegistry, $wrapperAsJs, $jsNumber); return $wrapper; } if (jl_String_equals($type, $rt_s(378))) { $existingRef = otji_JSWrapper_undefinedWrapper; $existing = $existingRef === null ? void 0 : $existingRef.deref(); if (!(typeof $existing === 'undefined' ? 1 : 0)) return $existing; $wrapper = otji_JSWrapper__init_($jsNumber); otji_JSWrapper_undefinedWrapper = new $rt_globals.WeakRef($wrapper); return $wrapper; } } return otji_JSWrapper__init_($jsNumber); } function otji_JSWrapper_unwrap($o) { otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit(); if ($o === null) return null; return !($o[$rt_jso_marker] === true) ? $o.$js : $o; } function otji_JSWrapper_jsToJava($o) { otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit(); if ($o === null) return null; return $o instanceof $rt_objcls() ? $o : otji_JSWrapper_wrap($o); } function otji_JSWrapper__clinit_() { otji_JSWrapper_hashCodes = new $rt_globals.WeakMap(); otji_JSWrapper_wrappers = !(typeof $rt_globals.WeakRef !== 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) ? null : new $rt_globals.WeakMap(); otji_JSWrapper_stringWrappers = !(typeof $rt_globals.WeakRef !== 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) ? null : new $rt_globals.Map(); otji_JSWrapper_numberWrappers = !(typeof $rt_globals.WeakRef !== 'undefined' ? 1 : 0) ? null : new $rt_globals.Map(); otji_JSWrapper_stringFinalizationRegistry = otji_JSWrapper_stringWrappers === null ? null : new $rt_globals.FinalizationRegistry(otji_JS_function(new otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_0, "accept")); otji_JSWrapper_numberFinalizationRegistry = otji_JSWrapper_numberWrappers === null ? null : new $rt_globals.FinalizationRegistry(otji_JS_function(new otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_1, "accept")); } function otji_JSWrapper_register$js_body$_4(var$1, var$2, var$3) { return var$1.register(var$2, var$3); } function ju_IdentityHashMap$HashEntry() { var a = this; ju_MapEntry.call(a); a.$origKeyHash0 = 0; a.$next5 = null; } function jur_MatchResultImpl() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$groupBounds = null; a.$consumers = null; a.$compQuantCounters = null; a.$string2 = null; a.$groupCount = 0; a.$valid = 0; a.$leftBound = 0; a.$rightBound = 0; a.$startIndex = 0; a.$transparentBounds = 0; a.$anchoringBounds = 0; a.$hitEnd = 0; a.$requireEnd = 0; a.$previousMatch = 0; a.$mode = 0; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_setConsumed($this, $counter, $value) { $this.$consumers.data[$counter] = $value; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_getConsumed($this, $counter) { return $this.$consumers.data[$counter]; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_setStart($this, $group, $offset) { $this.$groupBounds.data[$group * 2 | 0] = $offset; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnd($this, $group, $offset) { $this.$groupBounds.data[($group * 2 | 0) + 1 | 0] = $offset; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_getStart($this, $group) { return $this.$groupBounds.data[$group * 2 | 0]; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnd($this, $group) { return $this.$groupBounds.data[($group * 2 | 0) + 1 | 0]; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_getEnterCounter($this, $setCounter) { return $this.$compQuantCounters.data[$setCounter]; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_setEnterCounter($this, $setCounter, $value) { $this.$compQuantCounters.data[$setCounter] = $value; } function jur_MatchResultImpl_reset($this, $newSequence, $leftBound, $rightBound) { $this.$valid = 0; $this.$mode = 2; ju_Arrays_fill($this.$groupBounds, (-1)); ju_Arrays_fill($this.$consumers, (-1)); if ($newSequence !== null) $this.$string2 = $newSequence; if ($leftBound >= 0) { $this.$leftBound = $leftBound; $this.$rightBound = $rightBound; } $this.$startIndex = $this.$leftBound; } function jl_Class$MethodSignature() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$name1 = null; a.$parameterTypes0 = null; a.$returnType0 = null; } function jl_Class$MethodSignature_equals($this, $o) { var $that; if ($this === $o) return 1; if (!($o instanceof jl_Class$MethodSignature)) return 0; $that = $o; return ju_Objects_equals($this.$name1, $that.$name1) && ju_Arrays_equals($this.$parameterTypes0, $that.$parameterTypes0) && ju_Objects_equals($this.$returnType0, $that.$returnType0) ? 1 : 0; } function jl_Class$MethodSignature_hashCode($this) { return ju_Arrays_hashCode($rt_createArrayFromData(jl_Object, [$this.$name1, jl_Integer_valueOf(ju_Arrays_hashCode($this.$parameterTypes0)), $this.$returnType0])); } var jl_SystemClassLoader = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_ClassLoader); var otjc_JSWeakMap = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otjc_JSWeakRef = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otjc_JSMap = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otjc_JSFinalizationRegistryConsumer = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_0 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_0_accept$exported$0(var$0, var$1) { var var$2; var$1 = otji_JSWrapper_jsToJava(var$1); var$2 = otji_JSWrapper_stringWrappers; var$1 = otji_JSWrapper_unwrap(var$1); var$2.delete(var$1); } var otjc_JSFinalizationRegistry = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_1 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_1_accept$exported$0(var$0, var$1) { var var$2; var$1 = otji_JSWrapper_jsToJava(var$1); var$2 = otji_JSWrapper_numberWrappers; var$1 = otji_JSWrapper_unwrap(var$1); var$2.delete(var$1); } var ju_Objects = $rt_classWithoutFields(); function ju_Objects_equals($a, $b) { if ($a === $b) return 1; return $a !== null ? $a.$equals($b) : $b !== null ? 0 : 1; } var otjc_JSObjects = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otcir_JSCallable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var oti_Structure = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otr_RuntimeObject = $rt_classWithoutFields(oti_Structure); var jl_Runnable = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jl_Thread = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otcir_Flags = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otcir_Converter = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jn_ReadOnlyBufferException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_UnsupportedOperationException); var jn_BufferOverflowException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); var jn_BufferUnderflowException = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_RuntimeException); function ju_HashMap$2() { ju_AbstractCollection.call(this); this.$this$0 = null; } var jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_intPowersOfTen = null; var jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_longPowersOfTen = null; var jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_longLogPowersOfTen = null; var jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_doubleAnalysisResult = null; var jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_floatAnalysisResult = null; function jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants__clinit_() { jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_intPowersOfTen = $rt_createIntArrayFromData([1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000]); jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_longPowersOfTen = $rt_createLongArrayFromData([Long_fromInt(1), Long_fromInt(10), Long_fromInt(100), Long_fromInt(1000), Long_fromInt(10000), Long_fromInt(100000), Long_fromInt(1000000), Long_fromInt(10000000), Long_fromInt(100000000), Long_fromInt(1000000000), Long_create(1410065408, 2), Long_create(1215752192, 23), Long_create(3567587328, 232), Long_create(1316134912, 2328), Long_create(276447232, 23283), Long_create(2764472320, 232830), Long_create(1874919424, 2328306), Long_create(1569325056, 23283064), Long_create(2808348672, 232830643)]); jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_longLogPowersOfTen = $rt_createLongArrayFromData([Long_fromInt(1), Long_fromInt(10), Long_fromInt(100), Long_fromInt(10000), Long_fromInt(100000000), Long_create(1874919424, 2328306)]); jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_doubleAnalysisResult = new otcit_DoubleAnalyzer$Result; jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants_floatAnalysisResult = new otcit_FloatAnalyzer$Result; } function otcit_DoubleAnalyzer$Result() { var a = this; jl_Object.call(a); a.$mantissa = Long_ZERO; a.$exponent = 0; a.$sign = 0; } var otcit_FloatAnalyzer$Result = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var otp_PlatformClass = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var otr_RuntimeClass = $rt_classWithoutFields(otr_RuntimeObject); var jlr_Field = $rt_classWithoutFields(jlr_AccessibleObject); var otp_PlatformObject = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var jlr_Constructor = $rt_classWithoutFields(jlr_AccessibleObject); var ji_InputStream = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jm_MathContext = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jm_RoundingMode = $rt_classWithoutFields(jl_Enum); var oj_JSONObject$1 = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var jur_RandomGenerator = $rt_classWithoutFields(0); var ju_Random = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var oj_JSONPointer = $rt_classWithoutFields(); var ju_HashMap$ValueIterator = $rt_classWithoutFields(ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator); var jur_IntArrHash = $rt_classWithoutFields(); $rt_packages([-1, "java", 0, "util", 1, "regex", 0, "nio", 3, "charset", 0, "io", 0, "math", 0, "lang", 7, "annotation", 7, "reflect", -1, "org", 10, "teavm", 11, "jso", 11, "classlib", 13, "impl", 14, "reflection", 14, "unicode", 11, "interop", 11, "runtime", 11, "platform", 10, "json" ]); $rt_metadata([jl_Object, "Object", 7, 0, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$hashCode0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Object_hashCode), "$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_Object_equals), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Object_toString)], nh_Main, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_AnnotatedElement, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Type, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Class, "Class", 7, jl_Object, [jlr_AnnotatedElement, jlr_Type], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Class_toString)], otji_JS, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, otp_Platform, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Throwable, "Throwable", 7, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Exception, 0, jl_Throwable, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_RuntimeException, 0, jl_Exception, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_ClassCastException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_Serializable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Comparable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_CharSequence, "CharSequence", 7, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_String, "String", 7, jl_Object, [ji_Serializable, jl_Comparable, jl_CharSequence], 0, 3, 0, jl_String_$callClinit, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_String_toString), "$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_String_equals), "$hashCode0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_String_hashCode)], jl_Error, 0, jl_Throwable, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_LinkageError, 0, jl_Error, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_NoClassDefFoundError, 0, jl_LinkageError, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Number, "Number", 7, jl_Object, [ji_Serializable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Integer, "Integer", 7, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Integer_toString0), "$hashCode0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Integer_hashCode), "$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_Integer_equals)], jl_AbstractStringBuilder, 0, jl_Object, [ji_Serializable, jl_CharSequence], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$ensureCapacity", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_AbstractStringBuilder_ensureCapacity), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_AbstractStringBuilder_toString)], jl_Appendable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_StringBuilder, "StringBuilder", 7, jl_AbstractStringBuilder, [jl_Appendable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$insert2", $rt_wrapFunction4(jl_StringBuilder_insert), "$append3", $rt_wrapFunction3(jl_StringBuilder_append4), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_StringBuilder_toString), "$ensureCapacity", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_StringBuilder_ensureCapacity), "$insert1", $rt_wrapFunction2(jl_StringBuilder_insert0), "$insert", $rt_wrapFunction2(jl_StringBuilder_insert1)], jl_IncompatibleClassChangeError, 0, jl_LinkageError, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_NoSuchFieldError, 0, jl_IncompatibleClassChangeError, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_NoSuchMethodError, 0, jl_IncompatibleClassChangeError, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, nhEn_PostRequest, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_System, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, otci_IntegerUtil, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Map, "Map", 1, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_AbstractMap, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Map], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Cloneable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap, 0, ju_AbstractMap, [jl_Cloneable, ji_Serializable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_AutoCloseable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_Closeable, 0, jl_Object, [jl_AutoCloseable], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_Flushable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_OutputStream, 0, jl_Object, [ji_Closeable, ji_Flushable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_FilterOutputStream, 0, ji_OutputStream, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_PrintStream, 0, ji_FilterOutputStream, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otcic_ConsoleOutputStream, 0, ji_OutputStream, [], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, otcic_StdoutOutputStream, 0, otcic_ConsoleOutputStream, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Comparator, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_String$_clinit_$lambda$_93_0, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Comparator], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Array, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_NullPointerException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_ArrayStoreException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Character, 0, jl_Object, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnc_Charset, "Charset", 4, jl_Object, [jl_Comparable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnci_UTF8Charset, 0, jnc_Charset, [], 0, 3, 0, jnci_UTF8Charset_$callClinit, 0]); $rt_metadata([jl_IllegalArgumentException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnc_IllegalCharsetNameException, 0, jl_IllegalArgumentException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_CloneNotSupportedException, 0, jl_Exception, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_StringIndexOutOfBoundsException, 0, jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONObject, "JSONObject", 20, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, oj_JSONObject_$callClinit, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(oj_JSONObject_toString)], ju_Map$Entry, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_MapEntry, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Map$Entry, jl_Cloneable], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap$HashEntry, 0, ju_MapEntry, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, oti_AsyncCallback, "AsyncCallback", 17, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper, 0, jl_Object, [oti_AsyncCallback], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$complete", $rt_wrapFunction1(otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_complete), "$error", $rt_wrapFunction1(otpp_AsyncCallbackWrapper_error)], otj_JSObject, "JSObject", 12, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, otjde_EventTarget, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, otja_XMLHttpRequest, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject, otjde_EventTarget], 1, 3, 0, 0, ["$addEventListener$exported$0", $rt_wrapFunction2(otja_XMLHttpRequest_addEventListener$exported$0), "$removeEventListener$exported$1", $rt_wrapFunction2(otja_XMLHttpRequest_removeEventListener$exported$1), "$removeEventListener$exported$2", $rt_wrapFunction3(otja_XMLHttpRequest_removeEventListener$exported$2), "$dispatchEvent$exported$3", $rt_wrapFunction1(otja_XMLHttpRequest_dispatchEvent$exported$3), "$addEventListener$exported$4", $rt_wrapFunction3(otja_XMLHttpRequest_addEventListener$exported$4)], otja_ReadyStateChangeHandler, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, nhEn_PostRequest$send$lambda$_5_0, 0, jl_Object, [otja_ReadyStateChangeHandler], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$stateChanged$exported$0", $rt_wrapFunction0(nhEn_PostRequest$send$lambda$_5_0_stateChanged$exported$0)], jn_Buffer, 0, jl_Object, [], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Readable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jn_CharBuffer, 0, jn_Buffer, [jl_Comparable, jl_Appendable, jl_CharSequence, jl_Readable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Math, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jn_ByteBuffer, 0, jn_Buffer, [jl_Comparable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnc_CodingErrorAction, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, jnc_CodingErrorAction_$callClinit, 0, jn_CharBufferImpl, 0, jn_CharBuffer, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, jn_CharBufferOverArray, 0, jn_CharBufferImpl, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jnc_CharsetEncoder, 0, jl_Object, [], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnc_CoderResult, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jn_ByteBufferImpl, 0, jn_ByteBuffer, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jn_ByteOrder, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, jn_ByteOrder_$callClinit, 0, jl_Iterable, "Iterable", 7, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collection, "Collection", 1, jl_Object, [jl_Iterable], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_AbstractCollection, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Collection], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Set, "Set", 1, jl_Object, [ju_Collection], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_AbstractSet, 0, ju_AbstractCollection, [ju_Set], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap$HashMapEntrySet, 0, ju_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jnci_BufferedEncoder, 0, jnc_CharsetEncoder, [], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnci_UTF8Encoder, 0, jnci_BufferedEncoder, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_IOException, 0, jl_Exception, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONTokener, "JSONTokener", 20, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_Reader, 0, jl_Object, [ji_Closeable, jl_Readable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_StringReader, 0, ji_Reader, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$read", $rt_wrapFunction0(ji_StringReader_read)], jur_Pattern, 0, jl_Object, [ji_Serializable], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONObject$Null, "JSONObject$Null", 20, jl_Object, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, ["$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(oj_JSONObject$Null_equals), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(oj_JSONObject$Null_toString)], ji_BufferedReader, 0, ji_Reader, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$read", $rt_wrapFunction0(ji_BufferedReader_read)], jur_AbstractSet, "AbstractSet", 2, jl_Object, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, ["$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_AbstractSet_findBack), "$getType0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractSet_getType), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractSet_toString), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractSet_setNext), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractSet_first), "$processBackRefReplacement", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractSet_processBackRefReplacement), "$processSecondPass", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractSet_processSecondPass)], jur_FSet, "FSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, jur_FSet_$callClinit, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_FSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_FSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_FSet_hasConsumed)], jur_Lexer, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_PatternSyntaxException, 0, jl_IllegalArgumentException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_SequencedCollection, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Collection], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_List, "List", 1, jl_Object, [ju_SequencedCollection], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_AbstractList, 0, ju_AbstractCollection, [ju_List], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_RandomAccess, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0]); $rt_metadata([ju_ArrayList, "ArrayList", 1, ju_AbstractList, [jl_Cloneable, ji_Serializable, ju_RandomAccess], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_NonCapFSet, "NonCapFSet", 2, jur_FSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_NonCapFSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_NonCapFSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_NonCapFSet_hasConsumed)], jur_AheadFSet, "AheadFSet", 2, jur_FSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_AheadFSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AheadFSet_getName)], jur_BehindFSet, "BehindFSet", 2, jur_FSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_BehindFSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_BehindFSet_getName)], jur_AtomicFSet, "AtomicFSet", 2, jur_FSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_AtomicFSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AtomicFSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AtomicFSet_hasConsumed)], jur_FinalSet, "FinalSet", 2, jur_FSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_FinalSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_FinalSet_getName)], jur_LeafSet, "LeafSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_LeafSet_matches), "$charCount0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_LeafSet_charCount), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_LeafSet_hasConsumed)], jur_EmptySet, "EmptySet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_EmptySet_accepts), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_EmptySet_findBack), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_EmptySet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_EmptySet_hasConsumed)], jur_JointSet, "JointSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_JointSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_JointSet_setNext), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_JointSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_JointSet_first), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_JointSet_hasConsumed), "$processSecondPass", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_JointSet_processSecondPass)], jur_NonCapJointSet, "NonCapJointSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_NonCapJointSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_NonCapJointSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_NonCapJointSet_hasConsumed)], jur_AtomicJointSet, "AtomicJointSet", 2, jur_NonCapJointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_AtomicJointSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AtomicJointSet_setNext), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AtomicJointSet_getName)], jur_PositiveLookAhead, "PositiveLookAhead", 2, jur_AtomicJointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PositiveLookAhead_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_PositiveLookAhead_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_PositiveLookAhead_getName)], jur_NegativeLookAhead, "NegativeLookAhead", 2, jur_AtomicJointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_NegativeLookAhead_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_NegativeLookAhead_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_NegativeLookAhead_getName)], jur_PositiveLookBehind, "PositiveLookBehind", 2, jur_AtomicJointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PositiveLookBehind_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_PositiveLookBehind_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_PositiveLookBehind_getName)], jur_NegativeLookBehind, "NegativeLookBehind", 2, jur_AtomicJointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_NegativeLookBehind_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_NegativeLookBehind_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_NegativeLookBehind_getName)], jur_SingleSet, "SingleSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_SingleSet_matches), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_SingleSet_findBack), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SingleSet_first), "$processBackRefReplacement", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_SingleSet_processBackRefReplacement), "$processSecondPass", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_SingleSet_processSecondPass)], jur_SpecialToken, 0, jl_Object, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, "AbstractCharClass", 2, jur_SpecialToken, [], 1, 0, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass_$callClinit, ["$getBits", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass_getBits), "$getLowHighSurrogates", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass_getLowHighSurrogates), "$getInstance0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass_getInstance), "$hasUCI", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass_hasUCI)], jur_CharClass, "CharClass", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass_contains), "$getBits", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharClass_getBits), "$getLowHighSurrogates", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharClass_getLowHighSurrogates), "$getInstance0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharClass_getInstance), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharClass_toString), "$hasUCI", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharClass_hasUCI)], ju_MissingResourceException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_QuantifierSet, "QuantifierSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, ["$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_QuantifierSet_first), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_QuantifierSet_hasConsumed), "$processSecondPass", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_QuantifierSet_processSecondPass)], jur_LeafQuantifierSet, "LeafQuantifierSet", 2, jur_QuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_LeafQuantifierSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_LeafQuantifierSet_getName)], jur_CompositeQuantifierSet, "CompositeQuantifierSet", 2, jur_LeafQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_CompositeQuantifierSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CompositeQuantifierSet_getName)], jur_GroupQuantifierSet, "GroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_QuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_GroupQuantifierSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_GroupQuantifierSet_getName)], jur_AltQuantifierSet, "AltQuantifierSet", 2, jur_LeafQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_AltQuantifierSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AltQuantifierSet_setNext)], jur_UnifiedQuantifierSet, "UnifiedQuantifierSet", 2, jur_LeafQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_UnifiedQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, 0, jl_Object, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, jl_NumberFormatException, 0, jl_IllegalArgumentException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_Quantifier, "Quantifier", 2, jur_SpecialToken, [jl_Cloneable], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_Quantifier_toString)], jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet, "FSet$PossessiveFSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_FSet$PossessiveFSet_hasConsumed)], ju_BitSet, 0, jl_Object, [jl_Cloneable, ji_Serializable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_LowHighSurrogateRangeSet, 0, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_LowHighSurrogateRangeSet_getName)], jur_CompositeRangeSet, "CompositeRangeSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_CompositeRangeSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CompositeRangeSet_setNext), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CompositeRangeSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CompositeRangeSet_hasConsumed), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CompositeRangeSet_first)], jur_SupplRangeSet, "SupplRangeSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_SupplRangeSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_SupplRangeSet_getName), "$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SupplRangeSet_contains), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SupplRangeSet_first), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SupplRangeSet_setNext), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SupplRangeSet_hasConsumed)], jur_UCISupplRangeSet, "UCISupplRangeSet", 2, jur_SupplRangeSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_UCISupplRangeSet_contains), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UCISupplRangeSet_getName)], jur_UCIRangeSet, "UCIRangeSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_UCIRangeSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UCIRangeSet_getName)], jur_RangeSet, "RangeSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_RangeSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_RangeSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_RangeSet_first)], jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet, "HangulDecomposedCharSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_setNext), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_getName), "$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_matches), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_first), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_HangulDecomposedCharSet_hasConsumed)], jur_CharSet, "CharSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$charCount0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharSet_charCount), "$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_CharSet_accepts), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_CharSet_findBack), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharSet_first)], jur_UCICharSet, "UCICharSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_UCICharSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UCICharSet_getName)], jur_CICharSet, "CICharSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_CICharSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CICharSet_getName)], jur_DecomposedCharSet, "DecomposedCharSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DecomposedCharSet_setNext), "$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_DecomposedCharSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DecomposedCharSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DecomposedCharSet_first), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DecomposedCharSet_hasConsumed)], jur_UCIDecomposedCharSet, "UCIDecomposedCharSet", 2, jur_DecomposedCharSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_CIDecomposedCharSet, "CIDecomposedCharSet", 2, jur_DecomposedCharSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet, "PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_GroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PossessiveGroupQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet, "PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_GroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PosPlusGroupQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet, "AltGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_GroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet_setNext)], jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet, "PosAltGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_PosAltGroupQuantifierSet_setNext)], jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet, "CompositeGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_GroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet_getName)], jur_PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet, "PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PosCompositeGroupQuantifierSet_matches)]]); $rt_metadata([jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet, "ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_GroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_ReluctantGroupQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet, "RelAltGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_AltGroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_RelAltGroupQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet, "RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet", 2, jur_CompositeGroupQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_RelCompositeGroupQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_DotAllQuantifierSet, "DotAllQuantifierSet", 2, jur_QuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_DotAllQuantifierSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DotAllQuantifierSet_getName)], jur_DotQuantifierSet, "DotQuantifierSet", 2, jur_QuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_DotQuantifierSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DotQuantifierSet_getName)], jur_AbstractLineTerminator, "AbstractLineTerminator", 2, jl_Object, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_PossessiveQuantifierSet, "PossessiveQuantifierSet", 2, jur_LeafQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PossessiveQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet, "PossessiveAltQuantifierSet", 2, jur_AltQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PossessiveAltQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet, "PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet", 2, jur_CompositeQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PossessiveCompositeQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet, "ReluctantQuantifierSet", 2, jur_LeafQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_ReluctantQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet, "ReluctantAltQuantifierSet", 2, jur_AltQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_ReluctantAltQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet, "ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet", 2, jur_CompositeQuantifierSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_ReluctantCompositeQuantifierSet_matches)], jur_SOLSet, "SOLSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_SOLSet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SOLSet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_SOLSet_getName)], jur_WordBoundary, "WordBoundary", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_WordBoundary_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_WordBoundary_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_WordBoundary_getName)], jur_PreviousMatch, "PreviousMatch", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_PreviousMatch_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_PreviousMatch_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_PreviousMatch_getName)], jur_EOLSet, "EOLSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_EOLSet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_EOLSet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_EOLSet_getName)], jur_EOISet, "EOISet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_EOISet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_EOISet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_EOISet_getName)], jur_MultiLineSOLSet, "MultiLineSOLSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_MultiLineSOLSet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_MultiLineSOLSet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_MultiLineSOLSet_getName)], jur_DotAllSet, "DotAllSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_DotAllSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DotAllSet_getName), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DotAllSet_setNext), "$getType0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DotAllSet_getType), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DotAllSet_hasConsumed)], jur_DotSet, "DotSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_DotSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DotSet_getName), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DotSet_setNext), "$getType0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_DotSet_getType), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_DotSet_hasConsumed)], jur_UEOLSet, "UEOLSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_UEOLSet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_UEOLSet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UEOLSet_getName)], jur_UMultiLineEOLSet, "UMultiLineEOLSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_UMultiLineEOLSet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_UMultiLineEOLSet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UMultiLineEOLSet_getName)], jur_MultiLineEOLSet, "MultiLineEOLSet", 2, jur_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_MultiLineEOLSet_matches), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_MultiLineEOLSet_hasConsumed), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_MultiLineEOLSet_getName)], jur_CIBackReferenceSet, "CIBackReferenceSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_CIBackReferenceSet_matches), "$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CIBackReferenceSet_setNext), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CIBackReferenceSet_getName), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CIBackReferenceSet_hasConsumed)], jur_BackReferenceSet, "BackReferenceSet", 2, jur_CIBackReferenceSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_BackReferenceSet_matches), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_BackReferenceSet_findBack), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_BackReferenceSet_first), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_BackReferenceSet_getName)], jur_UCIBackReferenceSet, "UCIBackReferenceSet", 2, jur_CIBackReferenceSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_UCIBackReferenceSet_matches), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UCIBackReferenceSet_getName)], jl_StringBuffer, "StringBuffer", 7, jl_AbstractStringBuilder, [jl_Appendable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$insert2", $rt_wrapFunction4(jl_StringBuffer_insert), "$append3", $rt_wrapFunction3(jl_StringBuffer_append), "$ensureCapacity", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_StringBuffer_ensureCapacity), "$insert1", $rt_wrapFunction2(jl_StringBuffer_insert0), "$insert", $rt_wrapFunction2(jl_StringBuffer_insert1)], jur_SequenceSet, "SequenceSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_SequenceSet_accepts), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_SequenceSet_findBack), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_SequenceSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SequenceSet_first)], jur_UCISequenceSet, "UCISequenceSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_UCISequenceSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UCISequenceSet_getName)], jur_CISequenceSet, "CISequenceSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_CISequenceSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CISequenceSet_getName)], jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 0, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$PredefinedCharacterClasses_$callClinit, 0, jur_UCISupplCharSet, "UCISupplCharSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_UCISupplCharSet_accepts), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_UCISupplCharSet_getName)], jur_LowSurrogateCharSet, "LowSurrogateCharSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_setNext), "$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_matches), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_findBack), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_first), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_LowSurrogateCharSet_hasConsumed)], jur_HighSurrogateCharSet, "HighSurrogateCharSet", 2, jur_JointSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$setNext", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_setNext), "$matches", $rt_wrapFunction3(jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_matches), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_findBack), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_first), "$hasConsumed", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_HighSurrogateCharSet_hasConsumed)], jur_SupplCharSet, "SupplCharSet", 2, jur_LeafSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$accepts", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_SupplCharSet_accepts), "$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_SupplCharSet_findBack), "$getName", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_SupplCharSet_getName), "$first", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_SupplCharSet_first)], jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1, 0, jur_AbstractLineTerminator, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$isLineTerminator", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1_isLineTerminator), "$isAfterLineTerminator", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_AbstractLineTerminator$1_isAfterLineTerminator)], jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2, 0, jur_AbstractLineTerminator, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$isLineTerminator", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2_isLineTerminator), "$isAfterLineTerminator", $rt_wrapFunction2(jur_AbstractLineTerminator$2_isAfterLineTerminator)], jur_SequenceSet$IntHash, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jl_NegativeArraySizeException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_IntHash, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyLower_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyUpper_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyASCII_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlpha, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPunct_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyAlnum, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyGraph, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyPrint_computeValue)]]); $rt_metadata([jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyBlank_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCntrl_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyXDigit_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyWord, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonWord_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpace, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonSpace_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyDigit, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyNonDigit_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyRange_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazySpecialsBlock_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategory_computeValue)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$computeValue", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyCategoryScope_computeValue)], otpp_ResourceAccessor, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, otciu_UnicodeHelper, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, otciu_CharMapping, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otciu_UnicodeHelper$Range, "UnicodeHelper$Range", 16, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otci_CharFlow, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otci_Base46, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Arrays, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_Iterator, "Iterator", 1, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap$EntryIterator, 0, ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator, [ju_Iterator], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, otcic_Console, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONException, "JSONException", 20, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_VirtualMachineError, 0, jl_Error, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_StackOverflowError, 0, jl_VirtualMachineError, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONArray, "JSONArray", 20, jl_Object, [jl_Iterable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(oj_JSONArray_toString)], jur_AbstractCharClass$1, "AbstractCharClass$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$2, "AbstractCharClass$2", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$2_contains)], jur_CharClass$18, "CharClass$18", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$18_contains), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_CharClass$18_toString)], jur_CharClass$1, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$1_contains)], jur_CharClass$3, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$3_contains)], jur_CharClass$2, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$2_contains)], jur_CharClass$5, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$5_contains)], jur_CharClass$4, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$4_contains)]]); $rt_metadata([jur_CharClass$7, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$7_contains)], jur_CharClass$6, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$6_contains)], jur_CharClass$9, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$9_contains)], jur_CharClass$8, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$8_contains)], jur_CharClass$11, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$11_contains)], jur_CharClass$10, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$10_contains)], jur_CharClass$13, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$13_contains)], jur_CharClass$12, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$12_contains)], jur_CharClass$15, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$15_contains)], jur_CharClass$14, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$14_contains)], jur_CharClass$17, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$17_contains)], jur_CharClass$16, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_CharClass$16_contains)], jl_Boolean, "Boolean", 7, jl_Object, [ji_Serializable, jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Boolean_toString), "$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_Boolean_equals)], jm_BigDecimal, "BigDecimal", 6, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable, ji_Serializable], 0, 3, 0, jm_BigDecimal_$callClinit, ["$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jm_BigDecimal_equals), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jm_BigDecimal_toString)], jl_Double, "Double", 7, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Double_toString), "$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_Double_equals)], jm_BigInteger, "BigInteger", 6, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable, ji_Serializable], 0, 3, 0, jm_BigInteger_$callClinit, ["$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jm_BigInteger_equals), "$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jm_BigInteger_toString)], jl_Long, "Long", 7, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Long_toString0), "$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_Long_equals)], jl_Float, "Float", 7, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jm_Multiplication, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, jm_Multiplication_$callClinit, 0, otcit_DoubleSynthesizer, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jm_Conversion, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jm_Elementary, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_BackReferencedSingleSet, "BackReferencedSingleSet", 2, jur_SingleSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$findBack", $rt_wrapFunction4(jur_BackReferencedSingleSet_findBack), "$processBackRefReplacement", $rt_wrapFunction0(jur_BackReferencedSingleSet_processBackRefReplacement)], ju_AbstractList$1, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Iterator], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ji_Writer, "Writer", 5, jl_Object, [jl_Appendable, ji_Closeable, ji_Flushable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_StringWriter, 0, ji_Writer, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jm_BitLevel, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jl_ArithmeticException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_IllegalStateException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnc_CoderMalfunctionError, 0, jl_Error, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLowerCase$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUpperCase$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaWhitespace$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaMirrored$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDefined$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaDigit$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaIdentifierIgnorable$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaISOControl$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierPart$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaJavaIdentifierStart$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetter$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaLetterOrDigit$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaSpaceChar$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaTitleCase$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierPart$1_contains)], jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart$1, "AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart$1", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_AbstractCharClass$LazyJavaUnicodeIdentifierStart$1_contains)], jur_UnicodeCategory, "UnicodeCategory", 2, jur_AbstractCharClass, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_UnicodeCategory_contains)], jur_UnicodeCategoryScope, "UnicodeCategoryScope", 2, jur_UnicodeCategory, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, ["$contains0", $rt_wrapFunction1(jur_UnicodeCategoryScope_contains)], ju_ConcurrentModificationException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0]); $rt_metadata([oj_JSONString, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Enum, "Enum", 7, jl_Object, [jl_Comparable, ji_Serializable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_MatchResult, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jur_Matcher, 0, jl_Object, [jur_MatchResult], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_ParserConfiguration, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONParserConfiguration, "JSONParserConfiguration", 20, oj_ParserConfiguration, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Byte, 0, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Short, 0, jl_Number, [jl_Comparable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 0, jl_IndexOutOfBoundsException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Package, "Package", 7, jl_Object, [jlr_AnnotatedElement], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_IdentityHashMap, 0, ju_AbstractMap, [jl_Cloneable, ji_Serializable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Modifier, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_ReflectiveOperationException, 0, jl_Exception, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_IllegalAccessException, 0, jl_ReflectiveOperationException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_InvocationTargetException, 0, jl_ReflectiveOperationException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_SetFromMap, 0, ju_AbstractSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jlr_AccessibleObject, "AccessibleObject", 9, jl_Object, [jlr_AnnotatedElement], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Member, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Method, "Method", 9, jlr_AccessibleObject, [jlr_Member], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$toString", $rt_wrapFunction0(jlr_Method_toString)], jla_Annotation, "Annotation", 8, jl_Object, [], 19, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONPropertyIgnore, 0, jl_Object, [jla_Annotation], 19, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONPropertyName, 0, jl_Object, [jla_Annotation], 19, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Locale, "Locale", 1, jl_Object, [jl_Cloneable, ji_Serializable], 4, 3, 0, ju_Locale_$callClinit, 0, ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableSet, 0, ju_AbstractSet, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections$1, 0, ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableSet, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableMap, 0, ju_AbstractMap, [], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections$2, 0, ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableMap, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableList, 0, ju_AbstractList, [ju_RandomAccess], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections$3, 0, ju_TemplateCollections$AbstractImmutableList, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections$4, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Iterator], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_ListIterator, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Iterator], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections$5, 0, jl_Object, [ju_ListIterator], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ju_Collections$_clinit_$lambda$_59_0, 0, jl_Object, [ju_Comparator], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_SecurityException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_NoSuchMethodException, 0, jl_ReflectiveOperationException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otciu_CLDRHelper, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_UnsupportedOperationException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jnci_BufferedEncoder$Controller, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_NoSuchElementException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_ClassLoader, "ClassLoader", 7, jl_Object, [], 1, 3, 0, jl_ClassLoader_$callClinit, 0, otji_JSWrapper, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, otji_JSWrapper_$callClinit, 0, ju_IdentityHashMap$HashEntry, 0, ju_MapEntry, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_MatchResultImpl, "MatchResultImpl", 2, jl_Object, [jur_MatchResult], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jl_Class$MethodSignature, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 0, 0, 0, ["$equals", $rt_wrapFunction1(jl_Class$MethodSignature_equals), "$hashCode0", $rt_wrapFunction0(jl_Class$MethodSignature_hashCode)], jl_SystemClassLoader, 0, jl_ClassLoader, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, otjc_JSWeakMap, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, otjc_JSWeakRef, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, otjc_JSMap, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, otjc_JSFinalizationRegistryConsumer, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0]); $rt_metadata([otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_0, 0, jl_Object, [otjc_JSFinalizationRegistryConsumer], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$accept$exported$0", $rt_wrapFunction1(otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_0_accept$exported$0)], otjc_JSFinalizationRegistry, 0, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_1, 0, jl_Object, [otjc_JSFinalizationRegistryConsumer], 0, 3, 0, 0, ["$accept$exported$0", $rt_wrapFunction1(otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_1_accept$exported$0)], ju_Objects, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, otjc_JSObjects, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, otcir_JSCallable, "JSCallable", 15, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, oti_Structure, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otr_RuntimeObject, "RuntimeObject", 18, oti_Structure, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Runnable, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jl_Thread, "Thread", 7, jl_Object, [jl_Runnable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otcir_Flags, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, otcir_Converter, 0, jl_Object, [], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jn_ReadOnlyBufferException, 0, jl_UnsupportedOperationException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jn_BufferOverflowException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jn_BufferUnderflowException, 0, jl_RuntimeException, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap$2, 0, ju_AbstractCollection, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jl_AbstractStringBuilder$Constants, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, otcit_DoubleAnalyzer$Result, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otcit_FloatAnalyzer$Result, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otp_PlatformClass, "PlatformClass", 19, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, otr_RuntimeClass, "RuntimeClass", 18, otr_RuntimeObject, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Field, "Field", 9, jlr_AccessibleObject, [jlr_Member], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, otp_PlatformObject, "PlatformObject", 19, jl_Object, [otj_JSObject], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, jlr_Constructor, "Constructor", 9, jlr_AccessibleObject, [jlr_Member], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ji_InputStream, "InputStream", 5, jl_Object, [ji_Closeable], 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, jm_MathContext, "MathContext", 6, jl_Object, [ji_Serializable], 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, jm_RoundingMode, "RoundingMode", 6, jl_Enum, [], 12, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONObject$1, "JSONObject$1", 20, jl_Object, [], 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_RandomGenerator, 0, jl_Object, [], 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_Random, "Random", 1, jl_Object, [jur_RandomGenerator, ji_Serializable], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, oj_JSONPointer, "JSONPointer", 20, jl_Object, [], 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, ju_HashMap$ValueIterator, 0, ju_HashMap$AbstractMapIterator, [ju_Iterator], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, jur_IntArrHash, 0, jl_Object, [], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); function $rt_array(cls, data) { this.$monitor = null; this.$id$ = 0; this.type = cls; this.data = data; this.constructor = $rt_arraycls(cls); } $rt_array.prototype = $rt_globals.Object.create(($rt_objcls()).prototype); $rt_array.prototype.toString = function() { var str = "["; for (var i = 0;i < this.data.length;++i) { if (i > 0) { str += ", "; } str += this.data[i].toString(); } str += "]"; return str; }; $rt_setCloneMethod($rt_array.prototype, function() { var dataCopy; if ('slice' in this.data) { dataCopy = this.data.slice(); } else { dataCopy = new this.data.constructor(this.data.length); for (var i = 0;i < dataCopy.length;++i) { dataCopy[i] = this.data[i]; } } return new $rt_array(this.type, dataCopy); }); $rt_stringPool(["Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "key", "value", "https://login.live.com/oauth20_token.srf", "interface ", "class ", "", "", "", "0", "String is null", "String is empty", "String contains invalid digits: ", "String contains digits out of radix ", ": ", "The value is too big for int type: ", "Illegal radix: ", "null", "https://corsproxy.io/?", "=", "&", "Either src or dest is null", "Index out of bounds", "Action must be non-null", "Replacement preconditions do not hold", "UTF-8", "A JSONObject text must begin with \'{\'", "A JSONObject text must end with \'}\'", "Expected a \':\' after a key", "Duplicate key \"", "\"", "Expected a \',\' or \'}\'", "JSONObject has reached recursion depth limit of ", "Null key.", "getClass", "getDeclaringClass", "get", "is", "\\t", "\\n", "\\f", "\\r", "\\u", "0000", "\\b", "\"\"", "val [", "] is not a valid number.", "-0", "JSON does not allow non-finite numbers.", "java.", "javax.", "Null pointer", ".", "Unable to write JSONObject value for key: ", "JavaBean object contains recursively defined member variable of key ", "-?(?:0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:\\.\\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?", "HTTP error ", "New position ", " is outside of range [0;", "The last byte in src ", " is outside of array of size ", "Length ", " must be non-negative", "Offset ", "IGNORE", "REPLACE", "REPORT", "BIG_ENDIAN", "LITTLE_ENDIAN", "The last char in dst ", "Stepping back two steps is not supported", "Substring bounds error", "JSON Array or Object depth too large to process.", ",:]}/\\\"[{;=#", "Missing value", "true", "false", "Illegal escape.", "Unterminated string", " at ", " [character ", " line ", "]", "fSet", "Is", "In", "NonCapFSet", "AheadFSet", "BehindFSet", "AtomicFSet", "FinalSet", "", "JointSet", "NonCapJointSet", "PosLookaheadJointSet", "NegLookaheadJointSet", "PosBehindJointSet", "NegBehindJointSet", "", "", "posFSet", " ", "^ ", "range:", "CompositeRangeSet: ", " ", "UCI range:", "decomposed Hangul syllable:", "UCI ", "CI ", "decomposed char:", "", "", "", "WordBoundary", "PreviousMatch", "", "EOI", "^", "DotAll", "", "", "CI back reference: ", "back reference: ", "UCI back reference: ", "sequence: ", "UCI sequence: ", "CI sequence: ", "Lower", "Upper", "ASCII", "Alpha", "Digit", "Alnum", "Punct", "Graph", "Print", "Blank", "Cntrl", "XDigit", "javaLowerCase", "javaUpperCase", "javaWhitespace", "javaMirrored", "javaDefined", "javaDigit", "javaIdentifierIgnorable", "javaISOControl", "javaJavaIdentifierPart", "javaJavaIdentifierStart", "javaLetter", "javaLetterOrDigit", "javaSpaceChar", "javaTitleCase", "javaUnicodeIdentifierPart", "javaUnicodeIdentifierStart", "Space", "w", "W", "s", "S", "d", "D", "BasicLatin", "Latin-1Supplement", "LatinExtended-A", "LatinExtended-B", "IPAExtensions", "SpacingModifierLetters", "CombiningDiacriticalMarks", "Greek", "Cyrillic", "CyrillicSupplement", "Armenian", "Hebrew", "Arabic", "Syriac", "ArabicSupplement", "Thaana", "Devanagari", "Bengali", "Gurmukhi", "Gujarati", "Oriya", "Tamil", "Telugu", "Kannada", "Malayalam", "Sinhala", "Thai", "Lao", "Tibetan", "Myanmar", "Georgian", "HangulJamo", "Ethiopic", "EthiopicSupplement", "Cherokee", "UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics", "Ogham", "Runic", "Tagalog", "Hanunoo", "Buhid", "Tagbanwa", "Khmer", "Mongolian", "Limbu", "TaiLe", "NewTaiLue", "KhmerSymbols", "Buginese", "PhoneticExtensions", "PhoneticExtensionsSupplement", "CombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement", "LatinExtendedAdditional", "GreekExtended", "GeneralPunctuation", "SuperscriptsandSubscripts", "CurrencySymbols", "CombiningMarksforSymbols", "LetterlikeSymbols", "NumberForms", "Arrows", "MathematicalOperators", "MiscellaneousTechnical", "ControlPictures", "OpticalCharacterRecognition", "EnclosedAlphanumerics", "BoxDrawing", "BlockElements", "GeometricShapes", "MiscellaneousSymbols", "Dingbats", "MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-A", "SupplementalArrows-A", "BraillePatterns", "SupplementalArrows-B", "MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-B", "SupplementalMathematicalOperators", "MiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows", "Glagolitic", "Coptic", "GeorgianSupplement", "Tifinagh", "EthiopicExtended", "SupplementalPunctuation", "CJKRadicalsSupplement", "KangxiRadicals", "IdeographicDescriptionCharacters", "CJKSymbolsandPunctuation", "Hiragana", "Katakana", "Bopomofo", "HangulCompatibilityJamo", "Kanbun", "BopomofoExtended", "CJKStrokes", "KatakanaPhoneticExtensions", "EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths", "CJKCompatibility", "CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA", "YijingHexagramSymbols", "CJKUnifiedIdeographs", "YiSyllables", "YiRadicals", "ModifierToneLetters", "SylotiNagri", "HangulSyllables", "HighSurrogates", "HighPrivateUseSurrogates", "LowSurrogates", "PrivateUseArea", "CJKCompatibilityIdeographs", "AlphabeticPresentationForms", "ArabicPresentationForms-A", "VariationSelectors", "VerticalForms", "CombiningHalfMarks", "CJKCompatibilityForms", "SmallFormVariants", "ArabicPresentationForms-B", "HalfwidthandFullwidthForms", "all", "Specials", "Cn", "IsL", "Lu", "Ll", "Lt", "Lm", "Lo", "IsM", "Mn", "Me", "Mc", "N", "Nd", "Nl", "No", "IsZ", "Zs", "Zl", "Zp", "IsC", "Cc", "Cf", "Co", "Cs", "IsP", "Pd", "Ps", "Pe", "Pc", "Po", "IsS", "Sm", "Sc", "Sk", "So", "Pi", "Pf", "A JSONArray text must start with \'[\'", "Expected a \',\' or \']\'", "JSONArray has reached recursion depth limit of ", "JSONArray initial value should be a string or collection or array.", "Unable to write JSONArray value at index: 0", "Unable to write JSONArray value at index: ", "Scale out of range.", "0.", "Zero length BigInteger", "Negative bit address", "Negative exponent", "power of ten too big", "0.0", "0.00", "0.000", "0.0000", "0.00000", "0.000000", "0E", "0E+", "2147483648", "public", "protected", "private", "abstract", "static", "final", "transient", "volatile", "synchronized", "native", "strictfp", "interface", "en", "CA", "fr", "zh", "CN", "FR", "de", "DE", "it", "IT", "ja", "JP", "ko", "KR", "TW", "GB", "US", "object", "function", "string", "number", "undefined"]); jl_String.prototype.toString = function() { return $rt_ustr(this); }; jl_String.prototype.valueOf = jl_String.prototype.toString; jl_Object.prototype.toString = function() { return $rt_ustr(jl_Object_toString(this)); }; jl_Object.prototype.__teavm_class__ = function() { return $dbg_class(this); }; var Long_eq; var Long_ne; var Long_gt; var Long_ge; var Long_lt; var Long_le; var Long_compare; var Long_ucompare; var Long_add; var Long_sub; var Long_inc; var Long_dec; var Long_mul; var Long_div; var Long_rem; var Long_udiv; var Long_urem; var Long_neg; var Long_and; var Long_or; var Long_xor; var Long_shl; var Long_shr; var Long_shru; var Long_not; if (typeof $rt_globals.BigInt !== 'function') { Long_eq = function(a, b) { return a.hi === b.hi && a.lo === b.lo; }; Long_ne = function(a, b) { return a.hi !== b.hi || a.lo !== b.lo; }; Long_gt = function(a, b) { if (a.hi < b.hi) { return false; } if (a.hi > b.hi) { return true; } var x = a.lo >>> 1; var y = b.lo >>> 1; if (x !== y) { return x > y; } return (a.lo & 1) > (b.lo & 1); }; Long_ge = function(a, b) { if (a.hi < b.hi) { return false; } if (a.hi > b.hi) { return true; } var x = a.lo >>> 1; var y = b.lo >>> 1; if (x !== y) { return x >= y; } return (a.lo & 1) >= (b.lo & 1); }; Long_lt = function(a, b) { if (a.hi > b.hi) { return false; } if (a.hi < b.hi) { return true; } var x = a.lo >>> 1; var y = b.lo >>> 1; if (x !== y) { return x < y; } return (a.lo & 1) < (b.lo & 1); }; Long_le = function(a, b) { if (a.hi > b.hi) { return false; } if (a.hi < b.hi) { return true; } var x = a.lo >>> 1; var y = b.lo >>> 1; if (x !== y) { return x <= y; } return (a.lo & 1) <= (b.lo & 1); }; Long_add = function(a, b) { if (a.hi === a.lo >> 31 && b.hi === b.lo >> 31) { return Long_fromNumber(a.lo + b.lo); } else if ($rt_globals.Math.abs(a.hi) < Long_MAX_NORMAL && $rt_globals.Math.abs(b.hi) < Long_MAX_NORMAL) { return Long_fromNumber(Long_toNumber(a) + Long_toNumber(b)); } var a_lolo = a.lo & 0xFFFF; var a_lohi = a.lo >>> 16; var a_hilo = a.hi & 0xFFFF; var a_hihi = a.hi >>> 16; var b_lolo = b.lo & 0xFFFF; var b_lohi = b.lo >>> 16; var b_hilo = b.hi & 0xFFFF; var b_hihi = b.hi >>> 16; var lolo = a_lolo + b_lolo | 0; var lohi = a_lohi + b_lohi + (lolo >> 16) | 0; var hilo = a_hilo + b_hilo + (lohi >> 16) | 0; var hihi = a_hihi + b_hihi + (hilo >> 16) | 0; return new Long(lolo & 0xFFFF | (lohi & 0xFFFF) << 16, hilo & 0xFFFF | (hihi & 0xFFFF) << 16); }; Long_inc = function(a) { var lo = a.lo + 1 | 0; var hi = a.hi; if (lo === 0) { hi = hi + 1 | 0; } return new Long(lo, hi); }; Long_dec = function(a) { var lo = a.lo - 1 | 0; var hi = a.hi; if (lo === -1) { hi = hi - 1 | 0; } return new Long(lo, hi); }; Long_neg = function(a) { return Long_inc(new Long(a.lo ^ 0xFFFFFFFF, a.hi ^ 0xFFFFFFFF)); }; Long_sub = function(a, b) { if (a.hi === a.lo >> 31 && b.hi === b.lo >> 31) { return Long_fromNumber(a.lo - b.lo); } var a_lolo = a.lo & 0xFFFF; var a_lohi = a.lo >>> 16; var a_hilo = a.hi & 0xFFFF; var a_hihi = a.hi >>> 16; var b_lolo = b.lo & 0xFFFF; var b_lohi = b.lo >>> 16; var b_hilo = b.hi & 0xFFFF; var b_hihi = b.hi >>> 16; var lolo = a_lolo - b_lolo | 0; var lohi = a_lohi - b_lohi + (lolo >> 16) | 0; var hilo = a_hilo - b_hilo + (lohi >> 16) | 0; var hihi = a_hihi - b_hihi + (hilo >> 16) | 0; return new Long(lolo & 0xFFFF | (lohi & 0xFFFF) << 16, hilo & 0xFFFF | (hihi & 0xFFFF) << 16); }; Long_compare = function(a, b) { var r = a.hi - b.hi; if (r !== 0) { return r; } r = (a.lo >>> 1) - (b.lo >>> 1); if (r !== 0) { return r; } return (a.lo & 1) - (b.lo & 1); }; Long_ucompare = function(a, b) { var r = $rt_ucmp(a.hi, b.hi); if (r !== 0) { return r; } r = (a.lo >>> 1) - (b.lo >>> 1); if (r !== 0) { return r; } return (a.lo & 1) - (b.lo & 1); }; Long_mul = function(a, b) { var positive = Long_isNegative(a) === Long_isNegative(b); if (Long_isNegative(a)) { a = Long_neg(a); } if (Long_isNegative(b)) { b = Long_neg(b); } var a_lolo = a.lo & 0xFFFF; var a_lohi = a.lo >>> 16; var a_hilo = a.hi & 0xFFFF; var a_hihi = a.hi >>> 16; var b_lolo = b.lo & 0xFFFF; var b_lohi = b.lo >>> 16; var b_hilo = b.hi & 0xFFFF; var b_hihi = b.hi >>> 16; var lolo = 0; var lohi = 0; var hilo = 0; var hihi = 0; lolo = a_lolo * b_lolo | 0; lohi = lolo >>> 16; lohi = (lohi & 0xFFFF) + a_lohi * b_lolo | 0; hilo = hilo + (lohi >>> 16) | 0; lohi = (lohi & 0xFFFF) + a_lolo * b_lohi | 0; hilo = hilo + (lohi >>> 16) | 0; hihi = hilo >>> 16; hilo = (hilo & 0xFFFF) + a_hilo * b_lolo | 0; hihi = hihi + (hilo >>> 16) | 0; hilo = (hilo & 0xFFFF) + a_lohi * b_lohi | 0; hihi = hihi + (hilo >>> 16) | 0; hilo = (hilo & 0xFFFF) + a_lolo * b_hilo | 0; hihi = hihi + (hilo >>> 16) | 0; hihi = hihi + a_hihi * b_lolo + a_hilo * b_lohi + a_lohi * b_hilo + a_lolo * b_hihi | 0; var result = new Long(lolo & 0xFFFF | lohi << 16, hilo & 0xFFFF | hihi << 16); return positive ? result : Long_neg(result); }; Long_div = function(a, b) { if ($rt_globals.Math.abs(a.hi) < Long_MAX_NORMAL && $rt_globals.Math.abs(b.hi) < Long_MAX_NORMAL) { return Long_fromNumber(Long_toNumber(a) / Long_toNumber(b)); } return (Long_divRem(a, b))[0]; }; Long_udiv = function(a, b) { if (a.hi >= 0 && a.hi < Long_MAX_NORMAL && b.hi >= 0 && b.hi < Long_MAX_NORMAL) { return Long_fromNumber(Long_toNumber(a) / Long_toNumber(b)); } return (Long_udivRem(a, b))[0]; }; Long_rem = function(a, b) { if ($rt_globals.Math.abs(a.hi) < Long_MAX_NORMAL && $rt_globals.Math.abs(b.hi) < Long_MAX_NORMAL) { return Long_fromNumber(Long_toNumber(a) % Long_toNumber(b)); } return (Long_divRem(a, b))[1]; }; Long_urem = function(a, b) { if (a.hi >= 0 && a.hi < Long_MAX_NORMAL && b.hi >= 0 && b.hi < Long_MAX_NORMAL) { return Long_fromNumber(Long_toNumber(a) / Long_toNumber(b)); } return (Long_udivRem(a, b))[1]; }; function Long_divRem(a, b) { if (b.lo === 0 && b.hi === 0) { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Division by zero"); } var positive = Long_isNegative(a) === Long_isNegative(b); if (Long_isNegative(a)) { a = Long_neg(a); } if (Long_isNegative(b)) { b = Long_neg(b); } a = new LongInt(a.lo, a.hi, 0); b = new LongInt(b.lo, b.hi, 0); var q = LongInt_div(a, b); a = new Long(a.lo, a.hi); q = new Long(q.lo, q.hi); return positive ? [q, a] : [Long_neg(q), Long_neg(a)]; } function Long_udivRem(a, b) { if (b.lo === 0 && b.hi === 0) { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Division by zero"); } a = new LongInt(a.lo, a.hi, 0); b = new LongInt(b.lo, b.hi, 0); var q = LongInt_div(a, b); a = new Long(a.lo, a.hi); q = new Long(q.lo, q.hi); return [q, a]; } function Long_shiftLeft16(a) { return new Long(a.lo << 16, a.lo >>> 16 | a.hi << 16); } function Long_shiftRight16(a) { return new Long(a.lo >>> 16 | a.hi << 16, a.hi >>> 16); } Long_and = function(a, b) { return new Long(a.lo & b.lo, a.hi & b.hi); }; Long_or = function(a, b) { return new Long(a.lo | b.lo, a.hi | b.hi); }; Long_xor = function(a, b) { return new Long(a.lo ^ b.lo, a.hi ^ b.hi); }; Long_shl = function(a, b) { b &= 63; if (b === 0) { return a; } else if (b < 32) { return new Long(a.lo << b, a.lo >>> 32 - b | a.hi << b); } else if (b === 32) { return new Long(0, a.lo); } else { return new Long(0, a.lo << b - 32); } }; Long_shr = function(a, b) { b &= 63; if (b === 0) { return a; } else if (b < 32) { return new Long(a.lo >>> b | a.hi << 32 - b, a.hi >> b); } else if (b === 32) { return new Long(a.hi, a.hi >> 31); } else { return new Long(a.hi >> b - 32, a.hi >> 31); } }; Long_shru = function(a, b) { b &= 63; if (b === 0) { return a; } else if (b < 32) { return new Long(a.lo >>> b | a.hi << 32 - b, a.hi >>> b); } else if (b === 32) { return new Long(a.hi, 0); } else { return new Long(a.hi >>> b - 32, 0); } }; Long_not = function(a) { return new Long(~a.hi, ~a.lo); }; function LongInt(lo, hi, sup) { this.lo = lo; this.hi = hi; this.sup = sup; } function LongInt_mul(a, b) { var a_lolo = (a.lo & 0xFFFF) * b | 0; var a_lohi = (a.lo >>> 16) * b | 0; var a_hilo = (a.hi & 0xFFFF) * b | 0; var a_hihi = (a.hi >>> 16) * b | 0; var sup = a.sup * b | 0; a_lohi = a_lohi + (a_lolo >>> 16) | 0; a_hilo = a_hilo + (a_lohi >>> 16) | 0; a_hihi = a_hihi + (a_hilo >>> 16) | 0; sup = sup + (a_hihi >>> 16) | 0; a.lo = a_lolo & 0xFFFF | a_lohi << 16; a.hi = a_hilo & 0xFFFF | a_hihi << 16; a.sup = sup & 0xFFFF; } function LongInt_sub(a, b) { var a_lolo = a.lo & 0xFFFF; var a_lohi = a.lo >>> 16; var a_hilo = a.hi & 0xFFFF; var a_hihi = a.hi >>> 16; var b_lolo = b.lo & 0xFFFF; var b_lohi = b.lo >>> 16; var b_hilo = b.hi & 0xFFFF; var b_hihi = b.hi >>> 16; a_lolo = a_lolo - b_lolo | 0; a_lohi = a_lohi - b_lohi + (a_lolo >> 16) | 0; a_hilo = a_hilo - b_hilo + (a_lohi >> 16) | 0; a_hihi = a_hihi - b_hihi + (a_hilo >> 16) | 0; var sup = a.sup - b.sup + (a_hihi >> 16) | 0; a.lo = a_lolo & 0xFFFF | a_lohi << 16; a.hi = a_hilo & 0xFFFF | a_hihi << 16; a.sup = sup; } function LongInt_add(a, b) { var a_lolo = a.lo & 0xFFFF; var a_lohi = a.lo >>> 16; var a_hilo = a.hi & 0xFFFF; var a_hihi = a.hi >>> 16; var b_lolo = b.lo & 0xFFFF; var b_lohi = b.lo >>> 16; var b_hilo = b.hi & 0xFFFF; var b_hihi = b.hi >>> 16; a_lolo = a_lolo + b_lolo | 0; a_lohi = a_lohi + b_lohi + (a_lolo >> 16) | 0; a_hilo = a_hilo + b_hilo + (a_lohi >> 16) | 0; a_hihi = a_hihi + b_hihi + (a_hilo >> 16) | 0; var sup = a.sup + b.sup + (a_hihi >> 16) | 0; a.lo = a_lolo & 0xFFFF | a_lohi << 16; a.hi = a_hilo & 0xFFFF | a_hihi << 16; a.sup = sup; } function LongInt_inc(a) { a.lo = a.lo + 1 | 0; if (a.lo === 0) { a.hi = a.hi + 1 | 0; if (a.hi === 0) { a.sup = a.sup + 1 & 0xFFFF; } } } function LongInt_dec(a) { a.lo = a.lo - 1 | 0; if (a.lo === -1) { a.hi = a.hi - 1 | 0; if (a.hi === -1) { a.sup = a.sup - 1 & 0xFFFF; } } } function LongInt_ucompare(a, b) { var r = a.sup - b.sup; if (r !== 0) { return r; } r = (a.hi >>> 1) - (b.hi >>> 1); if (r !== 0) { return r; } r = (a.hi & 1) - (b.hi & 1); if (r !== 0) { return r; } r = (a.lo >>> 1) - (b.lo >>> 1); if (r !== 0) { return r; } return (a.lo & 1) - (b.lo & 1); } function LongInt_numOfLeadingZeroBits(a) { var n = 0; var d = 16; while (d > 0) { if (a >>> d !== 0) { a >>>= d; n = n + d | 0; } d = d / 2 | 0; } return 31 - n; } function LongInt_shl(a, b) { if (b === 0) { return; } if (b < 32) { a.sup = (a.hi >>> 32 - b | a.sup << b) & 0xFFFF; a.hi = a.lo >>> 32 - b | a.hi << b; a.lo <<= b; } else if (b === 32) { a.sup = a.hi & 0xFFFF; a.hi = a.lo; a.lo = 0; } else if (b < 64) { a.sup = (a.lo >>> 64 - b | a.hi << b - 32) & 0xFFFF; a.hi = a.lo << b; a.lo = 0; } else if (b === 64) { a.sup = a.lo & 0xFFFF; a.hi = 0; a.lo = 0; } else { a.sup = a.lo << b - 64 & 0xFFFF; a.hi = 0; a.lo = 0; } } function LongInt_shr(a, b) { if (b === 0) { return; } if (b === 32) { a.lo = a.hi; a.hi = a.sup; a.sup = 0; } else if (b < 32) { a.lo = a.lo >>> b | a.hi << 32 - b; a.hi = a.hi >>> b | a.sup << 32 - b; a.sup >>>= b; } else if (b === 64) { a.lo = a.sup; a.hi = 0; a.sup = 0; } else if (b < 64) { a.lo = a.hi >>> b - 32 | a.sup << 64 - b; a.hi = a.sup >>> b - 32; a.sup = 0; } else { a.lo = a.sup >>> b - 64; a.hi = 0; a.sup = 0; } } function LongInt_copy(a) { return new LongInt(a.lo, a.hi, a.sup); } function LongInt_div(a, b) { var bits = b.hi !== 0 ? LongInt_numOfLeadingZeroBits(b.hi) : LongInt_numOfLeadingZeroBits(b.lo) + 32; var sz = 1 + (bits / 16 | 0); var dividentBits = bits % 16; LongInt_shl(b, bits); LongInt_shl(a, dividentBits); var q = new LongInt(0, 0, 0); while (sz-- > 0) { LongInt_shl(q, 16); var digitA = (a.hi >>> 16) + 0x10000 * a.sup; var digitB = b.hi >>> 16; var digit = digitA / digitB | 0; var t = LongInt_copy(b); LongInt_mul(t, digit); if (LongInt_ucompare(t, a) >= 0) { while (LongInt_ucompare(t, a) > 0) { LongInt_sub(t, b); --digit; } } else { while (true) { var nextT = LongInt_copy(t); LongInt_add(nextT, b); if (LongInt_ucompare(nextT, a) > 0) { break; } t = nextT; ++digit; } } LongInt_sub(a, t); q.lo |= digit; LongInt_shl(a, 16); } LongInt_shr(a, bits + 16); return q; } } else { Long_eq = function(a, b) { return a === b; }; Long_ne = function(a, b) { return a !== b; }; Long_gt = function(a, b) { return a > b; }; Long_ge = function(a, b) { return a >= b; }; Long_lt = function(a, b) { return a < b; }; Long_le = function(a, b) { return a <= b; }; Long_add = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a + b); }; Long_inc = function(a) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a + 1); }; Long_dec = function(a) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a - 1); }; Long_neg = function(a) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, -a); }; Long_sub = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a - b); }; Long_compare = function(a, b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; }; Long_ucompare = function(a, b) { a = $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, a); b = $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, b); return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; }; Long_mul = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a * b); }; Long_div = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a / b); }; Long_udiv = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, a) / $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, b)); }; Long_rem = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a % b); }; Long_urem = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, a) % $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, b)); }; Long_and = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a & b); }; Long_or = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a | b); }; Long_xor = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a ^ b); }; Long_shl = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a << $rt_globals.BigInt(b & 63)); }; Long_shr = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, a >> $rt_globals.BigInt(b & 63)); }; Long_shru = function(a, b) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, $rt_globals.BigInt.asUintN(64, a) >> $rt_globals.BigInt(b & 63)); }; Long_not = function(a) { return $rt_globals.BigInt.asIntN(64, ~a); }; } var Long_add = Long_add; var Long_sub = Long_sub; var Long_mul = Long_mul; var Long_div = Long_div; var Long_rem = Long_rem; var Long_or = Long_or; var Long_and = Long_and; var Long_xor = Long_xor; var Long_shl = Long_shl; var Long_shr = Long_shr; var Long_shru = Long_shru; var Long_compare = Long_compare; var Long_eq = Long_eq; var Long_ne = Long_ne; var Long_lt = Long_lt; var Long_le = Long_le; var Long_gt = Long_gt; var Long_ge = Long_ge; var Long_not = Long_not; var Long_neg = Long_neg; function TeaVMThread(runner) { this.status = 3; this.stack = []; this.suspendCallback = null; this.runner = runner; this.attribute = null; this.completeCallback = null; } TeaVMThread.prototype.push = function() { for (var i = 0;i < arguments.length;++i) { this.stack.push(arguments[i]); } return this; }; TeaVMThread.prototype.s = TeaVMThread.prototype.push; TeaVMThread.prototype.pop = function() { return this.stack.pop(); }; TeaVMThread.prototype.l = TeaVMThread.prototype.pop; TeaVMThread.prototype.isResuming = function() { return this.status === 2; }; TeaVMThread.prototype.isSuspending = function() { return this.status === 1; }; TeaVMThread.prototype.suspend = function(callback) { this.suspendCallback = callback; this.status = 1; }; TeaVMThread.prototype.start = function(callback) { if (this.status !== 3) { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Thread already started"); } if ($rt_currentNativeThread !== null) { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Another thread is running"); } this.status = 0; this.completeCallback = callback ? callback : function(result) { if (result instanceof $rt_globals.Error) { throw result; } }; this.run(); }; TeaVMThread.prototype.resume = function() { if ($rt_currentNativeThread !== null) { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Another thread is running"); } this.status = 2; this.run(); }; TeaVMThread.prototype.run = function() { $rt_currentNativeThread = this; var result; try { result = this.runner(); } catch (e){ result = e; } finally { $rt_currentNativeThread = null; } if (this.suspendCallback !== null) { var self = this; var callback = this.suspendCallback; this.suspendCallback = null; callback(function() { self.resume(); }); } else if (this.status === 0) { this.completeCallback(result); } }; function $rt_suspending() { var thread = $rt_nativeThread(); return thread != null && thread.isSuspending(); } function $rt_resuming() { var thread = $rt_nativeThread(); return thread != null && thread.isResuming(); } function $rt_suspend(callback) { var nativeThread = $rt_nativeThread(); if (nativeThread === null) { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Suspension point reached from non-threading context (perhaps, from native JS method)."); } return nativeThread.suspend(callback); } function $rt_startThread(runner, callback) { (new TeaVMThread(runner)).start(callback); } var $rt_currentNativeThread = null; function $rt_nativeThread() { return $rt_currentNativeThread; } function $rt_invalidPointer() { throw new $rt_globals.Error("Invalid recorded state"); } $rt_exports.main = $rt_mainStarter(nh_Main_main); $rt_exports.main.javaException = $rt_javaException; let $rt_jso_marker = $rt_globals.Symbol('jsoClass'); (function() { var c; c = otja_XMLHttpRequest.prototype; c.removeEventListener = c.$removeEventListener$exported$2; c.dispatchEvent = c.$dispatchEvent$exported$3; c.addEventListener = c.$addEventListener$exported$4; c = nhEn_PostRequest$send$lambda$_5_0.prototype; c[$rt_jso_marker] = true; c.stateChanged = c.$stateChanged$exported$0; c = otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_0.prototype; c[$rt_jso_marker] = true; c.accept = c.$accept$exported$0; c = otji_JSWrapper$_clinit_$lambda$_30_1.prototype; c[$rt_jso_marker] = true; c.accept = c.$accept$exported$0; })(); })); //# sourceMappingURL=../classes.js.map